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Apresentação em tema: "CONDITIONAL SENTENCES"— Transcrição da apresentação:


2 Read and think about this situations
1 Fernando has a flight tomorrow early in the morning. He usually wakes up at 9 or after. His flight is at 8 and he has to get the airport at least an hour before. He must wake up earlier tomorrow. If his alarm clock doesn’t ring he won’t get on time.

3 2 There are many books in the library but students don’t rent them. Stephanie says “if the books were more interesting, students would take them and read more”.

4 3 My brother need to do a presentation for his geography work. But he can’t use the power point very well and he couldn’t do that. If he had asked me, I would have helped him with his geography work.

5 Let’s think about… Na primeira situação…
Fernando tem um voo e precisa acordar cedo no dia seguinte. Se seu alarme não tocar, ele não vai chegar a tempo.(If his alarm clock doesn’t ring he won’t get on time) Tratam-se de ações interligadas para que algo ainda possa acontecer, ou deixe de acontecer. É um futuro possível.

SIMPLE FUTURE (WILL) If his alarm clock doesn’t ring he won’t get on time If his alarm clock rings he will get on time

7 Let’s think about… Na segunda situação…
Há muitos livros na biblioteca, mas os alunos não os emprestam. Se os livros fossem mais interessantes, os alunos os pegariam e leriam mais.(if the books were more interesting, students would take them and read more) Tratam-se de ações interligadas e hipotéticas; plano imaginário.

8 Simple Conditional – unreal situation -
IF CLAUSE SIMPLE PAST MAIN CLAUSE CONDITIONAL (WOULD) If the books were interesting, students would read more

9 Let’s think about… Na terceira situação…
Meu irmão precisava fazer uma apresentação para o trabalho de geografia e não pediu ajuda. Se tivesse me pedido ajuda, teria feito o trabalho de geografia.(If he had asked me, I would have helped him with his geography work.) Tratam-se de ações interligadas para que algo pudesse ter acontecido (ou não) no passado.

10 Perfect Conditional IF CLAUSE PAST PERFECT MAIN CLAUSE CONDITIONAL PERFECT (WOULD HAVE + PARTICIPLE) If he had asked me, I would have helped him with his geography work.

11 Perfect Conditional… É também empregado quando queremos nos referir a algo que deveria ter sido feito (ou não) no passado para um efeito no presente. If you had studied harder you would have graduated today. (Se você tivesse estudado mais você teria se formado hoje) If they hadn’t bought their house, they would have be living near us now. (Se eles não tivessem vendido sua casa, eles estariam morando perto de nós agora)

12 Observações Conjunções usadas com conditional sentences: If – se
Unless – a menos que

13 Observações com IF o verbo to be no passado é conjugado sempre “were”, mesmo no singular. If he were at home… If I were at school…

14 Observações A chamada “if clause” pode tanto iniciar quanto finalizar a frase. A ordem é indiferente. If they like the house, they will buy it. They will buy the house if they like it.

15 02. understood – would become 04. would know – was 08. knew – would be
23.01) Choose the grammatically correct proposition(s) to complete the blanks in the following sentence: If he _____ the basics of computers, he _____ a better student. 01. learns - will become 02. understood – would become 04. would know – was 08. knew – would be 16. studied – become 32. Will learn - becomes

16 02. understood – would become 04. would know – was 08. knew – would be
23.01) Choose the grammatically correct proposition(s) to complete the blanks in the following sentence: If he _____ the basics of computers, he _____ a better student. 01. learns - will become 02. understood – would become 04. would know – was 08. knew – would be 16. studied – become 32. Will learn - becomes

17 = 11 01. learns - will become 02. understood – would become
23.01) Choose the grammatically correct proposition(s) to complete the blanks in the following sentence: If he _____ the basics of computers, he _____ a better student. 01. learns - will become 02. understood – would become 08. knew – would be = 11

18 23.02) Match the sentences so that they form conditional clauses:
Coluna A If I have time tomorrow, Will you help me If you listen to him, Is the police catch him, We’ll go for a walk Coluna B ( ) if get into trouble? ( ) he’ll go to jail. ( ) if its stops raining. ( ) I’ll give you a ring. ( ) You will learn a lot. B D E A C

19 23.03) If you don’t go, ______ very angry.
I feel I am I was I’ll be I have been

20 23.03) If you don’t go, I’ll be very angry.
I feel I am I was I’ll be I have been

21 23.04) If he likes that van, he ______ it.
will buy could buy would buy buys

22 23.04) If he likes that van, he will buy it.
could buy would buy buys

23 24.01) Choose the correct proposition(s):
01. If you had listened to me, you would have bought the tickets in advance, and now we would be able to see the play. 02. If you had gone to the movies, you would meet him. 04. If you had worked harder, you would have been in a better positions today. 08. I would have bought the picture yesterday, if I had seen it before.

24 16. Joe will see the show if it comes to town.
32. If Paul were a real friend, he wouldn’t have left us behind. 64. Unless Mike had known the truth, he would never have notice.

25 01. If you had listened to me, you would have bought the tickets in advance, and now we would be able to see the play. 04. If you had worked harder, you would have been in a better positions today. 08. I would have bought the picture yesterday, if I had seen it before. 16. Joe will see the show if it comes to town. 64. Unless Mike had known the truth, he would never have notice. =93

26 24.02) Candidates who get a poor result always regret: If I studied more before sitting for the test, I _____ it. a) would pass b) passed c) have passed d) would have passed e) had passed

27 24.02) Candidates who get a poor result always regret: If I studied more before sitting for the test, I would pass it. a) would pass

28 24.03) Johnny would be happy if he ______ at the party.
a) had been b) was c) were d) will be e) is

29 24.03) Johnny would be happy if he were at the party.
c) were

30 If you had taken my advice, you ______. a) would learned the lesson
24.04) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: If you had taken my advice, you ______. a) would learned the lesson b) would have learned the lesson c) should learned the lesson d) would learn the lesson e) should understand the lesson

31 b) would have learned the lesson
24.04) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: If you had taken my advice, you would have learned the lesson. b) would have learned the lesson


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