Segurança para o Datacenter Virtual com VMware


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Transcrição da apresentação:

Segurança para o Datacenter Virtual com VMware Pedro Marques Arquiteto de Soluções

Overview de Virtualização Soluções Benefícios para as empresas Agenda Overview de Virtualização Soluções Benefícios para as empresas

O que é Infra-Estrutura Virtual ? Camada de Software Camada de Hardware Quebra a ligação entre Software e Hardware Interconexão Fibre Channel Ethernet A infra-estrutura virtual cria uma camada abstrata entre os dispositivos físicos de um computador e o sistema operacional. OU seja, os sistemas falam com um hardware virtual e não diretamente com o hardware físico. Com isso podemos gerenciar diversos sistemas de um ponto centralizado de controle, podemos compartilhar recursos entre cargas de trabalho para aumentar a eficiência e utilização. Com isso TI consegue ter um data center que seja mais preparado para a necessidade dos negócios. Computer Storage Rede

O Mercado de virtualização amadureceu… 3ª Geração Ampla virtualização da Infra-estrutura 2006 + ... 2ª Geração Infra-estrutura Virtualizada Automação Disponibilidade Otimização Gerência centralizada Enterprise-Class Virtualization System Partitioning 1ª Geração Single System Hypervisor-based Stack 2003-2005 Gerência centralizada Enterprise-Class Virtualization System Partitioning 1999-2001 First generation virtualization provided server partitioning through a hypervisor or hosted architecture; second-generation virtualization added management, capacity planning, P2V and other tools for consolidating production servers. VMware Infrastructure 3 unleashes a leap forward in virtualization by delivering systems infrastructure capabilities for entire farms of heterogeneous industry standard servers and storage independent of the underlying hardware or application/OS workloads. VMware Infrastructure 3 makes it possible to dynamically aggregate heterogeneous systems into pools of resources that are centrally managed, continuously optimized and highly available to any application or operating system. System Partitioning

Introdução ao VMware Infrastructure 3 Automação Disponibilidade Otimização Gerência centralizada Virtualização Enterprise-Class System Partitioning VMotion Resource Pools DRS HA Consolidated Backup NOVO VirtualCenter 2 NOVO With VMware Infrastructure 3, VMware is ushering in datacenters where industry-standard infrastructure farms can be managed as a shared utility and dynamically allocated to different business units or projects. New capacity can be added or removed non-disruptively based on business demand. Applications can be migrated automatically to available hardware resources. Hardware failures can be automatically overcome with minimal disruption. Business data can be protected with minimal impact to production SLAs. Applications can be provisioned instantly and recovered at the same or remote locations easily regardless of the operating system and hardware. Customers will be able to transform I.T. service levels, simplify and automate their infrastructure and deploy virtualization pervasively across their entire environment Virtual SMP VMFS ESX Server 3 NOVO

Introdução ao VMware Infrastructure 3 Automação Disponibilidade Otimização Gerência centralizada Virtualização Enterprise-Class System Partitioning VMotion Resource Pools DRS HA Consolidated Backup VirtualCenter 2 Virtual SMP VMFS ESX Server 3

Virtualização de Servidores Distribua múltiplas máquinas virtuais em um servidor físico Máquinas virtuais Benefícios Aumenta a utilização do hardware pelo compartilhamento de recursos através de um grande número de máquinas virtuais ESX Server Servidor Físico

Anatomia de uma máquina virtual Cada Máquina Virtual é um sistema completamente encapsulado em um conjunto de arquivos Aplicação sem modificações SO sem Modificações Hardware Virtual A virtual machine is like a server, but instead of electronics, it is a set of software files. Each virtual machine represents a complete system – with processors, memory, networking, storage and BIOS. A virtual machine runs operating systems and applications without any modifications just like a physical server. Server provisioning is similar to copying a file Server migration is now similar to data migration Data management techniques can be used for server management Server cloning/copying Versioning Server archival Remote mirroring

