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IMMIGRANTS IN SÃO PAULO What foreign professionals have to say about living in the largest city of Brazil International Metropolis Conference, Tampere,

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1 IMMIGRANTS IN SÃO PAULO What foreign professionals have to say about living in the largest city of Brazil International Metropolis Conference, Tampere, Finland, 2013. Gildal Amaral-PUC-SP

2 SÃO PAULO The second most populous metropolis in the Americas with about 20.000.000 people. The financial capital of Brazil: It hosts the Brazilian Stock Exchange (BOVESPA), the 4th largest market in the world, trading more than U$ 3,5 billion per day. Over 60% of international companies in Brazil are headquartered in São Paulo. São Paulo has the largest concentration of German Business worldwide and the largest Swedish hub alongside Gothenburg. A CEO or Director can earn up to U$620.000 per year.


4 CULTURAL ASPECT It is estimated that São Paulo has the world's third largest population of Italians, the largest population of Japanese outside of Japan, the third largest population of Lebanese inhabitants, and the largest populations of Portuguese and Spanish people. Embracing its cosmopolitan community, evidence of São Paulo’s many cultures can be seen throughout the city. Research conducted by the University of São Paulo (USP) shows the city's high ethnic diversity: when asked if they are "descendants of foreign immigrants", 81% of the students reported "yes". The main reported ancestries were: Italian (30.5%), Portuguese (23%), Spanish (14%), Japanese (8%), German (5.6%), African (2.8%), Arab (2.4%) and Jewish (1.2%).


6 Temporary Work Authorization 23385 26873 41271 40460 53441 66690 64682

7 Countries2010201120121ºtri 2013 USA7519993689552041 Philipines6559779751761022 UK3821486143041080 India324842434221875 Germany284530793505715 China215423622891532 Italy200721112610546 France160020152128545 Spain123415781682582 Portugal65112431698597 Others2171627366274125831 Total53441666906468214366 Main Countries of Origin

8 PROFESSION2009201020112012 Technicians or specialists in machinery and equipments (1 year) 13371152061773815554 Sportmen and Artists661784701200111408 Technicians (90 days)580680281071512851 Professionals that bring technological cooperation 3238423255407139 Professionals with work contract (2 years): Managers, presidents and directors. 2460352146155832 Workers in oil platform8354128381451210336 Others614114615691562

9 Countries2010201120121ºtri 2013 Portugal167468848197 China37349060877 USA38648050380 France31336343287 Spain218314471118 Germany182219215280 Japan17322333061 Mexico19522126653 Italy15519231058 India6711918256 Others129215261667280 Total3521461558321120 HIGH SKILLED IMMIGRANTS

10 The country of origin of the high-skilled immigrants

11 Education level: 88% have higher education Education2009201020112012 Bachelor Degree1961281531963984 Masters/Phd1132678561050 High-School378426443769 Not Informed81312029 Total2460352146155832

12 What immigrants say about SP Advantages: Excellent Working Opportunities: (high salaries, plan of career and consumer market is big) Cultural Diversity Good weather in Brazil Trips around Brazil Friendly people Entertainment Disadvantages: Idiom Bureaucracy to obtain a work visa High living costs Poor public services

13 NEW RULES FOR IMMIGRATION POLICY  The applicant (company or individual) has to attach all relevant documentation to the National Immigration Council by digital media. And all information about the immigrant will be saved in an unique electronic register.  After 2 years with temporary work visa, it becomes permanent automatically.  Work Visa for Post-Graduate students. (enrolled in an academic institution abroad) Ex: Summer jobs.  Workers don’t require a new work visa if they change their job in the same profession.  Possibility that the dependents of immigrants who have a job opportunity can also apply for temporary work visas.

14 MAIN POINTS TO EASE THE ADAPTATION IN SÃO PAULO 1.SPEAK PORTUGUESE: Latin americans, Portugueses and Spanish adapt easier than the others. 2.Know something about the country: Professionals who have brazilian friends, married to brazilians or have been to Brazil on holidays adapt easier. 3.Know the business culture of Brazilians: In general Brazilians talk about personal matters during a meeting.

15 MANUAL FOR THE BUSINESS MEETING When Brazilians say:Brazilians understand:Foreigners understand: Be CalmThere is a problemGreat! The problem was solved At the end, everything is okThings are bad but we need to calm him/her. Good! There is a solution! If God wishes we will do that We will do thatJust if God wishes????? I hope you come to my party this weekend Let’s help him to adapt here. But he barely knows me.....? Sorry for my delay, the traffic jam....... Ok. No problemJust excuses...blablabla I have a joke.......blablablabla Let’s break the ice and we finalize the business. Oh no a joke in the middle of the meeting grrrrrr Very nice proposal. Tomorrow I will give you an answer! The prices are high! No chances! Our proposal was accepted!

