Windows Server 2008 – Mega Evento de Certificação


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Transcrição da apresentação:

Windows Server 2008 – Mega Evento de Certificação 70-640 TS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring Rogério Melo (MCT, MCSE,MCTS, MVP) Silvio Reis (MCT,MCSE,MCITP)

Agenda Valor da Certificação e Dicas Gerais Exame 70-640: Dicas e Truques Programa Technet Encerramento Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage

Valor da Certificação e Dicas Gerais Experiência com certificações Progresso na carreira Validade internacional (inclusive currículo MOC) Dicas gerais sobre provas de certificação Microsoft Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 3 3

Exame 70-640: Dicas e truques TS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 4 4

Exame 70-640: Dicas e truques Configurando o DNS para o AD (Active Directory) (16%) Configurando a infra-estrutura do AD (25%) Configurando funções de servidor adicionais do AD (9%) Criando e mantendo objetos do AD (24%) Mantendo um ambiente do AD (13%) Configurando o AD Certificate Services (13%) Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 5 5

Configurando a infra-estrutura do AD Configurar uma floresta ou domínio Configurar relações de confiança (trusts) Configurar sites Configurar replicação do AD Configurar o catálogo global Configurar os Mestres de operações Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 6 6

Configurando a infra-estrutura do AD AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services) Nova nomenclatura do Active Directory Serviço de diretório usado para armazenar informações sobre os recursos de rede É uma função de servidor (server role) no Windows 2008 Após instalar o AD DS, executar o dcpromo para promover o servidor a Domain Controller (DC) Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 7 7

Configurando a infra-estrutura do AD AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services)? Só disponível no Windows Server 2008 Standard, Enterprise e Datacenter Não disponível no Web Edition Dcpromo /adv Permite usar mídia de backup como origem do AD Evita replicação entre os DCs novo e antigo Ideal para DCs localizados em filiais Permite definir replicação de senha para o RODC Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 8 8

Configurando a infra-estrutura do AD Configurar uma floresta ou domínio O que é uma floresta? O que é uma árvore? O que é um domínio? Níveis funcionais de floresta e de domínio Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 9 9

Configurando a infra-estrutura do AD Níveis funcionais com suporte: Domínio Sistemas operacionais dos DCs suportados Florestas Windows 2000 native Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2003 Windows 2000 Windows 2000 Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2008

Configurando a infra-estrutura do AD Configurar uma floresta ou domínio ADMT – Active Directory Migration Tool v3 Sufixo UPN – User Principal Name alternativo Adprep /forestprep Adprep /Domainprep e /gpprep Adprep /rodcprep Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 11 11

Configurando a infra-estrutura do AD Versão atual Antes de instalar Execute o comando Windows 2000 Windows 2003 Windows Server 2008 domain controllers adprep /forestprep Windows Server 2000 Windows Server 2008 domain controllers adprep /domainprep /gpprep Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008 domain controllers adprep /domainprep Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008 RODCs adprep /rodcprep

Configurando a infra-estrutura do AD Configurar relações de confiança (trusts) Trust de floresta Somente a partir de nível de floresta Windows 2003 Autenticação seletiva X Autenticação de floresta Trusts externos, transitivos e de atalho (shortcut) Filtragem de SID Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 13 13

Configurando a infra-estrutura do AD Configurar sites Criar subredes do AD Criar links de sites Custo de links Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 14 14

Configurando a infra-estrutura do AD Configurar replicação do AD Distributed File System Replicação One Way Servidor Bridgehead Agendamento de replicação Protocolos de replicação Replicação entre sites Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 15 15

Configurando a infra-estrutura do AD Configurar o catálogo global Universal Group Membership Caching Partial Attribute Set Promover a catálogo global (GC) Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 16 16

Configurando a infra-estrutura do AD Configurar os Mestres de operações Seize e transfer Posicionamento de Mestres de Operação Extensão de esquema do AD Time service Domain controllers PDC Emulator Client computers Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 17 17

Configurando a infra-estrutura do AD Mestres de operações Schema Master -> 1 por floresta Domain Naming Master -> 1 por floresta PDC Emulator -> 1 por domínio Infrastructure Master -> 1 por domínio RID Master -> 1 por domínio Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 18 18