Requerimentos para virtualização Enterprise-Class Virtualização dos Servidores, Storage e Rede Confiabilidade, Modularidade e Performance Interabilidade e Certificação Suportar Enterprise workloads

1. Virtualização de Servidores, Storage e Rede Server Virtual Machines ESX Server Farm Virtual Machines Enterprise Virtualization VMware Infrastructure Network Storage Particionamento de CPU e Memória Armazene os discos da VM em disco local ou em um storage compartilhado. VMFS cluster file system gerencia os discos virtuais Construa redes dentro ou entre os servidores ESX. Virtual machines disk files Saved on shared storage – fibre channel and iSCSI SAN, or NAS Copied, moved, archived as any other file VMFS cluser file system Stores the entire virtual machine state in a central location Supports heterogenous storage arrays Adds more storage to a VMFS volume dynamically Allows multiple ESX Servers to access the same virtual machine storage concurrently Benefits Consolidate direct attached storage into centrally managed, highly available SAN. Leverage shared storage for high availability, live migration of virtual machines Implement tiered storage strategy Standardize on virtualization across different environments – from corporate data center to remote offices Network virtual machines like physical machines. Build complex networks within a single ESX Server or across multiple ESX Servers for production deployments or development and testing purposes. Virtualization for Networking. Virtual NICs. Configure each virtual machine with one or more virtual NICs. Each of those network interfaces can have its own IP address and even its own MAC address. As a result, virtual machines are indistinguishable from physical machines from a networking standpoint. Virtual switches. Create a simulated network within an ESX Server with virtual switches that connect virtual machines. New – Expanded port configuration policies. Simplify port configuration by utilizing a single configuration object across large groups of ports. The configuration object specifies all information needed to enable a port: NIC teaming policy (now per port instead of per virtual switch), VLAN tagging, Layer 2 security, and traffic shaping. VLAN. Overlay a logical LAN on top of physical LANs to isolate network traffic for security and load segregation purposes. ESX Server VLANs are compatible with standard VLAN implementations from other vendors. Modify network configurations without having to change actual cabling and switch setups. VLANs keep broadcast traffic limited to the VLAN, reducing the network load of broadcast packets on other switches and network segments.

Virtualização como um multiplicador de recursos Físico Virtualizado Físico Virtualizado 4-way Server 2 HBAs (paired) Execute até 32 Virtual Machines ! Crie e aloque até 32 Virtual Disks ! 6GB Memory 2 NICs (paired) Aloque até 12 GB de memória para as VMs Crie e aloque até 16 Virtual NICs ! You can think of ESX Server simply as a resource multiplier. It makes the components of your x86 servers available to many server applications rather than just one as is usually the case. And, ESX Server lets you divide those resources precisely and intelligently between those servers to ensure that guaranteed service levels are always maintained. You’ve already seen how ESX Server lets CPU resources be divided between multiple virtual machines. ESX Server manages the execution of virtual machine processing by assigning each virtual machine to available host processors using intelligent process scheduling and load balancing across available processors. For each virtual machine, you can define a minimum and maximum amount of CPU that a virtual machine can use, guaranteeing a percentage of the CPU resource, whether or not there is contention. You also allocate CPU shares to specify the relative importance of virtual machines. ESX Server maximizes processor utilization on your servers letting you run typically 8 virtual machines per processor and it takes advantage of hyperthreading and dual-core processor capabilities. Our customers commonly run 20 to 30 concurrent virtual machines on 4-way servers and ESX Server supports up to 80 virtual CPUs in concurrent use. As I’ll explain shortly, ESX Server lets you safely oversubscribe memory on your servers. That is, the sum of the memory allocated to each running VM can exceed the physical installed memory on the host by about a 2:1 ratio. That lets you get more out of your investment in expensive server memory. When you configure an ESX Server virtual machine, you specify the amount of host memory for it, up to a maximum of 3.6GB. You can further specify memory allocations in terms of fractions of available host memory using a fair share method in ESX Server. You can further define a minimum allowable amount of memory that the virtual machine always has available, otherwise, busy virtual machines are able to borrow memory from idle virtual machines. ESX Server lets you share expensive storage network components across many servers while maintaining hardware fault tolerance. Rather than dedicating two fibre channel host bus adapters and a portion of a storage switch to each server as is needed with conventionally provisioned servers, ESX Server shares those HBAs and storage switches across many virtual machines, maintaining fault tolerance while lowering the cost of storage access on a per server basis. ESX Server lets you specify the exact amount of storage I/O bandwidth allocated to each virtual machine. Network resources are multiplied in a similar way. If you’ve invested in teamed NICs for hardware fault tolerance, every ESX Server virtual machine running on that host can share those high availability benefits. Virtual machines can be configured with virtual NICs and virtual switches and you can choose which host NICs or teams are used by the virtual machines. ESX Server lets you precisely specify the network bandwidth allocated to each virtual machine and it provides network traffic shaping to let you define average and peak bandwidth and maximum burst size. Todos os recursos físicos são compartilhados pelas máquinas virtuais, resultando em um efeito de multiplicação de recursos

