A História Transformadora


Apresentações semelhantes
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Power of Story VC Lesson Trainer Notes
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Transcrição da apresentação:

A História Transformadora Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes A História Transformadora Opening Slide Personal Introduction: Share your personal story – family, etc. Then share your passion/heartbeat and how it has lead you to the point at which you are now teaching this material. Darrow Miller Disciple Nations Alliance Last Updated 7/07

Nós Temos Uma História Poderosa Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Nós Temos Uma História Poderosa Methodologies: Object lesson – using the Bible as a book of stories Illustrations: Content: This book is powerful, it has the ability to: Transform individual lives Lift communities out of poverty Build nations What kind of nation will it build? Ela tem a capacidade de: transformar vidas individuais, levantar comunidades da pobreza e construir nações Last Updated 7/07

Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Construindo Nações nações que são livres e não escravizadas, nações que são compassivas e não cruéis. nações que são justas e não corruptas. Methodologies: Object lesson – using the Bible as a book of stories Illustrations: Content: This book is powerful, it has the ability to build nations Nations that are free and not enslaved Nations that are just and not corrupt Nations that are compassionate and not cruel It is not just a spiritual book or only a devotional book. It is a book that contains the Transforming Story What is wrong if nations are not like this – What is wrong is that we have not told the whole story. Last Updated 7/07

Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes A História Bíblica Methodologies: Object lesson – using the Bible as a book of stories Illustrations: Content: The Bible begins in Genesis and where does it end? In Revelations Where does it begin? in a garden – what garden? the Garden of Eden (Gen 1) Where does it end? in a city – the New Jerusalem or the City of God (Rev 21-22) It begins with a first couple – Adam and Eve Where does it end? It ends with another couple. What couple? – Jesus and the Church, His bride The Bible begins and ends as a nuptial (wedding) story. In the beginning it starts with a woman and ends with a woman. Jesus Christ is coming back to get married – incredible. Who is the bride? The Church, Who is the church? We are. Look at each other and tell each other – Jesus is coming back to marry YOU, to marry US!! This is an incredible story – it is the story that people around the world are secretly longing to hear and longing to be true. There is only one story that is true and will bring life, hope and freedom. Aonde começa a nossa história? Aonde termina? Last Updated 7/07

A Ilustração Narrativa Bíblica Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes A Ilustração Narrativa Bíblica Capítulo 1 – Criação Methodologies: Questioning and responsive participation, Object lesson – Use an old book as an illustration. This book represents the Biblical narrative, and, for the sake of the illustration, this book has 12 chapters. Twelve is an arbitrary number – it could be 10 chapters, 15 chapters or any other number, but for this illustration, let’s assume it has 12 chapters. Illustrations: Content: Chapter 1 – The Creation The first chapter of the book is called Creation. Two tasks – fill the earth with people, steward creation. What is the opening line of the biblical story? It begins with what words? “In the beginning” In the beginning what? “God” God did what? “Created” Created what? “The heavens and the earth” “In the beginning, God created” This is the opening line of the biblical narrative and it establishes (creates) the storyline / framework of life. Every culture has a story. Every story has an opening line and every opening line establishes the storyline/framework/backdrop/canvas for the way they live their lives. How has the story begun in your culture? In the west there is a story, it is NOT the biblical story – it is a secular story, a materialistic story and even an atheistic story. This story says “In the beginning . . . ? “nature” The person that wrote this story was Charles Darwin He created a theory of evolution that begins without God It is a very different storyline and a very different story in which to live out life Each culture has a story that explains life. Stories are powerful!! The basic questions in life are answered by our stories. They mold our thinking and shape our behavior, and we live out life according to our story. The opening line of our story is - In the beginning God created . . . This is the opening line of the biblical narrative. This line creates the storyline for the Bible - How did God create – He spoke - Creation came into existence because God spoke - words are very powerful. - They can speak life or death, hope or despair. God spoke creation into existence. The fact that God created the universe by speaking has relevance to our lives today and we’ll see this later in this lesson. What did He create – all things!! And it was GOOD. It was perfect. Gen 1:29 But not finished yet or it was still full of potential. God speaks and creates the universe; man speaks and creates culture which shapes he universe. Man and Woman were created in His image Gen 1:26-27 The Stewardship Mandate, the cultural mandate and the Developmental Mandate This establishes our purpose here – to develop the earth and create godly culture. This is God’s world and not ours. We are His vice-regents to rule in His stead. He puts man in the center of the garden and gives him a task – Be fruitful and multiply and have dominion over creation!! We were to be stewards of His creation. Man has dominion over creation and not the other way (poverty). We are on this planet for a purpose. He put man and woman into creation and then told them to develop the earth. He didn’t simply say, “harvest the garden.” He said, “develop it and fill the earth with the knowledge of God. The first chapter tells us why we are here – to be stewards of God’s creation. Last Updated 7/07

