1800 aC UR Abraão Isaac Ismael Jacó Palestina Egito 1750 aC.


Apresentações semelhantes
Atlas Didático da Bíblia

Hebreus, Fenícios e Persas Dalvina Costa
A TORAH ou PENTATEUCO Formação literária
Principais características
A RELIGIÃO DE ISRAEL 1) Terminologia: Hebreus= descendentes de Heber, antepassado de Abraão; Israelitas= descendentes dos 12 filhos de Israel,
Os grandes espaços religiosos
Os Hebreus.
As primeiras civilizações
Terras Bíblicas Sul da Europa Oriente Médio Ásia Menor Norte da África
Judaísmo A mais antiga religião monoteísta
Hebreus Localização: Palestina entre a Mesopotâmia e o Egito 2000 a.C
Egito, Mesopotâmia, Fenícios, Hebreus e Persas
Bíblia Completa 66 livros
Aliança A historia da salvação resume os gestos libertadores de Deus com relação a humanidade. De modo particular estes atos se fazem sentir na história.
Judaísmo Trabalho de: Alexandre Silva nº1 9ºA Mélanie Costa nº13 9ºA.
OS FENÍCIOS: Atual Líbano; Descentralização política;
As civilizações hebraica e fenícia.
Capítulo 2 Egito.
Unidade II Assunto 5 Os Hebreus, Persas e Fenícios
Antiguidade Oriental Parte II Fenícios, Persas e Hebreus
Povos do Oriente Médio Hebreus.
Judaísmo Disciplina: educação religiosa moral e católica
As primeiras civilizações
HEBREUS A Palestina é uma estreita faixa de terra banhada pelo Rio Jordão, que deságua no Mar Morto. Está dividida em quatro zonas:
As primeiras civilizações
Fenícios, persas e hebreus.
Paróquia Nossa Senhora de Nazaré
Estado, Cultura e Sociedade
Barbara Vieira, Heloisa, Laura, Marjorie, Michele, Rafaella – 1º ano A
Como nasce a Fé e nasce a Bíblia
Diocese de São José do Rio Preto
Antiguidade Oriental Fenícios, Persas e Hebreus
Bíblia Completa 66 livros
Os Hebreus.
Hebreus, fenícios e persas
Os Filhos de Abrão ou Abrãao
Hebreus Originários da clã semita de Heber e seus descendentes eram nômades, patriarcal, politeísta, organizado em tribos independentes administradas por.
História da Bíblia ou a.C.
Geografia e História Bíblicas
01/09/2007 a 07/09/2007 6º encontro Aliança A historia da salvação resume os gestos libertadores de Deus com relação a humanidade. De modo particular estes.
Geografia e História Bíblicas
Hebreus Egito.
ABRAÃO – 1850 aC Ur na Caldéia = Abrão e Sarai Gn 11, 29
HEBREUS: Geografia: ocuparam a maior parte da Palestina composta por terras áridas, com um pequeno vale fértil junto ao Rio Jordão. Origens: eram pastores.
As Civilizações Hidráulicas:
A Visão dos Salvos e a Visão dos Glorificados „Ora, todos estes que obtiveram bom testemunho por sua fé não obtiveram, contudo, a concretização da promessa,
Origem O Judaísmo surgiu no Oriente Médio, há 3500 anos, fundado por Abraão e Moisés. É considerada a primeira religião monoteísta da história, que deu.
Hebreus, Fenícios e Persas.
A Religião Monoteísta dos Judeus. Os hebreus eram pastores nómadas da Mesopotâmia. No séc. XIX a. C., guiados por Abraão, deslocaram-se para a Palestina,
Império Morte de Ramsés II Ano1220 Personagens não bíblicos Reis Cananeus Personagens bíblicos JosuéJuizes PeríodoTribal Linha do tempo: Período Tribal.
Judaísmo Linha do tempo Principais características EADE – Programa I – Religião à Luz do Espiritismo Cristianismo e Espiritismo.
Transcrição da apresentação:

1800 aC UR Abraão Isaac Ismael Jacó Palestina Egito 1750 aC

Rota dos Hebreus Ur Canaã Mediterrâneo Egito © EBibleTeacher.com Abraham’s Journey Ur ABRAHAM DISCUSSION QUESTION: What do we know about Abraham? Abraham was originally called Abram but God renamed him Abraham in Genesis 17:5 to signify him being the father of many nations. Abraham’s descendants included both the Jewish nation by his son Issac and the Arabic people by his son Ismael. DISCUSSION QUESTION: Why was Abraham leaving his home considered such a great act of faith? Abraham was praised for his great faith in God. Most significant of his praise was for the fact that he left his home at the direction of God even though he did not know where God was sending him (Hebrews 11:8). This showed his faith in doing whatever God wanted. Travel at this time was very dangerous. There was not a lot known about the different lands and you would never know whose land you would be traveling through. There was no real government or laws to protect you. The law of the land was the law of the mighty. God had promised that Abraham would have descendants that would develop into a great nation (Genesis 12:1-3). As Abraham grew older and his wife Sarah did not have a child, Sarah offered her servant Hagar to be the wife of Abraham so that he could have a child. Later, God blessed Sarah with a child by Abraham even though she was well past normal childbearing age (Genesis 17:15-17). Finally, as an ultimate test of Abraham’s faith, God commanded Abraham to offer up his son Issac as a sacrifice. When Abraham obediently began to do this, God stopped him from doing so (Genesis 22:1-18). Like all men, Abraham’s life was not without fault. When Abraham was in Egypt, he was afraid that men would want to kill him and take his wife so he declared that she was his sister (Genesis 20). God predicted that through Abraham all the people of the world would be blessed (Genesis 22:18). This prophecy came true as a result of Jesus being the direct descendent of Abraham for because of Jesus, the whole world is blessed with the opportunity of salvation.

