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Citrix MetaFrame XP for Windows Feature Release 2

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1 Citrix MetaFrame XP for Windows Feature Release 2
New Features Technical Presentation Marco Motooka Gerente de Canais – Citrix Brasil

2 Desafios Acesso Total – Necessidade de acesso a aplicativos, Windows or UNIX, via Internet, Intranet, LAN, WAN, wireless, … Força de trabalho móvel – Tudo está “se tornando móvel”, incluindo pessoas, processos e informação; trabalho a distância, viagens, 24x7; globalização Proteção da propriedade intelectual – Companhias precisam dar segurança aos seus sistemas e dados, sempre, sem sacrificar o acesso e a flexibilidade Continuidade dos negócios – O ambiente das empresas está constantemente em mudança: M&A, transição de tecnologias, continuidade de operações, eventos não planejados

3 Soluções de infra-estrutura para toda a empresa
Funcionários móveis Conexão de escritórios remotos Citrix Solutions address every part of the enterprise – roaming workers, office infrastructure and IT. Distribuição de aplicativos Continuidade dos negócios

4 Distribuição de aplicativos e força de trabalho móvel
Data Center Enterprise Applications (Windows, Unix, Mainframe) Central Office Application Serving Portal Services Internet or WAN Mobile Worker Airport Hotel Home Customer Site Shop Floor Familiar Web Portal Interface Wireless Dial Up WAN

5 Arquitetura de continuidade dos negócios
Storage & Replication Enterprise Applications (Windows, Unix, Mainframe) Application Serving Backup Environment Production Environment Portal Services LAN First click: Production Environment goes down or is inaccessible for whatever reason. Second click: Last “good” replication cycle is verified complete. Back-end data is available. Third click: Restore access by pointing users to the Backup MetaFrame farm. This is, of course, an oversimplification, but the point is that you can literally be back up and providing users with access to applications and information they need to keep the business running in almost no time at all. Using MetaFrame and NFuse in the daily production environment makes the transition to a backup environment a painless one. Users, who could all now be potentially remote or co-located workers, will experience no difference in their workspace and probably won’t even notice the switchover. Internet Co-located Workers Home Hosting Center Backup Location Dial Up WAN

6 Conexão de escritórios remotos
Enterprise Applications (Windows, Unix, Mainframe) Central Office Application Serving Portal Services Internet or WAN Remote Office Familiar Web Portal Interface Dial Up WAN

7 Product Information MetaFrame XP’s total net leverage gives the power to make the “Net” work Today! – wired, wireless, Web. Let’s take a closer look at these exciting features.

8 Microsoft Certifications
Windows 2000 Server Windows 2000 Advanced Server Windows 2000 Datacenter Server Windows XP Windows 2000 Windows ME, 98, NT This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. Windows for PocketPC 8

9 Windows Installer Support
Facilita o trabalho dos administradores para gerenciar a instalação do MetaFrame XP, assim como alterações e correções 9

10 Windows Installer Support
Os seguintes componentes são baseados no Windows Installer (MSI): MetaFrame XP com Feature Release 2 Citrix Management Console Citrix Web Console NFuse Classic 1.7 Enterprise Services for NFuse 1.7 Citrix Secure Gateway 1.1 Windows 32 ICA Client (lançado com o FR1) 10

11 Citrix Management Console melhorado
Melhor integração com Microsoft Active Directory, autenticação pass-through no logon do CMC, busca de recursos e filtragem de usuário 11

12 Citrix Management Console melhorado
Integração com Active Directory As interfaces para adicionar usuários no Citrix Management Console agora refletem melhor as relações hierárquicas da estrutura do Active Directory, como as Organizational Units . This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. 12

13 Citrix Management Console melhorado
Busca de recurso do usuário Dado um nome de usuário, o administrador pode buscar impressoras, aplicativos, e user policies que estão assinalados àquele usuário. Filtro de usuário Em qualquer lista de sessão de usuário, o administrador pode filtrar por nome de usuário ou de aplicativo. Isso inclui ordenação por coluna básica, bem como filtragens mais avançadas tipo “name match” e “name contains”. This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. 13

14 Administração delegada
Proporciona maior segurança limitando o acesso às várias tarefas administrativas do MetaFrame XP sem dar permissão para se fazer mudanças de configuração não autorizadas 14