16 Experiences in São Paulo "In the first three months, I thought, ' I will never learn that. Hence learned four words: football, weather, transit and wife. I talked a lot with the taxi drivers and they just talk about these four themes ", says the Executive. Months later, in an internal meeting, I thought I had the command of the language, I replied to a sneeze of an employee: "Saudade!“( I miss you in portuguese). The scene, of course, earned a few minutes of laughs. "After that, I lost the embarrassment of talking about things wrongly.” ( Robert Schermes, Dutch, Marketing Director at Unilever) “ I have been to Brazil on holidays several times because my wife is brazilian. I had no problems to adapt here. With the crisis of 2008, doing business got more complicated in France. And at the same time I saw Brazil with better working opportunities. I like the sea, sun, heat, food and music in Brazil, so everything gets easier” (Frédéric Armand, French, Investor, owner of an art gallery in SP) “Since I graduated, always worked in project management for construction. I was just waiting for an opportunity like this. I spent my honeymoon here and I always sympathized with the country. I like the weather, the people, cuisine, music and now with the economic stability that the country enjoys and with great prospects for growth, had no doubt to come work and live here with my family. “ (José Filipe Belo, Engineer, Director at Afaplan in SP)

17 “I had no problems to adapt in São Paulo. There are many italian restaurants here and paulistas understand my Italian very well. I am not only satisfied with my job and salary but I also enjoy the weekends knowing beautiful parts of the country.” (Rosario Canata, Italian, economist, manager of an oil company) “In 2008, I chose to come to São Paulo because, without doubt, It is the financial city of South America. Do what I like, earn well and I always liked Brazil, its people, its culture. I am completely adapted. Beyond the financial aspect, I have ties with Brazil because of my childhood here. I intend to continue for quite a while.“ (Gonçalo Avilez, Potuguese, Marketing Director at Salesengine)


19 BRASIL: INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS BRASIL: 巴西 POPULAÇÃO: 190.732.694 milhões de habitantes 人口: 190.732.694 居民 SUPERFÍCIE TERRITORIAL: 8.5 milhões de km2 土地面积: 8.5 百万平方公里 COSTA: 7491 km ALTITUDE 海拔 : Mínima Oceano Atlantico / Máximo Pico da Neblina (3012 m) PAÍSES DE FRONTEIRA 边界的国家 :Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Guiana Francesa, Guiana, Paraguai, Peru, Suriname, Uruguai, Venezuela (praticamente todos os países da América do Sul) CAPITAL: Brasília 首都:巴西利亚国 NOME OFICIAL: República Federativa do Brasil 巴西联邦共和国 NACIONALIDADE: brasileira 国籍:巴西人 IDIOMAS: português (oficial) 语言:葡萄牙语(官方) CLIMA: Semi ‐ tropical 气候:半热带 MOEDA: Real ( R$ ) (Taxa cambial em relação ao Dolar = R$ 1,00 = 2,0302 em 23/07) FUSO HORÁRIO EM RELAÇÃO À CHINA: 11 HORAS 巴西时间比中国时间晚 11 小时

20 PLANTA CPIC: INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS ENDEREÇO CPIC BRASIL: CPIC 巴西地址: Rodovia Campinas Tietê, SP 101 Km 40,5 Zip Code 13.360 ‐ 000 Capivari / SP Telefone 电话 : 00 + 55 (19) 3492 ‐ 9000 Presidente 总经理 : Adriana Nobre Rubo Vice Presidente 总经理 : Mr. Zhou Bin Gerente Projeto Reforma 2012 冷修项目经理 : Marcos Renosto : Telefone 00 +55 (19) 3492 ‐ 9040 Gerente Recursos Humanos 人力资源部经理 : Cynthia Ferreira: Telefone 00 +55 (19) 3492 ‐ 9015 Localização: Capivari 地置:距离 Guarulhos( 圣保罗 ) 机杨 2 小时 30 分钟 A planta situada em Capivari fica em torno de 2 h e 30 minutos o aeroporto de Guarulhos (São Paulo).

21 ORGANIZAÇÃO PARA VIAGEM 出国前准备 ANTES DE VIAJAR: 出国前: Dirija ‐ se a um serviço médico para verificar a situação de vacinas obrigatórias para entrar no Brasil. Normalmente, o serviço médico dará as informações de vacinas necessárias. 进入巴西检查需要注的疫苗。通常,医疗服务将提供必要的资料,及接种疫苗。 Checar a reserva do bilhete aéreo (no. de voo, data embarque, tempo de chegada (2 horas de antecedência) no aeroporto para o embarque; 检查机票(号航班起飞时间,约算抵达机场时间(提前 2 小时 ); Checar se seu passaporte tem validade superior a 6 meses após a data de prevista de retorno à China; 检查您的护照有效期是超过六个月 Chegar seus documentos pessoais e documentos que comprovem o seu vínculo de trabalho com a CPIC CHINA (se você for colaborador da CPIC CHINA) ou com a empresa que está prestando serviço à CPIC CHINA/CPIC BRASIL. 准备好您个人文件和证件。 AO CHEGAR EM SÃO PAULO – AEROPORT O DE GUARULHOS Ajuda no aeroporto: Estará a disposição no aeroporto um micro ônibus para trazê ‐ lo até a planta de Capivari. 到达机杨会以小巴士到 CPIC 公司‐ Capivari.

