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.NET Compact Framework Nuno Costa

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Apresentação em tema: ".NET Compact Framework Nuno Costa"— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 .NET Compact Framework Nuno Costa nunoc@microsoft.com
.NET Mobile Web SDK .NET Compact Framework JW Nuno Costa Microsoft Portugal Microsoft Confidential

2 .NET Platform A web services implementation
.NET Mobile Web SDK .NET Platform A web services implementation Microsoft Confidential

3 .NET Mobile Development
.NET Mobile Web SDK .NET Mobile Development ASP.NET Mobile Controls Smart Device Programmability Thin client Remote Web Pages Smart client Local Code KEY MESSAGE: The .NET mobile device development model provides an effective solution for all needs, centralized around Visual Studio .NET SLIDE BUILDS: 4 SLIDE SCRIPT: Now that we have a fairly good idea of today’s development model, along with the common difficulties developers face, let’s take a look at how .NET provides a more effective model. BUILD The first key advantage of building mobile device applications using .NET lies in the IDE. Any developer who currently develops applications for the desktop or Web will be able to use the same tools and languages to target mobile devices, both server- and client-side. The Mobile Internet Toolkit extends Visual Studio .NET and the ASP.NET framework to scale to mobile devices. With a comprehensive understanding of devices of all shapes and sizes, the Mobile Internet Toolkit provides developers with an efficient way to build mobile Web applications that adaptively render to virtually all commercial mobile devices. Since all processing is on the server, MIT applications are able to take advantage of all of the same resources as ASP.NET desktop Web applications. In fact, the only difference between an ASP.NET desktop Web application and an MIT mobile Web application is the presentation layer. For client-side development, Microsoft provides the .NET Compact Framework, which is a layer of abstraction between code and the device operating system. By building software to target the .NET Compact Framework, developers don’t need to worry about the underlying operating system since their applications will work as expected on any device that supports the .NET Compact Framework. Building applications for the .NET Compact Framework is simplified with the Smart Device Extensions for Visual Studio .NET, which enable developers to use the same tools they already use for desktop development. The Smart Device Extensions package includes a desktop emulator, which runs a true Windows CE .NET operating system image in a virtual machine, providing exact emulation of the target device. SDE also provides remote debugging capabilities, enabling developers to debug applications while they run on actual production hardware. SLIDE TRANSITION: Let’s see these in action Mobile Web Browser .NET Compact Framework Device Operating System Microsoft Confidential

4 .NET Mobile Development
.NET Mobile Web SDK .NET Mobile Development Vantagens de aplicações móveis Web Vantagens de smart device apps Rendering Adaptativo Suporte Dinâmico para muitas combinações de dispositivos/browsers Suporte a browsers de dispositivos de baixa capacidade Code base única Manutenção simplificada Extensão Natural de Web Sites existentes Execução Server-side Sem deployment no cliente Funcionalidade Offline Execução Local Dados Locais Experiência de utilização rica Multimedia UI elaborada Integração com funcionalidades dos dispositivos Leitores Cartão de crédito Leitores Código Barras Receptores GPS Telefone/SMS KEY MESSAGE: Compare and contrast mobile Web applications and smart device applications. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: Advantages of mobile Web applications include the following: Support for a very broad range of devices (more that 200 have been tested) Server-based Web browser access so no client software is needed Handling device capabilities Disadvantages include: Applications don't work offline Local processing power is not utilized for computation or heavy lifting of large data UI is limited Smart device application advantages include running both online and offline, taking full advantage of Pocket PC power, and having excellent integration with Microsoft® SQL Server™ Windows® CE. However, a smart device application runs only on Pocket PC and Windows CE .NET, and installation of the application onto the device is required. SLIDE TRANSITION: How has this changed with Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET 2003? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Microsoft Confidential

5 .NET Compact Framework Versão “compacta” da .NET Framework
.NET Mobile Web SDK .NET Compact Framework Versão “compacta” da .NET Framework Desenhado para dispositivos com recursos limitados Integração com VS.NET, C#, VB.NET Possibilitar desenvolvimento de aplicações ricas Aplicações LOB, e clientes de Web Services Class libs para forms, drawing, storage, network, data access e XML Co-existir com Sistema Operativo Host Execução em threads nativas P/Invoke para chamar código nativo Aplicações performantes e robustas JIT compiler optimizado Robustez e Segurança Interactividade, offline & online Fácil consumo de Web Services Microsoft Confidential

6 .NET para Dispositivos Arquitetura
.NET Compact Framework CLR … Launch Applications Device Specific Class Libs Base Class Libs App Domain Host Managed Native Execution Engine (MSCOREE.DLL) Host Operating System Platform Adaptation Layer

7 .NET Mobile Web SDK Compact Framework CLR .NET Compact Framework CLR suporta todas as funcionalidades core do CLR Exceptions Constructors e Finalizers Remote Debugging App Domains JIT Garbage Collection P/Invoke Microsoft Confidential

8 Visual Studio .NET e .NET CF
.NET Mobile Web SDK Visual Studio .NET e .NET CF Projectos Smart Device .NET Compact Framework IDE integrado Emuladores Remote debugging Visual Basic C++ C# J# Visual Studio .NET ASP.NET Web Forms Web Services Windows Forms .NET Compact Framework Managed code Web services Subset rico de .NET Framework Class Libraries ADO.NET and XML Base Class Libraries Common Language Runtime Microsoft Confidential

9 Class Library Compatibilidade Subset para dispositivos
.NET Mobile Web SDK Class Library Compatibilidade Compatibilidade com a .NET Framework Subconjunto de funcionalidades Subset para dispositivos Semelhanças entre as plataformas Reaproveitamento de Skills e de código Tamanho/Funcionalidade Reduzir custo do OEM Suficiente para “aplicações reais” Microsoft Confidential

