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The future starts today always. Brief Presentation Coimbra Inovação Parque Parque de Inovação em Ciência, Tecnologia, Saúde, SA.

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Apresentação em tema: "The future starts today always. Brief Presentation Coimbra Inovação Parque Parque de Inovação em Ciência, Tecnologia, Saúde, SA."— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 The future starts today always

2 Brief Presentation Coimbra Inovação Parque Parque de Inovação em Ciência, Tecnologia, Saúde, SA

3 Who are we? Incorporated in February of 2004, the Coimbra innovation Parque, S.A. is the responsible for the construction of a new technological, scientific and innovative industrial area that will define, in the near future, a community that will have national relevance in the attraction and settling of several activities and excellent human resources in the Science, Technology and Health sectors. Coimbra iParque is developed in two stages: 1. The first stage, already infra-structured, is 73.66 Acres; 2. The second stage, planned for2009, is 170.19 Acres.

4 iParque – Location and routes

5 Coimbra gathers some interesting qualities… An excellent University, that always looks at the future. There are other universities and technical schools in the Central Region of Portugal. Good incubation initiatives and good ideas. The most successful ones in Portugal (with special attention to Pedro Nunes Institute). Excellent R&D groups and centres. Centres that are classified as “excellent” by “FCT” in several knowledge areas. Successful and innovative companies that are national and internatioanal leaders. Companies that were born in this region and keep their decision centres here. iParque@Coimbra?

6 Coimbra iParque wants to create a cooperation network with the good initiatives that exist in Coimbra and other cities and regions. The establishment of cooperation networks builds synergies, advantages and competitive edge. That is what companies need. That is what the future holds, the one that always starts today. iParque@Coimbra?

7 iParque is an unique place in Portugal It is a very pleasant place to work, in an open space, with green and sportive areas, space for housing and service areas. The architecture is attentive and integrated into the environment where the park is being built. iParque is a privileged place where there is life all day, which means it will maintain activity after working hours.

8 Total Area (1 st stage): 73.66 Acres Industrial Area: 36.24 Acres Green Areas and Services: 17,63 Acres Streets, sidewalks and car parks: 19.80 Acres Number of Lots: 18 Lots for Services and Management: 3 (Restaurants, management building, etc.) Industrial Lots: 15 (Companies and R&D centres) Short Summary

9 Coimbra iParque: 5 strategic areas - Biology, Life and Health Sciences and Technologies, - Multimedia and Information Sciences and Technologies, - Telecommunications, - Intelligent Robotics and Automation, - Transversal Projects.

10 www.coimbraiparque.pt Coimbra iParque is a scientific and technological park in which innovation occupies a privileged place and that intends to radically chance the economic activity in the Central Region.

11 Coimbra iParque is a scientific and technological park that was able to attract several innovative companies. Some of them have already started to plan their buildings and are ready to start construction.

12 iParque’s Companies http://portal.airc.pt http://www.cnotinfor.pt http://www.forumsi.pt http://www.ctcv.pt http://www.bettersoft.pt http://www.mediaprimer.pt http://www.rcsoft.pt http://www.sanfil.pt http://www.wit-software.com

13 Strategic Partnerships - Universidade de Coimbra (University of Coimbra); - Câmara Municipal de Coimbra (City Council of Coimbra); - Instituto Pedro Nunes (Pedro Nunes Institute) - Associação Tecnopólo de Coimbra (Coimbra’s Technopole Association); - Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento da Região Centro (Coordination and Development Commission of the Center Region of Portugal ) - AICEP Portugal Global - Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal, E.P.E. (Portuguese Agency for Foreign Investment and International Trading) - Governo Autonómico da Galiza, Espanha (Autonomic Government of Galiza, Spain) - IDEON - Parque Científico e Tecnológico de Lund, Suécia (IDEON - Scientific and Technological Park of Lund, Sueden

14 www.coimbraiparque.pt

15 Shareholders: - Câmara Municipal de Coimbra (City Council of Coimbra); - Universidade de Coimbra (University of Coimbra); - CoimbraVita, Agência de Desenvolvimento Regional, SA (CoimbraVita – Regional Development Agency SA); - Associação Comercial e Industrial de Coimbra (Coimbra’s Trade and Industrial Association); - Banco Espírito Santo, SA (Espírito Santo Bank); - Associação Industrial Portuguesa / IBEROPARK (Portuguese Industrial Association / IBEROPARK); - Critical Software; - Associação Tecnopólo de Coimbra (Coimbra’s Technopole Association); - Parque Expo 98, SA; - ISA – Intelligent Sensing Anywhere; - Clube dos Empresários de Coimbra (Entrepreneur’s Club of Coimbra); - Serviços de Utilização Comum Hospitais – SUCH (Hospital’s Common Use Services); - Centro de Neurociências e Biologia Celular (Neuroscienses and Celular Biology Centre).

16 Partners: - Economy and Innovation Ministry - Coimbra’s Economical Observation Department - Banking Entities - Technological Entities

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