2. Confiabilidade, Escalabilidade e Performance ESX Server em um cliente: 800 dias contínuos de uptime We said that one of the requirements for enterprise infrastructure virtualization is reliability. The reason it matters tremendously to customers is because virtualization is such core infrastructure that if it does not work, it can have disastrous consequences. There is nothing more powerful than the experience of real VMware customers. The screen shot is taken from a real customers and show 800 of continuous availability for ESX serve and counting.

3. Interabilidade e Certificações VMware Infrastructure Management: Virtual Machines Applications: Operating Systems: ESX Server ESX Server ESX Server ESX Server ESX Server Server Hardware: Server Farm CPU: I/O Subsystem: Networks Fibre Channel SAN, iSCSI SAN, NAS Networking: Storage:

Suporte Heterogêneo a sistemas Operacionais Windows Server 2003 Standard, Enterprise, Web Editions, and Small Business Server Windows 2000 Server and Advanced Server Windows NT : 4.0 Server Windows XP Professional Red Hat Linux 7.2, 7.3, 8.0, & 9.0 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 & 3 Solaris 10 (on x86) SUSE Linux 8.2, 9.0 and 9.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 Novell NetWare 5.1, 6.0 and 6.5 FreeBSD 4.9 Rigorosamente testado para executar 28 versões dos principais sistemas operacionais Suporte experimental a sistemas operacionais de 64-bits Experimental 64-bit support Suitable for use in test and development Requires Intel VT or AMD Rev D and later Windows 2003 Server, RHEL 3 and 4, SLES 9, Solaris 10 x86 Adds Solaris support Solaris 10 U1 32-bit

4. Enterprise Workloads Executa as aplicações que consomem muitos recursos, como bancos de dados, CRM e aplicações de ERP 16 GB RAM Até 4 virtual CPUs Suporte a poderosos servidores físicos com até 32 CPUs lógicos e 64 GB RAM Leveraging eight years of R&D and experience from more than 20,000 customer deployments, VMware Infrastructure 3 delivers unparalleled performance and scalability. With VMware Infrastructure 3, even the most resource intensive production applications such as databases, ERP and CRM, can be virtualized. New - 4-way Virtual SMP. Enable a single virtual machine to use up to four physical processors simultaneously. ESX Server 3 extends this unique feature from two to four processors. With 4-way Virtual SMP even the most processor intensive software applications like databases and messaging servers can be virtualized. New - 16GB RAM for virtual machines. Run the most memory-intensive workloads in virtual machines with a memory limit extended to 16GB. New – Support for powerful physical server systems. Take advantage of very large server systems with up to 32 logical CPUs and 64GB RAM for large scale server consolidation and DR projects. New – Support for up to 128 powered-on virtual machines. Take advantage of very large server systems for server enterprise-class server consolidation and containment. The maximum number of powered-on virtual machines per ESX Server has been extended from 80 to 128. New – Flexible virtual switches. Scale up to handle more virtual machines. Virtual switches can be created with any number of ports from 8 to 1016, and the maximum number of virtual switches has been raised from 128 to 248.