Configurando o DNS para o Active Directory Demonstração AD Users and Computers AD Domains and Trusts AD Sites and Services Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 19 19

Configurando o DNS para o Active Directory Configurar zonas Definir configurações de servidor DNS Configurar transferências de zona e replicação Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 20 20

Configurando o DNS para o Active Directory Configurar zonas: O que é uma zona DNS? Tipos de zonas DDNS (Dynamic DNS) Eliminação (scavenging) de zona Non-Dynamic DNS Secure Dynamic DNS Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 21 21

Configurando o DNS para o Active Directory Tipos de zonas Primária Secundária Pesquisa direta Pesquisa reversa Integrada ao AD Stub GlobalNames Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 22 22

Configurando o DNS para o Active Directory Zona GlobalNames Fato: WINS funciona sobre NetBT. Ambos não têm suporte a IPv6 GlobalNames ajuda na migração para resolução de nomes somente DNS Não substitui o WINS: ajuda a retirá-lo da rede Também indicada para migrações completas de rede para IPv6 Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 23 23

Configurando o DNS para o Active Directory Definir configurações de servidor DNS Encaminhamento (forwarding) Dicas de raiz (root hints) Delegação de zonas Round robin Desativar recursão Debug logging Eliminação (Scavenging) em nível de servidor Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 24 24

Configurando o DNS para o Active Directory Configurar transferência de zona e replicação Escopo de replicação Transferência de zona incremental (IXFR) DNS Notify Transferências de zona seguras Configuração de servidores de nomes Partições de diretório de aplicativo Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 25 25

Configurando o DNS para o Active Directory Demonstração DNS no Windows 2008 Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 26 26

Configurando funções de servidor adicionais do AD Configurar o serviço AD LDS (Lightweight Directory Service) Configurar o serviço AD RMS (Rights Management Service) Configurar o Read Only Domain Controller Configurar o AD FS (Federation Services) Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 27 27

Configurando funções de servidor adicionais do AD Configurar o serviço AD LDS (Lightweight Directory Service) AD LDS -> fornece funcionalidade do ADAM (presente do Windows XP e 2003) É um serviço de diretório para aplicações Fornece boa parte da funcionalidade do ADDS Criado para aplicações que usam diretório Aplicações de CRM, address book, etc Não são necessários domínios ou DCs Posso ter várias instâncias do AD LDS no mesmo servidor Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 28 28

Configurando funções de servidor adicionais do AD Configurar o serviço AD LDS (Lightweight Directory Service) Replicação múltiplos mestres Suporte a Directory Services API Partições de diretório de aplicativo LDAP over SSL Não tem suporte a florestas, domínios, GPOs Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 29 29

Configurando funções de servidor adicionais do AD Cenários do AD LDS Aplicações que estendem o esquema Não desejo estender o esquema do ADDS Ambientes de homologação separados do diretório de produção Gerenciamento de computadores externos que acessam recursos de rede Uso de clientes com versões anteriores do LDAP em ambientes heterogêneos Transparente para aplicações desenvolvidas para o ADAM Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 30 30

Configurando funções de servidor adicionais do AD Gerenciamento do AD LDS ADSI Edit LDP.exe Outras ferramentas de esquema do AD Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 31 31

Configurando o DNS para o Active Directory Demonstração AD LDS (Lightweight Directory Service) Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 32 32

Configurando funções de servidor adicionais do AD Configurar o serviço AD RMS (Rights Management Service) Permite criar soluções de proteção de informação Agora é uma função de servidor no Windows 2008 Administrado por MMC Integração com o ADFS Auto-inscrição de servidores AD RMS Delegação de responsabilidade (AD RMS roles) Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 33 33

Configurando funções de servidor adicionais do AD Configurar o serviço AD RMS (Rights Management Service) Licenciamento de informação protegida por direitos Usuários e grupos autorizados a publicar conteúdo protegido Licenciamento para descriptografar conteúdo protegido e aplicar políticas de uso Criação de templates e arquivos protegidos por direitos Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 34 34

