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Web 2.0 COOPER Software Factory Democratic software engineering.

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Apresentação em tema: "Web 2.0 COOPER Software Factory Democratic software engineering."— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 Web 2.0 COOPER Software Factory Democratic software engineering

2 Cooper Software Factory - Missão Criar soluções personalizadas de softwares open source em um ambiente distribuído e democrático de forma transparente ao cliente

3 Cooper Software Factory - Características Fábrica de software open source. Desenvolvimento distribuído, colaborativo, democrático e transparente. Processo de desenvolvimento com características híbridas do modelo Catedral e do modelo Bazar. Profissionais competentes habilitados a gerir seu trabalho individual e interagir com a fábrica eficientemente. Organização por grupos de competência.

4 Cooper Software Factory - Colaboradores Pessoas / Atividades SQACM Implemen tação Requisitos Arquite tura Testes PM / Liderança Documen tação / Admin site Alexandre Santos xxx x Cristiano Bertoline x xx x x Ellison Siqueira xxx Felipe Guimarães xxxx Gerard Toonstra x xxxx xx Jocelia Silva xx x xx Jorge Pereira xxxx Karina Gomes x x xxx Rachel Vital xxx xx Rafael Ribeiro xx x x Vera Nogueira x x x

5 Cooper - Processo de Desenvolvimento Requisitos Analise e Design Evolução Coordenação de Projeto Integração Implementação Requisitos, Arquitetura, Modelagem, Planos, Cronograma Releases Testes Grupo de Requisitos Grupo de Processo Grupo de Arquitetura Grupo de Implementação Grupo de Integração Grupo de Documentação Grupo de Testes Gerência de Qualidade, Gerência de Configurações e Mudanças Acompanhamento do projeto (cliente, colaboradores, coordenação) Ferramentas colaborativas

6 Projeto Web 2.0

7 Project Scope Develop requirements, architecture and the implementation of a website for a software cooperative, using Web 2.0 technology.

8 Marketing and branding proposal : Selling people The curriculum of every member online. This CV may contain hyperlinks The CV also contains portlets of known sites like SourceForge, where the person may be a contributor. Certain details about the project are shown inline History of customers Endorsements from customers and colleagues Links to the status of this person inside certain communities (link to TruLog?) Developer of the day on the front page

9 Marketing and branding proposal : Selling products A search database. This links to SF and Freshmeat and is useful for both colleague and client A software register for each cooperative. This shows experience and later could link to other cooperatives to understand how much certain softwares are used, plus allows better re-use increasing quality Case studies and project studies online

10 Branding : Focus on The Experience Clients gain raw insight into the development of the project and can contribute to the requirement documents online as these are developing The cooperative website becomes a gateway into the global expert community, where customers can tap into Show pictures of colleagues @ Starbucks or the beach, trying to create a 24x7 availability atmosphere, anywhere, anyhow, anyway

11 Financial Accounting: Payroll Transaction Payroll taxes: a flexible and extensible system to manage the members salaries Insurance: Contract management, types of insurances and insurance companys access Benefits: includes health, life, dental, vacation, profit sharing, pension Protection & Indemnity: Provides legal protection against malfunctional code Deductions: defines other possible deductions Refunds: A module that manages costs and makes the costs reimbursed publically visible for transparency

12 Human Resource Addresses personal issues like hiring, firing and training Contains personal and the professional information of all members The trainings online are available to all members and they can also share their experiences

13 Sales Manages sales contracts Help members choose their sales contract, if each has an individual connection with the cooperative

14 Cooper Software Factory – Próximos passos Sincronização dos processos da fabrica Planejamento do projeto Arquitetura Ferramentas Protótipo

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