Introducão a VMware Infrastructure 3 Automação Disponibilidade Otimização Gerência centralizada Virtualização Enterprise-Class System Partitioning VMotion Resource Pools DRS HA Consolidated Backup VirtualCenter 2 Virtual SMP VMFS ESX Server 3

Gerência da infra-estrutura VMware VMware Infrastructure VirtualCenter Máquina Virtuais ESX Server VC Agent ESX Server ESX Server ESX Server ESX Server ESX Server ESX Server Conjunto de Servidores Rede Storage

Introducão a VMware Infrastructure 3 Automação Disponibilidade Otimização Gerência centralizada Virtualização Enterprise-Class System Partitioning VMotion Resource Pools DRS HA Consolidated Backup VirtualCenter 2 Virtual SMP VMFS ESX Server 3

Servidores, Storage, Rede Resource Pools Agrega recursos de hardware distribuídos em conjuntos de recursos unificados Unidade de Negócios Departamento A Departamento B Impacto para o cliente Um computador que falhe significa menos recursos e não uma falha de aplicação Uma infra-estrutura para cada unidade de negócio; TI retêm o controle sobre o hardware Delegação de recursos e a gerência de VMs dentro de uma unidade de negócios Resource Pool 2 Resource Pool 3 CPU 36GHz, Mem 58GB Priority HIGH CPU 12GHz, Mem 22GB Priority LOW Resource pools - a new capability in VMware Infrastructure 3 – allow you to organize your IT environment around your business, not your hardware. Resource pool is a collection of hardware resources including processor, memory, disk and networking that is aggregated by VMware Infrastructure into a Abstraction of resources from hardware. Manage resources independently of the physical servers that contribute the resources. Flexible hierarchical organization. Organize resource pools hierarchically to match available IT resources to the business organization: individual business units can receive dedicated infrastructure while still profiting from the efficiency of resource pooling. Resource pools ensure that resource utilization is maximized while business units retain control and autonomy of their infrastructure. Resource pools can be flexibly added, removed, or reorganized as business needs or organization change. Isolation between resource pools. Make allocation changes within a resource pool without impacting other unrelated resource pools. For example, any allocation changes in the resource pool dedicated to a given business unit do not impact other resource pools Management of sets of virtual machines running a distributed application. Optimize the service level of distributed applications by controlling the aggregate allocation of resources for the entire set of virtual machines running the distributed application. Recursos Agregados CPU 48 GHz, Mem 80GB Servidores, Storage, Rede

Garantia do nível de serviço VMware Infrastructure Garantia de Serviço Consolidated Back-up High Availability Dynamic Resource Scheduler VirtualCenter Máquinas Virtuais ESX Server ESX Server ESX Server ESX Server ESX Server ESX Server ESX Server Conjunto de Servidores Rede Storage

