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1SDR 2009 1.Como utilizar botões (4 botões). 2.Como utilizar interruptores (8 interruptores). 3.Como utilizar LEDs (8 LEDs). 4.Como utilizar displays (4.

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Apresentação em tema: "1SDR 2009 1.Como utilizar botões (4 botões). 2.Como utilizar interruptores (8 interruptores). 3.Como utilizar LEDs (8 LEDs). 4.Como utilizar displays (4."— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 1SDR 2009 1.Como utilizar botões (4 botões). 2.Como utilizar interruptores (8 interruptores). 3.Como utilizar LEDs (8 LEDs). 4.Como utilizar displays (4 displays).

2 SDR 20092 NET "Clock50In" TNM_NET = "Clock50In"; TIMESPEC "TS_Clock50In" = PERIOD "Clock50In" 50 MHz HIGH 50 %; #-------------------- Clock --------------------------------------------------# NET "Clock" LOC = "B8"; #-------------------- Buttons ------------------------------------------------# NET "Buttons " LOC = "H13"; NET "Buttons " LOC = "E18"; NET "Buttons " LOC = "D18"; NET "Buttons " LOC = "B18"; #-------------------- Switches -----------------------------------------------# NET "Sw " LOC = "R17"; NET "Sw " LOC = "N17"; NET "Sw " LOC = "L13"; NET "Sw " LOC = "L14"; NET "Sw " LOC = "K17"; NET "Sw " LOC = "K18"; NET "Sw " LOC = "H18"; NET "Sw " LOC = "G18"; #-------------------- Leds ---------------------------------------------------# NET "Led " LOC = "R4"; # (Leftmost) NET "Led " LOC = "F4"; NET "Led " LOC = "P15"; NET "Led " LOC = "E17"; NET "Led " LOC = "K14"; NET "Led " LOC = "K15"; NET "Led " LOC = "J15"; NET "Led " LOC = "J14"; # (Rightmost)

3 SDR 20093 #-------------------- 7 Segment Displays -------------------------------------# #NET "Segments " LOC = "L18"; # a aaaa #NET "Segments " LOC = "F18"; # b f b #NET "Segments " LOC = "D17"; # c f b #NET "Segments " LOC = "D16"; # d gggg #NET "Segments " LOC = "G14"; # e e c #NET "Segments " LOC = "J17"; # f e c #NET "Segments " LOC = "H14"; # g dddd dp #NET "Segments " LOC = "C17"; # dp # #NET "Displays " LOC = "F15"; #NET "Displays " LOC = "C18"; #NET "Displays " LOC = "H17"; #NET "Displays " LOC = "F17"; # … Comentários

4 SDR 20094 #-------------------- PS2 (Single Device) ------------------------------------# NET "PS2Data" LOC = "P11"; NET "PS2Clock" LOC = "R12"; #-------------------- VGA Monitor --------------------------------------------# NET "VGARed " LOC = "R8"; NET "VGARed " LOC = "T8"; NET "VGARed " LOC = "R9"; NET "VGAGreen " LOC = "P6"; NET "VGAGreen " LOC = "P8"; NET "VGAGreen " LOC = "N8"; NET "VGABlue " LOC = "U4"; NET "VGABlue " LOC = "U5"; NET "HSync" LOC = "T4"; # Horizontal Synchronization NET "VSync" LOC = "U3"; # Vertical Synchronization

5 SDR 20095 4 janelas ficheiros do projecto Janela para erros e avisos WorkSpace – interface com múltiplos documentos Menu

6 SDR 20096 janelas podem ser abertas ou fechadas Pode também reestabelecer janelas por omissão

7 SDR 20097 1 2

8 8 3

9 9 4

10 10 Esquemático Diagrama de estados de uma MEF Código VHDL

11 SDR 200911 User Constraints File Adicionar um ficheiro que já existe Adicionar um ficheiro que já existe e copiar este ficheiro para a pasta do projecto

12 SDR 200912 5 out

13 SDR 200913 6 library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity ForFirstProject is Port ( LED : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); Buttons : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); Sw : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); Segments : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); Displays : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); Clock : in STD_LOGIC); end ForFirstProject; architecture Behavioral of ForFirstProject is begin end Behavioral;

14 SDR 200914 7 Preparar código VHDLComportamental ou Estrutural ou Misto

15 SDR 200915 SW: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 Buttons LED: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Displays: 3 2 1 0 Displays(3) – F15 Displays(2) – C18 Displays(1) – H17 Displays(0) – F17 Buttons(3) – H13 Buttons(2) – E18 Buttons(1) – D18 Buttons(0) – B18 SW(7) – R17 SW(6) – N17 SW(5) – L13 SW(4) – L14 SW(3) – K17 SW(2) – K18 SW(1) – H18 SW(0) – G18 LED(7) – R4 LED(6) – F4 LED(5) – P15 LED(4) – E17 LED(3) – K14 LED(2) – K15 LED(1) – J15 LED(0) – J14 Clock 50 MHz - B8 Segments(6) - L18 Segments(1) - J17Segments(5) - F18 Segments(2) - G14Segments(4) - D17 Segments(3) - D16 Segments(0) – H14 Segments(7) - C17

16 SDR 200916 Buttons(0) – RESET Buttons(1) – Display 0001 Buttons(2) – Display 0002 Buttons(3) – Display SW(7 downto 4) + SW(3 downto 0) Quando Buttons(3 downto 0) = 0000 Leds = SW Display(3) = SW Displays(2 downto 0) = 000.