15 Administração delegada
Configuração Três tipos de admins: View Only, Full Administrator e Custom O primeiro admin do CMC, criado durante a instalação é o “full” admin; ele pode, então, criar “custom” admins (ex: impressoras, licenças, aplic. publicadas e user policies) Durante a criação, ou a qualquer momento depois, uma conta de admin pode ser enabled/disabled This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. 15

16 User Policies Economiza tempo e flexibiliza a configuração de parâmetros específicos do MetaFrame XP, como drive mapping, impressão e shadowing para usuários e grupos específicos 16

17 Melhor Monitoração & Análise do Sistema
Permite o diagnóstico dos servidores ou determina a tendência do uso dos apps com gravação de longo prazo das métricas dos recursos da farm. Cria billing reports baseados em custos configuráveis, como uso de CPU ou tempo de conexão, e atribui estes custos a centros de custos definidos pelo usuário. 17

18 Melhor Monitoração & Análise do Sistema
Ambiente de Servidor Resource Manager Servers (XPe) IMA Event Bus DB Connection Server (XPe) This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. Summary Database (SQL or Oracle) 18

19 Melhor Monitoração & Análise do Sistema
Configuração da base de dados Agenda a transferência dos dados diários dos servidores MetaFrame Xpe, permitindo o gerenciamento do tráfego da rede Permite data purges automáticos depois de um tempo pré-definido, ou depois de ocorrido o billing This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. 19

20 Melhor Monitoração & Análise do Sistema
Relatórios O template HTML abaixo é fornecido para visualização dos relatórios Também é fornecido um conjunto de templates pré-definidos de Crystal Report. Naturalmente qualquer ferramenta pode ser usada, uma vez que os dados estão armazenados na Summary Database This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. 20

21 Packaging & Delivery de Aplicativos melhorado
Descrição Empacotamento e definição de intervalos de instalação de aplicativos em farms de servidores MetaFrame XPe. Configura múltiplos share points para disponibilização via WAN. Adiciona arquivos patch do Windows Installer a pacotes existentes. Benefícios Os administradores podem instalar pacotes nos servidores mais eficientemente, e em locais geograficamente dispersos. This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. 21

22 Citrix Web Console melhorado
Citrix Web Console está mais fácil de usar Novo “look and feel” Melhor disposição das informações Adicionada busca e filtragem This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. 22

23 Aproveitamento Total da Rede
MetaFrame XP’s total net leverage gives the power to make the “Net” work Today! – wired, wireless, Web. Let’s take a closer look at these exciting features.

24 NFuse Classic 1.7 O que há de novo:
Disponível para plataformas Windows e UNIX O que há de novo: Integração com o Citrix Secure Gateway Interface administrativa gráfica, Web-Based Balanceamento de carga XML Pass-Thru Authentication Smart Card Support User Password update Atravessa Firewall NAT 24

25 Enterprise Services para NFuse
Uma solução em nível enterprise que provê um único ponto de acesso, baseado em web, a aplicativos e recursos em múltiplas server farms MetaFrame Xpe em vários domínios or MetaFrame for UNIX Agrega recursos de múltiplas server farms, numa interface única e com uma só autenticação Balanceamento de carga no nível de farm Business recovery via configuração de farm back-up 25

26 Citrix Java ICA Client 6.30
Este novo cliente foi otimizado para instalação a partir de um Web browser ocupando pouco espaço, e de rápido download, podendo ser utilizado de qualquer lugar. Integração com o Fuse Classic 1.7 O desempenho melhorou em até 100% sobre as versões anteriores. 26

27 Desempenho ICA melhorado
These Citrix lab tests show comparative performance increases between MetaFrame XP Feature Release 1 and Feature Release 2. These tests are performed in a controlled environment. Actual field performance will vary greatly depending on actual operating environment. As the leader in server based computing solutions, Citrix is constantly striving to enhance the end-user experience. One such enhancement that affects all others is performance. With the release of FR2 and the 6.30 versions of its ICA Clients, Citrix has improved the ICA protocol with real-time monitoring of session bandwidth and most importantly latency. With this new real-time data, the ICA protocol is able to “packet shape” (variable packet size) its network transmissions for optimum speed as well as maintaining user interface responsiveness. With this new technology, FR2 yields improvements from 15% to 400% depending on session bandwidth and latency. The charts display improvement benefits for all three major server based computing components: video transfer, file transfer, and printing. And all of these improvements are as compared to our already fast FR1 versions. 27

