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CEManTIKA Framework Overview Vaninha Vieira Ana Carolina Salgado Patricia Tedesco

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1 CEManTIKA Framework Overview Vaninha Vieira vvs@cin.ufpe.br Ana Carolina Salgado acs@cin.ufpe.br Patricia Tedesco pcart@cin.ufpe.br

2 2 O que é CEManTIKA  Framework para apoiar o Projeto de Sistemas Sensíveis ao Contexto  Composto por 4 elementos principais: Arquitetura Genérica (Gerenciamento de Contexto) Metamodelo de Contexto Perfis UML para apoiar a criação de modelos de contexto Processo de software

3 3 Descrição do Projeto  Elaborar um PROJETO de um CSS Guiado pelo Processo de Contexto  Deadline: 14/10/2008  Criar versão preliminar documentos sugeridos no Processo  Elaborar uma apresentação contendo: Apresentação do sistema e visão geral dos artefatos produzidos Vantagens/desvantagens em usar os elementos CEManTIKA Dificuldades encontradas Sugestões de melhorias

4 4

5 Context Specification

6 6 OMG Metamodel Architecture Standard Components Modeling Notation: UML Metadata Interchange: XMI MIDDLEWAREMIDDLEWARED APPLICATIONAPPLICATION User Data/Object Layer (M0) Metadata/Model Layer(M1) Metamodel Layer(M2) Meta-metamodel Layer (M3) <Person name=“Mary” age=“35”/> Person: name, age UML: Class, Attribute Context Metamodel: ContextualElement, Focus ContextualEntity, Rule MOF: Class, Attribute, Operation, Association Context Profile is based on UML 2.0

7 7 Metamodel Profiles  UML Profile Extensions of UML metamodel for specific areas Three main elements  Stereotypes, Tagged values, Well-formedness rules in OCL Support CSS design  Graphical representation using UML tools  Stereotypes enable the identification of the context-related concepts

8 8 Example – Without Stereotypes

9 9 Example – With Stereotypes

10 10

11 11 UML Profile

12 12 Context Specification

13 13

14 14 Example – Identify Focus

15 15 Example – Identify Focus

16 16 Context Specification

17 17 Identify Behavior Variations  Behavior without context 1)Users must provide keywords to search an expert; 2)Keywords should be mapped into ontology concepts 3)Subjects of expertise correspond to ontology concepts 4)Recommended experts :: match ontology concepts related to the keywords and the subjects of expertise; 5)Experts classified by their expertise degree 6)Show classified list of experts to the user

18 18 Identify Behavior Variations  Behavior with context 1)Identify CEs associated to the User 2)Use User’s CEs to improve match keywords x ontology; 3)Identify CEs useful to rank Experts; 4)Use Expert’s CEs to improve experts selection and classification 5)Return Experts’ CEs in the generated list

19 19 Context Specification

20 20 Identify Contextual Entities and CEs (Preliminary Model - Without Stereotypes and CEs)

21 21 Identify Contextual Entities and CEs (Context Model - With Stereotypes and new CEs)

22 22 Context Specification

23 23 Verify CEs Relevance  Perform surveys and interviews with potential users How they usually execute the tasks in real lifes? Which CEs they use to make decisions or accomplish tasks?  Evaluate chosen CEs  Evaluate Relevance Weight for each CE which are more relevant, which are less relevant according to users?

24 Context Management

25 25

26 26 Main Elements in a CSS

27 27 Architecture Context Management

28 28

29 29 Specify Context Acquisition

30 30 Design Acquisition Module

31 31 Design Processing Module  JEOPS  Define Contextual Rules

32 Context Usage

33 33

34 34 CxG Profile (Contextual Graphs)

35 35 Example: Context Behavior Model

36 36 From Contextual Graphs to Inference Rules Rule1: Conditions not (Mission.occursIn==Person.livesIn) Mission.whoPays=“CAPES” Actions CallBehavior(“Contact CAPES Official Agency”) Rule2: Conditions not (Mission.occursIn = Person.livesIn) Mission.whoPays = “missionary” Person.age < 26 Actions CallBehavior(“Lookup Transport Types”) CallBehavior(“Classify by Price” CallBehavior(“Recommend Transport”)

37 37 ICARE

38 38

39 39 Exemplo de Atividade do Processo

40 40 Referencias  http://www.cin.ufpe.br/~vvs/cemantika/docs http://www.cin.ufpe.br/~vvs/cemantika/docs Cap 4 – Arquitetura Cap 5 – Metamodelo Cap 6 – Processo Cap 7 – Exemplo ICARE  UML Case Tool (sugerida) MagicDraw 15.5 Personal  Meu Email: vvs@cin.ufpe.brvvs@cin.ufpe.br  Meu MSN: vaninha_vieira@hotmail.com

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