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Linguagens, Códigos e suas Teacher Bárbara Franco

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Apresentação em tema: "Linguagens, Códigos e suas Teacher Bárbara Franco"— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 Linguagens, Códigos e suas Teacher Bárbara Franco
Tecnologias – Inglês Reported speech Teacher Bárbara Franco

2 Everyday life at school...
INGLÊS, 9º Ano Reported Speech Everyday life at school... Ana planned to do a research to present to her History teacher and she asked her classmates to help her. Here are some things they said to her: Diane: Sorry, but I am sick. I can’t go to school this week. Sarah and Tim: Sorry, we are going to our English course. Peter: Sorry, I have to do the Math’s exercises. Kate: Sorry, I can’t help you. Steve: Ok, I’ll phone you to confirm. Rachel: Sorry, I don’t know how to do it. Mike: Ok, I help you. Imagem: Yesenia603 / Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.

3 Diane said that she was sick.
INGLÊS, 9º Ano Reported Speech Later, Ana met her friend Mike, the only one who accepted to help her and told him: Diane said that she was sick. Sarah and Tim said that were going to their English’s Course. Peter said that he had to do his Math's exercises. Kate said that she couldn’t help me. Steve said that he would phone me to confirm, but he didn’t call me. Rachel said that she didn’t know how to help me. And you, Mike, were the only one who said that would help me. Imagem: Yesenia603 / Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.

4 Ana pode relatar o que os amigos dela disseram de duas formas:
INGLÊS, 9º Ano Reported Speech Ana pode relatar o que os amigos dela disseram de duas formas: Utilizando o discurso direto (transcrevendo o que foi dito com as palavras usadas exatamente como foram ditas) E através do discurso indireto (quando ela opta em contar com as palavras dela o que foi dito) Imagem: Selena Wilke / Public domain.

5 Diferença entre said e told
INGLÊS, 9º Ano Reported Speech Diferença entre said e told Apesar de ambos significarem “disse”, devemos usar said, toda vez que você não menciona, logo após esse verbo, para quem foi contado. Ex: Mike said that he helped Ana. Usamos told, sempre que for mencionado para quem algo foi contado. Ex: Mike told Ana that he helped her. Resumindo: Sempre que você ‘falar a alguém’, ‘dizer a alguém’ ou ‘contar para alguém’ em inglês o mais comum será ‘tell somebody’. Agora se você apenas ‘falar que’, ‘dizer que’ ou ‘contar que’, então em inglês será ‘say’. Imagem: Selena Wilke / Public Domain

6 Direct Speech (Discurso Direto) Indirect Speech (Discurso Indireto)
INGLÊS, 9º Ano Reported Speech Direct Speech (Discurso Direto) Indirect Speech (Discurso Indireto) Diane: I am sick. Diane said that she was sick. Sarah and Tim: we are going to our English’s course. Sarah and Tim said that were going to their English’s course. Peter: I have to do my Math’s exercise. Peter said that he had to do his Math’s exercise. Kate: I can’t help you. Kate said that she couldn’t help me. Steve: I’ll phone you to confirm. Steve said that he would phone me to confirm. Rachel: I don’t know how to help you. Rachel said that she didn’t know how to help me. Mike: I help you. Mike said that he helped Ana. Imagem: Lsiryan / GNU Free Documentation License.

7 Direct Speech Indirect Speech
INGLÊS, 9º Ano Reported Speech Direct Speech Indirect Speech Ana says: “This is my History research.” Ana said that (that) was her History research. (Pode-se omitir o that) Ana says: “These are my classmates.” Ana said that those were her classmates. Ana says: “There is a History research to do today.” Ana said that there was a History research to do that day. Ana says: “I’ll do a History research tomorrow.” Ana said that she was going to do a History research the following day / the next day. Ana says: “I am at school.” Ana said she was at school. Ana says: “We are planning to do a History research.” Ana said that they were planning to do a History research. Imagem: Lsiryan / GNU Free Documentation License.

8 INGLÊS, 9º Ano Reported Speech

9 INGLÊS, 9º Ano Reported Speech

10 INGLÊS, 9º Ano Reported Speech

11 In Salvador ou on Salvador?
Practice! Maria: I want to tell you something about my holiday in Salvador. Roberto: What does she say? You: She says that… Maria: I went to Salvador in February. Maria: My parents went with me. In Salvador ou on Salvador? Imagem: Kasuga / GNU Free Documentation License

12 Helen: We spent three days in London. Gareth: What does she say?
INGLÊS, 9º Ano Reported Speech Helen: We spent three days in London. Gareth: What does she say? You: She says that… Helen: London is a multicultural place. Imagem: Kasuga / GNU Free Documentation License

13 On Rio de Janeiro ou in Rio de Janeiro?
INGLÊS, 9º Ano Reported Speech Alberto is in front of the class holding a presentation on Rio de Janeiro. As Alberto is rather shy, he speaks with a very low voice. Your classmate Rachel does not understand him, so you have to repeat every sentence to her. On Rio de Janeiro ou in Rio de Janeiro? Imagem: Rachael Ashe / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic.

14 On Rio de Janeiro ou in Rio de Janeiro?
INGLÊS, 9º Ano Reported Speech Alberto: I saw people of all colors in Rio de Janeiro. Rachel: What does he say? You: He says that… Alberto: Me and my parents visited the Pão de Açúcar. Alberto: The view was beautiful from the cable car. On Rio de Janeiro ou in Rio de Janeiro? Imagem: Kasuga / GNU Free Documentation License

15 Alberto: One evening we went to Copacabana Beach.
INGLÊS, 9º Ano Reported Speech Alberto: One evening we went to Copacabana Beach. Rachel: What does he say? You: He says that… Alberto: I loved Rio de Janeiro. Alberto: The people are so nice there. Imagem: Kasuga / GNU Free Documentation License

16 Links to accesses activities to review and practice:
INGLÊS, 9º Ano Reported Speech Links to accesses activities to review and practice:

17 Tabela de Imagens n° do slide
direito da imagem como está ao lado da foto link do site onde se consegiu a informação Data do Acesso 2 Yesenia603 / Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. 30/08/2012 3a,b 4 Selena Wilke / Public domain. 5 6 Lsiryan / GNU Free Documentation License. 7 8 Jens Rötzsch / GNU Free Documentation License. 9 MarketingMan12 / Public domain. 10 Khalid Mahmood / GNU Free Documentation License. 11 Dwight Burdette / Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.

18 Tabela de Imagens n° do slide
direito da imagem como está ao lado da foto link do site onde se consegiu a informação Data do Acesso 12 Jonathen Davis / Public domain. 30/08/2012 13a Cheryl Rodewig / Public domain. 13b Lilyu / WTF Public License. 14a Ed Yourdon / Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic. 14b Jomegat / Public domain. 14c GNOME / GNU General Public License. 15 Orion 8 / Public domain. 16 Pedrozo / GNU Free Documentation License. 17 Richard Melo da Silva / Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic.

19 Tabela de Imagens n° do slide
direito da imagem como está ao lado da foto link do site onde se consegiu a informação Data do Acesso 18 Davidlohr Bueso / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic. 30/08/2012 20 Rachael Ashe / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic. 21 Kasuga / GNU Free Documentation License. 22 23 24 25

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