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DB2 Performance and Optimization

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Apresentação em tema: "DB2 Performance and Optimization"— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 DB2 Performance and Optimization
Genivaldo Araújo 3CON Consultoria e Sistemas Ltda.

2 Agenda Análise da Importância do Desempenho das Aplicações
Otimização de Ambiente Otimização de Aplicações

3 A Importância do Desempenho das Aplicações

4 O Ambiente de TI Ontem Acesso interno e restrito
Manutenções final de semana/período noturno Período online de 9-horas por dia Centralizado e baixa complexidade Production Database OLTP

5 O Ambiente de TI Hoje Múltiplas fontes de transação
O negócio requer disponibilidade 24 x 7 Falta tempo para manutenção Descentralizado e alta complexidade EDI Production Database OLTP DIAL-IN INTERNET CALL CENTER

6 A importância do desempenho das aplicações
Qual é o custo do mal desempenho das aplicações ? Perda de negócios Perda de clientes Perda de confiabilidade da área de TI (não cumprimento de SLAs) Alto custo operacional (recursos computacionais e recursos humanos) Today we naturally take backup copies of our data on a daily basis and secure them in a fire safe off-site. But what about the real-time business transactions that are occurring at this time. HOW IMPORTANT ARE YOUR REAL-TIME BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS? If we where to loose all the business transactions executed today, what would be the impact on your business? It would probably loose you business Customers would probably go to the competition, and may then never return What would be the liability of the directors for not taking protective measures? They may be sued by clients or shareholders, or prosecuted for not protecting data and the business. In today's world some of the business transactions are arriving electronically, through EDI (electronic data interchange) with business partners and from the Internet. It may be difficult or impossible to re-construct this information if an unscheduled outage occurs, leading to a loss of confidence and business.

7 Necessidades atuais Alta produtividade Baixo custo
Execução de milhões de transações Respostas rápidas Mix entre ambientes online e batch Baixo custo Economia de uso de recursos Baixo custo operacional 7

8 O que impacta o desempenho das aplicações ?
Mal dimensionamento de infra-estrutura Parametrização de softwares Projeto físico Projeto lógico (modelo de dados) Programas Fluxo de rotinas So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

9 Otimização de Ambiente DB2
Otimização da Infra-estrutura

10 Objetivo Destravar o ambiente via eliminação de gargalos
Busca de equilíbio do uso de recursos : Cpu, IO, Memória, Redes So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

11 Prazo Projetos de curta duração
So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

12 Metodologia Detecção de pontos críticos de gargalo :
Contenção de discos Contenção de cpu Contenção de memória Mapeamento de consumo Consumo de recursos por horário Picos de consumo Médias de consumo So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

13 Metodologia Otimização de subsistema de IO
Distribuição física de discos Eliminação de operações de IO Bufferização Reorganizações Limpeza de tabelas So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

14 Metodologia Redução de consumo de cpu
Parametrização de software Replanejamento de rotinas batch Balanceamento de carga Redução de operações de IO Limpeza de tabelas Dispatching Priority Cics X DB2 X Batch So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

15 Metodologia Implantação Apoio à Implantação pelo Suporte
Acompanhamento pós-implantação So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

16 Balanceamento de Carga
Utilizar banco de dados espelho (read-only ou Peer-to-Peer) Pesquisas AD-HOC e EIS Processos de ETL Data Mining e Data Warehouse Shadow Network Log/Journal Data Production Database

17 Ferramentas de Apoio Unicenter CA-Sysview
Monitoração e gerenciamento de performance, em tempo real, do sistema operacional MVS, OS/390 e zOS da IBM. Componentes opcionais que estendem seu gerenciamento e monitoração para os ambientes CICS, IMS, Websphere MQ, Advantage CA-Roscoe, Advantage CA-Datacom/DB Database. Integração com Unicenter CA-Insight for DB2 So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

18 Ferramentas de Apoio Unicenter CA-Insight for DB2
Monitor de performance que detecta centenas de exceções pré-definidas e ajuda na otimização geral do ambiente DB2. Possui facilidades de EXPLAIN dos comandos SQL Um grande número de relatórios online/batch estão disponíveis, com facilidades de seleção e diversos níveis de detalhes. Sua arquitetura foi desenvolvida para exercer o mínimo overhead sobre os subsistemas DB2 monitorados. So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