28 Excelente Flexibilidade

29 Redirecionamento de conteúdo
Descrição Abre conteúdo, localizado tanto local quanto remotamente, com aplicativos locais ou remotos Benefícios Administradores podem definir se aplicativos remotos ou locais serão usados para abrir os conteúdos, para melhor atender as necessidades dos usuários Dá flexibilidade para escolher a localização de armazenagem de conteúdo e instalação dos aplicativos Permite que os administradores aproveitem aplicativos locais ou players multimídia para aliviar a carga de servidores Metaframe This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. Implementação Há dois tipos de redirecionamento de conteúdo: Do Cliente para o Servidor Do Servidor para o Cliente 29

30 Melhor publicação de conteúdo
Descrição Os administradores podem configurar "Content Publishing" para abrir conteúdo publicado com um aplicativo baseado no servidor (a versão do FR1 permitia somente a utilização de aplicativos locais) Benefícios Os aplicativos não precisam estar instalados no equipamento do cliente, e o conteúdo não precisa ser baixado (downloaded) no cliente Permite que dispositivos de clientes que tenha apenas um browser, sem outros aplicativos, possam utilizar o "Content Publishing" This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. 30

31 Colaboração entre usuários
Aumenta a produtividade permitindo que usuários em locais diferentes trabalhem em um mesmo documento. Também provê a funcionalidade “professor/aluno" e “supervisor/empregado". 31

32 Shadowing entre usuários
User Interface Usuários podem fazer shadow uns dos outros com o Shadow Taskbar. É recomendado que o Shadow Taskbar (wshadow.exe) seja publicado para o acesso dos usuários Os usuários só poderão fazer o shadow daqueles usuários que eles têm permissão. This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. 32

33 Reconexão de usuários em Roaming
Permitem que usuários se movam entre diferentes dispositivos e ainda consigam reconectar às suas sessões desconectadas, mesmo em fazendas balanceadas Reconexão é ligada à sessão MetaFrame por nome de usuário e não pelo ID do dispositivo cliente

34 Melhorias em impressão
Configuração de impressoras de rede criadas automaticamente Auto Print Queue Purging Impressão em rede mais rápida Criação “assíncrona” de impressoras This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. 34

35 Printing Improvements
Issue Before FR2 After FR2 Default settings always used for newly auto-created network printers The first time a network printer is auto-created on a client, it gets default manufacturer properties, causing problems like wrong paper size for A4 users. We added a printing preferences dialog in the CMC. Administrators set “auto-creation default settings” for properties for Paper Size, Copy Count, Resolution, and Orientation. Changes to auto-created client printer settings inside ICA sessions are not saved If a user changes their printer settings from within a published application, these changes will be lost at next logon Administrators can now elect whether or not to refresh a user’s ICA session auto-created client local printer settings at each logon from the settings on their local printer. Printing to network printers that existed before ICA connection is slow Although a “network printer”, ICA treats these as auto-created client printers. Hence print jobs are sent down to client first, then back up to printer server. Print jobs will now be sent directly from the ICA session on the MetaFrame server to the print server, without having to go down to the client and back up again. Print jobs to client local printers suspended during logout If a user starts a print job and then logs out, the job is suspended, and only restarted upon later login to the same server with the same client device. Administrators may now elect whether to save or purge the print queue upon user logout. Printers are created synchronously When a user connects to an application, all auto-created printers are created first, then the application is launched. Administrators may now elect to allow asynchronous launching of applications and creation of printers to speed up launch time. Note that some applications don’t like this. This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. 35

36 Suporte a IBM DB2 A Citrix aumentou a variedade de banco de dados que podem ser usados como data store dos servidores MetaFrame XP com o novo suporte para IBM DB2 para Windows 2000 As seguintes database são agoras suportadas para o armazenamento de dados do MetaFrame XP: Microsoft Access (Automatically setup on a local MetaFrame XP server if an independent database below is not employed.) Microsoft SQL Server Oracle IBM DB2 This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. 36

37 Segurança de ponta a ponta
MetaFrame XP’s total net leverage gives the power to make the “Net” work Today! – wired, wireless, Web. Let’s take a closer look at these exciting features.