A Ilustração Narrativa Bíblica Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes A Ilustração Narrativa Bíblica Capítulo 1 – Criação Capítulo 2 – A Rebelião Methodologies: Object lesson – Use an old book as an illustration. This book represents the Biblical narrative, and, for the sake of the illustration, this book has 12 chapters. Twelve is an arbitrary number – it could be 10 chapters, 15 chapters or any other number, but for this illustration, let’s assume it has 12 chapters. Illustrations: Content: Chapter 2 – The Rebellion Man and woman rebel against the high King of Heaven. Sin and Death enter into the world Spiritual sin and death – separation from God Physical sin and death Then evil enter into the world Moral evil – stealing, corruption, selfishness, adultery, lust, murder Natural evil – pain in childbirth, weeds in the garden, natural disasters - droughts, floods, earthquakes Relationships are broken, and creation was distorted. Something very important to see here - Hunger and poverty are abnormal – they were never intended, they are a result of the fall and there is something we can do about it. We begin to think that poverty is normal and there is nothing we can do about it. But this is not what God created or intended. It is a result of the Fall. We are NOT to accept it as normal. We are to fight against hunger and poverty. The Church is to fight against it. This is part of why God has created the Church – to stand against the consequences of the Fall – to bring reconciliation and redemption! God placed man in the position to stand against the fall. Man was intended by God to stand against the fall and these evils and He still has given him this task. Last Updated 7/07

A Ilustração Narrativa Bíblica Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes A Ilustração Narrativa Bíblica Capítulo 1 – Criação Capítulo 2 – A Rebelião Capítulos 3-9 – A Missão Methodologies: Group Participation, Object lesson – Use an old book as an illustration. This book represents the Biblical narrative, and, for the sake of the illustration, this book has 12 chapters. Twelve is an arbitrary number – it could be 10 chapters, 15 chapters or any other number, but for this illustration, let’s assume it has 12 chapters. Illustrations: Content: Chapter 3-9 – The Mission God has a Mission!! Read Genesis 12:2-3 God raised up Abraham and blessed him to begin this mission because God is a missionary God. What is this mission? Why did he bless Abraham? What does the Bible say? He was blessed to be a blessing. To bless a few nations? – NO- to ALL nations. God intends to bless all nations – Niger, Tibet, Nepal, Kenya, Lybia, Iran, US, Peru, UK, etc. Why? He cares about nations – There are over 2000 references to the nations throughout the Bible. God has an end purpose for nations and desires for the glory of each nation to be revealed. Notice: Abraham was to be a channel of God’s blessing and NOT a reservoir. The purpose for Abraham’s blessing is not just for Abraham. Many times we think that God’s blessing is just for us. We can be very self-centered and we want God to bless us and bless us and bless us. God’s blessing to Abraham in order that he would be a blessing to all the nations. We are to be externally focused on God’s blessing of others – our churches must be externally focused as well. God’s mission is to see that all nations are blessed. It is not just a mission to save souls for heaven. God raised up Moses to give us the 10 commandments – The Law Why the Law? The Law is the template for living godly lives, but it is not only so the world would know what godliness looks like. It was not just meant for individuals. The Law is the foundation for moral development, but not just moral development. The Law is the foundation for building free and just societies and development of Godly character. Internal development precedes external development We can see people living in countries filled with corruption. The poor are longing for freedom from that corruption. Just societies do not simply fall from the sky. They do not just happen. They are built. I hope you are seeing that the Biblical message is not simply people finding a saving knowledge for themselves. God’s desire is for nations to be transformed. Part of the blessing of Abraham - The Hebrew people (Jews, the nation of Israel) were God’s gift, his blessing to the world. God raised up the prophets – to tell the world His heart and His plan God is working in history to bring about His Mission Last Updated 7/07

