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2 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS Why is it NORMAL TO BE DIFFERENT? Because every human is unique. The sole characteristic that unites us is DIVERSITY. (normal in the sense of usual, ordinary, we are all different, so it is normal to be different)

3 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS An unprecedent study in the world done by a renowned research institute in Brazil, ordered by the Brazilian Ministry of Education, found generalized prejudice in the school environment in Brazil (99,3%). This prejudice is keeping historically excluded groups to succeed in life. IT IS URGENT that all society unites to tackle this difficult question.

4 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS WHO ARE WE? Women and men Boys and girls Young and old Whites, blacks, Indians, Asians Persons with disabilities Lesbians, gays, transexuals and tranvestites Indiginous people and different ethnic groups Jews, christians, muslims, protestants, atheists Rich and poor Literate and illiterate Immigrants and tourists Doctors and house wives Taxi drivers and delivery persons The smart, the sick, the homeless, the fat, the myopic, the tall, the retired... Persons from all populations Crowd

5 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS Are persons with Down syndrome normal? “Some are and some are not.” Rodrigo, 26, surfer with Down syndrome “I want to be seen as a human being. Enough of being seen as an alien.” Ana Paula Crosara, attorney, university professor, human rights activist, quadriplegic

6 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS Why do they think that? Because “NORMALITY”, that is, BELONGING TO A GROUP, depends on one thing: INCLUSION

7 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS Raquel Grabois 10 anos, que tem síndrome de Down, aluna da Escola Municipal, em pé na sala de aula entre dois de seus amigos, um menino negro e outro moreno. People are excluded from society in many ways. The most common one is through poverty and lack of opportunities.

8 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS To ensure a fair selection process, everyone has to do the exact same task: climb that tree. Equal Opportunities Functional Diversity Environment Ilustração mostrando animais perfilados – um gato ao lado de um elefante, ao lado de uma foca, ao lado de um peixe em um aquário, ao lado de um macaco, ao lado de um pássaro, ao lado de um sapo. Um homem de óculos aponta para uma árvore e diz: “Para garantir um processo de seleção justo, todos terão que fazer exatamente a mesma prova – subir naquela árvore”.

9 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS So why even in rich countries, persons with disabilities are the most excluded group? Because the major barrier separating persons with disabilities is attitude: PREJUDICE

10 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS 6 patinhos pretos estão de costas, em cima de um muro baixo. Um pato amarelo fica na ponta das patas, como que querendo subir.

11 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS Even though all international organizations, governments and societies agree that the inclusion of persons with disabilities is a right and a need, THERE HAS NEVER BEEN a worldwide effort to tackle this question

12 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS MetaSocial Institute, from Brazil, in partnership with Public Relations Agency Giovanni+DraftFCB International and Globo Network, presents a worldwide project to promote INCLUSION, fight PREJUDICE and promote the UN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES

13 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS MOTIVATION –Persons with disabilities are still invisible to society –They represent 10% of the world’s population, constituting the largest “minority” –Many still believe that they are second class citizens, and should be segregated 6 pessoas com as cabeças se encontrando e sorridentes, olham para baixo em direção à câmera: um senhor negro, um idoso branco, uma jovem negra, um rapaz com síndrome de Down branco, uma menina de óculos loura, uma jovem asiática

14 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS CONTEXT WHO ARE THE PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES? Those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. UN Convention definition

15 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS PEOPLE FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE Desenho mostrando um rapaz com mochila e sacola, uma mulher grávida, um senhor em cadeira de rodas, uma mulher empurrando um carrinho com criança, um menino pequeno, um senhor obeso de óculos. No Centro, a figura humana com 4 braços e 4 pernas, desenhada na parede e uma mulher, amputada da perna esquerda tenta se encaixar à imagem

16 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS A baby that needs to be carried or go in a stroller A small child that cannot reach the elevator button Someone who broke his leg and needs to climb stairs A pregnant woman trying to get on the bus An illiterate citizen searching for information on the internet Tourists who do not speak the local language and try to communicate A person who cannot read the small letters on a label IF WE DO NOT DIE YOUNG, THESE SITUATIONS COULD HAPPEN TO ANY OF US!