19 Otimização de Aplicações
Seleção e Otimização

20 Objetivos Redução de consumo de recursos (cpu, discos, memória) na instalação Melhoria nos tempos de resposta das transações online e tempo de execução das rotinas batch Garantir SLAs e manter a qualidade (processo contínuo) So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

21 Prazo Projetos de média duração Monitoramento contínuo
So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

22 Metodologia Preparação de ambiente Instalação de ferramentas
Levantamento junto à Produção e Desenvolvimento de pontos críticos So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

23 Metodologia Mecanismo de seleção de processos/programas críticos
Maiores consumidores de recursos Críticos para o negócio Críticos para Produção Piores tempos de resposta Rotinas mensais, semanais e diárias Concorrências So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

24 Metodologia Otimização
Modificação de processos/programas e passagem para homologação pelo cliente Otimização de projeto físico como desnormalização, criação de índices, balanceamento via réplicas, etc.. Controle de paralelismo Vasta documentação de testes So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

25 Metodologia Implantação Apoio à implantação pelo Desenvolvimento
Acompanhamento pós-implantação So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

26 Ferramentas de Apoio Unicenter Detector for DB2
Monitora e identifica as aplicações e os comandos SQL, dinâmicos ou estáticos, que mais consomem recursos do sistema. O produto fornece dados no nível de detalhes que mais for útil para a solução dos problemas, desde do PLANs, DBRMs e/ou, Packages, chegando até o comando SQL específico. Ele causa o mínimo de sobrecarga no sistema, visto que não usa os TRACEs do DB2 para coletar esses dados de performance. So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

27 Ferramentas de Apoio Unicenter Plan Analyzer for DB2
Ajuda na rápida identificação de problemas de performance causado por comandos SQL codificados de forma ineficiente, problemas no projeto do banco e em outras condições na base de dados. Fornece informações claras e completas sobre como cada comando SQL está fazendo o acesso aos dados e apresenta sugestões, baseadas em Expert System Rules, para melhorar a performance das aplicações. Possibilita integração com produtos de Controle do Ciclo de Vida das Aplicações, como o CA-Endevor. So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

28 Ferramentas de Apoio Unicenter Subsystem Analyzer for DB2
O Subsystem Analyzer coleta importantes informações sobre I/O e GETPAGEs nos objetos e recursos do DB2. Pode-se examinar os Databases, Tablespaces, Tables, Indexes, Buffer Pools e ir descendo em detalhes pelo Detector e Plan Analyzer até o comando SQL. So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

29 Ferramentas de Apoio Unicenter Index Expert for DB2
Otimiza e indica a criação de índices para comandos SQL estáticos e dinâmicos, melhorando a performance geral das aplicações, através de uma análise profunda dos índices existentes So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

30 Case Cia. Elétrica Medição da situação atual
Levantamento e análise das aplicações críticas. Utilização das ferramentas de apoio Unicenter CA-Insight for DB2 (monitoração do DB2) Unicenter CA-Detector for DB2 (identificação dos “vilões” de consumo Unicenter CA-Plan Analyzer for DB2 (sugestão de mudanças dos comandos SQL So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

31 Case Cia. Elétrica Relatório com as sugestões de alteração
Autorização para implementar as mudanças Implementação das alterações Medição após as alteração Relatório com ganhos obtidos So, what would be the impact if you needed to invoke : severe hardware failure climatic damage, such as flooding or storms preventing staff working at the datacentre loss of services, such as communications to the outside network or power fire damage or catastrophic accident such as an airplane crash malicious damage by terrorists, disgruntled employees or angry customers failure of a software sub-system Following an unscheduled outage of this nature, how much data would be lost? And how long would your critical business systems be unavailable? You may currently lose all the business transactions done since last night, and suffer a 24 to 48 hour outage while your systems are recovered at another centre. Your disaster recovery plan already handles recovery of data to at point in time, probably last night. As the business systems have become more critical in nature you should consider being able to recover data to the point of failure, and having critical business systems available in a few hours of a disaster.

32 Próximos Passos... Design Clinic (09 e 10/09)
Definição de necessidades e objetivos Escolha do projeto apropriado Implementação

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