17 SDR 200917 library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity ForFirstProject is Port ( LED : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); Buttons : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); Sw : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); Segments : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); Displays : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); clock : in STD_LOGIC); end ForFirstProject;

18 SDR 200918 architecture Behavioral of ForFirstProject is signal WhichDisplay : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal div : std_logic_vector(22 downto 0); signal Sum: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 downto 0); type rom_type is array (0 to 99) of std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); constant ROM : rom_type := ("00000000","00000001","00000010","00000011","00000100","00000101","00000110","00000111","00001000", "00001001", "00010000","00010001","00010010","00010011","00010100","00010101","00010110","00010111","00011000", "00011001", "00100000","00100001","00100010","00100011","00100100","00100101","00100110","00100111","00101000", "00101001", "00110000","00110001","00110010","00110011","00110100","00110101","00110110","00110111","00111000", "00111001", "01000000","01000001","01000010","01000011","01000100","01000101","01000110","01000111","01001000", "01001001", "01010000","01010001","01010010","01010011","01010100","01010101","01010110","01010111","01011000", "01011001", "01100000","01100001","01100010","01100011","01100100","01100101","01100110","01100111","01101000", "01101001", "01110000","01110001","01110010","01110011","01110100","01110101","01110110","01110111","01111000", "01111001", "10000000","10000001","10000010","10000011","10000100","10000101","10000110","10000111","10001000", "10001001", "10010000","10010001","10010010","10010011","10010100","10010101","10010110","10010111","10011000", "10011001" ); type display_ROM is array (0 to 15) of std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); signal index : integer range 0 to 15; constant convert_to_segments : display_ROM := ("10000001","11001111","10010010","10000110","11001100","10100100","10100000","10001111", "10000000","10000100","10001000","10000000","10110001","10000001","10110000","10111000");

19 SDR 200919 begin LED <= SW; Sum <= ('0'&Sw(3 downto 0)) + ('0'&Sw(7 downto 4)); div<= div + 1 when rising_edge(clock); WhichDisplay <= div(16 downto 15); process(WhichDisplay) begin if WhichDisplay ="00" then displays <= "1110"; elsif WhichDisplay ="01" then displays <= "1101"; elsif WhichDisplay ="10" then displays <= "1011"; else displays <= "0111"; end if; end process;

20 20 process(clock) begin if rising_edge(clock) then --LEDs <= ascii(7 downto 0); if WhichDisplay ="11" then case Buttons(3 downto 0) is when "0001" => segments <= convert_to_segments(0); when "0010" => segments <= convert_to_segments(0); when "0100" => segments <= convert_to_segments(0); when "1000" => segments <= convert_to_segments(0); when others => segments <= SW; end case; elsif WhichDisplay ="10" then case Buttons(3 downto 0) is when "0001" => segments <= convert_to_segments(0); when "0010" => segments <= convert_to_segments(0); when "0100" => segments <= convert_to_segments(0); when "1000" => segments <= convert_to_segments(0); when others => segments <= SW; end case; elsif WhichDisplay ="01" then case Buttons(3 downto 0) is when "0001" => segments <= convert_to_segments(0); when "0010" => segments <= convert_to_segments(0); when "0100" => segments <= convert_to_segments(0); when "1000" => segments <= convert_to_segments(conv_integer(ROM(conv_integer(sum))(7 downto 4))); when others => segments <= SW; end case;

21 SDR 200921 else case Buttons(3 downto 0) is when "0001" => segments <= convert_to_segments(0); when "0010" => segments <= convert_to_segments(1); when "0100" => segments <= convert_to_segments(2); when "1000" => segments <= convert_to_segments(conv_integer(ROM(conv_integer(sum))(3 downto 0))); when others => segments <= SW; end case; end if; else null; end if; end process; end Behavioral;

22 SDR 200922 Tarefa 1. Projectar um circuito para fazer contas aritméticas: R1 = Op1 + Op2; R2 = Op1 - Op2; R3 = Op1 * Op2; R4 = Op1 / Op2; Onde: Op1 tem tamanho de 4 bits (use interruptores 3 downto 0 da placa) Op2 tem tamanho de 4 bits (use interruptores 7 downto 4 da placa) R1 deve aparecer nos displays quando carregar no botão0 da placa R2 deve aparecer nos displays quando carregar no botão1 da placa R3 deve aparecer nos displays quando carregar no botão2 da placa R4 deve aparecer nos displays quando carregar no botão3 da placa LED(7 downto 0) deve mostrar os resultados em código binário

23 SDR 200923 VHDL suporta 1) adição (+), subtracção (-) e multiplicação (*). VHDL não suporta a divisão (/). Para implementar a divisão Op1(4 bits)/Op2(4 bits) pode utilizar tabelas ou instruções condicionais do tipo if e case ou subtracção múltipla Exemplos: sum <= ("0000"&(Op1(3 downto 0)))+("0000"&(Op2(3 downto 0))); difference <= ("0000"&(Op1(3 downto 0)))-("0000"&(Op2(3 downto 0))) when ("0000"&(Op1(3 downto 0)))>=("0000"&(Op2(3 downto 0))) else ("0000"&(Op2(3 downto 0)))-("0000"&(Op1(3 downto 0))); sign<= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos(' '), 8)) when ("0000"&(Op1(3 downto 0)))>=("0000"&(Op2(3 downto 0))) else std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos('-'), 8)); sumMSB <= "0011" & ROM(conv_integer(sum))(7 downto 4); sumLSB <= "0011" & ROM(conv_integer(sum))(3 downto 0); DifLSB <= "0011" & ROM(conv_integer(difference))(3 downto 0); 8 bits 4 + 4 = 8 bits dígito mais significativo dígito menos significativo

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