17 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS CURRENT SCENERY In average, people are living 20 years more than before Accidents and urban violence cause death and incapacitating conditions, specially among working age citizens Old and new diseases, including AIDS, especially when associated to poverty, generate incapacitating conditions that lead to more poverty and social exclusion

18 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT For countries’ economies to be sustainable, the growing elderly population should be able to live and function with autonomy and quality of life The cost of special services is always much higher and less effective than public and private projects designed FOR ALL To guarantee universalization, ALL public and private projects should be conceived with an inclusive approach from planning to implementation

19 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS Beyond that, the math is simple: It is a question of paying now or paying more later By investing in inclusion, less people will depend on social assistance in the future And more included citizens will contribute as workers and tax payers

20 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS Universal Access and Equity Mulher em cadeira de rodas se dirige à praia, de mão dada com a filha pequena, usando caminho acessível. No fundo, o mar, palmeiras. À frente uma plaqueta com o símbolo internacional de acessibilidade.

21 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS DISABILITIY = FUNCTIONAL LIMITATION x ENVIRONMENT The same severely myopic woman can be considered blind if she lives in a poor country, but the same woman will be able to see very well with glasses if he lives in a rich country with good access to health Exclusion starts with statistics – very few countries, among them Brazil, have surveys about the group The few known numbers are alarming and show a direct relationship between poverty and disability DISABILITIES CAUSES POVERTY  POVERTY CAUSES DISABILITY

22 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS THE MOST EXCLUDED 15% of Brazil´s population and around 10% in the world have some kind of disability, constituting the largest “minority” 25% of the world´s population are directly or inderectly affected by disability. Among them, these persons’ relatives This number is increasing, due to population growth, advances in medicine and the aging process INTELECTUAL DISABILITY Persons with intelectual disabilities are the most excluded and discriminated against group and a permanent target to abuse and violence They represent the lower rate of inclusion at school and at the workplace Dados: IBGE, ONU, PNUD, OIT, OMS

23 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS DISABILITY AND POVERTY The poorer the country, the more persons with disabilities. The more developed, the fewer 20% of the poorest in the world have a disability 82% of persons with disabilities live with less than US$ 1 a day in developing countries 30% of street youngsters have a disability By 2030 the number of persons with disabilities in southern countries will grow 150%, and in northern countries, 40% (in this case because of aging) Dados: IBGE, ONU, PNUD, OIT, OMS

24 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS DISABILITY AND VIOLENCE Persons with disabilities were victms of Nazi extermination In some countries, up to one fourth of disabilities are caused by accidents and violence Women and girls with disability are particularly vulnerable and present high rates of abuse (25%)* In 28 African countries, over 100 million girls and women acquire disabilities due to genital mutilation To each child killed at war, three survive wounded or acquire a disability Dados: IBGE, ONU, PNUD, OIT, OMS * Research in Orissa, India, 2004

25 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS DISABILITY AND HEALTH Only 2% of persons with disabilities in developing countries have access to the health system 20 million women each year acquire a disability due to complications in pregnancy and labor DISABILITY AND EDUCATION Only 1 to 2% of children with disabilities in developing countries go to school DISABILITY AND WORK 386 million persons with disabilities in the world are working age. Unemployment among them reaches 90% in some countries. Many employers think that persons with disabilities are incapable of working Dados: IBGE, ONU, PNUD, OIT, OMS

26 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS Filme Institucional do Instituto MetaSocial – Menina Azul (criação Giovanni+ DraftFCB) Dentro de elevador, moça com síndrome de Down pintada de azul olha pra cima enquanto casal atrás dela a observa

27 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS DOWN SYNDROME Persons with Down syndrome have the presence of the 21st extra chromosome that causes their intelectual disability “written on their faces” FOR THAT REASON THEY WERE THE ONES CHOSEN TO RAISE THE FLAG OF THIS MANIFESTO FOR INCLUSION AND AGAINST PREJUDICE

28 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS IN BRAZIL In 2005 Globo Network launched the soap opera Pages of Life, by Manoel Carlos, with Instituto MetaSocial’s consultancy One of the main characters was a girl with Down syndrome, who was so popular that she was even turned into a doll by SocialTarget Institute´s initiative, Clara´s Gang, the first dolls with Down syndrome for commercial use Clarinha na escola Duas moças com a camiseta Ser Diferente é Normal seguram no colo bonecos da coleção Turma da Clarinha Boneca da Clarinha dentro da caixa

29 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS AROUND THE WORLD The soap opera took the wave of inclusion to over 20 countries where it was shown, reafirming the importance of partnership with the media to fight exclusion Cartaz promocional da novela Páginas da Vida em espanhol – Clarinha (Joana Mocarzel) brinca no balanço com a mãe Helena (Regina Duarte), ambas sorriem

