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Fundação Rotária do Rotary International

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1 Fundação Rotária do Rotary International
Esta apresentação deve ser adaptada à sua região. Coloque fotos referentes à sua zona ou relacionadas à história que contará sobre a Fundação. Todas as imagens e fotografias são direito reservado do Rotary International. Copyright ©2010. Fundação Rotária do Rotary International

HENRIQUE VASCONCELOS EGD DISTRITO 4490( ) ROTARY CLUB DE Fortaleza-Alagadiço classificação: Engenharia Civil - Cálculo Estrutural


PROJETOS DISTRITAIS 50% do Fduc do ano está liberado para o distrito. Aprovação pelo distrito. Liberação pelo distrito. Não necessita de parceiros Internacionais.

PROJETOS DISTRITAIS Não tem contrapartida da fundação. Prestação de contas pelo distrito. Pode ter parceiros locais, privados e públicos. Parceiros Pilotos e Não Pilotos.

PROJETOS GLOBAIS Valor mínimo do projeto é de US$30.000,00. Aprovação pela Fundação. Liberação pelo Fundação. Necessita de parceiros Internacionais. Prestação de contas pelo clube.

PROJETOS GLOBAIS Parceiro Piloto com Piloto e Não Piloto com Não Piloto. Pode ter parceiros locais ou internacionais, privados e públicos. Tem contrapartida da Fundação.

PROJETOS GLOBAIS Cada US$1,00 de Fduc (Distritos) a fundação coloca US$1,00 (100%). Cada US$1,00 de parceiros e/ou clubes a fundação coloca US$0,50 (50%).

BOLSAS ROTARY PELA PAZ 9 Universidades pelo mundo. Curso de 6 meses de especialização. Curso de Doutorado de 02 anos. Custo ZERO para os distritos e clubes.

IGE Custo de US$13.000,00 do Fduc. Pode ser pago como projeto de Subsídio Distrital.

BOLSA EDUCACIONAL Pago por um Projeto de Subsídio Global. Tem contrapartida da Fundação. Pode ser pago a educação de estudante local ou internacional.

12 A Fundação Rotária e as Seis Áreas de Enfoque
Paz e prevenção/resolução de conflitos Prevenção e tratamento de doenças Recursos hídricos e saneamento Saúde materno-infantil Educação básica e alfabetização Desenvolvimento econômico e comunitário As seis áreas de enfoque da Fundação Rotária refletem os interesses dos Rotary Clubs do mundo inteiro. Embora as áreas de enfoque ainda estejam sendo testadas pelos distritos participantes da fase experimental do Plano Visão de Futuro, a Fundação Rotária está comprometida em apoiar projetos dentro das áreas de enfoque, que são: - Paz e prevenção/resolução de conflitos - Prevenção e tratamento de doenças - Recursos hídricos e saneamento - Saúde materno-infantil - Educação básica e alfabetização - Desenvolvimento econômico e comunitário As seis áreas de enfoque foram aprovadas pelo Conselho Diretor como parte do Plano Estratégico do RI. Fundação Rotária do Rotary International


14 Governos do Mundo Our Global partners are The World Health Organization, UNICEF, and The Centers for Disease Control. In a really simplified summary: the WHO organizes the efforts and schedules the NID’s, UNICEF acts as the purchasing agent to acquire the polio vaccine and distributes it to the places scheduled by WHO, the CDC is the technical expert to provide the science of confirming the diagnosis of polio cases among other services, and RI provides a good portion of the funds and many thousands of volunteers. But more than that, Rotary provides the tenacity to keep the effort going and get the job done The Governments of the world are giving lots of money in support and policies which enhance the effort. As a result, 5 million children who might have had polio are now walking and playing normally.


16 “Nós não permitiremos as crianças morrerem porque não lutamos para salva-las.”
In the words of Bill Gates “We don’t let children die because it is fatiguing to same them.” Thank you again for letting me recap our project – and retell this incredible story….

17 Vírus da PóLIO For the past 4000 years, this tiny virus has killed and crippled millions of children. This is a microscopic photo of the wild virus. THIS, Ladies and Gentlemen, is our enemy.

