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Prepositions Preposições

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Apresentação em tema: "Prepositions Preposições"— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 Prepositions Preposições

2 Preposições Ligam dois termos Explicam ou completam o sentido

3 Preposições About = sobre, a respeito de Above = acima (de)
Across = através (de), por, pelo After = depois (de) Against = contra Among = entre, no meio de (vários) Around = ao redor de Before = antes (de) Behind = atrás Below = abaixo (de) Beside = ao lado de Between = entre (dois) By = de, por, até During = durante For = para, durente, por From = de (origem) In front of = em frente de Inside = dentro, do lado de dentro Instead of = ao invés de Near (next to) = perto de Outside = fora, do lado de fora Over = acima (de) Since = desde Through = através de, por, durante Under = embaixo (de), sob Until (till) = até (tempo) Up = para cima With = com

4 In Indicar tempo – meses, anos, séculos, estações do ano, alguns períodos do dia It happened in 1998. She goes to school in the morning.

5 In Indicar lugar – rua, bairro, cidade, estado, país, continente
I want to live in Paris. New York is in the United States.

6 In In – lugar como uma ÁREA I've been teaching at a college in london.
In – DENTRO de algo ou algum lugar The bread is in the oven.

7 In He's in the kitchen. There is a shark in the water!
It was written in the newspaper. Chile is a country in South America.

8 On Indicar tempo – dias do mês, dias da semana, datas específicas com a palavra day They play tennis on Sundays. It’ll be sunny on Christmas day.

9 On Indicar lugar – nomes de rua, avenidas, praças
The Mall is on Madison Avenue. The Hospital is on Sherman Street.

10 On On – lugar como uma SUPERFÍCIE I sat down on the sofa.
On – GRUDADO ou ENCOSTADO em algo The man is on the tree.

11 On The book is on the table. There is a mirror on the wall. There is a stain on his shirt. He likes riding on his horse.

12 At Indicar tempo – horas, datas específicas sem a palavra day
He gets up at 6 o’clock. They visited their parents at Easter.

13 At Indicar lugar – rua com o número, locais específicos
They live at 89 Sherman Street. They will be at home tomorrow.

14 At At – lugar como um PONTO
She waited at the bus stop for twenty minutes. At – refere-se a POSIÇÃO ou LOCALIZAÇÃO I’m at Hogwarts.

15 At He is at the restaurant. They met at a party.
He is sitting at the corner. He was standing at the window.

16 Expressões

17 Adverbial Inversion Inversão Adverbial

18 Inversão Adverbial Usada para enfatizar
Usada em linguagem formal e literária

19 Inversão Adverbial Advérbio + verbo + sujeito + complemento *necessita de auxiliar após o advérbio na inversão He never plays football on Sundays. Never does he play football on Sundays.

20 Inversão Adverbial Advérbio + verbo + sujeito + complemento *necessita de auxiliar após o advérbio na inversão I have never challenged you. Never have I challenged you.

21 Inversão Adverbial Mais usados – never, seldom, not until, not only, when, no sooner, only then I would never recognize her. Never would I recognize her.

22 Prepositions

23 at in at on in at on on in

24 Adverbial Inversion 1) He seldom writes to his family. 2) He has rarely visited us. Seldom does he write to his family. Rarely  has he visited us.

25 Adverbial Inversion 3) They made the law effective only in this way. 4) I could hardly believe it. Only  in this way did they make the law effective. Hardly could I believe it.

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