A Ilustração Narrativa Bíblica Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes A Ilustração Narrativa Bíblica Capítulo 1 – Creation Capítulo 2 – A Rebelião Capítulos 3-9 – A Missão Capítulo 10 – A Cruz Methodologies: Object lesson – Use an old book as an illustration. This book represents the Biblical narrative, and, for the sake of the illustration, this book has 12 chapters. Twelve is an arbitrary number – it could be 10 chapters, 15 chapters or any other number, but for this illustration, let’s assume it has 12 chapters. Illustrations Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Chapter 10 – The Cross The life, death and resurrection of Jesus – the gospels This is the focal point of the biblical story, and of all of history. This is the main chapter, but it is NOT the whole story. The High King of Heaven sent His only son to earth to die for the rebellious race. (repeat for emphasis) This is backwards (unheard of, crazy, unique)!! It has become so common to us that it no longer shocks us. In many countries of the world we find that pagan gods demand humans to be sacrificed for them. Macupichu story** – an example of where humans were sacrificed. Parents were often required to sacrifice their children to the gods. Old Testament – sacrifice to Molech, In the West, we “sacrifice” our unborn children to the pagan “god of convenience” - abortion. This is not the way of the Living God – His way is totally different, He has done the exact opposite – HE SACRIFICES HIS ONLY SON FOR A REBELLIOUS PEOPLE SO THAT WE CAN HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. What kind of God is this? – An awesome God, an incredible God, a loving God, a compassionate and just God, a sacrificial God. There is no other God like this God!! He sent His son to live the life we could not live (the perfect life) and then to die the death that I deserved (he bore the consequence of my sin, not His, shame, pain– but was the cross the end of the chapter?? No, there was a resurrection!! He rose from the dead. The resurrection marked a new era – up until this time “death” had always won. After this day, after the resurrection – death lost. Christ conquered death!! He overcame death itself. As a human being, Jesus did not want to die. But he overcame the fear of death and said, never the less, not my will but Thine be done. At the Cross Christ had to overcome the fear of death and at resurrection, He overcame death itself. Believers who understand this no longer have to fear death. The early church understood this and lived this. Now there is a new culture. The culture of life because Christ has conquered death. North American culture produces a culture of death – a culture that worships the god of convenience and this culture allows women to kill millions of unborn babies each year. The occult has taken over the video game industry and children do not understand they have given themselves over to the spirit of death, entertainment focuses on death. Rise of Christianity – Rodney Stark** Starks is a sociologist and we are not sure if He is a Christian. The assumption of His book – there is no God and there are no miracles – so how could Christianity rise so quickly in Rome? Rome was a cruel society – if someone was sick they threw them into the street. ‘The Gladiators’ or ‘The Passion of Christ’?** Cruelty was the norm – compassion was a vice During the 2-3 century there where mass epidemics – everyone that could flee Rome did, except one group – which group do you think that is? Christians During the time of the plagues – Christians would bring those with the plague into their homes because they understood they were to love their neighbors and they did not fear death. They opened up their homes to care for the sick, to hold them and to even give their lives to save the physical lives of those who were sick and didn’t know Jesus. Christians were willing to risk their lives – why? Why did they do this? They did not have a fear of death and this translated into saved lives of their pagan neighbors. God is a god of compassion and love, so they demonstrated compassion and love in the midst of a cruel society. Historians have looked at this and said we have never seen people like this before. How could these people (Christians) do this? Stark ends his book by saying the church had a better theology than the Romans and they lived it out. The Word become flesh not only in Christ, but in the lives of the Christians. Last Updated 7/07

A Ilustração Narrativa Bíblica Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes A Ilustração Narrativa Bíblica Capítulo 1 – Criação Capítulo 2 – A Rebelião Capítulos 3-9 – A Missão Capítulo 10 – A Cruz Capítulo 11 – A Tarefa Methodologies: Questioning and responsive participation, Object lesson – Use an old book as an illustration. This book represents the Biblical narrative, and, for the sake of the illustration, this book has 12 chapters. Twelve is an arbitrary number – it could be 10 chapters, 15 chapters or any other number, but for this illustration, let’s assume it has 12 chapters. Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Chapter 11 – The Task Read Matt 28:18-20 After Jesus conquered death, He gathers His followers and gave them (the church, his followers) a task – This was God’s purpose for the Church. Jesus is making a profound announcement, All authority in heaven and in where? (on Earth) All authority has been given to Me –In Heaven and On Earth – Jesus is King of Heaven, but is He also King of Earth? Now? Yes, He is King even now, on earth. He is King in the US, in Africa, in the Middle East – many believers don’t think this way. Illustration** Darrow’s trip to Kyrgyzstan – Immanuel is coming to Kyrgyzstan (illustrates believers that understand the Jesus is King now). Immanuel is coming to _________ (local nations). The Lord’s prayer – thy Kingdom come, thy will be done – WHERE? On earth. Where? In Kenya, in Korea. Next time you pray this, insert your nation, your city . . . . Not just one day when Jesus comes – He has given us a task for now! What is the next word? Therefore . . . What is “therefore” there for? Because Christ is King, here are our marching orders. “Go” – This is not the call of the professional missionary. This is the commission of all Christians, where they are. It is not an imperative to go, but it is an assumption that because He is King and has all authority, as a believer, “as you go” . . . this is your task. Going isn’t the task. What is the task? What are we to do what??? To make disciples This is a call for the body of Christ to engage the world – as you go . . . make disciples. This is the command or imperative – to make disciples Of what?? All Nations Connect this to Gen 12 – here we find the word nation again. God raised up Abraham to bless the nations and God has raised up the church to disciple nations. As we travel around the world and talk with believers, we ask “What is the Great Commission?” the answer we most often hear is to go into all the world preach the gospel, save souls for heaven and plant churches. Yes, this is the beginning of the Great Commission., but it isn’t the end goal of the it. It is part of the Great Commission but it is not all of it. The last 100 years we, his followers, have reduced the GC to saving souls and planting churches – And we have done this very well. We have done what we have set out to do – We live in a generation where there are more churches (large churches) than ever and there are more Christians than any time in history. BUT there has never been more brokenness in the world because we have failed at the task Jesus has given us – our nations are terribly broken. Give some examples – African nations, South America, Asia were there are explosions of growth and even 70- 80% Christians but the poverty or the corruption is immense. Kenya – 80% Christian, with people who are so spiritual they go to two churches, but Kenya is one of the top 3 most corrupt nations of the world – why? Why? Because we have not fulfilled the Great Commission What is the Great Commission – it is nothing less than the discipling of nations – God wants to see nations transformed. We have stopped short of the great commission – to disciple the nation. We have reduced the Great C. to the Greek Commission – saving souls for heaven – it is the beginning, but it is not the end. You can not disciple nations alone by saving souls or planting churches, but you can save souls and plant churches without discipling nations. This is happening all over the world today “If the church does not disciple the nation, the nation will disciple the church!” (Say this a number of times) ** Illustrate through examples of how the nation is discipling the church – corruption, divorce, value of human life, etc. There is no neutral ground – one or the other. Why? Because we have forgotten the whole task. We see this in our nations today – is the church looking more and more like our nation or is the nation looking more and more like the Kingdom of God?? Process Time for small groups – get into groups of 2 or 3 and discuss what you are hearing. What have we been talking about? Last Updated 7/07