18 O Que é Polio? Incurável O Vírus entra pela boca e pela garganta.
Se reproduz no intestino. Move-se pela corrente sanguinea e por toda parte do corpo. Causa paralisia, enfraquecendo os pulmões. Algumas vezes infecta a base do celebro causando paralisias nos sistema respiratórios. First – it is incurable; we do not CURE polio. BUT we do prevent polio. So, what is it? It is very often a “silent” infection: mild flu-like symptoms and is EASILY transmitted unknowingly. * A virus that enters the body through the mouth and throat, which then * Reproduces in the intestines, * Moves into the blood stream and throughout the body * Causes paralysis, usually of the lower limbs * Sometimes infects the base of the brain causing paralysis of the respiratory centers

19 Os três vírus da Pólio Tipo 1 – O mais perigoso,o mais infeccioso, mais paralizante. Tipo 2 – O mais fraco – de fato, banido da planeta Terra. Tipo 3 – Comum, mais fácil de controlar e eliminar, menos devastador. There are: Three serotypes: P1, P2, P3 It is a transient flora of gastrointestinal tract Type 2 is gone from the earth Type 3 is less devastating and easier to control. It is opportunistic, arising when we work on Type 1 mainly Type 1 is the most dangerous, most spreadable, most paralyzing

20 Caracteristicas do Vírus da Pólio
Transmição Fecal-oral Baixo saniamento, aumenta a transmição; De qualquer modo: Só em Humanos; Não se reproduz em outra especie. Transmission is fecal-oral. Poor sanitation increases transmission. However, the ONLY place the virus reproduces is in the human body. It can live in the soil until it dies, but it does not reproduce in the soil. Once we eliminate the only place the virus can replicate, we will eliminate wild virus polio. The way to do that is to vaccinate “every” person to take away the habitat. We often work on projects to protect the habitat of various species…..not this time.

21 1916 – Moradores de New Yok fugindo da epidemia.
1921 – FDR pegou Pólio. 1916 New York 27,000 paralyzed; 9,000 died, in panic they get on trains to leave the city and get away from each other. Interestingly, in some places they could not get off the train – towns said “Don’t stop here with your diseases.” 1927 FDR contracts polio 1927 – sooo! many people needed help that Warm Springs opened just to make braces. Warm Springs is still a premier Rehabilitation company in many parts of the US 1927 – Warm Springs é aberto, fazendo aparelhos ortopédicos e terapias físicas.

22 1932 – Primeiro pulmão de aço.
1937 – Frenetica corrida de crianças para hospitais com febre e fraquesa. 1932 – Primeiro pulmão de aço. 1932 – This early square iron lung helps the person breath by acting as a bellows to open the lungs. 1937 – the worst parents’ nightmare of the time: child awakens with headache, vomiting, constipation, and then fever and flaccid limbs. When they try to get out of bed, they fall down on the floor…because their legs do not work – polio has struck. For some – in only hours they are living in an iron lung Pulmões de aço caseiros.

23 1947 – Inicio dos trabalhos com a vácina de Salk.
After the end of World War II, Jonas Salk received one of the first grants to begin work on vaccine development 1947 – Inicio dos trabalhos com a vácina de Salk.

24 Rancho los Amigos Medical Center, Downey Ca 1952
                                                                                                                   Soon – the epidemic spread and there were wards of lungs like this one Rancho los Amigos Medical Center, Downey Ca 1952

25 Or this one

26 1952 – 558,000 casos nos USA Not all cases are bulbar, (affecting the respiratory system), but thousands are left permanently afflicted. Here is a typical child – notice the EYES – how poignant

27 E algumas continuam lá…. 50 anos depois
This could be the same girl – who knows…..there are still a handful of persons who live in their iron lungs today. They prefer this to the uncertainty of moving to some other type of portable respiratory assistance equipment

28 Fatos da Vacina: Vacina de Salk – usado um vírus morto.
Vacina Injetável. Multiplas doses. The differences between the two vaccines are important ones: The Salk vaccine is a dead virus; is given in a shot and takes multiple doses to gain immunity.

29 Vacina do Sabin – Modificação de um vírus vivo.
É uma vacina Oral. Pode se eficiente com uma única dose; Nós muitas vezes damos muitas doses quando a criança sofre de altos niveis de desinteria. Fácil para aplicar em grande grupos. The Sabin vaccine is a modified live virus. It is given orally. Oral is better for large mass immunization efforts like the National Immunization Days we carry out now in Africa and the Middle East ***High levels of dysentery will require children to have multiple doses – sometimes 8 – 10 even…..because the diarrhea takes the vaccine right through the person without time to set up immunity.

30 1957 – Sabin descobre a vacina.
1956 – Elvis ajuda na promoção. But now we have a vaccine and the campaign gets going 1956 Even Elvis joined in the act 1957 Albert Sabin develops an oral vaccine 1961 – mass efforts as you can see. How many recall the stacks and stacks of stainless trays with sugar cubes soaked in vaccine? Actually in the 70’s, WHO recognized this as a world problem, not just industrialized countries. The OPV (oral polio vaccine) was introduced worldwide. 1961 – Uma grande quantidade de pessoas vacinadas com a nova vacina Sabin.

