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Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias – Inglês Ensino Médio, 3 ° Ano Adverbs.

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Apresentação em tema: "Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias – Inglês Ensino Médio, 3 ° Ano Adverbs."— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias – Inglês Ensino Médio, 3 ° Ano Adverbs

2 INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs ÍNDICEÍNDICE GRAMMAR NOTES Apresentação – Formas Quadro geral das formas adverbiais COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 1 Estudo de alguns advérbios I COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 2 Estudo de alguns advérbios II COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 3 Estudo de alguns advérbios III COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 4 A Posição adverbial COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 5 A inversão adverbial GRAMMAR IN USE Practice 1; Practice 2; Practice 3; Practice 4; Practice 5; Practice 6 GRAMMAR IN ACTION Song: It’s now or never SUGESTÕES PARA UM TRABALHO INTERDISCIPLINAR RESPOSTASBIBLIOGRAFIA GRAMMAR NOTES Apresentação – Formas Quadro geral das formas adverbiais COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 1 Estudo de alguns advérbios I COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 2 Estudo de alguns advérbios II COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 3 Estudo de alguns advérbios III COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 4 A Posição adverbial COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 5 A inversão adverbial GRAMMAR IN USE Practice 1; Practice 2; Practice 3; Practice 4; Practice 5; Practice 6 GRAMMAR IN ACTION Song: It’s now or never SUGESTÕES PARA UM TRABALHO INTERDISCIPLINAR RESPOSTASBIBLIOGRAFIA

3 APRESENTAÇÃOFORMAS QUADRO GERAL DAS FORMAS ADVERBIAIS TIPOADVÉRBIOS E SUAS TRADUÇÕES FREQUENCY (FREQUÊNCIA) Always (sempre) seldom (raramente) often (frequentemente) never (nunca) once (uma vez) MANNER (MODO) quickly (fast) rápidamente slowly (lentamente) well (bem) badly (mal) kindly (gentilmente) TIME (TEMPO) now (agora) soon (logo) still (ainda) then (então) tomorrow (amanhã) PLACE (LUGAR) here (aqui) there (lá) everywhere (em todo lugar) around (ao redor) beside (ao lado de) DEGREE OR INTENSITY (INTENSIDADE) very (muito) too (demais) hardly (mal) rather (bastante) almost (quase) DOUBT (DÚVIDA) maybe (talvez) perhaps (talvez) probably (provavelmente) possibly (possivelmente) doubtlessly (indubitavelmente) INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

4 COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 1ESTUDO DE ALGUNS ADVÉRBIOS - I ADVÉRBIOTRADUÇÃOEXEMPLOS HARDLYmal, dificilmenteI can hardly walk. My feet hurt. LATELYultimamenteI’ve seen some good films lately. PRESENTLYlogoWait, I’lI come back presently. RATHER bastante, razoavelmente He is a rather stupid man. (rather é geralmente usado com conotação "negativa") FAIRLY bastante, razoavelmente He is a fairly clever man. (fairly transmite uma conotação “positiva") ENOUGH suficiente, suficientemente He is strong enough to lift that heavy box. STILLainda He still lives in the same house. (antes de verbos principais) He is still sleeping. (após verbos auxiliares) YETainda Martin hasn't studied yet. (em frases negativas) EVEN mesmo, até mesmo Even John came late to the lesson. INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

5 COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 2ESTUDO DE ALGUNS ADVÉRBIOS - II ADVÉRBIOTRADUÇÃOEXEMPLOS ANY MORE ANY LONGER não mais They don't live here any more / any longer (frases negativas) ALMOSTquaseI spent almost $ 100 on clothes. SHORTLYlogoI’ll arrive shortly after 5 p.m. ELSEmais Who else wants to go? / What else do you want? Where else does she want to go? / I’ve got something else for you. EVER jáHave you ever been there before? alguma vezIf you ever come to Spain, tell me. SO assim He left a week ago, didn't he? - I think (hope) so. tambémI’m hungry and so is she. entãoShe wasn't there, so I went away. OR SOaproximadamenteThere are ten students here, or so. AND SO ONe assim por dianteI like apples, oranges, and so on. NOT(que) não Did your parents get lost? - I think (hope) not. OR ELSEou entãoCome sooner, or else you won't enter. AS WELLtambémMy friends speak German as well. SUCH (A) talI’ve never read such (a) book. tãoHe has such good luck ! INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

