BEFORE JESUS “...e tudo quanto fizerdes, fazei-o de todo o coração, como ao Senhor, e não aos homens.” Paulo Colossenses 3:23...Whatever you do, work.


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Transcrição da apresentação:

BEFORE JESUS “...e tudo quanto fizerdes, fazei-o de todo o coração, como ao Senhor, e não aos homens.” Paulo Colossenses 3:23...Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men...Colossians 3:23 PERANTE JESUS BEFORE JESUS “...e tudo quanto fizerdes, fazei-o de todo o coração, como ao Senhor, e não aos homens.” Paulo Colossenses 3:23...Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men...Colossians 3:23

In every moment, one shall recognise oneself in the invisible presence of Jesus, who supports us in Works of Eternal Good. Christ of God accepted us since the origin of Earth. Em todos os instantes, reconhecer-se na presença invisível de Jesus, que nos ampara nas obras do Bem Eterno. Aceitou-nos o Cristo de Deus desde os primórdios da Terra. In every moment, one shall recognise oneself in the invisible presence of Jesus, who supports us in Works of Eternal Good. Christ of God accepted us since the origin of Earth.

In the smallest commitments, one shall identify the Higher Will, promoting confidence and happiness of all creatures in every part. Each human heart is a piece of potential light and Jesus is the Sublime Craftsperson. Nos menores cometimentos, identificar a Vontade Superior, promovendo em toda parte a segurança e a felicidade das criaturas. Cada coração humano é uma peça de luz potencial e Jesus é o Sublime Artífice. In the smallest commitments, one shall identify the Higher Will, promoting confidence and happiness of all creatures in every part. Each human heart is a piece of potential light and Jesus is the Sublime Craftsperson.

One shall remember that the Lord works for us without resting, undue rest or desertion of duty. Lembrar-se de que o Senhor trabalha por nós sem descanso. Repouso indébito, deserção do dever. One shall remember that the Lord works for us without resting, undue rest or desertion of duty.

Without exclusion of hour or locality, one shall be on guard against any censure or disrepect towards Divine Orientation. Its respect is quiet prayer. Sem exclusão de hora ou local, precaver-se contra o reproche e a irreverência para com a Divina Orientação. O acatamento é prece silenciosa. Without exclusion of hour or locality, one shall be on guard against any censure or disrepect towards Divine Orientation. Its respect is quiet prayer.

One shall refuse to interpret the Eternal Friend as a vulgar earthly revolucionary. Negar-se a interpretar o Eterno Amigo por vulgar revolucionário terreno. Reconheçamo-lo como a Luz do Mundo. One shall refuse to interpret the Eternal Friend as a vulgar earthly revolucionary.

One shall give up Christmas commemorations which come across as excess of any type, choosing the happiness of helping the less fortunate brothers, as ideal praise to the Sublime Birthday. The true friends of Christ, venerate him in spirit. Renunciar às comemorações natalinas que traduzam excessos de qualquer ordem, preferindo a alegria da ajuda fraterna aos irmãos menos felizes, como louvor ideal ao Sublime Natalício. Os verdadeiros amigos do Cristo reverenciam-no em espírito. One shall give up Christmas commemorations which come across as excess of any type, choosing the happiness of helping the less fortunate brothers, as ideal praise to the Sublime Birthday. The true friends of Christ, venerate him in spirit.

One shall identify the position that is up to oneself in relation to Jesus, the Emissary of God, avoiding unacceptable confrontations. The person who demands that Christ be like oneself, intends, vainly, to be equal to Christ. Identificar a posição que lhe cabe em relação a Jesus, o Emissário de Deus, evitando confrontos inaceitáveis. O homem que exige seja o Cristo igual a ele, pretende, vaidosamente, nivelar-se com o Cristo. One shall identify the position that is up to oneself in relation to Jesus, the Emissary of God, avoiding unacceptable confrontations. The person who demands that Christ be like oneself, intends, vainly, to be equal to Christ.

In all circunstances, to elect, in Jesus, the unvariable Master of each day. We are the flock, Jesus is the Divine Shepherd. Em todas as circunstâncias, eleger, no Senhor Jesus, o Mestre invariável de cada dia. Somos o rebanho, Jesus é o Divino Pastor. In all circunstances, to elect, in Jesus, the unvariable Master of each day. We are the flock, Jesus is the Divine Shepherd.

Credits/CRÉDITOS Mensagem do livro/ Message from the Book CONDUTA ESPÍRITA/ Spiritist Conduct Medium/Médium: Waldo Vieira Spirit/Espírito: André Luiz Music/Música: China Roses Artist/Intérprete: Enya Images/Imagens: Internet Formatt/Formatação: Manolo Quesada Contact/Contato: File size/Tamanho do Arquivo: 0.96 MB Date/Data: 08/07/2008 more messages?/ mais mensagens? clique aquiclique aqui

Translation: The Spiritist Psychological Society