Carregar apresentação
Cecília Hartt
Definição: Trata-se de uma pergunta curta, usando apenas o verbo auxiliar e o pronome pessoal, no final de uma frase afirmativa ou negativa que tem o objetivo de confirmar a afirmação anterior.
Usos: Linguagem Coloquial: usado na fala ou na escrita informal
Objetivo: Solicitar confirmação do que foi dito anteriormente Estrutura: Usa-se o mesmo verbo auxiliar da frase principal, no mesmo tempo verbal da mesma, na sua forma contrária (se a frase foi afirmativa, a pergunta final será negativa e vice-versa.)
Exemplos no tempo Presente:
She is a teacher, isn’t she? They are Brazilians, aren’t they? You speak English, don’t you? They live in Brazil, don’t they? She has a car, doesn‘t she? He doesn’t have children, does he? They don’t smoke, do they? You can drive, can’t you?
Exemplos no tempo Passado:
She went to the USA last year, didn’t she? They didn’t buy a new car, did they? He couldn’t travel last holiday, could he? They got married last year, didn’t they? She was in a meeting yesterday, wasn’t she? He couldn’t speak English very well, could he? He wasn’t feeling very well yesterday, was he?
Exemplos no tempo Futuro:
She will buy a new car next year, won’t she? They are going to buy a new house soon, aren’t they?
Exemplos com o verbo There to be ( haver):
There is a problem here, isn’t there? There were a lot of people at the party, weren’t there? There wasn’t anything wrong with the food, was there? There aren’t any new books available at the moment, are there?
Exemplos com o verbo “Have” como verbo auxiliar e verbo principal:
“Have” – verbo auxiliar: They have just arrived, haven’t they? Have” – verbo principal: They have a dog, don’t they?
Usos c/ Sujeito: Somebody/Someone/ Nobody/No one/ Everybody/Everyone:
Pronome da Question Tag= THEY Somebody called him, didn’t they? Nobody saw her, didn’t they? Everybody knows that, don’t they?
Usos c/ Never/No/ Nothing/ Nobody/Hardly/ Scarcely/Little:
Question Tag= Afirmativa ( já que estas palavras são negativas) They never write to me, do they? She hardly ever travels abroad now, does she? They scarcely see each other, do they?
Usos c/ Nothing iniciando a sentença:
O pronome da question tag é “IT”: Nothing is the same nowadays, isn’t it?
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