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3 Dupla graduação O Colégio Marie-Victorin desenvolveu sua primeira parceria na China em 2002; Os primeiros professores do Colégio foram enviados para a China em 2006; Primeira parceira - Universidade Kaifeng, programas em técnicas de contabilidade e de gestão;


5 Dupla graduação 1 º Ano: 60 alunos Agora cerca de 400 alunos. Novos acordos: Politécnico Binzhou Instituto de tecnologia Nanchang Colégio técnico Zhenjiang Universidade Tecnológica, Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnã;

6 Dupla graduação Parcerias de Desenvolvimento: Colégio técnico Xi An - China; Colégio técnico, Liaocheng China; Colégio técnico de Jinan - China; Faculdade de relações econômicas extrangeiras - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnã; Colégio técnico do oeste de Saigon-Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnã


8 Dupla graduação Processo de desenvolvimento da parceria: Identificação de parceiros potenciais; Troca de documentos e informações preliminares; 1a Visita: Discussões gerais; Acordos sobre o programa e o tipo de colaboração; Acordo sobre a partilha de recursos

9 Dupla graduação Processo de desenvolvimento da parceria: Compartilhamento das tabelas de cursos Estudar as tabelas de cursos do programa estrangeiro e verificar a concordância entre os títulos de cursos e cursos selecionados que podem potencialmente ser combinados; Integrar os dois programas na mesma grade.

10 1 st Semester Accounting I 基础会计 90 hrs English 英文 60 hrs Computer 计算机基础 90 hrs Math 数学 30 hrs gymnasium 体 育 30 hrs Tax Law 税法 60 hrs Economy Law 经济法 60 hrs moral character 品德修养 30 hrs 8 course s 30 HC/S 2 nd Semester Accounting 2 财务会计 60 hrs English 英文 60 hrs Economics 经济学 60 hrs Communicati ng Capability 沟通能力 30 hrs gymnasium 体 育 30 hrs Tax Law 税法 90 hrs Economy Law 经济法 90 hrs moral character 品德修养 30 hrs 8 course s 30 HC/S 3 rd Semester Accounting 3 公司会计 90 hrs Auditing 审计 90 hrs Financial Cost Management 财务成本管 理 90 hrs Cooperatin g Capability 合作能力 30 hrs The Economics of Money and Banking 货币银行学 30 hrs Contract Law 合同法 30 hrs Marketing 市场营销 60 hrs Occupation Development 职业发展 30 hrs 8cours es 30 HC/S 4 th Semester Accounting 3 公司会计 90 hrs Auditing 审计 90 hrs Financial Cost Management 财务成本管 理 90 hrs Corporate Strategy and Risk Management 公司战略与 风险管理 90 hrs International Trade 国际贸易 30 hrs Business Negotiation 商务谈判 30 hrs Human Resources Development and Management 人力资源开 发与管理 30 hrs 7 course s 30HC/ S 5 th Semester 5 会计模拟实 训 Accounting Simulated Training 3 weeks Investmen t and Financing 投资与理 财 60 hrs 会计电算化 模拟实训 Computerized Accounting Simulated Training 4 weeks Corporate Strategy and Risk Management 公司战略与 风险管理 120 hrs ERP 电子实训 ERP Electron Training 3 weeks 点钞实训 Cash Counting Training 2 weeks 6cours es 16 HC/S 6 th semester 就业实习 Employment Internship 1 course s management AND accounting – Binzhou Polytechnic (China) April 15, 2008

11 SESSION 1 604-111- MV 604-112-MV412-410-MV410-112-MV410-212-MV410-213-MV410-314-MV410-313-MV English Update I English Update II Office SystemsAccounting IAccounting II Cash Flow and Budget Management Supply and Inventory Management Research and Processing of Management Information breakdown2.1.3 hours45 60 457545 Credits2,00 1,662,002,331,662,331,66 SESSION 2 604-113- MV 604-114-MV410-312-MV410-401-MV410-413-MV410-515-MV410-512-MV410-516-MV English Accounting I English Accounting II Accounting IIIBusiness Law Budget Management and Benchmarking Computerized Information Systems Cost Production Accounting Customer Service and Technical Support breakdown2.1.3 hours45 6045604560 credits 2,00 2,331,662,001,662,00 SESSION 3 604-115- MV 604-116-MV410-613-MV410-616-MV410-615-MV410-511-MV410-614-MV Business English I Business English II International Trade Transactions Project Management Total Quality Management Business Start- up Job Market Integration breakdown2.1.3 1-4-4 hours45 609045 30 credits 2,00 3,001,66 3,00 SESSION 4 410-617- MV Job Market Integration breakdown2.12.2 hours180 credits5,33 GRILLE DE COURS AEC EN COMPTABILIT É ET GESTION EN ANGLAIS LANGUE SECONDE Cégep Marie-Victorin

