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PublicouIsabel Pedroso Weber Alterado mais de 9 anos atrás
Adversativas: Ligam idéias que se opõem. Ex: He had no qualifications, BUT he got the job. HOWEVER AND YET NEVERTHELESS LinksTranslation ButMas, porém HoweverContudo, entretanto (and) yet(e) contudo, (e) no entanto Nevertheless/nonethelessNão obstante, mesmo assim
Consecutivas ou Conclusivas: Idéia de consequência, conclusão e resultado. Ex: The kids were hungry, SO I bought cookies for them. THEN THUS CONSEQUENTLY LinksTranslation SoPor isso, assim ThereforePortanto ThusPor isso ConsequentlyConsequentemente ThenEntão HencePor isso, logo, daí
Concessivas: Idéia de contraste. LinkTranslationExample AlthoughEmboraAlthough we were tired, we went to the beach. ThoughEmbora (informal) Though we were tired, we went to the beach. AlbeitEmbora (formal)Albeit we were tired, we went to the beach. Even thoughMuito embora (ênfase) Even though we were tired, we went to the beach. In spite of/despite Apesar de, a despeito de In spite of/Despite the danger, he was calm. Regardless ofApesar de independenteme nte de Regardless of the danger, he was calm.
ATTENTION: Todas as palavras citadas anteriormente tanto podem vir no início do período como entre duas orações. Ex: We went to the beach although/though we were tired. He was calm in spite of/despite the danger. THOUGH pode vir no final de uma sentença (como advérbio): Ex: The house isn’t very nice. I like the garden though (mesmo assim). IN SPITE OF poderá vir seguido de: Substantivo In spite of the rain they went to the beach. Verbo no Gerúndio In spite of being smart he didn’t get a good grade on the test. This, that, what, his, her, etc. In spite of her interest she didn’t understand the subject.
Explicativas: Expressam idéia de explicação, da razão para algo. LinkTranslationExample BecausePorqueI’m living because I’m tired. AsComoAs it’s raining again, we’ll stay at home. SinceJá que, desde queSince I haven’t got her address, I can’t visit her. ForPor causa de, visto que I stopped and ate something, for I was starving.
ATTENTION There are two colours. You can choose either of them. qualquer (de dois) There are several colors. You can choose any of them. qualquer (de vários)
LINK 3 MeaningExampleLIKE COMO (indica semelhança) She swims like a fish. AS COMO (indica função) She works as a secretary.
Função: palavras organizadoras; em português correspondem as conjunções, locuções, advérbios, etc. Either... Or Either you go by bus or by car. Ou... Ou Neither... Nor Neither Helen nor Mike likes apples. Nem... Nem Both... And Both Rita and Meggy travel a lot. Tanto... Quanto Not only... But also Not only Ted but also Ricky likes to read. Não apenas... Mas também
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