31 Onde tudo começou no projeto de Rotary Pólio Plus:
1977 – Último caso of smallpox O último caso nos USA. Pólio ataca a Philipinas A Fundação Rotária olha pelo MELHOR projeto 3-H. Rotarianos nas Filipinas fizeram este projeto e depois erradicando a Pólio no país. But Where and how did Rotary choose this as an opportunity for service? Several things came together at the same time: The end of smallpox is in Somalia – Edward Jenner had years before developed the first vaccines and now one disease is gone from the earth. 1979 last case of polio in the US and several other things happened at the same time: 1979 polio outbreak in the Phillippines 1979 – The RI Foundation want to make the selection of the first 3-H grant recipient. SO Rotarians started this polio drive: in the Phillipines A severe outbreak occurred and the Rotarians thought we can help with this. The FIRST 3-H grant awarded went to this polio effort. The first 3-H grant – the first service perspective for polio was so successful !!

32 Onde tudo começou no projeto do Rotary Pólio Plus:
Rotarians pensam, primeiro uma ilha, depois o mundo e começa a Pólio Plus em1985. 1988 OMS declara Pólio Plus uma iniciativa de amplitude mundial. Dias nacionais de imunização massivas na Africa, Oriente Médio, China, e Outros. …..now, the seeds were sown – we will eliminate polio from the world. Rotarians were the 1st who had the vision/dream of a polio free world. In 1985, the goal was set. Many of you have contributed to that and still are. 1988 – the World Health Organization finally caught up with us and figured out that this group – YOU Rotarians – were serious. From there the Service Opportunity mushrooms: Massive National Immunization Days (NID’s) are held worldwide Rotarians form the volunteer workforce and the spirit of the projects in every country.

33 Long before fund raising or National Immunization Days…
Long before fund raising or National Immunization Days…..Fighting polio was already an Opportunity for Service - The Rotary Club of High Point has provided a portable Iron Lung vehicle.

34 Progresso da erradicação da Pólio
What progress have we made? Lets see the countries turn from red to pink to white – leaving only the last endemic four: Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and Nigeria


36 Contexto: Casos de Pólio, 1985-2009
Lançamento da PolioPlus 1999:Um dos três tipos da Pólio foi erradicada. Source: WHO/Polio database, data as of March 2010 193 WHO Member States.

37 Progresso da Pólio Plus : Só não quatro paises não acabaram com os três vírus da Pólio em 2006.
1985 2009 In 1985, there were over 350,000 cases of polio in over 125 countries—that is 1,000 children per day being paralyzed or even dying from this disease. Every two minutes another child was paralyzed by polio. By 2006, all but 4 countries had eradicated all three types of polioviruses. Now, the poliovirus lurks in only limited geographic areas that are plagued by conflict, extreme conservatism, and are very remote. It is of interest that almost 25% of the global population lives in these four countries. Click It is from these areas that the polio virus was exported to countries with the weakest health systems which became infected with polio. However, even in these outbreak countries, there is progress. 10 of the 15 reinfected countries have stopped their outbreaks, and the risk of outbreak is declining with the reduction of cases in the remaining polio endemic countries. In 2009, there was a total of 1604 polio cases globally. On 18 June, a new and aggressive Strategic Plan for polio eradication was launched to once and for all be sure that no child ever again is paralyzed by polio. Now, let us look a the four remaining countries that have never stopped polio and the work of Rotarians there. Endemicos Re-Infectados Cinturão de segurança 37

38 Governantes Líderes religiosos
Novas táticas na Nigeria: impacto com engajamento de líderes nacionais e locais em 2009 Terceiro Semestre 2008 Quarto Semestre 2009 Governantes Líderes religiosos

39 Impacto: comparação dos casos da Pólio entre 2009 & 2010 em 12 de Março de cada ano, Nigeria.
Casos de Pólio: 141 Estados Infectados: 24 Casos de Pólio: 1 Estados Infectados: 1

40 George, a local vaccinator, administers an oral polio vaccine to a child. After years spent fighting in the civil war that has plagued Sudan for decades, Nubians like George are taking advantage of the recent ceasefire and returning to their villages. George has started a business, manufacturing and selling sesame oil, but doubles as a polio vaccinator during the polio vaccination campaign.

41 Triagem marcando as crianças e vilas.
To ensure that every child under five has been vaccinated, children’s fingers are marked with gentian violet.