12 1 st Semester Accounting I 基础会计 90 hrs 410-112-MV (60 hrs) English 英文 60 hrs Computer 计算机基础 90 hrs Office Systems 412-410-MV (45 hrs) Math 数学 30 hrs gymnasium 体育 30 hrs Tax Law 税法 60 hrs Economy Law 经济法 60 hrs moral character 品德修养 30 hrs 2 nd Sem. Accounting 2 财务会计 60 hrs 410-212-MV (60 hrs) English 英文 60 hrs Economic s 经济学 60 hrs Communicati ng Capability 沟通能力 30 hrs gymnasium 体育 30 hrs Tax Law 税法 90 hrs Economy Law 经济法 90 hrs moral character 品德修养 30 hrs 3 rd Semester Accounting 3 公司会计 90 hrs 410-312-MV (60 hrs) Auditing 审计 90 hrs Financial Cost Management 财务成本管 理 90 hrs Cooperatin g Capability 合作能力 30 hrs The Economics of Money and Banking 货币银行学 30 hrs Contract Law 合同法 30 hrs Marketing 市场营销 60 hrs Occupation Development 职业发展 30 hrs Research and Processing of Management Information 410-313-MV 45 hrs Business Law 410-401-MV 45 hrs Cash Flow and Budget Management 410-213 45 hrs English Update I and II 604-111-MV 604-112-MV 90 hrs 4 th Semester Accounting 3 公司会计 90 hrs Auditing 审计 90 hrs Financial Cost Management 财务成本管 理 90 hrs Corporate Strategy and Risk Management 公司战略与 风险管理 90 hrs International Trade 国际贸易 30 hrs Business Negotiation 商务谈判 30 hrs Human Resources Development and Management 人力资源 开发与管理 30 hrs Budget Management and Benchmarkin g 410-413-MV 60 hrs Supply and Inventory Management 410-314-MV 75 hrs Total Quality Management 410-615-MV 45 hrs Cost Production Accounting 410-512-MV 60 hrs English in Accounting I and II 604-113-MV 604-114-MV 90 hrs 5 th Semester 5 会计模拟实 训 Accounting Simulated Training 3 weeks Investme nt and Financing 投资与 理财 60 hrs 会计电算化 模拟实训 Computerize d Accounting Simulated Training 4 weeks Corporate Strategy and Risk Management 公司战略与 风险管理 120 hrs ERP 电子实 训 ERP Electron Training 3 weeks 点钞实训 Cash Counting Training 2 weeks Computerise d Information Systems 410-515-MV 45 hrs Business Start-up 410-511-MV 45 hrs Project Management 410-616-MV 90 hrs International Trade Transactions 410-613-MV 60 hrs Customer Service and Technical Support 410-516-MV 60 hrs Business English I and II 604-115-MV 604-116-MV 90 hrs 6 th Sem. 就业实习 Employment Internship Job Market Integration – 410-617-MV (210 hrs) Accounting and Management – XYZ Polytechnic (China) and Marie-Victorin College - March 24, 2011 I N BLUE ARE COURSES THAT APPEAR IN BOTH THE C HINESE AND THE C ANADIAN PROGRAMS I N G REEN ARE COURSES FROM THE C ANADIAN PROGRAM

