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!“Oh meu Deus! Oh meu Deus! Vou chegar tarde!” Coelho Branco.

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Apresentação em tema: "!“Oh meu Deus! Oh meu Deus! Vou chegar tarde!” Coelho Branco."— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 !“Oh meu Deus! Oh meu Deus! Vou chegar tarde!” Coelho Branco

2 "Circulações da camada limite e mesoclima" David R. Fitzjarrald e: Ricardo K. Sakai (1), Osvaldo M. M. Moraes (2), Otávio C. Acevedo (2), Matthew J. Czikowsky (1) Maria F. Silva Dias (3), Raimundo Cosme (4) Troy Beldini (5), Rodrigo da Silva (6), Eleazar Brait (5) & many more…. Jungle Research Group (1) Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, University at Albany, SUNY (2) Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (3) Universidade de São Paulo (4) EMBRAPA, Santarém (5) LBA Office, Santarém (6) UFPa, Santarém

3 Explain all that,' said the Mock Turtle. `No, no! The adventures first,' said the Gryphon in an impatient tone: `explanations take such a dreadful time.' Chapter 10, “the Lobster Quadrille” Alice in Wonderland Grifo “Explique o que quer dizer”, disse a Tartaruga Falsa. “Não, não! As aventuras primeiro, disse o Grifo num ton impaciente. “Explicações levam um tempo danado.” Tartaruga Falsa


5 LBA-ECO Santarém LBA research sites

6 P belem  P BelStm TU SOI Prec



9 Original Belterra LBA station km117 station Installed July 1998




13 EW Fujita’s transmission factors; wind roses

14 Silva Dias et al., 2003.

15 Radiative fluxes at the km67 site PARdn Kdn Ldn Lup Q*

16 Clocks are OK! Appreciably more global solar radiation near the river… Diurnal asymmetry in mean K dn results from similar asymmetry in cloudiness.

17 Use the half-hourly statistics to infer cloud effects…

18 Wet season Max Mean Min

19 Dry season Max Mean Min




23 67 77 67 77 Sodar at km 77 Tethered balloon Wind speed PAR T Old Growth Site/Pasture site comparison Long-term average Sdw(km67)≈0.95 Sdw(km77)

24 Rain PAR down Sdown Cloud base

25 Cloud base at km67 is described by the LCL at km77 ‘pasture’ site, not by local variables (internal BL?)

26 Precipitation Connect the dots to get the rivers?

27 Smith et al. 2006 “Estimating bias of satellite-based precipitation Estimates”, JHM 7, p 841 Long-term mean precipitation; gauge & satellite

28 Leibman and Allured, stations (BAMS 2005) … Daily gridded data



31 Rain gauge errors increase with rain rate, but ….

32 One way to improve rain gauge statistics (at least at 1 point).

33 Rainfall measurements are difficult!

34 convectivesynoptic Rain Dial (UT) Afternoon precipitation from local convective activity

35 Wet season

36 Dry season


38 convectiva Lineas ins

39 “ Well! I've often seen a cat without a grin,” thought Alice; but a grin without a cat! It's the most curious thing I ever saw in my life!” “Bem! Já vi muitas vezes um gato sem sorriso”, pensou Alice, “mas um sorriso sem gato! É da coisa mais curiosa que já vi em toda minha vida.”

40 Diurnal precipitation from TRMM ( Yang & Smith, J. Climate 2006)

41 Detail Fig. 9: Diurnal precipitation from TRMM (Yang & Smith, J. Climate 2006)

42 South America: DJF 2002-2003 Kousky et al. 2006 Composite of ‘CMORPH’ results

43 00-03 UTC 06-09 UTC 12-15 UTC 18-21 UTC (From Kousky et al. 2006, CMORPH analyses) Influence of large scale ‘mega squall lines’ on precipitation Time of ‘maximum precipitation rate’

44 Diurnal patterns of precipitation depend on proximity to river CMORPH, Kousky et al. 2006STM weather stations





49 15.3 mm/d average for (54°W-55°W); (3°S- 2°S) CMORPH rainfall

50 The Tapajós river breeze can overpower a weak easterly…

51 Seeking the river breeze mesoscale pressure gradient--diurnal difference superimposed on the semidiurnal tide.

52 CPTEC Eta model reanalysis for LBA 30 day average flow & pressure contours Seeking the large-scale pressure gradient that drives the ‘trade wind’

53 ‘glassy’ water surface when the easterly winds falter (a case of friagem in SW Amazon)

54 River breeze important near the river (where the climate stations are) Radiative flux bias at climate stations along river can be +30% Precipitation bias can be bias difficult to determine (compensating factors, intensification of ‘synoptic’ precip near river; interior convective precip) Interesting nocturnal CBL over river may have implications for the recycling of CO 2 emitted from the water. Local link to large scale via modulation of the steady easterlies.

55 “Who cares for you?” said Alice, (she had grown to her full size by this time.) “You're nothing but a pack of cards!” “Quem se importa com vocês?”, disse Alice (ela tinha chegado a seu tamanho normal a esa altura). “Voces não passam de um baralho de cartas!”

56 What is this boy saying?


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