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INGLÊS PROFESSORA VIRGÍNIA NEVES.  Another extraordinary event in Rio de Janeiro, between September 23 and October 2, 2011, in Rock City, Av Salvador.

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3  Another extraordinary event in Rio de Janeiro, between September 23 and October 2, 2011, in Rock City, Av Salvador Allende s / n. (in front of the Riocentro Convention Center), Barra da Tijuca, west of Rio de Janeiro, the Rock in Rio music festival will take place!  Two stages will host the main attractions of the show: one will host important national and international groups. The second, in turn, will facilitate meetings between established artists and new names in Brazilian music.

4  Paralamas do Sucesso, Titas, Elton John, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Milton Nascimento, Shakira, Coldplay, Marcelo D2, Ivete Sangalo, System of a Down, Jota Quest, Guns N 'Roses, are among the main attractions of the festival.  On May 10 the sale of tickets ended for the Official Rock in Rio 2011, after the 600,000 tickets available for the six day festival sold out in just four days!  To get to the concert area, a Rock in Rio bus line has been organized that will leave fans at Terminal City Rock, Rua Abelardo Bueno. It is the closest place possible to the event, as most of the area will be off limits and closed to traffic during the festival.

5  For those arriving from outside Rio de Janeiro and who do not want to miss the event, the most economical and comfortable option is a Bed & Breakfast in Rio de Janeiro that are ever more present in various parts of the city, even in the vicinity of the event.

6  The site of the network Bed & Breakfast Brazil offers all the best B&Bs in Rio de Janeiro. On BBrasil.com you can select and book online easily and securely, the Bed & Breakfast of your choice. You can choose one close to Rock in Rio or a Bed & Breakfast near one of the beautiful beaches of Rio de Janeiro and go to the festival with public transportation for what is considered the largest music festival in the world!B&Bs in Rio de Janeiro BBrasil.com  http://www.bbrasil.com/en/landing/Rock-in- Rio.html

7 A principal finalidade do texto acima é: a) Convidar o público a comprar ingressos para o festival. b) Divulgar as belezas do Rio de Janeiro. c) Após dar dicas sobre o evento, oferecer opções de estadia. d) Orientar as pessoas em relação a como chegar ao evento. e) Contextualizar a história do evento Rock in Rio para os que não o conhecem.


9  Like every American, I'll never forget how I heard the terrible news, on the car radio on my way to work in Chicago. Yet like a lot of younger Americans, our daughters have no memory of that day. Malia was just 3; Sasha was an infant. As they've grown, Michelle and I faced the same challenge as other parents in deciding how to talk with our children about 9/11.

10  One of the things we've told them is that the worst terrorist attack in American history also brought out the best in our country. Firefighters, police and first responders rushed into danger to save others. Americans came together in candlelight vigils, in our houses of worship and on the steps of the U.S. Capitol. Volunteers lined up to give blood and drove across the country to lend a hand. Schoolchildren donated their savings. Communities, faith groups and businesses collected food and clothing. We were united, as Americans.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/11/911-quotes-september- 11_n_955687.html#s355210&title=President_Barack_Obama

11 Do depoimento de Barack Obama sobre o ataque de 11 de setembro pode-se inferir que: a) Ele e a esposa conversaram sobre o incidente com as filhas logo depois do acontecido. b) Na conversa com as filhas, ele e sua esposa ressaltaram os pontos positivos da tragédia. c) As filhas do presidente americano sofreram muito na época do ataque. d) O trauma causado pelo ataque terrorista foi sentido por toda a família Obama naquele momento. e) O presidente pensa que o ataque terrorista destruiu o que de melhor havia no povo americano: a união.

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