Configurando funções de servidor adicionais do AD RODCs – Read Only Domain Controllers Possuem uma partição somente leitura do AD Nunca iniciam uma replicação Fornece segurança adicional para filiais que possuem segurança física limitada Podem ser implantados no Server Core Usar dcpromo e arquivo de instalação automatizada Podem armazenar credenciais em cache Têm separação de função de administrador “Usuário administrador” que só faz logon no RODC Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 35 35

Configurando funções de servidor adicionais do AD Configurar o RODC - Read Only Domain Controller Controlador de Domínio Somente Leitura Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage Verificar as recomendações do Guia para Escritórios Remotos (Branch Office Guide) 36 36

Configurando funções de servidor adicionais do AD – RODC pré-reqs. Funciona em ambientes existentes Funciona em ambientes existentes Modo Funcional de Floresta do Windows Server 2003 Um controlador de domínio do Windows Server 2008 Não é necessária atualização em clientes ou controladores de domínio de nível inferior Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage Múltiplos controladores de domínio do Windows Server 2008 por Domínio Recomendado um RODC por Site ADPREP /rodcprep 37 37

Configurando o DNS para o Active Directory Demonstração Read Only Domain Controller Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 38 38

Configurando o DNS para o Active Directory Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 39 39

Configurando o DNS para o Active Directory Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 40 40

Configurando o DNS para o Active Directory Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 41 41

Configurando o DNS para o Active Directory Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 42 42

Configurando funções de servidor adicionais do AD Configurar o ADFS (AD Federation Services) Solução de identidade de acesso transparente, multiplataforma e com suporte à Internet Facilita o B2B entre redes de parceiros Fornece solução SSO (Single Sign On) Web-based Evita credenciais secundárias no caso de possuirmos uma aplicação em uma rede e as contas de usuário em outra Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 43 43

Configurando funções de servidor adicionais do AD Pré-requisitos do ADFS Pelo menos um ADDS ou AD LDS Computadores em domínio Computadores com acesso à Internet Uma ou mais aplicações Web ASP .NET 2.0 e IIS no servidor com ADFS Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 44 44

Configurando funções de servidor adicionais do AD Novas funcionalidades do ADFS (em relação ao Windows 2003 R2) Agora é uma função de servidor do Windows 2008 Maior suporte a aplicativos AD RMS e Sharepoint 2007 Melhor experiência ao estabelecer trusts federativos Trust policies e procedimentos de exportação e importação das políticas aprimorados Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 45 45

Configurando o DNS para o Active Directory Demonstração Active Directory Federation Services Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 46 46

Criando e mantendo objetos do AD Automatizar criação de contas no AD Manter contas no AD Criar e aplicar Group Policy Objects (GPOs) Configurar modelos de GPOs Configurar GPOs de implantação de software Configurar diretivas de contas Configurar diretivas de auditoria usando GPOs Time: 30 seconds 47 47

Automatizar a criação de contas no AD bulk import configure the UPN create computer, user, and group accounts (scripts, import, migration), template accounts, contacts, distribution lists

Manter contas no AD Estratégia de grupos Desabilitar/Remover contas AGP AGDLP/AGGUDLP Desabilitar/Remover contas “Deprovisioning” Delegação de controle configure group membership, account resets, delegation, AGDLP/AGGUDLP, deny domain local group, local versus domain, Protected Admin, disabling accounts versus deleting accounts, deprovisioning, contacts, creating organizational units (OUs), delegation of control

Criar e aplicar Group Policy Objects (GPOs) enforce, OU hierarchy, block inheritance, and enabling user objects, group policy processing priority, WMI, group policy filtering, group policy loopback

Criar e aplicar Group Policy Objects (GPOs)

Demo: GPMC enforce, OU hierarchy, block inheritance, and enabling user objects, group policy processing priority, WMI, group policy filtering, group policy loopback

Configurar modelos de GPOs Central Store - ADMX user rights, ADMX Central Store, administrative templates, security templates, restricted groups, security options, starter GPOs, shell access policies

