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Environmental Problems!

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1 Environmental Problems!
Participating Units: Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos Evaluation of Reverse osmosis and Nanofiltration for the concentration of bioactive compound recovered of grape marc Ana Paula Gil Cruz¹*, Natalia Barbosa Eitel², Luiz Fernando Menezes da Silva³, Suely Pereira Freitas², Alexandre Guedes Torres¹, Lourdes Maria Correa Cabral3 1. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro/UFRJ, Instituto de Química, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. - 2. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro/UFRJ, Escola de Química, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 3. Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos. Avenida das Américas, 29501, CEP Rio de Janeiro – RJ Results & Discussion Introduction Grape Marc Biodegradation Resistance ↓pH ↑ phytotoxic compounds The ethanol present in the extract interacted strongly with the reverse osmosis membrane - integrity lost after the 2nd process. The ceramic membrane wasn’t efficient: Permeation of the compounds of interest The NF membrane: most efficient system The retention coefficient reached 98% for phenolic compounds and 100% for anthocyanins. High Cost Treatment! Environmental Problems! Figure 1 – Nanofiltration streams of a 70% hydroethanolic extract obtained from a white wine grape marc A - Feed Stream; B - Retentate; C - Permeate Aim of this Study Evaluate the use of a reverse osmosis membrane and nanofiltration systems for the concentration of bioactive compounds recovered from a grape marc trough a hydroethanolic extraction containing 70% ethanol Material & Methods Reverse osmosis: a polyamide membrane has been tested on a plate and frame system with total filtering area of m². NF membranes tested: ceramic, α-alumina, a tubular type with m² and a polymer polyamide-spiral type with a total area of m². References [1] W. E. EIPESON and R. S. RAMTEKE (2003), In: H. S. Ramaswamy, et al. Handbook of Postharvest Technology Cereals, Fruits, Vegetables, Tea, and Spices, cap. 28 , [2] M. A. BUSTAMANTE et al. (2008), Waste Management, 28,

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