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Welcome Communication Introduce yourself (with a gesture…)

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Apresentação em tema: "Welcome Communication Introduce yourself (with a gesture…)"— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 Welcome Communication Introduce yourself (with a gesture…)
Name – Country. É pedido que cada formando se apresente: Com o nome por que gosta ou quer ser tratado Um gesto 1

2 Communication

3 Communication Share information Talk Inform Advise Dialogue Play

4 Communication Message Barrears to Comunication Sender Receptor Chanel
Feed Back

5 Communication Barrears to comunication – Any circunstance that does not allow the menssage to arrive or be conveniently understood by the receptor Noise, distractions. unmotivated, apathy, health issues Shy Different languages Unpropper means Assumption

6 Efficient Communication requires planning
What is your relationship with the other What is your oppinion on the issue What is the best way to communicate How well do you Know the other?

7 Communication

8 Communication Non Verbals Gestures Postures Fatial expressions Voice
Silence Dressing Objects Relation

9 Communication The non verbals express and communicate ideias, feelings and emotions. They go along, reinforce and even replace the verbals. Put meanings and a deep feelings to communication. We tend to belive most in what we see than in what we hear

10 Communication Our attitudes and assumptions can afect our relationship with others. It is important to avoid taking as granted our first opinion Do not judge and junp into rush conclusions.

11 Some tips to facilitate one to one communication:
Smile and be pleasant Allawys use a propper compliment Call the other by his name Make the other feel welcome Take good care of yourself.

12 Some tips to become a better listener
Communication Some tips to become a better listener Listen attentivly even if it souds irrelevant Try to understand. Pay attention to the non verbals Do not assume previously. Wait for all the information Focus in listenning. Do not interrupt. Do not think in your answer Keep eye contact Give feed-back

13 Communication Oral / Verbal exercice Need a voluntear
The others relax and take a nap…

14 Communication

15 Bibliografia: Camara, P. B., Guerra, P. B., & Rodrigues, J. V. (2013). Humanator XXI: Recursos Humanos e Sucesso Empresarial. Alfragide: D. Quixote. Estanqueiro, A. (2012). Saber Lidar com as Pessoas. Lisboa: Editorial Presença. Fachada, M. O. (2012). Psicologia das relações Interpessoais. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. Fachada, O. (2014). Liderança: A prática da Liderança A Liderança na Prática. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. Ferreira, M. P., Santos, J. C., & Serra, F. R. (2010). Ser Empreendedor. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. Goleman, D. (2012). Trabalhar com Inteligência Emocional. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores. Jesuino, J. C. (2005). Procesos de Liderança. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte. Rego, A. (1998). Liderança na Organizações: teoria e prática. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro. Rego, A. (2013). Comunicação: Pessoal e Organizacional. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. Rego, A., & Cunha, M. P. (2013). Liderança Positiva. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. Hunter, J. C. (2013). O Monge e o Executivo - Uma História sobre a essência da liderança. Marcador.

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