A Ilustração Narrativa Bíblica Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes A Ilustração Narrativa Bíblica Capítulo 1 – Criação Capítulo 2 – A Rebelião Capítulos 3-9 – A Missão Capítulo 10 – A Cruz Capítulo 11 – A Tarefa Capítulo 12 – A Volta do Rei Methodologies: Questioning and responsive participation, Object lesson – Use an old book as an illustration. This book represents the Biblical narrative, and, for the sake of the illustration, this book has 12 chapters. Twelve is an arbitrary number – it could be 10 chapters, 15 chapters or any other number, but for this illustration, let’s assume it has 12 chapters. Illustrations: Content: Chapter 12 – The Return of the King or The Wedding The King is returning!!! Why? He is returning to get married. Rev 19:7 At the end of the story there is going to be a wedding. Who is He marrying? The church – who is the church – us!! From Gen to Rev God through His word reveals His heart for the nations Rev 21:23-26 tells us about the coming into the new Jerusalem. No need for lights (illumination), gates (protection) – what are the kings of nations bringing to this celebration? The glory of the nations will be brought to the throne. Who is getting married? Part of a Hebrew wedding is a wedding feast. Every wedding has guests who bring what? What are those gifts? The Kings of the earth will be bringing gifts to the wedding. Remember when Jesus was born – who came – 3 Kings, with 3 unique gifts from their nations. What were the three gifts? – now all the Kings will come. This was at his birth Similar to the 3 kings who visit Jesus bearing gifts of their nations – in the end it won’t be only 3 kings. It will be the kings of ALL the nations. We have said, God has an interest in nations. His interest is not limited to individuals, he is also interested in nations. What will the unique gift from your nation be? What are some of the gifts, the glory of the nations that we see? Give examples that you have seen** – Guatemala – fabric colors, Ethiopia – Coffee, Uganda – worship? What are the gifts or the glory of your nation? What will you be offering at the wedding feast. This is the end of the story. It is a powerful story Last Updated 7/07

Nós Temos Uma História Poderosa Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Nós Temos Uma História Poderosa Qual é o problema? Nós não contamos toda a história. Methodologies: Dramatization, Object lesson – Take the book and rip out a section of the book representing Chapter 10 and throw the book away. Place Chapter 10 into another book representing the gospel being put into a cultural story. Finally, return Chapter 10 into the original book making the point that we must tell the whole story. Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: But we have a Problem— we have not been telling the whole storyy We must tell the whole story! It is God’s story. It is a powerful story. It can transform individual lives, lift communities out of poverty and it is able to build nations, nations that are free and not enslaved, compassionate and not cruel and just and not corrupt. The problem is – We are not telling the whole story. For the past 100 years, we have only been telling part of the story and we have taken the gospels (Chapter 10) and we have ripped them out of the book. We say that the gospels are the whole story. (rip out part of the book and throw the book away) The gospels are not the whole story, they are the most important part of the story, but they are not the whole story. The Bible does not begin with John 3:16 – where does it begin? Gen 1:1 What we’ve done is to take the gospels and we put it into someone’s story. In America – we take the gospels out of the book and place it into another book – into a materialistic book with a materialistic storyline. “Come to Jesus and he will bless you, he will provide all your needs, he will prosper all that you do.” What is this? It is materialism. In Africa, they place it into an Animistic storyline, they now understand the gospel in the context of an animistic storyline. The most evangelized content, still remains broken, impoverished, full of corruption and disease in India they place it into a Hindu storyline . . . We are not telling the whole story. Illustrations** - Darrow’s example of the village where the church has been for 20 years, but people are living in desperation. This doesn’t evidence the whole good news story. Give an example of a scene you’ve experienced where you have seen the evidence of not telling the whole story, but where souls have been saved and churches have been planted, but transformation has not taken place. Chapter 10 will get people saved for heaven, but if you want to see people’s lives transformed and communities lifted from poverty and nations that are just and free, we have to tell the whole story. We must retrieve the book and put the gospels back into the whole story. What we need to do is to return the gospels to the Book – to God’s story and we need to tell the whole story. We need to be people of the Book, of God’s Kingdom Book. It is His book and He wrote it all for His people. (return Chapt 10 to the book) We have a story to tell to the nations – it is a powerful story. It is the story they long to hear, but we need to tell the whole story. Group response – what are you hearing? What are the implications of what we are saying? Where do you see this in your country? In your church? Get the groups to respond with short statements. Last Updated 7/07

