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Professor Alexandre Aula 5

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Apresentação em tema: "Professor Alexandre Aula 5"— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 Professor Alexandre Aula 5
Inglês Básico Professor Alexandre Aula 5

2 The Past Continuous Tense
Forma-se com o verbo to be (past tense) + o verbo principal no infinitivo sem to acrescido de ING. É usado para descrever uma ação que estava acontecendo no passado, ações passadas que estavam ocorrendo simultaneamente, ou uma ação passada que estava ocorrendo quando uma outra ação ocorreu.

3 Exemplos: She was waiting for him last week.
While he was studying, she was cooking. We were crossing the street when we saw the accident.

4 The Future Continuous Tense
Forma-se com o verbo to be (future tense) + verbo principal no infinitivo sem o to acrescido de ING. Descreve uma ação que estará acontecendo no futuro.

5 Exemplos: She will be travelling to Europe next month.
I will be waiting for you tomorrow.

6 Dica: Não confunda o uso do Future Continuous Tense do Inglês com o GERUNDISMO do Brasil. Este uso da língua portuguesa nasceu da influência do inglês, mas atualmente é muito criticado por ser utilizado erroneamente. Foi disseminado principalmente pelo setor dos atendentes de telemarketing. Exemplos: Eu vou estar resolvendo o problema do senhor em alguns dias. No lugar de: Eu resolverei o problema do senhor em alguns dias. Ou: Eu vou resolver o problema para o senhor em alguns dias. Estudiosos discutem o valor semântico deste uso na Língua Portuguesa. A maioria afirma que este uso denota falta de compromisso, traço típico da cultura brasileira.

7 The Present Perfect Tense
É formado com o verbo to have (present tense) + verbo principal no past participle. É usado para descrever: Uma ação que ocorreu em um ponto de tempo indefinido no passado: She has gone away.

8 Uma ação que começou no passado e tem continuidade até o presente momento:
I have lived here since 1990. She has been there for hours. Uma ação que acabou de ocorrer: The old man has just died.

9 Advérbios que podem acompanhar o Present Perfect Tense.
already – yet – ever – lately – so far – etc. Exemplos: She has already left. (já) Have you met him yet? (já) I haven’t seen him yet. (ainda) Have you ever seen a ghost? (alguma vez na vida) Nobody has arrived so far. (até agora) I haven’t seen him lately. (ultimamente)

10 Nota: Observe bem a diferença entre o Simple Past e o Present Perfect: He has eaten all the apples.  He ate them last night.

11 The Past Perfect Tense Forma-se com o verbo to have (past tense) + verbo principal no past participle. Descreve uma ação passada anterior a outra também passada.

12 Exemplos: He told me he had been there before.
After he had found her phone number, he called her up. After he had finished the exercises, he went to bed.

13 One night, after he had gotten ready for bed, my husband went out to the driveway to retrieve some work papers from his car. Since it was dark, he figured no one would see him make the quick run in his underwear. And he probably would have made it too, if not for our motion-sensor light, which illuminated him just as he reached the car door. By Beverly W. Dillard

14 The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
É usado para descrever uma ação que começou no passado e que tem continuidade até o presente momento. Forma-se com o verbo to be (present perfect tense) + verbo principal no infinito sem to acrescido de ING.

15 Exemplos: He has been waiting for him for hours.
They have been doing it since last week.

16 Observe que o The Present Perfect Continuous Tense é sinônimo do Present Perfect Tense, quando o intuito é mostrar uma ação que teve início no passado e que continua até o presente momento. No entanto, prefere-se este tempo verbal quando nos referimos a ações mais recentes. He has lived here since last year. = He has been living here since last year.

17 He has done it. ≠ He has been doing it.
Se não houver continuidade de ação, os dois tempos verbais nada têm em comum. He has done it. ≠ He has been doing it. Whoever has been watching life go by, without being a part of it, has been dying each day. M. Stephens

18 Time Clauses São orações introduzidas por conjunções temporais. Uma Time Clause sempre vem acompanhada de uma outra oração, que é a principal (main clause). When she arrives, we will talk to her. After he finishes the letter, tell me.

19 O verbo da Time Clause é o Simple Present, enquanto que o da Main Clause pode ser o Simple Future ou o Imperative. As principais conjugações temporais que acompanham as Time Clauses são: as, after, by the time, since, when, while, as soon as, before, by the time, till (until) e whenever. I will wait till Jane does it. Finish this job before you leave.

20 Somewhere in the middle Dishwalla
I was out the other day and I saw you in your big black car and I was waving as you were passing cause I know who you are you had this look that of an angel it was such a bad disguise did you think for a second I would not realize

21 Chorus: Tripping hard falling down onto the ground ´cause I can't stand up and I can't fall down cause I'm somewhere in the middle of this

22 I was out the other night and I saw you so we had a fight and it was late and I was lonely It was such a long way home so I asked you if you'd join me for a single last call drink so you turned and bought us 2 and you didn't even blink you had this look that of an angel it was such a bad disguise when you drink it makes you angry when I drink I want you more and more and more

23 Chorus: Tripping hard falling down onto the ground cause I can't stand up and I can't fall down cause I'm somewhere in the middle of this Tripping hard falling down onto the ground cause I can't stand up and I can't fall down cause I'm somewhere in the middle of this

24 Somewhere in the middle
Somewhere in the middle .. You know I find it hard I always tried to find the sane life Somewhere in the middle .. but I don't like the way things are I keep falling to my knees somewhere in the middle of this Cause I´m somewhere in the middle of this

25 Chorus: Tripping hard falling down onto the ground cause I can't stand up and I can't fall down cause I'm somewhere in the middle of this Cause Im somewhere in the middle of this Somewhere in the middle. The end

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