38 Smart Card Ready Suporte para smart cards e aplicativos baseados em PC/SC. Agiliza o processo de autenticação enquanto aumenta a segurança de logon. 38

39 Citrix Secure Gateway 1.1 Um gateway seguro entre os servidores MetaFrame e os clientes que permite acesso simples e seguro aos aplicativos através da Internet, sob demanda, para qualquer dispositivo Ponto de entrada único para farms de servidores MetaFrame XP for Windows e MetaFrame for UNIX Ponto único de foco para segurança Disponível versões Windows e Solaris Encriptação 128-bit SSL e TLS 39

40 Citrix Secure Gateway 1.1 Aproveita a porta SSL 443 para atravessar firewalls Ponto único para gerenciar SSL digital certificates Não é necessário nenhum cliente adiciona além do Citrix ICA Client for 128-bit encryption (ex. Não precisa de nenhum cliente VPN) Compatível com o cliente ICA Java para conexões “clientless” Suportado nativamente pelo NFuse Classic 1.7 Integrado com NFuse Classic para autenticação, e compatível com todas as autenticações Web incluindo RSA SecurID e autenticação smart card Altamente escalável, podendo-se configurar vários servidores CSG a fim de se eliminar um único ponto de falha 40

41 CSG - Suporte expandido a Internet Proxy
Usuários podem agora se conectar com segurança a aplicativos acessados via Internet, de dentro de redes protegidas por servidores proxy (cliente ICA 6.30). Administradores também podem configurar centralizadamente as informações dos clientes ICA para os servidores proxy de todos os usuários usando ferramentas de configuração padrão (scripts). This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. 41

42 CSG Encriptação TLS Conexões Client/server agora passam através da última tecnologia de segurança, TLS (Transport Layer Security), que usa módulos de encriptação certificados com requerimentos da Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140 This is how body text with bullets should be presented for external or high-level use. Note that the first level of bullets should always be red squares. The second level of bullets should always be black circles. Note also that the bar on the right corresponds with the color of the transition slide. The box on the upper right should contain the same graphic throughout. This is the Slide Master. 42

43 MetaFrame XP com FR2 proporciona
…Conectividade de escritórios remotos …Distribuição de aplicativos …Mobilidade da força de trabalho …Continuidade dos negócios

44 Eu tenho múltiplas intranets
Meus usuários remotos não conseguem acessar seus aplicativos e conteúdo Não tenho tempo para desenvolver uma solução caseira Eu tenho aplicativos, bancos de dados e informação demais Citrix has launched NFuse Elite to address a number of issues concerning business. What exactly is hindering your employees’ access to information? When data is spread over multiple systems, databases, and directories it’s nearly impossible to find the right file in time to make an informed decision. And what about collaborating with co-workers? If they can’t find the information they need, they can’t share it with others. The problem becomes worse when someone is on the road. It’s extremely difficult and impractical to replicate large databases to laptops. It’s also nearly impossible to have the same access to everything they have in the office. Your workforce needs a way to get to everything they need, without having to carry it around with them. In addition to all this, IT departments are scrambling to keep up with the information explosion that effects every business. They don’t have the time for a long, drawn-out implementation, nor do they have time to create a home-grown solution.

45 Eu preciso do Citrix NFuse Elite
One of your greatest challenges these days is finding a solution that gives your workforce the access they want to the information and applications they need. This effective access is what will give your distributed, mobile workforce the competitive edge necessary to make your organization successful and profitable. You need Citrix NFuse Elite.

46 O que é um portal? Enterprise Information Portal (EIP)
Caro, ambiente altamente customizável Complexa automação dos processos de negócios Portal business-to-business Ambiente de “empresa virtual” Linking – fornecedors/negócios/clientes Portal business-to-consumer Web-based De interesse geral, como o Yahoo! De interesse específico, como o “Tin Toys” Now – before we go on much further, we should clear up a few misconceptions. Many of you are probably familiar with the concept of a portal. Here are a few traditional portals in use today. As you can see, they provide a specific type of access for a particular user. However, none of these portal capabilities effectively addresses the productivity needs of your workforce.

47 What is an access portal?
Acesso simples e seguro para: Aplicativos Conteúdo Serviços Dados Fácil de configurar, presentation layer flexível Seguro e gerenciado de forma personalizada Integração, segundo os padrões da indústria, de conteúdo e fontes de dados Web Forms Web Parts XML Integração total com aplicativos cliente-servidor Citrix believes that the most important aspect of any portal is access —the ability to locate needed information and run relevant applications instantly. Therefore, an Access Portal is usually internal-facing and focused on personalized delivery of the applications and content that users need to do their jobs.

48 Meu local de trabalho digital
Microsoft .Net & Java-based Web Services Internal Web Content Microsoft .Net & Java-based Web Applications Windows Applications External Web Content Here is an example of a portal that aggregates applications, internal and external content, services and other tools for a comprehensive information source.

49 Soluções Citrix para Tornar Realidade o Local Virtual de Trabalho

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