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Simple Present Tense. . In English the Simple Present is used to express actions that are made with a certain frequency, like go to school, work, study…

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Apresentação em tema: "Simple Present Tense. . In English the Simple Present is used to express actions that are made with a certain frequency, like go to school, work, study…"— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 Simple Present Tense

2 . In English the Simple Present is used to express actions that are made with a certain frequency, like go to school, work, study… so, to talk about routine tasks, scheduled, hobbies and events.

3 Afirmative Form In English to write or report on events in the present, it’s simple: Ex: I dance every day. You dance every day. It dances every day.

4 Third Person: HE, SHE, IT Add an “s” into the end of the verbs in affirmative sentences. Ex: He walks on the beach.

5 She plays the guitar.

6 It eats a lot.

7 The end of the verbs Na hora de acrescentar o “s” temos que ter cuidado com a terminção do verbo. Se o verbo terminar em o, sh, ch, ss e x, além do “s” acrescentamos “es”. Ex: She goes to school. He washes his car. It watches TV She kisses her brother. He fixes his bike.

8 Se o verbo terminar em “Y”,e antes dessa letra tiver uma consoante, retira-se o “Y”, e acrescenta-se “ies”; Ex: She study+ies (studies) hard at home. Notem que antes do “Y”, há uma consoante a letra “d”.

9 Verbo Auxiliar: DO and DOES are auxiliary verbs that serve to indicate that the time of a particular conversation or phrase is happening in the present. We use them only in Negatives and Interrogatives.

10 How to use? Do Does I We They YouHe She It

11 Interrogative In interrogative forms is only add the auxiliary verb in front of the sentence. 1) Do they run all morning?

12 2) Does he know how to dig?

13 Again the third person (he, she, it) needs a change. Now watch, in the interrogative and negative forms, in the third person the main verb does not get more "s", now it sufferers a change from DO to DOES.

14 Forma negativa I do not (don’t) know how to dance.

15 She does not (doesn’t) drive very well.

16 Forma contraída Na línguagem coloquial, na forma negativa, podemos contrair o verbo auxiliar assim: Do not = Don’t Does not= Doesn’t. Ambos significam a mesma coisa: “NÃO”.

17 Short answers Ex: Do you like pizza? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Does she live here? Yes, she does. No, She doesn’t.

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