Discussão de Grupo Pequeno Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Discussão de Grupo Pequeno O que você está ouvindo? Aonde você vê isso acontecendo na sua igreja, seu país e em…? Quais são as implicações daquilo que estamos discutindo? Methodologies: Small Group Discussion Illustrations: Content: Have people break into groups of 4-5 to discuss the following questions. Last Updated 7/07

A Natureza da Bíblia Largura e Profundidade Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes A Natureza da Bíblia Largura e Profundidade Largura CRIAÇÃO: No Início CONSUMAÇÃO: A Volta de Cristo REDENÇÃO QUEDA Eternidade Futuro Antes do Início Methodologies: Visual Image Illustrations: Darrow – working for Food for the Hungry and the work in Bolivia The staff was confused because of their theology Content: We have been looking at the Transforming Story There is breadth of the Biblical Story The Big Picture of the Story The breadth of the story is the flow of History – the chapters – 4 key parts – creation, fall, redemption, consummation (not just the return of Christ – a day to wait for. Consummation refers to God being at work in history and when He returns, all He has been working toward will be completed) We must teach all of this to our people) Our story also has a depth of the story – we can call this the worldview of the Bible. We have to teach the depth of these stories – it sets the framework for truth. This is where the basic questions in life are answered in the Transforming story: Who we are? Where do we come from? What are we here for? All cultures have stories that answer these basic questions, but they all answer them very differently than the Biblical understanding. The depth of the story is the weightiness of the story – the metaphysical story The bible tells us what is true, what is good, what is beautiful What is the nature of God, the nature of creation, the nature of man These are parts of the story that we have neglected and are ignorant of. Profundidade A Grande História* * A História do Significado: o que é verdade, o que é bom, o que é bonito Last Updated 7/07

A História da Cosmovisão Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes A História da Cosmovisão Realidade Final Homem Natureza História Animismo Methodologies: Visual Image Illustrations: Content: Give some examples of stories other than the biblical story and how they confuse truth with lies Animists – everything has a spirit – the world is full of spirits – these spirits must be appeased or they will get you. Secularists – there is no God – this creates a totally different story The Bible – a different beginning and therefore a different story. We have not understood the significance of worldview and how it impacts our society. Some don’t care because they believe the only thing that matters is saving souls for heaven, but God seems to be sharing His broken heart for the poverty, injustice and brokenness of our world with many and it bothers them that when people get saved, things don’t change. Teísmo Bíblico Secularismo Last Updated 7/07

Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Homem é feito na Imagem de Deus Uma Alma, um Coração e uma Mente Viventes Methodologies: Visual Image, Question Asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: What is Man? How many of you have been taught Darwinism? This is the new story – in this view what is man – nature, an animal – a monkey Remember the charts of the evolution of man? Blob, water life, monkey, aborigines, blacks, Europeans, Blonde Secularism - What does the materialistic, secularistic west tell us about man – He has a mouth and stomach; he is a consumer of resources, an animal,– a physical reality. Man has no spirit or soul. Life is about consumption. The whole western society is shaped by this way of thinking. Animism - What does the Asian, African, tribal animistic story believe about who man is – man is a spirit. Everything is inhabited by spirits and man is just a spirit a ghost. What does the Biblical story tell us about who man is? A creation made in the image of God. This will produce a very interesting story – we are made in His image. Let’s read Genesis 1:26-27 Last Updated 7/07