Otimização de recursos com VMware DRS Alocação dinâmica e inteligente de Hardware para garantir um alinhamento otimizado entre o negócio e TI O que é isso? Balanceamento dinâmico dos recursos computacionais através dos resource pools Alocação inteligente de recursos, baseado em regras bem definidas Customer Impact Alinhar os recursos de TI de acordo com a prioridade do negócio Adicão dinâmica de servidores Demanda do negócio VMware® Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) dynamically allocates and balances computing capacity across a collection of hardware resources aggregated into logical resource pools. VMware DRS continuously monitors utilization across resource pools and intelligently allocates available resources among the virtual machines based on pre-defined rules that reflect business needs and changing priorities. When a virtual machine experiences an increased load, VMware DRS automatically allocates additional resources by redistributing virtual machines among the physical servers within the network. VMware DRS allows IT organizations to: Prioritize resources to the highest value applications in order to align resources with business goals. Optimize hardware utilization automatically and continuously to respond to changing conditions. Provide dedicated (virtual) infrastructure to business units while giving central IT complete control over hardware. Conduct zero-downtime server maintenance How does VMware DRS work? VMware DRS dynamically allocates and balances computing capacity across collections of hardware resources aggregated into logical resource pools. VMware DRS continuously monitors utilization across the resource pools and intelligently allocates available resources among virtual machines. VMware DRS allows users to define the rules and policies how virtual machines share resources and how these resources are prioritized among multiple virtual machines. When a virtual machine experiences increased load, VMware DRS first evaluates its priority against the established resource allocation rules and policies, and if justified, allocates additional resource. .Additional resources are allocated to the virtual machine by either migrating it to another server with more available resources or by making more “space” for it on the same server by migrating other virtual machines to different servers.. VMware DRS can be configured to operate in automatic or manual mode. In automatic mode, it migrates virtual machines to the most appropriate physical servers. The live migration of the virtual machines to the different physical server is executed completely transparent to end-users though VMware VMotion. In manual mode, VMware DRS provides a recommendation for optimal placement of virtual machines, and leaves it to the system administrator to decide whether to make the change. Flexible hierarchical organization of resource pools allows administrators to match available IT resources to the needs of the business organization. Individual business units can receive dedicated IT resources while still benefiting from the efficiency of resource pooling. Robust access privileges make it possible to delegate routine infrastructure tasks for a business unit resource pool to a business unit administrator. VMware DRS optimizes IT environments to align resources with business goals while ensuring flexibility and efficient utilization of hardware resources. How Is VMware DRS Used in the Enterprise? Align IT resources with business priorities. Define rules and policies how resources are prioritized among virtual machines. VMware DRS dynamically and intelligently allocates IT resources to the highest priority virtual machines to ensure optimal alignment between business and IT. Guarantee IT autonomy and service levels to business organizations. Provide dedicated IT infrastructure to business units while still profiting from higher hardware utilization through resource pooling. Dramatically increase system administrator productivity. Enable a single system administrator to monitor and effectively manage a large pool of infrastructure resources. Automate hardware maintenance. Place a physical server in maintenance mode and VMware DRS will automatically migrate all virtual machines to other physical servers, allowing server maintenance with zero downtime. Resource Pool

Capacidade de acordo com a demanda com VMware DRS Adicione hardware dinâmicamente Adicione facilmente novos recursos Proteção contra picos de carga não provisionados Resource Pool CPU 36GHz, Mem 58GB Prioridade ALTA Resource Pool CPU 50 GHz, Mem 70GB Prioridade ALTA Believe it or not Potential problems are diagnosed as soon as they start occurring and preventive medicine is administered. i.e. as soon as an application starts experiencing increased load, and is consequently starved for resources, and before it has hit serious performance issues, DRS detects that event, and provides more resources to that virtual machine. This is the self-adjusting, self optimizing datacenter. Normally sys admins would learn about such problems when their phones start ringing off the hook because a major application is down. You can allocate your available resources depending on the value of the applications they support. Not all applications are created equal – some are more important than the others. With DRS you can ensure that the important applications always take precedence if there is competition for resources. VMware® Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) dynamically allocates and balances computing capacity across a collection of hardware resources aggregated into logical resource pools. VMware DRS continuously monitors utilization across resource pools and intelligently allocates available resources among the virtual machines based on pre-defined rules that reflect business needs and changing priorities. When a virtual machine experiences an increased load, VMware DRS automatically allocates additional resources by redistributing virtual machines among the physical servers within the network. VMware DRS allows IT organizations to: Prioritize resources to the highest value applications in order to align resources with business goals. Optimize hardware utilization automatically and continuously to respond to changing conditions. Provide dedicated (virtual) infrastructure to business units while giving central IT complete control over hardware. Conduct zero-downtime server maintenance How does VMware DRS work? VMware DRS dynamically allocates and balances computing capacity across collections of hardware resources aggregated into logical resource pools. VMware DRS continuously monitors utilization across the resource pools and intelligently allocates available resources among virtual machines. VMware DRS allows users to define the rules and policies how virtual machines share resources and how these resources are prioritized among multiple virtual machines. When a virtual machine experiences increased load, VMware DRS first evaluates its priority against the established resource allocation rules and policies, and if justified, allocates additional resource. .Additional resources are allocated to the virtual machine by either migrating it to another server with more available resources or by making more “space” for it on the same server by migrating other virtual machines to different servers.. VMware DRS can be configured to operate in automatic or manual mode. In automatic mode, it migrates virtual machines to the most appropriate physical servers. The live migration of the virtual machines to the different physical server is executed completely transparent to end-users though VMware VMotion. In manual mode, VMware DRS provides a recommendation for optimal placement of virtual machines, and leaves it to the system administrator to decide whether to make the change. Flexible hierarchical organization of resource pools allows administrators to match available IT resources to the needs of the business organization. Individual business units can receive dedicated IT resources while still benefiting from the efficiency of resource pooling. Robust access privileges make it possible to delegate routine infrastructure tasks for a business unit resource pool to a business unit administrator. VMware DRS optimizes IT environments to align resources with business goals while ensuring flexibility and efficient utilization of hardware resources. How Is VMware DRS Used in the Enterprise? Align IT resources with business priorities. Define rules and policies how resources are prioritized among virtual machines. VMware DRS dynamically and intelligently allocates IT resources to the highest priority virtual machines to ensure optimal alignment between business and IT. Guarantee IT autonomy and service levels to business organizations. Provide dedicated IT infrastructure to business units while still profiting from higher hardware utilization through resource pooling. Dramatically increase system administrator productivity. Enable a single system administrator to monitor and effectively manage a large pool of infrastructure resources. Automate hardware maintenance. Place a physical server in maintenance mode and VMware DRS will automatically migrate all virtual machines to other physical servers, allowing server maintenance with zero downtime.

