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Telma Xavier nº 50502 Iconografia13/05/2016.  Santa Brígida da Irlanda  Nasceu a: 451 d.c.  Morreu a : 1 de Fevereiro de 523 d.c.  Não se sabe ao.

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Apresentação em tema: "Telma Xavier nº 50502 Iconografia13/05/2016.  Santa Brígida da Irlanda  Nasceu a: 451 d.c.  Morreu a : 1 de Fevereiro de 523 d.c.  Não se sabe ao."— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 Telma Xavier nº 50502 Iconografia13/05/2016

2  Santa Brígida da Irlanda  Nasceu a: 451 d.c.  Morreu a : 1 de Fevereiro de 523 d.c.  Não se sabe ao certo quem foram os pais de Brígida. No entanto, tudo aponta para Brocca, cristã baptizada por São Patrício, e o seu pai Dubthach, o “chefe” de Leinster..

3  Santa Brígida da Irlanda  O pai de Santa Brígida era pagão e que deu o nome de Brígida à sua filha em honra à deusa celta do fogo, Brigid.  Há quem diga que a Santa Brígida nunca existiu, que foi apenas uma “cristianização” da deusa celta.  Por outro, diz-se que a Santa Brígida realmente existiu sendo desde muito cedo uma pessoa muito devota.

4  Atributos


6  Cenas atribuídas  One of the more commonly told stories is of Brigid asking the King of Leinster for land. She told the king that the place where she stood was the perfect spot for a convent. It was beside a forest where they could collect firewood and berries. There was also a lake nearby that would provide water and the land was fertile. The king laughed at her and refused to give her any land. Brigid prayed to God and asked him to soften the king's heart. Then she smiled at the king and said "will you give me as much land as my cloak will cover?" The king thought that she was joking and, hoping to get rid of her, he agreed. She told four of her sisters to take up the cloak, but instead of laying it flat on the turf, each sister, with face turned to a different point of the compass, began to run swiftly, the cloth growing in all directions. The cloak began to cover many acres of land. "Oh, Brigid!" said the frighted king, "what are you about?" "I am, or rather my cloak is about covering your whole province to punish you for your stinginess to the poor." "Call your maidens back. I will give you a decent plot of ground." The saint was persuaded, and if the king held his purse-strings tight in future, she had only to allude to her cloak to bring him to reason. Soon afterwards, the king became a Christian, began to help the poor and commissioned the building of the convent. Legend has it, the convent was known for making jam from the local blueberries which was sought for all over Ireland. There is a new tradition beginning among followers of St Brigid to eat jam on 1 February in honour of this miracle

7   She later founded a school of art that included metalwork and illumination, which Conleth led as well. It was at this school that the Book of Kildare, which the Gerald of Wales praised as "the work of angelic, and not human skill," was beautifully illuminated, but was lost three centuries ago.  Little is known about Saint Brigid's life after she entered the Church, but in 40 she founded a monastery in Kildare, called the Church of the Oak. It was built above a pagan shrine to the Celtic goddess Brigid, which was beneath a large oak tree. Cenas atribuídas

8   In one story, Brigid protected a woman from a nobleman who had entrusted a silver brooch to the woman for safekeeping but then secretly threw it into the sea. He charged her with stealing it, knowing that he could take her as a slave if a judge ruled in his favor. The woman fled and sought refuge with Brigid's community. By chance, one of her fishermen hauled in a fish which, when cut open, proved to have swallowed the brooch. The nobleman freed the woman, confessed his sin, and bowed in submission to Brigid. [13] A similar story is told of St Kentigern. [13]Kentigern

9   http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id =453 http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id =453  https://pt.pinterest.com/pin/564638872004352282/ https://pt.pinterest.com/pin/564638872004352282/  https://pt.pinterest.com/pin/564638872004352282/ https://pt.pinterest.com/pin/564638872004352282/  http://www.ewtn.com/library/MARY/BRIGID.ht m http://www.ewtn.com/library/MARY/BRIGID.ht m Fontes

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