Nós Somos Feitos Como Deus Gênesis 1:27 Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Nós Somos Feitos Como Deus Gênesis 1:27 Methodologies: Group interaction questioning and reinforcement – turn to one another and say . . . Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Read Gen 1:26-27 What was God’s pattern? A monkey? No - Himself What does that mean about who man is – more than just a consumer and more than just a spirit. What does it mean to be made in the image of God – are we teaching this in the church – if we aren’t, they are learning it in their culture. What are our churches telling people about what it means to be created in the image of God. Turn to one another and say – you are made in the image of God. This is a profound announcement! Two different sets of glasses – if man is just an animal, how do you treat him? Like a monkey. Biblical worldview – man is made in the image of God – then how do you treat him? Each person is significant!! Give examples of people who understand what it means to be made in the image of God How would we look at children? Dogs, mouths. Education – fill children with knowledge and train him, Biblically – how do bring the unique potential out of each child – draw out all that God has placed in them. Illustrations** - Stories were people are and are not seen as image bearers. In Brazil some will kill the street children because they are problematic, so they just kill a bunch to decrease the number of them. They are treating them like cats and dogs, not people made in the image of God. Darrow – Brazil children in the garbage dump and the ministry that teaches them – Girls are raped at the age of puberty. They don’t see them as girls who are made in God’s image, with purpose and creative. We must see them with potential, purpose, gifts, talents to be nurtured and encouraged and developed. Dance in their feet and songs in their hearts. Brazil church** – never considered doing special things for the children. Terri Schivo** - She is made in God’s image with great potential. Degradation of the sacredness of life vs the quality of life. How will this change the way we relate to one another? Criou Deus, pois, o homem à sua imagem, à imagem de Deus o criou; homem e mulher os criou. Last Updated 7/07

Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes FILHOS NÃO ORDINÁRIOS! Todo filho tem um nome, uma paixão, uma história, e um lugar na história. Não existem filhos ordinários. Dr. Elizabeth Youmans, Chrysalis International info@chrysalisinternational.org Methodologies: Quote, Storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Read the quote: Introduce Elizabeth Youmans and her ministry in education of children.** A child is born with the idea that a child’s mind is empty and must be filled up – the educational system Elizabeth says a child is born in the image of God – they are not born empty. They are born full of potential for: Reason Creativity Beauty Therefore our education should not try to fill them, but draw out of them the potential that already resides there What is your education system like? What is Christian education like? Is it really biblical or just secular with some bible classes? There are no ordinary children!! God is working in your nation – to bring Him to Himself. Each one is made for a purpose How can we see the potential and draw it out? How do we see others? – children, poor, handicapped, elderly, other tribes, colors, etc? Can we see that they are more than consumers, spirits, but an image of their creator. Each one has a name, a story, a purpose. That story has very significant consequences. Last Updated 7/07

Nós Somos Co-Criadores Com Deus Gênesis 1:26 Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Nós Somos Co-Criadores Com Deus Gênesis 1:26 Também disse Deus, “Façamos o homem à nossa imagem, conforme a nossa semelhança, tenha ele domínio sobre os peixes do mar, sobre as aves dos céus, sobre os animais domésticos, sobre toda a terra e sobre todos os répteis que rastejam pela terra.” Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Notice this does not say – “Let me make man in my image” If it said that, what great religion of the world would it be? Islam It doesn’t say that – it says OUR What does that mean? There is community before the world began He is making US in THEIR image – He was making community One man can not fulfill the complete picture of what it means to have community. Not even male and male. We are also co-creators with God God didn’t just tell man to maintain what God made – he put man in the garden and told him to be creative – create ideas, write songs, paint masterpieces, build things, dance, why? Because we are made in his image. “God speaks and creates the universe, Man speaks and creates culture.” Last Updated 7/07

Criou Homem e Mulher Gênesis 1:27 Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Criou Homem e Mulher Gênesis 1:27 Methodologies: Large group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Read Genesis 1:27 again replacing male and female with male and male. Is that what it says? Didn’t God just make man in his image and woman is just a help mate? No, that is not what the bible says – why? Being made in the image of God – God says lets make man in OUR image. This represents the presence of community – making male and female in his image – both Genesis 1:26 Male and Female – another completely unique aspect of our story – male and female, he created them. Do you see the significance of this statement? Men and women together are created in His image!! There is dignity in being female – we are created in his image. There is differences in males and females, and we are to celebrate these difference because together they reflect the image of God – they are equally valued, but different. The lie that says that men are superior to women is one of the major causes of poverty in our world today. This lie is furthered in every culture. This lie is spelled POVERTY Illustrations** Korea – Nom jab nobi.** Men are high and women are low. What is life like for women where this is believed? India** – A man who sins greatly will come back in the next life will come back as a woman, women must suffer greatly to become a man in the next life. Wedding night **– drink the water of cleaning her husbands feet. When there is not enough dowry money, kitchen accidents, at birth, sati. Rwanda **– Real men beat their wives Kenya** – (one tribe) we don’t have a word for women so we call her tool. There are 100 million missing women in the world today – China, India, Africa, America The lie that women have to become like men (work in the same jobs and wear the same clothes and do the same things) to have dignity is also a lie. We must bring good news into our communities – God created us in His image – male and female. If you want to see your nation transformed and poverty eliminated – we have to change the story that is being believed and lived out. We need to tell the whole story. Criou Deus, pois, o homem à sua imagem, à imagem de Deus o criou; homem e mulher os criou. Last Updated 7/07