Egito Península do Sinai Canaã Mar Mediterrâneo Delta do Nilo Mar Vermelho Canaã Mt. Sinai Tradicional Rota do Êxodo NASA Photo © EBibleTeacher.com Península do Sinai Route of the Exodus Moisés (1300 aC) The slide shows the traditional route of the Exodus. Some say that this route went through the land of Midian that Moses had become familiar with when he fled to the land of Midian to avoid the prosecution for killing the Egyptian. The more popular route to Canaan was the northern route along the Mediterranean. That route had a variety of Egyptian military posts which would likely have resulted in many conflicts with the remaining Egyptian army units that had been detailed to these outposts.

Exodus Major Events Map Tradicional Rota do Êxodo Mar Mediterrâneo Exodus Major Events Map Canaã Delta do Nilo Península do Sinai Codorniz/Maná DISCUSSION QUESTION: Why did God send them manna and quail in their wanderings? For preparation of this question, the teacher should read Exodus chapter 16. The Israelites grumbled that there was nothing to eat in the desert and God provided food for them. Manna was a sweet flaky material that appeared on the desert floor each morning except on the Sabbath. They could pick this up and eat it. On Friday they could pick up enough for two days, otherwise it would spoil. God also sent quail for them to eat. Quail was a small bird. A trivia note is that the word “manna” literally means “What is it?” because when they saw it they said “What is it?” DISCUSSION QUESTION: Why do you think that God generally didn’t want them to gather manna for more than one day at a time? It is interesting that except for Friday, the Israelites only received enough food for a day. In the New Testament, the “Lord’s Prayer” says “Give us THIS DAY our daily bread.” In the sermon on the mount in Matthew 6:34 , Jesus said “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” What is the practical message from this? We learn that we should not worry too much about things. Again and again, God tells us to just take care of the day. MOUNT SINAI The map shows the location of the range of mountains known as the Sinia mountain range. Although we think that we know the general area, we don’t know the exact mountain that Moses went up on to receive the Ten Commandments. The photo of part of the Sinai mountains shows us the ruggedness of the terrain of this mountain region. It is difficult to feel the scale of these mountains. In the photo, a road with people walking on it is shown. The road can be discerned but the people can barely be seen since they are so small compared to the mountain. The other item to note is how some of the mountains simply jut straight out of the ground in shear bluffs. This helps us understand the scripture on the following slide that tells people not to touch the foot of the mountain. In some of the areas, the mountains rise so vertically out of the ground that it is clear where the mountain begins and what not to touch. In many parts of the world, it is hard to say just where a mountain begins. Many of the mountains in the sinai region are easily discerned and such a commandment makes more sense here. Exodus 19:12 “12 Put limits for the people around the mountain and tell them, `Be careful that you do not go up the mountain or touch the foot of it. Whoever touches the mountain shall surely be put to death.” (NIV) Egito Mt. Sinai Mt. Sinai NASA Photo © EBibleTeacher.com Mar Vermelho ÍNDICE

Twelve Tribes of Israel A s e r Simeão Naftali Zebulom Issacar Efraim M a n a s s és G a de Dã Rúben J u d á Benjamim Jerusalém Mar Morto Galiléia Rio Jordão Jericó Mt.Nebo NASA PHOTO © EBibleTeacher.com 12 Tribos de Israel Doze Tribos de Israel Manassés Aser Naftali Zebulom Issacar Gade Efraim Dã Benjamim Rúben Simeão Judá Mediterrâneo Twelve Tribes of Israel

Juízes Monarquia Israel Judá Saul, David, Salomão Jerusalém 10 Tribos 1200-1000 ac 1000 ac Saul, David, Salomão 930 ac Jerusalém 10 Tribos Destruídas pelos Assírios em 722 ac

Domínio Babilônico (1ª Diáspora) Libertação Persa (Volta a Judá) 930 ac 587ac 539ac 338ac 70dc 1948 dc Judá Domínio Babilônico (1ª Diáspora) Libertação Persa (Volta a Judá) Domínio Macedônico Domínio Romano (2ª Diáspora) Retorno a Palestina (Estado de Israel)

Resumo da Trajetória do 1800ac 1300ac 1000 ac 930ac 587ac 539ac 338ac 70dc Ur Palestina Egito Juízes Monarquia Divisão das Tribos Domínio Babilônico (1ª Diáspora) Libertação Persa (Volta a Judá) Domínio Macedônico Domínio Romano (2ª Diáspora) Resumo da Trajetória do Povo Hebreu

Religião Monoteísmo Torá + Talmude Judaísmo (1800ac) Cristianismo (0) Islamismo (622) Monoteísmo Javé=Jeová=Deus Torá + Talmude (5 primeiros livros da Bíblia) (Interpretações posteriores) Gênesis, Êxodo, Levítico, Números, Deuteronômio Escritos por Moisés