6 COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 3ESTUDO DE ALGUNS ADVÉRBIOS - III ADVÉRBIOTRADUÇÃOEXEMPLOS WHOEVERquem quer queWhoever says that is a liar. WHATEVERo que quer queEat whatever (whatsoever) you want. WHEREVERonde quer queWe are welcomed wherever we go WHENEVERquando quer queCall me whenever you need my help WHICHEVERqualquer queLearn whichever poem you like. ONLYsó, somente Only Mr. Smith came to visit me. Mr. Smith only came to visit me. Mr. Smith came only to visit me. Mr. Smith came to visit only me. Mr. Smith came to visit me, only. (dependendo de sua posição, only muda o sentido da frase) INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

7 COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 4A POSIÇÃO ADVERBIAL MODELOSEXEMPLOS Manner / Place / Time 1 2 3 (com qualquer verbo) I’ll write the letter carefully at home today. 1 2 3 Place / Manner / Time 1 2 3 (com verbos de movimento) He went to Paris by plane in 1975. 1 2 3 NOTA: As expressões adverbiais mais específicas (de tempo), antecedem as mais gerais. He was born at 6 o'clock on Christmas Eve, in 1970. 1 2 3 da mais específica para a mais geral Via de regra, os advérbios devem aparecer depois de verbos auxiliares e antes de verbos principais. INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

8 COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 5A INVERSÃO ADVERBIAL ADVÉRBIOFRASE EM ORDEM DIRETA FRASE EM ORDEM INDIRETA (ADVÉRBIO + AUX. + SUJEITO) OFTENI am often thirstyOften am I thirsty. HARDLVPeter hardly spokeHardly did Peter speak. NEVERWe have never been thereNever have we been there. NOT ONLYHe is not only a manNot only is he a man. RARELYThey rarely eat muchRarely do they eat much. SELDOMYou are seldom lateSeldom are you late. NOTA: A inversão adverbial torna a frase enfática. INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

9 GRAMMAR IN USE INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs GRAMMAR IN USE

10 Preencha com o solicitado entre parênteses: 1.Peter hasn't driven his new car _____________________. (ainda) 1.Peter hasn't driven his new car _____________________. (ainda) PRACTICE 1 2. Mark said he would _____________________ be back. (logo) 2. Mark said he would _____________________ be back. (logo) 3. He is _____________________ able to draw a line. (mal) 3. He is _____________________ able to draw a line. (mal) 4. He is _____________________ thinking about his girl-friend. (ainda) 4. He is _____________________ thinking about his girl-friend. (ainda) 5. Helen is a _____________________ levelheaded person. (bastante-ideia positiva) 5. Helen is a _____________________ levelheaded person. (bastante-ideia positiva) INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

11 Preencha com o solicitado entre parênteses: 1.At school he studies Math, Physics, _____________________. (e assim por diante) 1.At school he studies Math, Physics, _____________________. (e assim por diante) PRACTICE 2 2. Have you _____________________ seen a giraffe? (já) 2. Have you _____________________ seen a giraffe? (já) 3. Mary and her friend got to London _____________________ before 8 a.m. (logo) 3. Mary and her friend got to London _____________________ before 8 a.m. (logo) 4. What _____________________ did you talk about? (mais) 4. What _____________________ did you talk about? (mais) 5. He had to get back, _____________________ he would starve to death. (ou então) 5. He had to get back, _____________________ he would starve to death. (ou então) INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

