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SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 1 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência 24 de Outubro de 2014 Sobre o Sistema de Desempenho.

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Apresentação em tema: "SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 1 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência 24 de Outubro de 2014 Sobre o Sistema de Desempenho."— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 1 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência 24 de Outubro de 2014 Sobre o Sistema de Desempenho ATM: mitos e equívocos Pedro Barata Presidente SINCTA

2 SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 2 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência E UROPEAN C OMMISSION P RESS RELEASE Brussels, 11 June 2013 Inefficiencies in Europe's fragmented airspace bring extra costs of close to 5 billion Euros each year to airlines and their customers (…) Fonte : Performance Review Report 2013 PRB € 2 880 M

3 SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 3 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência E UROPEAN C OMMISSION P RESS RELEASE Brussels, 11 June 2013 On average, in Europe, aircraft fly 42 km longer than strictly necessary due to airspace fragmentation, causing longer flight time, delays, extra fuel burn and CO2 emissions Separação táticaÁreas militaresMeteorologia Optimização por vento Optimização taxas

4 SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 4 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência E UROPEAN C OMMISSION P RESS RELEASE Brussels, 11 June 2013 On average, in Europe, aircraft fly 42 km longer than strictly necessary due to airspace fragmentation, causing longer flight time, delays, extra fuel burn and CO2 emissions The KEA (…) reflects the actual environmental performance. In this case a distinction can be made between two separate components: “separation” and “fragmentation”. Performance Review Report 2013 PRB “Separation” relates to the need to safely manage the flow of traffic and has to be considered as a hard constraint. It is important to bear in mind that the level of inefficiencies cannot be reduced to zero. Really?

5 SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 5 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência E UROPEAN C OMMISSION P RESS RELEASE Brussels, 11 June 2013 On average, in Europe, aircraft fly 42 km longer than strictly necessary due to airspace fragmentation, causing longer flight time, delays, extra fuel burn and CO2 emissions It is recognised that KEA and KEP are proxies for fuel efficiency as the most fuel efficient route depends on wind. Performance Review Report 2013 PRB However, the wind optimal route might not necessarily correspond to the choice of the airspace users because they might use different measures, such as total cost (which would be dependent on the airspace users). No way? Moreover, the information needed to calculate these alternatives (wind optimal, total costs, etc.) is not currently available. The airspace users would have to either provide detailed information or agree on a standard method for the calculation of the route “values”.

6 SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 6 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência E UROPEAN C OMMISSION P RESS RELEASE Brussels, 11 June 2013 The US air traffic management system is twice as efficient as that of the EU Fonte : Euroncontrol Performance Review Comission 2013 390,95430,70 Pax Miles flown per year (in billion) 0,0210,018 ATM-Costs per Pax-Mile (€) Fonte : FABEC December 2013 When the costs of ATM (PPP) are looked at in relation to passenger miles, the unit costs are 16% lower in Europe

7 SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 7 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência Interdependências / Trade-offs The PRB recognises that certain interdependencies between safety and other KPAs exist… in PRB advice to the Comission in the setting of Union-wide performance targets for RP2 Set2013 There is some interdependency between en-route capacity and flight-efficiency… There is some interdependency between flight-effciency and cost-efficiency… a review of all FAB Performance Plans has revealed no evidence to suggest that the required performance in any KPA will be a limiting factor, preventing improvements, in any of the other KPAs. The PRB is therefore of the opinion that, at the moment, interdependencies cannot be used as a justification to pursue specific KPAs/KPIs at the expense of others. in PRB Assessment Report of RP2 FAB Performance Plans Out2014

8 SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 8 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência KPA Environment Ninguém sabe porque são estes os valores referência, nem como se vão cumprir objectivos, mas… All the FABs have adopted targets which correspond to the reference values. It should be noted, though, that the Network Manager, which coordinates the pan- European approach to improving flight efficiency, highlighted in its latest ERNIP report (June 2014) that most FABs’ contribution to the main projects included in the ERNIP would not, on their own, be enough to meet the FAB targets. Fonte: PRB Assessment Report of RP2 FAB Performance Plans

9 SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 9 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência FABSW Performance Plan as seen by PRB Level of effectiveness of safety management Severity classification Just culture Based on information provided in the Performance Plan, the PRB concludes that the local FAB target for reporting on the level of presence or absence of Just Culture has not been set (although the intention exists) and in addition, only limited information explaining the basic elements in place to promote the application of just culture is provided

10 SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 10 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência FABSW Performance Plan as seen by PRB Free Route Airspace Lisboa (FRAL) implementado em 2009 Eficiência é total, relativamente aos factores internos NAV Como é que foi determinado o valor referência? Qual o grau máximo de ganho de eficiência viável? Qual a quota-parte NAV neste valor referência e nos valores reais?

11 SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 11 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência FABSW Performance Plan as seen by PRB A Comissão avalia os planos de desempenho, os seus objetivos e, em particular, a sua compatibilidade com os objetivos de desempenho a nível da União e o seu contributo adequado para os mesmos, assim como com os critérios enunciados no anexo IV (Reg 390/2013) Tendência dos Custos Unitários Determinados (DUC), Nível DUC, Custo de Capital, Previsão de Tráfego, Pressupostos Económicos, Custos Isentos, etc

12 SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 12 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência FABSW Performance Plan as seen by PRB Lisboa versus Union-wide DUC (2009-2019)

13 SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 13 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência FABSW Performance Plan as seen by PRB RP1 + RP2 DUC Level (2009=Base100) Not passed ??? When assessed over RP1 and RP2 (i.e. between 2011 and 2019), the DUC is planned to fall by -2.4% p.a., which is better than the expected decrease at Union-wide level (-1.7% p.a.). Key points for Portugal en-route charging zone The assessment of the performance plans should also take into account the level of performance achieved in the previous reference period in the various key performance areas and in particular the cost-efficiency area It should take into account local context, in particular the level of local unit rates or the circumstances of those States under the ‘European Support Mechanism’ Declaration of the Single Sky Committee following the adoption of Union-wide performance targets for the second reference period

14 SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 14 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência FABSW Performance Plan as seen by PRB RP1 + RP2 DUC Trend (2009=Base100) Passed ???

15 SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 15 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência Assessing the Performance Scheme and PRB assessment of Performance Plans… Politicamente orientado Clareza Transparente para os stakeholders Complexo/Imperceptível Avaliação enviesada/distorcida Critérios múltiplos e ad-hoc Falta de equidade

16 SINCTA Sindicato dos Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo 16 Conferência Céu Único Europeu Política e Eficiência Obrigado pela vossa atenção !

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