10 Class Library System.Web System.Windows.Forms System.Drawing
Services Description Discovery Protocols UI HTML Controls Web Controls Design Component Model System.Drawing Cache Security Drawing 2D Printing Configuration Session State Imaging Text System.Data System.Xml ADO.NET SQL Client XML Document Serialization Design SQL ServerCE Xslt/XPath Reader/Writers System Collections IO Configuration Runtime Interop Services Remoting Serialization Security Net Service Process Text Reflection Diagnostics Globalization Resources Threading

11 O que falta? Reflection Emit Remoting Serialization Code Dom Printing
.NET Mobile Web SDK O que falta? Reflection Emit Remoting Serialization Code Dom Printing COM Interoperability Funcionalidade Server side XPath/XSLT Microsoft Confidential

12 User Interface 28 controlos e componentes Funcionalidade de Windows CE
.NET Mobile Web SDK User Interface 28 controlos e componentes Funcionalidade de Windows CE Suporte limitado a certas funcionalidades gráficas, como transparência Menos Controlos Form Designer Suporte Limitado para Custom Controls Não suportado ActiveX Controls Printing Drag e Drop Microsoft Confidential

13 Windows Forms Controls
.NET Mobile Web SDK Windows Forms Controls Controlos Suportados Button CheckBox ComboBox ContextMenu DataGrid DomainUpDown FileOpenDialog FileSaveDialog HScrollBar ImageList Input Panel Label ListBox ListView MainMenu NumericUpDown Panel PictureBox ProgressBar RadioButton StatusBar TabControl TextBox Timer ToolBar Track Bar TreeView VScrollBar Não Suportados CheckedListBox ColorDialog ErrorProvider HelpProvider LinkLabel NotifyIcon ToolTip Splitter FontDialog Microsoft Confidential

14 .NET Mobile Web SDK 1ª Aplicação .NET CF Microsoft Confidential

15 Acesso a Dados ADO.NET Providers incluídos com .NET CF Modelo ADO.NET
.NET Mobile Web SDK Acesso a Dados ADO.NET Providers incluídos com .NET CF System.Data.SqlClient System.Data.SqlServerCe Modelo ADO.NET DataSet DataParameter DataAdapter Transaction DataReader Connection Command Microsoft Confidential

16 Acesso a Dados Acesso Directo à Base Dados
.NET Mobile Web SDK Acesso a Dados Acesso Directo à Base Dados SQL Server Windows Server ADO.NET Data Provider .NET Compact Framework Windows Forms Menos Ligação permanente Não escala no Servidor; “two tier” design Sem modelo de sincronização para dados dinâmicos Mais Query Language rica Acesso a toda a base de dados; aplicação usa o que é relevante Microsoft Confidential

17 Acesso a Dados SQLCE com Replication
.NET Mobile Web SDK Acesso a Dados SQLCE com Replication SQL CE Replication (HTTP) .NET Compact Framework ADO.NET Windows Forms SQL Server Windows Server Menos Requer configuração no Servidor Sql ServerCE Engine footprint Mais Base de Dados local muito robusta Model de sincronização Avançado e performante Usa HTTP Microsoft Confidential

18 Acesso a Dados Classes XML Suportadas
.NET Mobile Web SDK Acesso a Dados Classes XML Suportadas XmlTextReader e XmlTextWriter Parsers de XML Forward-only Melhor performance, sem in-memory caching XmlDocument Parsa documento XML por DOM Requer mais recursos de memória Mais funcionalidade Microsoft Confidential

19 Data Access Classes XML Não Suportadas
.NET Mobile Web SDK Data Access Classes XML Não Suportadas XmlDataDocument Vistas Relacionais e hierárquicas de XML XPath Query sobre dados XML não estruturados XSL/T Transforma XML em outros formatos XML Validation Verifica exactidão do documento XML Microsoft Confidential

20 SQL Server Windows® CE Edition 2.0
.NET Mobile Web SDK SQL Server Windows® CE Edition 2.0 XML / BizTalk / CS 2002 Enterprise back-end (SAP, PeopleSoft, etc.) IIS HTTP Engine para dispositivos Windows CE Replicação rica e sincronização com SQL Server Desenhado para alta performance em ambientes de recursos limitados Managed .NET Compact Framework provider Microsoft Confidential

21 .NET Mobile Web SDK ADO.NET Microsoft Confidential

22 .NET Compact Framework Futuro
Suporte à próxima versão de Smartphone Funcionalidade da 1.0 disponível no SmartPhone Próxima Major Release Digital signing e .NET code access security model Mobile and Communication APIs (SMS, etc.) Stronger native code interop

23 Visual Studio .NET Futuro
Add-on para próxima versão do Smartphone Próxima Major Release SQL Server CE e data design tools User Controls no forms designer Projectos de Setup mais ricos para Smart Devices Extensions Ambiente mais rápido e mais fácil de utilizar

24 ASP.NET Mobile Controls
.NET Mobile Web SDK Tools vs. Devices Smartphone Pocket PC Tablet PC Embedded Tools (eVC / eVB) Sim Só eVC++ .NET (via Tablet SDK) .NET CF (futuro) ASP.NET Mobile Controls Microsoft Confidential

25 Para mais informação … Site MSDN Portugal Newsgroups Comunidades
Newsgroups microsoft.public.pt.dotnet microsoft.public.pt.pocketpc Comunidades Microsoft SmartDevices Developer Community GotDotNet

26 Microsoft Confidential
.NET Mobile Web SDK © 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft Confidential

27 .NET Mobile Web SDK Demo Title Microsoft Confidential

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