13 1 st Semester Accounting I 基础会计 90 hrs 410-112-MV (60 hrs) English 英文 60 hrs Computer 计算机基础 90 hrs Office Systems 412-410-MV (45 hrs) Computerised Info. Systems 410-515-MV (45 hrs) Math 数学 30 hrs gymnasium 体 育 30 hrs Tax Law 税法 60 hrs Economy Law 经济法 60 hrs moral character 品德修养 30 hrs Occupation Development 职业发展 30 hrs 9 courses 32CH/W 2 nd Sem. Accounting 2 财务会计 60 hrs 410-212-MV (60 hrs) English 英文 60 hrs Economics 经济学 60 hrs The Economics of Money and Banking 货币银行学 30 hrs gymnasium 体 育 30 hrs Tax Law 税法 90 hrs Economy Law 经济法 90 hrs moral character 品德修养 30 hrs Communicating Capability 沟通能力 30 hrs 9 courses 32CH/W 3 rd Semester Cooperating Capability 合作能力 change for Cash Flow and Budget Management 410-213-MV 45 hrs Marketing 市场营销 60 hrs Auditing 审计 90 hrs Financial Cost Management 财务成本管理 90 hrs Contract Law 合同法 30 hrs Business Law 410-401-MV 45 hrs Human Resources Development andManagement 人力资源开发与 管理 30 hrs in place of Customer Service 410-516 Research and Processing of Management Information 410-313-MV 45 hrs English Update I 604-111-MV 45 hrs English Update II 604-112-MV 45 hrs 9 courses 33CH/W 4 th Semester Accounting 3 公司会计 Accounting 3 410-312-MV 60 hrs Accounting 3 公司会计 change for Cost Production Accounting 410-512-MV 60 hrs Auditing 审计 change for Total Quality Management 410-615-MV 45 hrs Financial Cost Management 财务成本管理 90 hrs Budget Management and Benchmarking 410-413-MV 60 hrs International Trade 国际贸易 30 hrs International Trade Transactions 410-613-MV 60 hrs Corporate Strategy and Risk Management 公司战略与风 险管理 90 hrs Supply and Inventory Management 410-314-MV 75 hrs English in Accounting I 604-113-MV 45 hrs English in Accounting II 604-114-MV 45 hrs 9 courses 36CH/W 5 th Semester 5 会计模拟实训 Accounting Simulated Training 3 weeks 点钞实训 Cash Counting Training 2 weeks 会计电算化模拟 实训 Computerized Accounting Simulated Training 4 weeks ERP 电子实训 ERP Electron Training 3 weeks Corporate Strategy /Risk Management 公司战略与风 险管理 120 hrs Investment and Financing 投资与理 财 60 hrs Business Negotiation 商务谈判 30 hrs Business Start-up 410-511-MV 45 hrs Project Management 410-616-MV 90 hrs Business English I and II 604-115-MV 604-116-MV 90 hrs 6 courses 29CH/W 6 th Sem. 就业实习 Employment Internship Job Market Integration – 410-617-MV (210 hrs) Accounting and Management – XYZ Polytechnic (China) and Marie-Victorin College - March 25, 2011

14 Exemple de notes envoyées au partenaire avec la grille Explanation of changes proposed: The courses in white in the grid are those I did not change. They will be given by XYZ teachers toward the Chinese program, and Marie-Victorin College will not credit them. The courses in blue in the grid are courses that would be given by the XYZ teachers; however, Marie-Victorin College will credit them toward our Canadian diploma. Marie-Victorin may request some changes in courses or course contents. Accounting I: We do not request any change. We will give students the credits attached to our own Accounting I course. Computer: We are ready to recognise two of our own courses for this one course from the Chinese curriculum. However, we would like the XYZ teacher to integrate some of our content into the course. I will be visiting our partners sometime this year, and I will ask to meet the teachers of the courses we recognise.

15 Exemple de notes envoyées au partenaire avec la grille Explanation of changes proposed: Accounting 2: We do not request any change. We will recognise this one as equivalent to our own course. Cooperating Capability: We would request that this course be changed for Cash Flow and Budget Management. We feel that the financing courses do not meet the requirements of our program about budget management. This course is in blue because we would provide XYZ with course material and let them choose one of their own teachers to give this class. Human Resources Development and Management: We are willing to change our Customer Service and Technical Support course for this course in the Chinese program.

16 Exemple de notes envoyées au partenaire avec la grille Explanation of changes proposed: Financial Cost Management: We would request that this course be changed for Budget Management and Benchmarking for the same reasons as before. This course is in blue because we would provide XYZ with course material and let them choose one of their own teachers to give this class. International Trade: We also have an International Trade course in our program. Our course is 60 hours and focused on International Transactions, so we would like to request your course be replaced by our International Trade Transactions course. Once again, we would provide the additional material to the XYZ teacher who usually teaches this course.