Configurar GPOs de implantação de software Module 6: Configuring User Environments by Using Group Policies Configurar GPOs de implantação de software Course 6425A Preparação 1 Instalação 1.0 2 Before teaching this lesson, check with students to see if you should continue with this lesson, since the this content is on the exam. Use the build slide to describe the software-deployment phases using Group Policy. Mention the options to publish or assign, customize, and maintain software, but do not go into detail as these areas will be discussed in a later topic. Explain that software that Group Policy delivers can be removed by Group Policy when its life cycle is ended. Question What types of applications would you deploy via Group Policy in your environment? Answer: Answers will vary. Reference How to use Group Policy to install software remotely in Windows 2000 Use Group Policy Software Installation to deploy the 2007 Office system Using Group Policy to Deploy Manutenção 2.0 3 Remoção 4

Configurar GPOs de implantação de software Module 6: Configuring User Environments by Using Group Policies Configurar GPOs de implantação de software Course 6425A Atribuir durante a configuração do computador Atribuir durante a configuração do usuário Publicar durante ativação do arquivo ? Publicar usando Adicionar/Remover Programas Use the build slide to explain the differences between assigning and publishing an application. Stress that applications may only be assigned to computers, not published. Stress that software that has been assigned to a computer will be available to all users who log on to that computer. Explain that an assigned program is not installed fully until the user launches it. Explain how a user can install a published program through the Programs applet of Control Panel. Explain how document file-extension activation works to install an application. Mention that you can change the deployment type anytime from assigned to published or vice versa. Question What is an advantage of publishing an application over assigning it? Answer: Unneeded software will not be installed automatically. Reference Group Policy Software Installation overview Ponto de distribuição de software

Configurar diretivas de contas domain password policy, account lockout policy, fine-grain password policies

fine-grain password policies

Mantendo um ambiente do AD Configurar backup e recuperação Realizar manutenção offline Monitorar o AD 58 58

Alteração no AD

Configurar backup e recuperação Windows Server Backup Backup Volumes Restore authoritative or non-authoritative Active Directory restore using Windows Server Backup, back up files and system state data to media, back up and restore by using removable media, perform an authoritative or non-authoritative Active Directory restore, linked value replication, Directory Services Recovery Mode (DSRM) (reset admin password), back up and restore GPOs

Realizar manutenção offline ADDS é um serviço que pode ser reiniciado sem afetar outros serviços. Usado para defragmentação offline ou alteração do caminho dos arquivos do AD. offline defragmentation and compaction, Restartable Active Directory, Active Directory database storage allocation

Reliability and Performance Monitor Auditoria AD Monitorar o AD Event Viewer Reliability and Performance Monitor Auditoria AD Network Monitor, Task Manager, Event Viewer, ReplMon, RepAdmin, Windows System Resource Manager, Reliability and Performance Monitor, Server Performance Advisor, RSOP

Event Viewer

Reliability and Performance Monitor

Auditoria AD

Configurando o AD Certificate Services Instalar o AD Certificate Services Definir configurações do servidor de CA Gerenciar modelos de certificado Gerenciar inscrições (enrollments) Gerenciar revogação de certificados Time: 30 seconds I am going to walk you through the reasons for the change and how the new certification structure works. Later on, Sondra Webber will talk about SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 certifications and resources available for you to leverage 66 66

Instalar o AD Certificate Services standalone versus enterprise, CA hierarchies—root versus subordinate, certificate requests, certificate practice statement

Definir configurações do servidor de CA Configuração da CA key archival certificate database backup and restore assigning administration roles key archival, certificate database backup and restore, assigning administration roles

Gerenciar modelos de certificado certificate template types securing template permissions managing different certificate template versions key recovery agent certificate template types, securing template permissions, managing different certificate template versions, key recovery agent

Gerenciar inscrições (enrollments) network device enrollment service (NDES), autoenrollment, Web enrollment, smart card enrollment, creating enrollment agents

Gerenciar revogação de certificados configure Online Responders, Certificate Revocation List (CRL), CRL Distribution Point (CDP), Authority Information Access (AIA)

Technet Experience Technet Experience Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2008 Learning Portal 70-640 Exam Preparation Guide

Recursos Prep Guides at Skills assessments TechNet Brasil Employee access to for customer-facing online learning that maps to certification