2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference


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Transcrição da apresentação:

2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference Technological Innovation Systems: Understanding the Wind Energy Diffusion Dynamics in Brazil Matheus E. Leusin Mauricio Uriona Maldonado Caroline R. Vaz Paulo A. Cauchick Miguel Postgraduate Program in Production Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina ,Brazil 2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference

2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference Summary Brazilian Context for Wind Energy Functions of Technological Innovation Systems (TIS); Brazil analysis using TIS; Current Situation; Policy Implications. 2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference

Brazilian Context for Wind Energy 2nd lowest prices; Complementarity with Hydro; Low environment impacts; Vantagens da fonte eólica; Dificuldade de manter o modelo atual; Expansão eólica lenta ao longo dos anos (primeira usina brasileira criada em 1992); ...Few remaining areas for hydro. 2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference

Technological Innovation Systems (TIS) Function Definition Entrepreneurial activities Commercial activities or entrepreneurial experimentations around a new technology. Knowledge development Technological learning, such as local research activities about the socio-economic, technical and market issues of the technology. Knowledge diffusion Knowledge sharing channels or networks among key actors, such as partnerships, workshops and extension services. Guidance of search Represents guidance to actors to mobilize resources by signaling opportunities and envisioning positive expectations. Market formation Entails creating protected market spaces that facilitate market development for a new technology. Resource mobilisation Represents resources geared at promoting a new technology development, diffusion and use. Creation of legitimacy Advocacy efforts of actors about a new technology. 2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference

2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference Wind Energy in Brazil Início de criação de patentes em 1976, com pico de patentes brasileiras (em vermelho) em 2009; Incentive Program for Alternative Sources of Electricity (PROINFA) criado em 2002 – explica o que é Abeeólica, criada em 2002 – explica o que é 2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference

2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference Wind Energy in Brazil Crescimento da capacidade contratada percebido principalmente em 2005 e 2007 ; Crescimento coincidiu com o ano de aumento do número de fornecedores (2007 e 2010); Pico de novos empreendedores em 2010; 2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference

2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference Wind Energy in Brazil Pico de representatividade da fonte eólica nos leilões também em 2009; Grande aumento da representatividade da fonte eólica em 2013 e 2014; 2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference

2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference Wind Energy in Brazil 2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference

2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference Current Situation 3 distinct phases Brazil The first, pre-development, began in 1976 and extended until 2001, following the behavior of the type C engine identified by Hekkert, Suurs, Negro, Kuhlmann and Smits (2007). That is, the increase in entrepreneurial activities, knowledge creation and guidance of the search (Functions 1, 2 and 4, respectively) and their interactions led to the development of the remaining functions. Next, the development phase from 2002 to 2011 was verified, with the appearance of the remaining functions (3, 5, 6 and 7), and with wind farm registrations winning regulated auctions, without the support of subsidies. Finally, from 2011 to the present year, the take-off phase is verified, with wind energy starting to gain more market share, and the functions beginning to show more strongly related interactions. 2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference

2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference Policy Implications In the current development phase, the functions that should leverage the development of the others would be Function 1, which would lead to an increase in Functions 5, or Function 7, acting to defend the resolution of the dysfunctions verified and also contributing in a first moment to the development of Function 5. Function 6 should work enough so that the performance of Function 1 was not blocked, that is, that there was no shortage of resources for the entry of new entrepreneurs into the system. Function 4 should also serve as a support function, responding to the demands of Function 7. 2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference

2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference Thank you! matheusleusin@gmail.com 2nd IAEE Eurasian Conference