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Annual Conference of the COST Action EuroXanth

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1 Annual Conference of the COST Action EuroXanth
The EuroXanth COST Action ( will hold its 1st Annual Conference on “Integrating science on Xanthomonadaceae for integrated plant disease management in Europe” in Coimbra, Portugal, from 13 to 15 December 2017. The conference will serve as a platform to exchange knowledge and share technical knowhow with respect to members of the Xanthomonadaceae family – Xylella sp. and Xanthomonas sp. The conference will be organized by Prof Joana Costa (Instituto Pedro Nunes & CEF-Universidade de Coimbra) and her colleagues António Portugal, Eva Garcia and Aitana Ares and will be held at TecBIS- Coimbra. The deadline for applications is September 24, All applications will go through selection by the Scientific Committee. Successful applicants will be eligible for reimbursement by the EuroXanth COST Action. We specifically ask Early Career Investigators and colleagues from Inclusiveness Target Countries (Portugal) to apply for participation and reimbursement. Participation is also possible at your own expenses and would come at a cost of approx. 85 € for registration to the conference, your personal copy of the abstract book and other conference material, refreshments during breaks and three lunches. Please consult the website for more detailed information: With kind regards, Ralf Koebnik, Chair of the COST Action Joana Costa, Chair of Local Organizing Committee Audrey Canado-Janjon, Grant Holder Administrator

2 Conferência anual da Ação COST EuroXanth
O IPN, através do FitoLab - Laboratório de Fitossanidade, recebe em Coimbra- TecBIS, entre 13 e 15 de Dezembro, a primeira conferência anual da Ação COST “Integrating science on Xanthomonadaceae for integrated plant disease management in Europe” focada nas bactérias fitopatogénicas Xanthomonas sp. e Xylella fastidiosa. Estarão presentes especialistas de 23 países abordando 4 áreas temáticas WG 1: Diagnóstico e diversidade – Estrutura de populações WG 2: Biologia das bactérias fitopatogénicas Xanthomonas sp. e Xylella fastidiosa WG 3: Resistência genética – Defesas do hospedeiro WG 4: Gestão da doença – Control dos vectores Até dia 24 de setembro pode submeter a sua comunicação seguindo as indicações descritas em A participação dos autores das comunicações selecionadas será financiada pela Ação COST.  Pode sempre assistir à conferência inscrevendo-se seguindo as indicações descritas em Contamos consigo Ralf Koebnik, Chair of the COST Action Joana Costa, Chair of Local Organizing Committee Audrey Canado-Janjon, Grant Holder Administrator

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