12 Preencha com o solicitado entre parênteses: 1.They greeted us _____________________ they saw us. (onde quer que) 1.They greeted us _____________________ they saw us. (onde quer que) PRACTICE 3 2. I used to get nervous _____________________ I went to the dentist’s. (sempre que) 2. I used to get nervous _____________________ I went to the dentist’s. (sempre que) 3. They _____________________ stopped their car when they saw ours. (somente) 3. They _____________________ stopped their car when they saw ours. (somente) INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

13 Coloque os advérbios das frases abaixo em sua posição correta: 1.Paul travelled last year, in June, on a Sunday, at 3 p.m. Paul travelled _____________________________________. 1.Paul travelled last year, in June, on a Sunday, at 3 p.m. Paul travelled _____________________________________. PRACTICE 4 2. Come to visit me today, by car. Come to visit me __________________________________. 2. Come to visit me today, by car. Come to visit me __________________________________. 3. She studies English everyday at school carefully. _________________________________________________. 3. She studies English everyday at school carefully. _________________________________________________. INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

14 Como ficariam as frases: 1.Natalia was always happy, se a iniciássemos por Always _________________________________________________ 2.We had hardly arrived, se a iniciássemos por Hardly _________________________________________________ Complete: 3. Not only __________________ foreigners, but not welcome either. (somos) Como ficariam as frases: 1.Natalia was always happy, se a iniciássemos por Always _________________________________________________ 2.We had hardly arrived, se a iniciássemos por Hardly _________________________________________________ Complete: 3. Not only __________________ foreigners, but not welcome either. (somos) PRACTICE 5 INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

15 Coloque os advérbios apresentados entre parênteses em sua posição correta: 1.The circus has arrived (just) but the men have not put up the big tent (yet). __________________________________________________________________. 2.I've met a more ill-mannered man (seldom). __________________________________________________________________. 3. I shall meet you (outside your office), (on Monday), (at 11 o'clock). __________________________________________________________________. 4. We have finished our dinner (almost). __________________________________________________________________. Coloque os advérbios apresentados entre parênteses em sua posição correta: 1.The circus has arrived (just) but the men have not put up the big tent (yet). __________________________________________________________________. 2.I've met a more ill-mannered man (seldom). __________________________________________________________________. 3. I shall meet you (outside your office), (on Monday), (at 11 o'clock). __________________________________________________________________. 4. We have finished our dinner (almost). __________________________________________________________________. PRACTICE 6 INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

16 Coloque os advérbios apresentados entre parênteses em sua posição correta: 5. He comes (here), (in the afternoon), (often). __________________________________________________________________. 6. She knows what to do with that (scarcely). __________________________________________________________________. 7. My girl friend Jane was working (at her office), (very hard), (yesterday). __________________________________________________________________. 8. I have read it (never). Have you read it? (ever). __________________________________________________________________. Coloque os advérbios apresentados entre parênteses em sua posição correta: 5. He comes (here), (in the afternoon), (often). __________________________________________________________________. 6. She knows what to do with that (scarcely). __________________________________________________________________. 7. My girl friend Jane was working (at her office), (very hard), (yesterday). __________________________________________________________________. 8. I have read it (never). Have you read it? (ever). __________________________________________________________________. INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

17 Coloque os advérbios apresentados entre parênteses em sua posição correta: 9. He does his work (rarely), (carefully). __________________________________________________________________. 10. I have seen a worse play (rarely). __________________________________________________________________. 11. We have our dinner (at 7), (generally). __________________________________________________________________. 12. I walk five miles every morning (always). __________________________________________________________________. Coloque os advérbios apresentados entre parênteses em sua posição correta: 9. He does his work (rarely), (carefully). __________________________________________________________________. 10. I have seen a worse play (rarely). __________________________________________________________________. 11. We have our dinner (at 7), (generally). __________________________________________________________________. 12. I walk five miles every morning (always). __________________________________________________________________. INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

