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BRAZILIAN AGRICULTURE XXII Conselho Empresarial Brasil-Japão

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1 BRAZILIAN AGRICULTURE XXII Conselho Empresarial Brasil-Japão
OVERVIEW AND POLICIES XXII Conselho Empresarial Brasil-Japão São Paulo, 29/07/2019 O Brasil também apresenta oportunidades de investimentos em vários setores produtivos como: produtos florestais, cosméticos, lácteos, aquicultura, horticultura, entre outros. Estou ‘a disposicao para tratar com as senhoras e os senhores sobre cada um dos setores e das oportunidades que se abrem neste novo Brasil. Muito Obrigada!


O país, que até os anos 1980 era importador líquido de alimentos, é hoje o 3o maior exportador mundial de produtos agrícolas. Nossa participação no comércio mundial agropecuário é de cerca de 7%.

4 BRAZIL – WORLD RANKING, 2018 Product Production Exports # destinations
Sugar 124 Coffee 109 Orange Juice 87 Soybean 50 Beef 118 Chicken meat 162 Corn 92 O Brasil ‘e o principal produtor e exportador mundial de vários produtos como: açúcar, café e suco de laranja. Source: USDA, 2018/19; FAO ; AgroStat - Janeiro-19.

5 Grains and oilseeds: production and land use (1990/2019)
TECHNOLOGY SAVES LAND Grains and oilseeds: production and land use (1990/2019) 240.7 million tons is the best harvest ever 17.3 million ha are cultivated more than once a year, mainly with corn after soybeans. That is a world record and shows a very intense use of land O aumento da produtividade no campo é resultado de investimento privado e público em pesquisa em desenvolvimento. A produção de grãos, por exemplo, cresceu 386% num período de 40 anos enquanto o aumento da área utilizada foi de somente 33%. Source: Conab/MAPA Prepared by: SCRI

6 PROJECTIONS (next 10 years)
Production Exports 1000 tons MAPA USDA Chicken meat 5,4 5,9 Beef 3,0 2,9 Pork 0,9 1,6 Soybeans 96,4 96,1 Corn 41,4 42,3 26.99 % Em 2018, a produção agropecuária brasileira foi de US$ 147,4 bilhões e a previsão é de que ela cresça ainda mais nos próximos anos. Fonte: MAPA (august 2017)

7 Policy agenda Pro-Market Policies - reduce allocative inefficiency and costs for the private sector Achievements by July/2019 Privatization – US$ 11,9 bi Divestments – US$ 4,9 bi Concessions – US$ 1,9 bi Trade agreement Mercosur – European Union Ongoing pension system reform Trade liberalization Infrastructure concession and privatization Rationalization and reduction of subsidies Tax reform Improvement of the financial and capital markets Fighting corruption and public sector waste Changes in the energy policy to reduce costs

8 Mercosur – EU Agreement
One of the largest free trade areas in the world - market of about $ 20 trillion and over 780 millions of people. Tariff and non-tariff aspects 92% of Mercosur exports (99% if partial exemptions are included) and 91% of imports - tariff free Tariff elimination - EU: 0, 4, 7 and 10 years Mercosur: 0, 4, 7, 10 and 15 years Public procurement - Brazilian companies can participate in the European Union's bidding market (US$ 1.6 trillion) Agriculture • MERCOSUR will liberalize 96% of trade volume and 94% of tariff lines. The EU will liberalize 82% of trade volume and 77% of tariff lines. Some products will have access to European market through quotas: beef, poultry, sugar, ethanol, rice, honey Some European products are also subject to quotas and to specific provisions (wine, cheese…)

9 Changes in agricultural financing
Tight fiscal policy vs size of agriculture in Brazil: urge to review the rural credit model Public support: from credit to risk management Rural credit has been concentrated in few producers Guidelines for the near future: Keep funding provision for the sector Public resources channeled for beneficiaries and activities not served by the market Transparency in subsidies Cut the red tape in rural credit Synergy between support instruments for agricultural production Strengthen the private credit market for agriculture Changes must be gradual


11 Eduardo Sampaio Marques
Secretário de Política Agrícola Tel: (61) OBRIGADO!

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