22 MEDICINA OCUPACIONAL: EXAMES ADMISSIONAIS & LEGISLAÇÃO TRABALHISTA DO BRASIL 职业医学:巴西的劳动法 Para trabalhar no Brasil, a legislação trabalhista exige a realização de exames laboratoriais específicos e o ASO (atestado de saúde ocupacional) admissional. 在巴西工作,劳动法规定的特定检验和 ASO (职业卫生认证 ) 。 Esta legislação aplica ‐ se à toda e qualquer pessoa que trabalhe em solo brasileiro, inclusive estrangeiros. Em função disso, no dia seguinte à chegada na planta de Capivari, todos os colaboradores Chineses farão o Programa de Integração que contemplará os seguintes assuntos: 这项立法用于任何人只要是在巴西的土地上,包括外国人。因此,第一天抵达 Capivari 后,来自中国的技术人员将 需要以下项目及安 全讲习的配合:  Recursos Humanos; 人力资源部  Medicina Ocupacional; 体检  Segurança do Trabalho; 工作安全  Diretrizes do Projeto Reforma. 冷修项目准则 Com relação à Medicina Ocupacional, todos os colaboradores Chineses deverão fazer os exames laboratoriais e clínicos. Os exames laboratoriais, consistem na coleta de sangue. Para isso, a coleta será feita individualmente no AMBULATÓRIO MÉDICO DA CPIC BRASIL e é necessário que cada colaborador faça jejum (não comer e beber absolutamente nada) 12 horas antes da coleta de sangue. Logo após a coleta, cada colaborador passará pela avaliação clínica e ergonômica do Médico do Trabalho da CPIC Brasil no próprio AMBULATÓRIO MÉDICO. 来自中国的人员,将接受血液检验,请使采血前空腹, 12 小时 前不进食和喝的。

23 DICAS ÚTEIS: ALGUMAS FRASES EM PORTUGUÊS 葡萄牙语实用词 Saudações: 问候 Bom dia!! 早上好 Boa tarde 下午好 Boa noite 晚上好 Oi 嗨 ! Tchau 再见 Tudo bem? 你一切好吗 ? Como vai? 你好吗 Vou bem obrigado (masculino) obrigada (feminino) 我很好,谢谢您。 Até logo 等会见 No restaurante: 在餐厅 O cardápio, por favor 菜单 Café da manhã 早餐 Tomar café da manhã 吃早餐 O almoço / almoçar 午餐 A Janta / jantar 晚餐 A sobremesa 甜点 As verduras 蔬菜 Legumes 青菜 Carne 肉类 Frango 鸡肉 Carne de porco 猪肉 Suco 果汁 Água 水 Chá 茶 Perguntar seu caminho: 问路 O Sr. (a Sra.) sabe onde fica…? 先生(女士)知道此地方。.. ? Onde é a estação rodoviária? 巴士站在哪里? Tem uma farmácia perto daqui? 这里附近有药店吗? Onde é o hospital? 医院在哪里? À esquerda 左边 À direita 右边 Em frente 前面 Por trás 后面 Dobrar, virar 折叠,转


25 Metal Vidro Papel Plástico 金属 玻璃 纸 塑胶 Meio Ambiente 环境

26 BIBLIOGRAPHY ALMEIDA, Daniela. Eles já estão entre nós: as dificuldades que os estrangeiros no Brasil não contam. Revista Época Negócios. Ed.Globo. 9 ago.2013 AMEIDA, Daniela. You say yes, I say no: Preparamos um manual para estrangeiros e brasileiros se entenderem. Revista Época Negócios. Ed.Globo. 9 ago.2013 EXECUTIVO brasileiro ganha mais que americano, come mal e confessa que mente; veja dados. Especial Executivos São Paulo. Folha de São Paulo, 27 jul. 2013. MINISTÉRIO DO TRABALHO E EMPREGO. Base Estatística Geral – Detalhamento das autorizações concedidas em 2012. Conselho Nacional de Imigração. Brasília, 2012. 19 pgs.

27 MINISTÉRIO DO TRABALHO E EMPREGO. Política Migratória Brasileira. Conselho Nacional de Imigração. Brasília, 2013. 23pgs PROGRAMA DE INTEGRAÇÃO – CPIC BRASIL. Seminário apresentado na Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 4.jul.2013 São Paulo. The Sunday Times. Available at http://bcg.thetimes.co.uk/South_America/Brazil/Sao_Paulo#/ South_America/Brazil/Sao_Pauloeconomy http://bcg.thetimes.co.uk/South_America/Brazil/Sao_Paulo#/ South_America/Brazil/Sao_Pauloeconomy SASSEN, Saskia. The Global Cities: New York, London, Tokyo. Princeton University Press, Second Edition,1998 ZAIA,C.,FREIRE,R. A invasão de executivos estrangeiros. Isto É Dinheiro. Economia. São Paulo, ano 15 n.752 p.66-72, mar.2012.

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