18 Coloque os advérbios apresentados entre parênteses em sua posição correta: 13. Let's go (at 7 o'clock), (to the theatre), (tonight). __________________________________________________________________. 14. Why don't you wear a coat in winter? (often). __________________________________________________________________. 15. They stayed (all day), (quietly), (there). __________________________________________________________________. Coloque os advérbios apresentados entre parênteses em sua posição correta: 13. Let's go (at 7 o'clock), (to the theatre), (tonight). __________________________________________________________________. 14. Why don't you wear a coat in winter? (often). __________________________________________________________________. 15. They stayed (all day), (quietly), (there). __________________________________________________________________. INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs


20 SUGESTÕES PARA UM TRABALHO INTERDISCIPLINAR Física: organizar uma pesquisa sobre o lançamento do primeiro satélite pelos Estados Unidos em abril de 1960. Artes: organizar um evento sobre a “Beatlemania” e resgatar a moda e a música daquela época. Língua Portuguesa: estudar os poetas brasileiros e suas obras da década de 1960 para apresentação de um sarau. História: fazer uma reconstituição do dia 21 de abril de 1960 quando a capital do Brasil é transferida do Rio de Janeiro para Brasília. INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs


22 It’s now or never ( Elvis Presley ) Clique no link acima e ouça a música no You Tube It's ____ or ____, come hold me ____ Kiss me my darling, be mine ____ ____ will be ____ ____, it's ____ or ____ My love won't wait. ____ I first saw you with your smile ____ tender My heart was captured, my soul surrendered I'd spend a lifetime waiting for the right time ____ that your ____ the time is ____ ____ ____. It's ____ or ____, come hold me ____ Kiss me my darling, be mine ____ ____ will be ____ ____, it's ____ or ____ My love won't wait. ____ like a willow, we would cry an ocean If we lost true love and sweet devotion Your lips excite me, let your arms invite me For who knows ____ we'll meet ____ ____ ____ It's ____ or ____, come hold me ____ Kiss me my darling, be mine ____ ____ will be ____ ____, it's ____ or ____ My love won't wait. It's ____ or ____, come hold me ____ Kiss me my darling, be mine ____ ____ will be ____ ____, it's ____ or ____ My love won't wait. ____ I first saw you with your smile ____ tender My heart was captured, my soul surrendered I'd spend a lifetime waiting for the right time ____ that your ____ the time is ____ ____ ____. It's ____ or ____, come hold me ____ Kiss me my darling, be mine ____ ____ will be ____ ____, it's ____ or ____ My love won't wait. ____ like a willow, we would cry an ocean If we lost true love and sweet devotion Your lips excite me, let your arms invite me For who knows ____ we'll meet ____ ____ ____ It's ____ or ____, come hold me ____ Kiss me my darling, be mine ____ ____ will be ____ ____, it's ____ or ____ My love won't wait. INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs http://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=hQAe1WRC XH0


24 Preencha com o solicitado entre parênteses: 1.Peter hasn't driven his new car yet. (ainda) 1.Peter hasn't driven his new car yet. (ainda) PRACTICE 1 2. Mark said he would soon be back. (logo) 2. Mark said he would soon be back. (logo) 3. He is hardly able to draw a line. (mal) 3. He is hardly able to draw a line. (mal) 4. He is still thinking about his girl-friend. (ainda) 4. He is still thinking about his girl-friend. (ainda) 5. Helen is a fairly levelheaded person. (bastante-ideia positiva) 5. Helen is a fairly levelheaded person. (bastante-ideia positiva) INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

25 Preencha com o solicitado entre parênteses: 1.At school he studies Math, Physics, and so on. (e assim por diante) 1.At school he studies Math, Physics, and so on. (e assim por diante) PRACTICE 2 2. Have you ever seen a giraffe? (já) 2. Have you ever seen a giraffe? (já) 3. Mary and her friend got to London soon before 8 a.m. (logo) 3. Mary and her friend got to London soon before 8 a.m. (logo) 4. What else did you talk about? (mais) 4. What else did you talk about? (mais) 5. He had to get back, or else he would starve to death. (ou então) 5. He had to get back, or else he would starve to death. (ou então) INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