42 Crescimento de Recursos humanos , logisticos e de microplanejamento
Novas Táticas na Índia: Encontrar as Crianças à seram vacinadas no centro de Bihar em 2009 Crescimento de Recursos humanos , logisticos e de microplanejamento 2008-9

43 Novas Táticas: Inspeção local para avaliar a imunidade da população e o guia estratégico, Noroeste da Índia Imunidade Tipo 1 em 2007 vs 2009, Noroeste Uttar Pradesh Bihar Dec 09 Nov 09 Jan 10 Feb 10

44 The EYES again Beautiful faces, bright eyes, proud individuals, doing all they could each day to provide for their families These are the innocent – the curious, and the skeptically cautious

45 The tents again – a newborn here about four hours old was cared for

46 In India, Rotarians work with partners and political leaders to mobilize hundreds of additional workers and volunteers in the Kosi River flood plains shown here where access to children is made extremely difficult by the annual rains.

47 Locais alagados em Bihar, India
In the area of almost constant flooding in Bihar, access is especially difficult.

48 Pólio é muito focada em ambos os países, Afeganistão & Paquistão
Pólio persiste devido a falta de reponsabilidade e problemas de segurança 2010

49 Novas táticas no Afeganistão: Aumento do acesso nas áreas do sul.
Talibã: ‘Permita as crianças serem imunizadas contra a Pólio'. Setembro 2009 OTAN/ISAF: 'Dias de tranquilidade pela polio'. Outubro 2009

50 Refugiados afegões no Paquestão.
Many persons have done an exemplary job in setting up polio stations immediately for the refugees as they cross back and forth across the border of the two countries.

51 Primeiro Ministro no Plano de Ação da Pólio
Novas táticas no Paquistão: aumentar a responsabilidade das partes. Fevereiro de 2009 Primeiro Ministro no Plano de Ação da Pólio Agosto de 2009 Presidente Zardari recebe premiação do Rotary & promessas para o fim da Pólio

52 Presidente Zardari abre o Dia Nacional de Imunização
Outubro 2009, Paquistão Presidente Zardari abre o Dia Nacional de Imunização

53 DESAFIOS 1.Acesso a todas as crianças. 2. Sustentarmos o desafio.
3. Continuarmos doando. Challenges – get to the kids, raise the money, keep up the effort

54 Acesso as Crianças Vivendo em áreas remotas.
You can see that camels, walking/hiking, or even military vehicles provide some of the ways of access to the extremely remote areas We must continue to achieve cease-fires through political will. Rotarians are the best at this because they are not a political/ government body forcing the issue – they are forcing the governments and individuals to act. Often they are the only ones who can talk to a group without being suspected of having an ulterior motive beyond protecting children. Only Rotarians could have done this – take that message home to your clubs Vivendo em áreas remotas. Vivendo em áreas de guerra civil. Casos não registrados de “Pulmões flacidos”

55 Mostly there were just masses of people – they handed babies over each other’s heads and back

56 vacinas da Pólio “Monovalente
mOPV1 mOPV3 vacinas da Pólio “Monovalente Remember I told you about the 3 virus strains. The normal oral vaccine is a trivalent vaccine. The new ones are specific to Type 1 OR 3 and used in the appropriate area at the right time. Countries using mOPV1 (22)

57 Novissima arma: Vacina Bivalente
Our newest weapon is the bivalent vaccine for Types 1 and 3 combined. First used in Afghanistan in December 2009.

58 Nova Vacina bivalente OPV (bOPV):
Performace & Absorção, Introduzida Prioridade Q1 Prioridade Q2-3 Tipo 1 Tipo 3

Só com a rotina de vacinação resultaria em 200,000+ crianças paralizadas pela Pólio cada ano. O Controle da Pólio custaria mais que sua erradicação. Routine immunization alone would result in 200,000+ children paralyzed by polio each year. Polio “control” would cost more than eradication. 59

60 These children do not need to be called the crawlers again or be part of the scorned of society

61 Erradicação da Pólio !!! Terminando com nossa promeça:
As we will fulfill the promise –

62 Nós estamos “ASSIM” para o fim da Pólio.
Rotary’s PR Department launched the “This Close” campaign. Polio-survivors, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Dr. Jane Goodall, musician Itzhak Perlman, Golfer Jack Nicklaus, and Queen Noor of Jordan have all participated in the campaign. Other locally known celebrities have also participated in the campaign, most notably in Africa. These ads are designed to not only appeal to the general public to raise funds for Rotary’s US$200M Challenge, but also to spread the word about Rotary International and the work they are doing to eradicate polio.

63 Luzes da Pólio Plus


65 Web Sites www.polioeradication.org www.endofpolio.org www.cdc.gov
Some fantastic resource sites. Other references include David Oshinsky’s Pulitzer Prize winning book, Polio, the American Story And textbook, Microbiology for Nurses, 11th edition, by Frobisher, Sommermeyer, & Blaustein, (The current texts do not have much coverage of the polio virus…..) Quote from the text “With the widespread use of this vaccine, it would be interesting to conjecture on the eventual fate of polioviruses in the absence of susceptible intestinal tracts to infect!”


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