Nomeando os Animais Gênesis 2:19 Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Nomeando os Animais Gênesis 2:19 Havendo, pois, o SENHOR Deus formado da terra todos os animais do campo e todas as aves dos céus, trouxe-os ao homem, para ver como este lhes chamaria; e o nome que o homem desse a todos os seres viventes, esse seria o nome deles. Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Naming the Animals – Gen w:19 Why does God have Adam name all the animals? God says He will call them by the name that Adam gives to them. What kind of God is this? God even gives us the ability to have children and allows us to name them and He calls them by that name!!! Last Updated 7/07

Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes A História está a Caminho de Algum Lugar Se Movendo na Direção do Reino de Deus Methodologies: Visual Image, Song Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Where is History Going? Three different stories: Animism - Life is going around in a circle, life is on the wheel. Nothing ever changes, or another word is fatalism - We are poor and we always will be poor, there is nothing we can do about it. This is your destiny. Whole nations think this way. They believe history is something that happens to you. People are paralyzed in their situation. Spanish culture – que sera sera – whatever will be will be ** Islam – En shala** Peruvian flag** - Tree (potential), llama (ranching potential), silver/gold (mineral potential) – did the person who designed this think Peru is poor? Why do you believe it? Secularism - Time is running out We don’t believe in the after life. This is all there is – this life. Time is running out. If time is running out and if we are consumers, what is the purpose of life? Eat drink and be merry because tomorrow you die. Look at all the images we see: TV, advertisement, books, entertainment, pleasure, luxury and toys – what is the message of the purpose of life. Have a party today because this is all it is. We are just consumers. This is a secular story. Biblical - A very different story History is going somewhere It is something you make There is a purpose in life and History – God is moving nations and people toward the coming of Jesus History is something you make – it isn’t just something that happens to you! Do we see this fatalistically? No, reinforce the force of the flow of history and the reason this is significant. There is a play unfolding and we have a significant role to play in the process (consummations) of where history is going. We are to advance the Kingdom of God We are nation builders / disciplers Last Updated 7/07

Você Faz A História! Jeremias 5:1 Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Você Faz A História! Jeremias 5:1 Dai voltas às ruas de Jerusalém; vede agora, procurai saber, buscai pelas suas praças a ver se achais alguém, se há um homem que pratique a justiça ou busque a verdade; e eu lhe perdoarei a ela. Methodologies: Dramatic Question asking – How many people was God looking for? Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: What is God looking for? Read Jeremiah 5:1 God wants to redeem Israel – what is he looking for? 10,000 people? No 1,000 people? No 1 person Yes, The Bible says God is looking for one person and with one person He can change the destiny of the city God doesn’t need 10,000 people to change history. He only needs one person. God has made you to change history Helen’s story** - burned with oil, brother wouldn’t allow the doctor to amputate her arms. He changed the course of her life. My friends – You are history makers. History is not something that happens to you – it is something you make. Wilber Wilberforce** – Amazing Grace movie Story of a young man at 21 who was elected to the English parliament At 24 he became a Christian At 27 he wrote in his diary he received God’s call on his life – to bring an end to slavery How many of you are older than 27? How old do you have to be to make a difference? What are the evils of your nation? This was a giant evil of his nation – the economic situation depended on slavery He was standing against the whole nation. He fought for the emancipation of slaves for 43 years – one man Three days before his death, he received a note that parliament passed the bill to emancipate slaves. What has God made you for? The Bible says you were made to make history – it may be for one person, your family, a community or maybe it if for your nation. What is your call – God, what have you made me for? What injustice do you want me to stand against? Are you ready to hear his call? Last Updated 7/07

Deus Usa As Pequenas Pessoas Eclesiastes 9:14-16 Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Deus Usa As Pequenas Pessoas Eclesiastes 9:14-16 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Read Eccl 9:14-16 One man – one poor man with wisdom God will use poor people to change the course of history What was this man’s name – no one remembers except God What if people in your church understood that God could use them to change the destiny of their city Two Stories Helen** – FH staff in Rwanda that got burned by putting fresh oil in a lamp. Brother saved her arms – she does data entry for FH now. He changed history for my life. William Wilberforce** - how many of you know this man’s name. Lived in England during the time of slavery. Graduated at 21 and was elected to the House of Commons at 24 he became a Christian, at 27 he received the call of God to fight the evil of slavery. Alone in this process. His political party said, don’t rock the boat. 3 nights before Wilberforce died, he got word that parliament passed the laws to abolish slavery. One man!! History is something you make! Houve uma pequena cidade em que havia poucos homens; veio contra ela um grande rei, sitiou-a e levantou contra ela grandes baluartes. Last Updated 7/07