26 Preencha com o solicitado entre parênteses: 1.They greeted us wherever they saw us. (onde quer que) 1.They greeted us wherever they saw us. (onde quer que) PRACTICE 3 2. I used to get nervous whenever I went to the dentist’s. (sempre que) 2. I used to get nervous whenever I went to the dentist’s. (sempre que) 3. They only stopped their car when they saw ours. (somente) 3. They only stopped their car when they saw ours. (somente) INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

27 Coloque os advérbios das frases abaixo em sua posição correta: 1.Paul travelled last year, in June, on a Sunday, at 3 p.m. Paul travelled at 3 p.m, on a Sunday, in June, last year. 1.Paul travelled last year, in June, on a Sunday, at 3 p.m. Paul travelled at 3 p.m, on a Sunday, in June, last year. PRACTICE 4 2. Come to visit me today, by car. Come to visit me by car, today. 2. Come to visit me today, by car. Come to visit me by car, today. 3. She studies English everyday at school carefully. She studies English carefully at school everyday. 3. She studies English everyday at school carefully. She studies English carefully at school everyday. INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

28 Como ficariam as frases: 1.Natalia was always happy, se a iniciássemos por Always was Natalie happy 2.We had hardly arrived, se a iniciássemos por Hardly had we arrived Complete: 3. Not only are we foreigners, but not welcome either. (somos) Como ficariam as frases: 1.Natalia was always happy, se a iniciássemos por Always was Natalie happy 2.We had hardly arrived, se a iniciássemos por Hardly had we arrived Complete: 3. Not only are we foreigners, but not welcome either. (somos) PRACTICE 5 INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

29 Coloque os advérbios apresentados entre parênteses em sua posição correta: 1.The circus has arrived (just) but the men have not put up the big tent (yet). The circus has just arrived but the men tent yet. 2.I've met a more ill-mannered man (seldom). I’ve seldom met a more ill-mannered man. 3. I shall meet you (outside your office), (on Monday), (at 11 o'clock). you outside your office at 11 o’clock on Monday. 4. We have finished our dinner (almost). We have almost finished our dinner. Coloque os advérbios apresentados entre parênteses em sua posição correta: 1.The circus has arrived (just) but the men have not put up the big tent (yet). The circus has just arrived but the men tent yet. 2.I've met a more ill-mannered man (seldom). I’ve seldom met a more ill-mannered man. 3. I shall meet you (outside your office), (on Monday), (at 11 o'clock). you outside your office at 11 o’clock on Monday. 4. We have finished our dinner (almost). We have almost finished our dinner. PRACTICE 6 INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

30 Coloque os advérbios apresentados entre parênteses em sua posição correta: 5. He comes (here), (in the afternoon), (often). He often comes here in the afternoon. 6. She knows what to do with that (scarcely). She scarcely knows what to do with that. 7. My girl friend Jane was working (at her office), (very hard), (yesterday).... Working very hard at her office yesterday. 8. I have read it (never). Have you read it? (ever). I have never read it. Have you ever read it ? Coloque os advérbios apresentados entre parênteses em sua posição correta: 5. He comes (here), (in the afternoon), (often). He often comes here in the afternoon. 6. She knows what to do with that (scarcely). She scarcely knows what to do with that. 7. My girl friend Jane was working (at her office), (very hard), (yesterday).... Working very hard at her office yesterday. 8. I have read it (never). Have you read it? (ever). I have never read it. Have you ever read it ? INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

31 Coloque os advérbios apresentados entre parênteses em sua posição correta: 9. He does his work (rarely), (carefully). He rarely does his work carefully. 10. I have seen a worse play (rarely). I have rarely seen a worse play. 11. We have our dinner (at 7), (generally). We generally have our dinner at 7. 12. I walk five miles every morning (always). I always walk five miles every morning. Coloque os advérbios apresentados entre parênteses em sua posição correta: 9. He does his work (rarely), (carefully). He rarely does his work carefully. 10. I have seen a worse play (rarely). I have rarely seen a worse play. 11. We have our dinner (at 7), (generally). We generally have our dinner at 7. 12. I walk five miles every morning (always). I always walk five miles every morning. INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

