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Immigration: Controversial Issues

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1 Immigration: Controversial Issues
Migrações - As esquecidas pelos Direitos Humanos? Immigration: Controversial Issues Ana Rita Gil FDUNL, 13th November 2013 Ana Rita Gil - Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

2 Immigration Miths and Facts
Migrações - As esquecidas pelos Direitos Humanos? Immigration Miths and Facts Criminality and Immigration Unemployement and poverty Burden to the social security services Ana Rita Gil - Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

3 Welcoming of Refugees

4 The Current Migratory Crisis
Fleeing from internal and international conflicts Trafficking of Migrants Mass influx of persons Border Countries: burden UE Fund for Refugees Resettlement

5 Regularization of illegally staying aliens
Migrações - As esquecidas pelos Direitos Humanos? Regularization of illegally staying aliens Ana Rita Gil - Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

6 Migrações - As esquecidas pelos Direitos Humanos?
Reasons For Acquisition, by virtue of time, a “right to reside” – adverse possession End to Exploitation situations More advantages to the society Reasons Against “Call efect” Lost of Borders control More advantages to the society Ana Rita Gil - Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

7 Right to Cultural Identity
Migrações - As esquecidas pelos Direitos Humanos? Right to Cultural Identity Ana Rita Gil - Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

8 Controversial Questions: - religious symbols - violation of the physical integrity - concept of family

9 Migrações - As esquecidas pelos Direitos Humanos?
Reasons For Personal Identity Easier Integration Equal Dignity / Respect of all the cultures Respect for the Culture of origin (Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, 1995) Reasons Against Fundamental principles of the host country “Full integration” Ana Rita Gil - Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

10 Main Principle - balance between: 1
Main Principle - balance between: 1. cultural identity of the immigrant 2. fundamental values of the host community Advocacy of the Intercultural Dialogue

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