30 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS IN BRAZIL After this soap opera, that tackled school inclusion issues, it became easier to guarantee that students with disabilities would go go to regular schools Even so, the number of children with disabilities at school is still very low in Brazil The few who do get any education go to special schools and have reduced opportunities to learn and live. Jovens com e sem deficiência usando computadpres em sala de aula

31 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS IT´S NORMAL TO BE DIFFERENT, AND RIGHTS ARE THE SAME Foto da atriz Malu Mader ates e depois da transformação do Manifesto (olhos aparentam ter síndrome de Down) Foto do ator Guilherme Berenguer antes e depois da ransformação do Manifesto pela Inclusão olhos aparentam ter síndrome de Down) Foto do ator Ailton Graça ates e depois da transformação do Manifesto (olhos aparentam ter síndrome de Down)

32 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS INTERACTIVE PETITION FOR INCLUSION AND AGAINST PREJUDICE, TO PROMOTE THE UN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Foto da atriz Malu Mader ates e depois da transformação do Manifesto (olhos aparentam ter síndrome de Down) Foto do ator Guilherme Berenguer antes e depois da ransformação do Manifesto pela Inclusão olhos aparentam ter síndrome de Down) Foto do ator Ailton Graça ates e depois da transformação do Manifesto (olhos aparentam ter síndrome de Down)

33 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS WHO ALREADY SUPPORTS US? -Inter-American Institute on Disability and Inclusive Development - http://www.iidi.org/http://www.iidi.org/ - Global Partnership for Disability and Development (GPDD) – http://gpdd-online.org/index.php - Red Interamericana de Organizaciones no Gubernamentales de Personas con Discapacidad y sus Familias (Riadis) – http://riadis.net - Handicap International – http://www.handicap- international.us/hi/ - Making it Work - http://www.MakingItWork-crpd.org - The Rolling Rains Report – Precipitating Dialogue on Travel, Disability, and Universal Design - http://www.rollingrains.com/ - Mr. Blue Sky Movie – Changing lives through Changing Minds – http://www.mrblueskymovie.com /http://gpdd-online.org/index.phphttp://riadis.nethttp://www.handicap- international.us/hi/http://www.MakingItWork-crpd.orghttp://www.rollingrains.com/http://www.mrblueskymovie.com /

34 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS WHO IS INVOLVED? MetaSocial Institute (MSI): non-profit organization that for 15 years has carried out actions together with the media to promote inclusion of persons with disabilities. MSI is an apolitical Institute that does not provide services nor receives donations It bases its actions on a wide and unique communication strategy, focused on information to fight prejudice, making society more inclusive and equal Our tactic is to use mass media communication, promoting positive shifts on the image normally associated with persons with disabilities

35 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS Colagem de imagens - Revistinha da Mônica com a personagem com SD, Tati, Faustão com moça com SD, personalidades com a camiseta Ser Diferente é Normal, Exposição de fotos de pessoas com deficiência, foto de pessoas com síndrome de Down com atores e políticos no Senado, foto de entrevista de moça com síndrome de Down para a TV, poster da campanha Ser Diferente é Normal, com moça com síndrome de Down, cadeirante jogando basquete, moça no carnaval

36 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS WHO IS INVOLVED? Giovanni+DraftFCB – Public Relations Agency, creator of the slogan and symbol of the cause “It s Normal to be Different” Giovanni has been giving its pro bono support to MSI since 2001, spreading the concept of respect to diversity through media campaigns in and out of Brazil

37 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS We can only fight EXCLUSION by building INCLUSION Ilustração mostrando grande palavra Inclusion (inclusão em inglês) sendo construída por operários. No centro da palavra, uma rampa por onde sobem 3 crianças, uma cega com bengala e um cadeirante liderando, com o punho para cima em sinal de vitória. Quantos profissionais serão perdidos se tantas crianças continuarem a ser excluídas? Nós podemos superar a exclusão construindo a inclusão... e uma sociedade inclusiva é feita a partir deste projeto.

38 MANIFESTO MUNDIAL PELA INCLUSÃO DE TODOS Project Coordenation : Instituto MetaSocial (www.metasocial.org.br)www.metasocial.org.br SocialTarget Institute, Rio, Brazil Helena Werneck General Coordinator Patricia Heiderich Project Coordinator Patricia Almeida Strategic Coordinator Cláudia Grabois Institucional Coordinator Rosangela Berman-Bieler Technical Consultant (Inclusive Development) Cassuça Benevides Technical Consultant (Communication)


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