32 Coloque os advérbios apresentados entre parênteses em sua posição correta: 13. Let's go (at 7 o'clock), (to the theatre), (tonight). Let’s go to the theatre at 7 o’clock tonight. 14. Why don't you wear a coat in winter? (often). Why don’t you often wear a coat in winter ? 15. They stayed (all day), (quietly), (there). They stayed quietly there all day. Coloque os advérbios apresentados entre parênteses em sua posição correta: 13. Let's go (at 7 o'clock), (to the theatre), (tonight). Let’s go to the theatre at 7 o’clock tonight. 14. Why don't you wear a coat in winter? (often). Why don’t you often wear a coat in winter ? 15. They stayed (all day), (quietly), (there). They stayed quietly there all day. INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs


34 It’s now or never (Elvis Presley) Clique no link acima e ouça a música no You Tube. It's now or never, come hold me tight Kiss me my darling, be mine tonight Tomorrow will be too late, it's now or never My love won't wait. When I first saw you with your smile so tender My heart was captured, my soul surrendered I'd spend a lifetime waiting for the right time Now that your near the time is here at last. It's now or never, come hold me tight Kiss me my darling, be mine tonight Tomorrow will be too late, it's now or never My love won't wait. Just like a willow, we would cry an ocean If we lost true love and sweet devotion Your lips excite me, let your arms invite me For who knows when we'll meet again this way It's now or never, come hold me tight Kiss me my darling, be mine tonight Tomorrow will be too late, it's now or never My love won't wait. It's now or never, come hold me tight Kiss me my darling, be mine tonight Tomorrow will be too late, it's now or never My love won't wait. When I first saw you with your smile so tender My heart was captured, my soul surrendered I'd spend a lifetime waiting for the right time Now that your near the time is here at last. It's now or never, come hold me tight Kiss me my darling, be mine tonight Tomorrow will be too late, it's now or never My love won't wait. Just like a willow, we would cry an ocean If we lost true love and sweet devotion Your lips excite me, let your arms invite me For who knows when we'll meet again this way It's now or never, come hold me tight Kiss me my darling, be mine tonight Tomorrow will be too late, it's now or never My love won't wait. INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs http://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=hQAe1WRC XH0

35 BIBLIOGRAFIABIBLIOGRAFIA LIBERATO, Wilson. Inglês Doorway: Volume Único: Ensino Médio.São Paulo: FTD, 2004. Gramáticas CELCE-Murcia, Marianne & LARSEN-Freeman, Diane. The Grammar Book; an ESL/EFL teacher’s course. Heinle & Heinle, 1999. Collins Cobuild English Grammar. London, Collins Publishers / University of Birmingham, 1991. Halliday, M. Functional Grammar. London, 1994. Quirk, R. et alii. A Grammar of contemporany English. London, Longman, 1979. Hollaender, Arnon, Vidal Varela Filho – What about learning – São Paulo, Saraiva, 1979 NUNES FILHO, Pedro– College English, Vestibular Unificado – 2º grau, 1977 Gramáticas CELCE-Murcia, Marianne & LARSEN-Freeman, Diane. The Grammar Book; an ESL/EFL teacher’s course. Heinle & Heinle, 1999. Collins Cobuild English Grammar. London, Collins Publishers / University of Birmingham, 1991. Halliday, M. Functional Grammar. London, 1994. Quirk, R. et alii. A Grammar of contemporany English. London, Longman, 1979. Hollaender, Arnon, Vidal Varela Filho – What about learning – São Paulo, Saraiva, 1979 NUNES FILHO, Pedro– College English, Vestibular Unificado – 2º grau, 1977 INGLÊS, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Adverbs

36 Tabela de Imagens n° do slide direito da imagem como está ao lado da foto link do site onde se consegiu a informaçãoData do Acesso 21, 33LuckyLouie/U.S. Air Force public domainhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:DJ_SPANGDAHLEM _AIR_BASE.jpg 29/08/2012

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