17 Exemple de notes envoyées au partenaire avec la grille Explanation of changes proposed: Business Start-Up: This course is not part of the XYZ curriculum, and we would request its addition. However, the resources and regulations governing the start-up of a business are very different in China than in Canada. Marie-Victorin proposes to give the course material and academic support for XYZ to adapt this course content to the Chinese reality. The courses in green in the grid are courses given by Marie- Victorin teachers. We are requesting to take charge of four courses from the XYZ curriculum to make sure that our learning objectives are met. Contract Law: The Marie-Victorin curriculum also has a course with similar content. Our Business Law course counts more hours, so we would request that the Marie-Victorin course replaces the existing Contract Law course.

18 Exemple de notes envoyées au partenaire avec la grille Accounting 3: We believe it is important that we share in the accounting training of our students, and the students will have had several English courses by the time we send a Canadian teacher to teach them Accounting 3. Accounting 3 (second one): Our program is focused on the management of production facilities, among other things, and we feel it is important for them to learn Cost Production Accounting. We would request that your second Accounting 3 course be replaced by our Cost Production Accounting course. Auditing: The Chinese program counts two Auditing courses of 90 hours. We would like to propose the replacement of the second one with our Total Quality Management course which, once again, is tied to the reality of a production facility.

19 Exemple de notes envoyées au partenaire avec la grille The Marie-Victorin courses: Those nine courses have no equivalent in the XYZ program, so our College proposes to send our teachers in the third, fourth and fifth semesters. The courses are the following: Research and Processing of Management Information English Update 1 English Update 2 Supply and Inventory Management English in Accounting 1 (technical language course) English in Accounting 2 (technical language course) Project Management Business English 1 Business English 2

20 Dupla graduação Obter planos de aula e as descrições dos cursos que podem potencialmente serem combinados; Comparar os objetivos de formação de cursos semelhantes vindos de ambos os programas; Selecionar os cursos do programa no exterior que podem ser creditados no programa canadense e fazer o exercício inverso (cursos a serem propostos para o parceiro);

21 Dupla graduação Organizar a tabela do programa conjunto para eliminar a duplicação e manter a consistência na progressão da aprendizagem.

22 1 st Semester Economics 经济学 90 hrs English 英文 120 hrs Computer 计算机基础 90 hrs Office Systems 412-410-MV (45 hrs) Computerised Info. Systems 410-515-MV (45 hrs) Math 数学 30 hrs Gymnasium 体育 30 hrs Economy Law 经济法 60 hrs moral character 品德修养 30 hrs 7 courses 30CH/W 2 nd Sem. Accounting I 基础会计 90 hrs 410-112-MV (90 hrs) English 英文 120 hrs Marketing 市场营销 60 hrs in place of Customer Service 410-516 Math 数学 30 hrs Gymnasium 体育 30 hrs Tax Law 税法 90 hrs moral character 品德修养 30 hrs 7 courses 30CH/W 3 rd Semester Accounting 2 财务会计 90 hrs 410-212-MV (60 hrs) Auditing 审计 60 hrs Financial Cost Management 财务成本管理 in place of Budget Management and Benchmarking 410-413-MV 60 hrs International Trade 国际贸易 60 hrs in place of International Trade Transactions 410-613-MV 60 hrs Business Law 410-401-MV 45 hrs Research and Processing of Management Information 410- 313-MV 45 hrs English Update I 604-111-MV 45 hrs English Update II 604-112-MV 45 hrs 8 courses 30CH/W 4 th Semester Accounting 3 公司会计 Accounting 3 410-312-MV 60 hrs Accounting 3 公司会计 change for Cost Production Accounting 410-512-MV 60 hrs Total Quality Management 410-615-MV 45 hrs Corporate Strategy /Risk Management 公司战略与风险管理 in place of Cash Flow and Budget Management 410-213-MV 60 hrs Entrepreneuri al Management 创业管理 Business Start-up 410-511-MV 60 hrs Supply and Inventory Management 410-314-MV 75 hrs English in Accounting I 604-113-MV 45 hrs English in Accounting II 604-114-MV 45 hrs 8 courses 29CH/W 5 th Semester 5 会计模拟实 训 Accounting Simulated Training 3 weeks 点钞实训 Cash Counting Training 2 weeks 会计电算化模拟实训 Computerized Accounting Simulated Training 4 weeks ERP 电子实训 ERP Electron Training 3 weeks Project Management 410-616-MV 90 hrs Business English I and II 604-115-MV 45 hrs Business English II 604-116-MV 45 hrs 6 courses 29CH/W 6 th Sem. 就业实习 Employment Internship Job Market Integration – 410-617-MV (210 hrs) Accounting and Management – XYZ Polytechnic (China) and Marie-Victorin College - March 26, 2011

