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3 SINAI | El-Markha

4 SINAI | El-Markha El-Markha Plain in South Sinai provides an anchorage and resting point for Egyptian expeditions traveling to the copper and turquoise mining region in South Sinai.  The Toronto expedition investigated a mound at Ras Budran and revealed a late Old Kingdom, circular stone fort. It displays a new architectural form (circular) and an uncommon pharaonic application of stone to a fortress.  It is exceptionally well-preserved and the undisturbed occupation layer allows analysis of activity patterns. The fort’s late Old Kingdom construction, occupation, and destruction/abandonment in South Sinai reflect Dynasty 5–6 historical records for Egyptian campaigns against Asiatic “Sand-dwellers” and a Bedouin massacre of an Egyptian expedition beside the Red Sea. The site illuminates multiple aspects of a period associated with the “collapse” of the Old Kingdom and the activities and cross-cultural interactions of a garrison located at the edge of Egypt’s eastern frontier.

5 SINAI | el-Markha In general, square and rectilinear enclosures dominate Early Dynastic to Old Kingdom and later sites, such as the enclosures at Abydos, Hierakonpolis, Elephantine, Tell Edfu, and ‘Ayn Asil (Dakhleh Oasis). However, some archaeological evidence does exist for circular enclosure walls prior to and during this period.  The Early Dynastic town at el-Kab yielded portions of two parallel, curved walls that originally enclosed a 390 by 400 meter, circular area. On a comparative scale, Hierakonpolis contains an Early Dynastic, semi-circular stone revetment wall measuring 40 meters in diameter, which is close to the Sinai fort’s 44 meter diameter.  In contrast, the wall at Hierakonpolis is thinner and functioned as a revetment enclosing a temple platform.  Other circular structures include Predynastic to Early Dynastic circular stone grave mounds (tumuli) covering poor burials, but these are much smaller and roughly built. Although archaeological examples of circular Egyptian forts remain elusive in contrast to tumuli, temple platforms, and town enclosure walls, there is some evidence for round forts in models, depictions and hieroglyphs. For instance, a Predynastic grave at Abadiyeh produced a fragmentary, ceramic model fort with figures of human sentries standing behind a curved, crenellated wall. Some Early Dynastic slate palettes and dockets display plan-views of settlements with ovoid and circular fortifications.  A Dynasty 1 docket from Abydos depicts a tower with sloping walls, ladder access, and battlements.  This is duplicated by a Dynasty 1 ceramic model of a similar circular fort-tower.  A second round model fort-tower appears in Djoser’s Step Pyramid complex of Dynasty 3, and is paralleled by Old Kingdom hieroglyphic determinatives depicting a “tower” or “fort” (swnw and mnnw).  Furthermore, the well-known Egyptian hieroglyphic determinative for “town” (niwt), which appears during this period, portrays a circular town wall surrounding cross-streets and houses.

6 Medou Netjer (Palavras dos Deuses) = Hieroglifos

7 Niwt = Cidade


9 Pintas

10 Toledo, 1610

11 Valência, 1778 http://a_pollett.tripod.com/cards6.htm
Replica of a Spanish deck printed in Valencia, in 1778 (from the Fournier Museum in Alava-Gasteiz, Spain); the suit frames are present, as well as the expression Aí va featured below the cavalier of Cups





16 Betsy Ross, 1777

17 Armas de Georges Washington

18 Bandeira da British East India Company, 1707

19 Bandeira Naval dos Estados Unidos, 1775-1776


21 Polo Norte Celestial

22 Draco

23 Draco


25 GÉNESIS Primeiro Livro da BÍBLIA

26 Jardin do Éden

27 GÉNESIS 8 Depois, o SENHOR Deus plantou um jardim no Éden, ao oriente, e nele colocou o homem que tinha formado. 9 O SENHOR Deus fez brotar da terra toda a espécie de árvores agradáveis à vista e de saborosos frutos para comer; a árvore da Vida estava no meio do jardim, assim como a árvore do conhecimento do bem e do mal.

28 GÉNESIS 10 Um rio nascia no Éden para regar o jardim, dividindo-se, a seguir, em quatro braços. 11 O nome do primeiro é Pichon, rio que rodeia toda a região de Havilá, onde se encontra ouro, 12 ouro puro, sem misturas, e também se encontra lá bdélio e ónix. 13 O nome do segundo rio é Guion, o qual rodeia toda a terra de Cuche. 14 O nome do terceiro é Tigre, e corre ao oriente da Assíria. O quarto rio é o Eufrates.

29 GÉNESIS 15 O SENHOR Deus levou o homem e colocou-o no jardim do Éden, para o cultivar e, também, para o guardar. 16 E o SENHOR Deus deu esta ordem ao homem: «Podes comer do fruto de todas as árvores do jardim; 17 mas não comas o da árvore do conhecimento do bem e do mal, porque, no dia em que o comeres, certamente morrerás.»

30 GÉNESIS 20 Adão pôs à sua mulher o nome de Eva, porque ela seria mãe de todos os viventes. 21 O SENHOR Deus fez a Adão e à sua mulher túnicas de peles e vestiu-os. 22 O SENHOR Deus disse: «Eis que o homem, quanto ao conhecimento do bem e do mal, se tornou como um de nós. Agora é preciso que ele não estenda a mão para se apoderar também do fruto da árvore da Vida e, comendo dele, viva para sempre.»

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