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Atividades Eu vi um livro |I saw a book | J'ai vu en livre!

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Apresentação em tema: "Atividades Eu vi um livro |I saw a book | J'ai vu en livre!"— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 Atividades Eu vi um livro |I saw a book | J'ai vu en livre!
Eu vi um livro! I saw a book! J’ai vu un livre! Eu vi um livro é uma série de atividades criadas e disponibilizadas no blog Quem vai ler pra mim? O objetivo dessas atividades é simplesmente enjagar as crianças em atividades de leitura que envolvam os livros que elas tem ao alcance de suas mãos, em casa ou na escola. As atividades são feitas para as crianças lerem o livro com ajuda de alguém que irá identificar e imprimir a melhor maneira de explorar o livro. Livros de um só animal, por exempo, um cachorro. Escolhem-se as atividades sobre cachorros. Livros com vários animais, escolhem-se atividades com vários animais. As atividades são organizadas por temas. As imagens aqui foram todas, ou a maioria delas, retiradas da internet. Esse material não é vendido. É apenas disponibilizado na internet para quem quiser fazer uso livre dele. Dê uma volta na estante de livros com sua criança. Deixe-a escolher um livro. Mesmo que não seja na língua alvo. Lembre-se de que ela ainda não sabe ler. Explore as figuras e conte você a história na língua que quer que ela aprenda. Aproveite! Compartilhe! Obrigada! Suelen Viana autora Isso é um QR code. Todo smartphone them um leitor. Explore! created by

2 created by www.quemvailerpramim.com
Cachorro|Dog|Chien O livro é sobre um cachorro? Vamos explorar o mundo canino, então! |The book is about a dog? Let’s explore its world, then! | Le livre est à propos d'un chien? Nous allons explorer le monde canin, alors!. created by

3 This is a dog! This is NOT a dog!
Atividades Eu vi um livro |I saw a book | J'ai vu en livre! This is a dog! This is NOT a dog! Print the pictures. You can fix it in a stick, or in a magnetic paper. Both will give lots of chances of exploration of your creativity while playing with your kids. Show the dog to the kid first. Show and say ‘this is a dog’. Then show the cat and say ‘this is NOT a dog. Hide the pictures somewhere near and ask the kids to find the dog. created by

4 Is this a dog? Is this a dog?
Atividades Eu vi um livro |I saw a book | J'ai vu en livre! Is this a dog? Is this a dog? Use the same printed pictures to make a quick game with the kid. Show the dog and ask ‘is this a dog?’ the kid, helped by you, will say ‘yes, it is’. Of course for the kid who does not speak yet you might only expect some facial expression or body language. Keep your eyes open. A 15 months baby is already able to express a yes or no. Just make sure you make also the facial expressions. created by

5 Atividades Eu vi um livro |I saw a book | J'ai vu en livre!
dogs bark cats meow If you have a teddy dog and a cat, this always work better than pictures. Or any toy dog or cat. Give the pictures or the toys to the kid. You must always do first whatever you want the kid to reproduce. Demonstrate it! Make the sound of the dog and ask the kid ‘what is it?’, then make the sound of a cat and ask ‘what is it?’. Let the kid show the animal to you and motivate her to say their names, dog or cat. created by

6 Atividades Eu vi um livro |I saw a book | J'ai vu en livre!
Where’s ? (dogs always have a name in books) Play around with your kids. Put the dog (picture or toy) in various places and ask the kids ‘where it is?’. Play hide and seek with the toys or pictures. Hide the dog in places near the kid and ask her to look for it. As soon as the kid finds it say ‘waw! It’s behind the chair!’ for example. Then, let the kid hide it from you. Hide the cat also. The child might find the cat first and you may say ‘no! This is a cat. Where is the dog? I want the dog.’ Do not exagerate. Choose two place at first (on vs under| in front of vs behind). If it gets easy, make it challanging gradually. created by

7 Atividades Eu vi um livro |I saw a book | J'ai vu en livre!
Let’s color the dog! Print it and let the kid color. It’s ok if she chooses other color than the one suggested. Just follow her steps and say the colors she chooses so she can be exposed to it. Praise her. Remember, we are not teaching anything. We are exposing a child to chosen vocabulary within a specific range of variation of input. This means you are giving the child opportunities to listen to the target language and have some input in different situations. created by

8 Atividades Eu vi um livro |I saw a book | J'ai vu en livre!
How many dogs? Let’s count to three! Print and cut the dogs. Fix them in different sticks. Show them to the kid and you count them. ‘1 dog, 2 dogs, 3 dogs. How many dogs? 3 dogs!’ Put the pictures on the floor and ask the kid to grab 1 dog, then 2 and finally 3. If you have 3 toy dogs use them instead. It’s much fun. created by

9 Atividades Eu vi um livro |I saw a book | J'ai vu en livre!
Dogs and numbers - Montessori ideas Let’s count to three! Print and cut the dogs and follow the examples in the pictures. They are just fantastic. Kids are not supposed to know the numbers to do it. They will learn with you. Start slowly and small. 1 to 3, then 1 to 4 and so on. Very young children will have fun but these are activities that need some guidance. Instead of only writing the number beside the dog, I suggest drawing the bones (picture 2) you want the kids to give to the dog. In picture 1, you can also give some very small hand made paper balls and ask the kids to place it on the dog with a pince. Challenging but worth trying. created by

10 Atividades Eu vi um livro |I saw a book | J'ai vu en livre!
Draw and color the dog This is a great video teaching how to do it. This is a great page showing how to do it. Pick a plan paper and draw a dog to you kid. She will be curious to know what you are doing. She will be able to color it when you finish. OR she will ask you to do it again and again and again  created by

11 Atividades Eu vi um livro |I saw a book | J'ai vu en livre!
Craft ideas created by

12 Atividades Eu vi um livro |I saw a book | J'ai vu en livre!
Screen time 1. Bingo the dog song - 2. Five little dogs jumping on the bed song - created by

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