23 D upla graduação Se necessário, reequilibrar a tabela atual em termos de horas por sessão

24 1 st Semester Economics 经济学 90 hrs English 英文 120 hrs Computer 计算机基础 90 hrs Office Systems 412-410-MV (45 hrs) Computerised Info. Systems 410-515-MV (45 hrs) Math 数学 30 hrs Gymnasium 体育 30 hrs Economy Law 经济法 60 hrs moral character 品德修养 30 hrs 7 courses 30CH/W 2 nd Sem. Accounting I 基础会计 90 hrs 410-112-MV (90 hrs) English 英文 120 hrs Marketing 市场营销 60 hrs (Customer Service 410-516-MV) Math 数学 30 hrs Gymnasium 体育 30 hrs Tax Law 税法 90 hrs moral character 品德修养 30 hrs 7 courses 30CH/W 3 rd Semester Accounting 2 财务会计 90 hrs 410-212-MV (60 hrs) Auditing 审计 60 hrs Budget Management and Benchmarking 410-413-MV (Financial Cost Management 财务成本管理 ) 60 hrs International Trade Transactions 410-613-MV (International Trade 国际贸易 ) 60 hrs Business Law 410-401-MV 45 hrs Research and Processing of Management Information 410- 313-MV 45 hrs English Update I 604-111-MV 45 hrs English Update II 604-112-MV 45 hrs 8 courses 30CH/W 4 th Semester Accounting 3 410-312-MV (Accounting 3 公司会计 ) 60 hrs Cost Production Accounting 410-512-MV ( Accounting 3 公司会计 ) 60 hrs Total Quality Management 410-615-MV 45 hrs Cash Flow and Budget Management 410-213-MV (Corporate Strategy /Risk Management 公司战略与风险管理 ) 60 hrs Entrepreneurial Management 创业管理 Business Start-up 410-511-MV 60 hrs Supply and Inventory Management 410-314-MV 75 hrs English in Accounting I 604-113-MV 45 hrs English in Accounting II 604-114-MV 45 hrs 8 courses 30CH/W 5 th Semester 5 会计模拟实训 Accounting Simulated Training 3 weeks 点钞实训 Cash Counting Training 2 weeks 会计电算化模拟实训 Computerized Accounting Simulated Training 4 weeks ERP 电子实训 ERP Electron Training 3 weeks Project Management 410-616-MV 90 hrs Business English I 604-115-MV 45 hrs Business English II 604-116-MV 45 hrs 3 courses 12CH/W 6 th Sem. 就业实习 Employment Internship Job Market Integration – 410-617-MV (210 hrs) Accounting and Management – XYZ Polytechnic (China) and Marie-Victorin College - March 28, 2011

25 Dupla graduação Fazer uma análise financeira com base no número de cursos oferecidos pelos professores no Québec e do número de cursos oferecidos por professores estrangeiros; Enviar um acordo financeiro para o parceiro, tendo em conta os custos do programa, estabelecendo um limite mínimo para o número de alunos; Negociar e assinar o acordo financeiro especificando compartilhamento da receita financeira do programa.

26 Dupla graduação Recrutamento de estudantes; Inscrições; Contratação de professores; Preparação de professores em função do contexto específico de ensino (clientela diferente, o nível de compreensão da língua, adaptando a uma nova cultura, uma forma mais intensiva.) Avaliações anuais e ajustes se necessário.

27 Dupla graduação Chaves para o sucesso: Visão dos líderes do colégio; Adesão da direção; Abertura e flexibilidade ao nível de modificações para os programas regulares; Desenvolvimento de uma relação de confiança com os parceiros; Paciência e perseverança; Equipe motivada e disponível.



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