Migração de VMs com VMotion 50% dos clientes da VMware têm o VMotion implementado O que é isso? Migração sem parada das VMs Impacto para o Cliente: Downtime Zero Disponibilidade contínua do serviço Completa integridade da transação Suporte a Fibre Channel, iSCSI SAN e NAS

Assegure alta disponibilidade com VMware HA VMware HA habilita a alta disponibilidade para todas as aplicações O que é isso? Restart automático de uma VM em caso de falha Impacto para o cliente Alta disponibilidade para todas as aplicações a baixo custo Não é necessário um hardware stand-by Nenhum dos custos ou complexidade de um cluster X What is VMware HA? VMware® High Availability (HA) provides easy to use, cost effective high availability for applications running in virtual machines. In the event of server failure, affected virtual machines are automatically restarted on other production servers with spare capacity. VMware HA allows IT organizations to: Minimize downtime and IT service disruption while eliminating the need for dedicated stand-by hardware and installation of additional software. Provide uniform high availability across the entire virtualized IT environment without the cost and complexity of failover solutions tied to either operating systems or specific applications. How Is VMware HA Used in the Enterprise? VMware HA allows companies to provide high availability to any application running in a virtual machine. With VMware HA IT organizations can: Protect applications with no other failover option. Provide cost-effective high availability for any application running in a virtual machine. High availability solutions are often relatively complex and expensive, and typically reserved for mission critical applications. VMware HA provides a cost-effective high availability solution that makes high availability possible for software applications that were formerly left unprotected. Establish consistent “first line of defense” for an entire IT environment. Unlike other high availability solutions that are operating system or software application specific, VMware HA represents a consistent, easy to manage high availability solution for the entire IT environment. VMware HA provides basic failover for any application with minimum cost and management overhead. How Does VMware HA Work? VMware HA continuously monitors all servers in a resource pool and detects server failures. An agent placed on each server maintains a “heartbeat” with the other servers in the resource pool and a loss of “heartbeat” initiates the restart process of all affected virtual machines on other servers. VMware HA ensures that sufficient resources are available in the resource pool at all times to be able to restart virtual machines on different physical servers in the event of server failure. Restart of virtual machines is made possible by the Virtual Machine File System (VMFS) clustered file system which gives multiple ESX Server instances read-write access to the same virtual machine files, concurrently. VMware HA is easily configured for a resource pool through VirtualCenter. Resource Pool