Deus Usa As Pequenas Pessoas Eclesiastes 9:14-16 Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Deus Usa As Pequenas Pessoas Eclesiastes 9:14-16 Encontrou-se nela um homem pobre, porém sábio, que a livrou pela sua sabedoria; contudo, ninguém se lembrou mais daquele pobre. Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Last Updated 7/07

Deus Usa As Pequenas Pessoas Eclesiastes 9:14-16 Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Deus Usa As Pequenas Pessoas Eclesiastes 9:14-16 Então, disse eu: “Melhor é a sabedoria do que a força”, ainda que a sabedoria do pobre é desprezada, e as suas palavras não são ouvidas. Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Last Updated 7/07

O Universo é um Sistema Aberto Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes O Universo é um Sistema Aberto Methodologies: Visual Image Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: What is the nature of the universe? Animism– What is important is the spiritual realm. This world is passing away and it isn’t that important. So we don’t need to take care of it Secularism– There is no spiritual realm. This world is all there is. By definition, resources are physical things that are in the ground – the box around the globe. Resources are finite by definition. Here is the dilemma – if humans are primarily mouths and we have more and more people on the planet and resources are finite, what is the problem – over population. Too many mouths to feed for the resources. Thomas Mouthus – resources if they grow, grow by addition. But populations grow by multiplication. Biblical Theism – the Bible says something very different The bible - how did God create – by speaking Words are powerful (reinforcing back) There is only two limitations of resources: Human imagination Lack of moral stewardship Last Updated 7/07

Criado pela Sua Palavra Salmo 33:9 Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Criado pela Sua Palavra Salmo 33:9 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Read Psalm 33:9 How did God create? He spoke, He commanded He created by His spoken word Read Hebrews 1:3 All things are sustained by powerful His word Pois ele falou, e tudo se fez; ele ordenou, e tudo passou a existir. Last Updated 7/07

A Mente Controla A Matéria Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes A Mente Controla A Matéria (E não o inverso) Hebreus 11:3 Methodologies: Large Group Bible Exploration, Storytelling, Question Asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Read Hebrews 11:3 “Mind controls matter” – Here we see a fundamental principle – what is it??? Wait for response. The principle is that the invisible produces the visible. Secularism says resources are limited and are in the ground. Theism says resources come from the mind and are a product of creativity. Illustrations – True Stories Israel** – forest in the desert and two perspectives of this land. Gila Garaway** – Messianic Jew leading Burundian pastors on a tour in Israel and come to Bethlehem and see trees growing in the desert and are dumbfounded by it and ask Gila about it. We have dark fertile soil in our nation, but how can trees grow out of sand. Gila – God has given every people in the world a land and when He returns, he will ask, what have you done with the land I have given you. He gave the Jews a desert.** What will you say when he asks about your nation? The key is your people and their story? What do the people of your nation believe? Singapore** – they can’t even make water – what was this rich nation built on? Sand** – Silicone – Computer chip. No value to thousands of dollars – How did sand become valuable? What happened so that something that had no value became something with great value – human imagination. We are made in the image of God. The greatest source of resources are you – what is in your mind can be created!! Do your people know the whole story? A framework for understanding their lives, they are not poor, They are made in the image of God They are not stuck, they are history makers and They do not need outside resources, God has given them the greatest resource – the resource of their mind which was made in the image of God. We must tell the whole story. Pela fé, entendemos que foi o universo formado pela palavra de Deus, de maneira que o visível veio a existir das coisas que não aparecem. Last Updated 7/07

Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Aplicação Qual parte da história você não está contando? Largura – Algum dos “capítulos” da nossa História Bíblica? Profundidade – Algum dos maiores tópicos discutidos? Qual parte da história transformadora a sua cultura está ansiando por ouvir? Methodologies: Application Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Personal Application – Reflect on the following questions, what is one simple step you can take to begin telling aspects of the Transforming Story that you have not been telling? Reference Take Aways Page at the end of the participant notebook. Thoughts, God’s words and action plans Last Updated 7/07

A História Transformadora Transforming Story - VC Lesson Trainer Notes A História Transformadora Methodologies: Dramatic close Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Story of the Nepalese man who heard this message and drew this picture.** Is this good news for your country? YES. Then we need to teach the whole story. We have a story to tell the nations !!! It is a powerful story It is God’s story! It is a powerful story because . . . it has the ability to transform individual lives, it also has the ability to lift communities out of poverty and it also has the ability to build nations – nations that are free and not enslaved, nations that are compassionate and not cruel. nations that are just and not corrupt. Let’s tell the whole story!!! Darrow Miller Disciple Nations Alliance Last Updated 7/07