VMware Infrastructure – Redução de custos Redução de custo em ambos capital e custos operacionais Aumenta a utilização De 5%-15% Para 60-80% Consolidação de Hardware 10-15 : 1 em produção 15-20 : 1 em teste e desenvolvimento Redução de custos operacionais, espaço em rack e energia elétrica ~$3,000 por ano em economia com energia elétrica para um ESX Server de 2CPU Simplificação do trabalho do administrador dos servidores 30 servidores por sys admin 10 servidores por sys admin VMware Infrastructure uses virtualization technology to deliver transformative capital and operating cost savings as well as increased operational efficiency, flexibility and IT service levels. VMware Infrastructure: VMware Infrastructure delivers measurable savings in both capital and operating costs by: Increasing hardware utilization and reducing hardware requirements with server consolidation ratios commonly exceeding ten virtual machines per physical processor. Reducing operating costs of rack space, power etc proportionate to the consolidation ration achieved Decreasing labor cost by simplifying and automating labor and resource intensive IT operations across disparate hardware, operating system, and software application environments

Melhorando a Eficiência Operacional e Reduzindo Downtime Tarefa Arquitetura Tradicional Arquitetura VMware Disponibilizando um novo servidor 30 - 60 dias Aquisição Hardware 4 - 8 horas disponibilizando SO e aplicações 5 - 10 minutos para disponibilizar nova máquina virtual Movendo aplicação para um novo servidor; Reposicionamento de um servidor Dias para migração Serviço Interrompido durante a janela de manutenção 1 – 2 horas usando VMotion™ (sem interrupção de serviço) 10 - 30 minutos Restauração Servidor 2-14 horas de tempo de recuperação Necessidade de se ter um Hardware idêntico de Spare 10 – 20 minutos para restaurar uma máquina virtual Independência de HW disponibiliza total flexibilidade Manutenção de HW 1 - 3 horas janela de manutenção Requer dias/semanas de preparação para a manutenção Downtime Zero para upgrades de hardware com VMotion™

Proteção dos dados com VMware Consolidated Backup Backup em nível de arquivos, centralizado permite uma fácil e confiável proteção de dados O que é isso? Agentes de backup centralizados para as VMs Mova o backup para for a da VM Elimina o tráfico de backup na local area network Pré-integração com os principais softwares de backup de terceiros Impacto para o cliente: Faça o backup durante o expediente Centralized Data Mover VMware® Consolidated Backup provides an easy to use, centralized backup facility for virtual machines. It enables virtual machine contents to be backed up from a centralized Microsoft® Windows 2003 proxy server rather than directly from ESX Server. Consolidated Backup allows IT organizations to:[DU1]  Reduce the load on ESX Server by allowing it to run more efficiently and run more virtual machines. Improve manageability of IT resources by using a single agent running on the proxy server rather than an agent on every virtual machine. Eliminate backup traffic on the local area network by utilizing Fibre Channel tape devices for virtual machine backups How Is VMware Consolidated Backup Used in the Enterprise? VMware Consolidated Backup enables: Full and incremental file backup of virtual machines for recovery of individual files and directories Full image backup of virtual machines for disaster recovery How does VMware Consolidated Backup work? Consolidated Backup provides a set of drivers and scripts that enable LAN-free backup of virtual machines from a centralized Microsoft® Windows 2003 proxy server using an industry-standard backup agent. Consolidated Backup includes pre-backup and post-backup scripts for integration with most major backup providers. A backup job is created for each virtual machine and that job is dispatched on a Consolidated Backup proxy. For virtual machines running Microsoft® Windows operating system, the pre-backup script quiesces NTFS inside the virtual machine, takes a virtual machine snapshot, and mounts the snapshot to the proxy server directly from the SAN. The backup client then backs up the contents of the virtual machine—either as a set of files and directories or as a virtual disk image. Finally, the post-backup script tears down the mount and takes the virtual disk out of snapshot mode.  [DU1]Do we want to narrow to “IT organizations” or just use “users”?

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