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Facilitando a diminuição dos custos de TI com IBM DB2
Carlos Eduardo Abramo Pinto IBM Brasil
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IBM DB2 Facilitando a Diminuição dos Custos de IT
1. Baixo Custo Automação das atividades administrativas, otimização do armazenamento em disco e performance superior 3. Fácil de usar Facilidade no gerenciamento e desenvolvimento de aplicações e suporte a XML 2. Confiável Forte história de confiança, durabilidade, disponibilidade e segurança comprovadas. There are three primary characteristics of IBM DB2: - Low Cost: Database operation costs consist of much more than software license. They consists of admin costs, development costs, storage costs, server costs, power costs, software license costs, software support costs, and so on. Thanks to automating admin tasks, industry-leading compression, and industry-leading performance, DB2 offers low costs when compared with other database management systems. - Trusted: DB2 is a trusted and proven database management system for all industries and uses. Thousands of organizations, both large and small, exclusively use DB2 as their database management system. This is due in part to DB2’s long heritage of reliability, resiliency, availability, and security. - Simple: DB2 prides itself on ease of use. “Ease of use” is a key consideration for every feature that we add to DB2. For instance, DB2 automates key database administrator tasks. Also, DB2 makes it easy for developers to work with DB2. We will soon explore each of these characteristics in more detail… “Nós acabamos optando pelo DB2 por diversas razões. A primeira foi confiança, a segunda foi desempenho e talvez o mais importante tenha sido a facilidade de uso” – Bashir Khan, Director of Data Management and Business Intelligence
1. Baixo custo Automação sem precedentes
Compressão Extrema Rápido Máquinas virtuais Menor custo de administração Menor custo de armazenamento Menor consumo de recursos Let’s take a closer look at how IBM DB2 helps minimize your IT costs. In particular, we will examine: - How automating certain DBA tasks, like memory management, helps lower your admin costs. - How compressing your data helps lower your storage costs - How industry-leading performance helps lower your server costs - How virtualization and cloud computing help lower your IT costs Menor custo de TI
Administração é o maior custo
$0 B $50 B $100 B $150 B $200 B $250 B $300 B 1996 ‘97 2010 ‘98 ‘99 ‘00 ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 Implementação de novos servidores Administração e gerenciamento de servidores Energia e refrigeração Estimativa global de gastos com TI por ano no período entre It shows the breakdown of spending by IT departments over a 15 year period. There are a few very interesting findings in this analysis. Firstly, new server spending has actually declined slightly over time. Secondly, power and cooling spending are rising at a steady rate. However, the most dramatic finding is the amount of spending on management and administration. This spending on management and administration represents the most significant opportunity for you to lower IT costs. And lowering IT costs is becoming a priority for everyone in the industry. As we look at the following charts, keep in mind the opportunity that lowering your management and administration cost represents. If your current database management software demands significant resources for ongoing administration, it may be time for a change. The costs savings for doing so can free up budget for other important items on your “to do” lists. Fonte: IBM Corporate Strategy analysis of IDC data, Sept. 2007 1. Baixo Custo
Reduza custos com Administração Inteligente
“É difícil de acreditar, mas nós utilizamos apenas 3 DBAs gerenciando mais de 100 instâncias do DB2.” —Phil Kilgore, Diretor de Serviços Técnicos Recursos automáticos Coleta de estatísticas Monitoramento da saúde do ambiente Entre outros… Isto significa que os DBAs podem… Focar seu tempo em atividades críticas para o negócio Automatizar a administração de ambientes de desenvolvimento e qualidade (DEV / QA) With DB2’s automated administration features, database administrators are free from the daily grind of tasks like: - Collecting statistics - Database and index re-organization - Database backups Also, the Health Monitor works automatically to proactively prevent problems from happening before they become critical. Twenty seven (27) different monitors are set up to run out-of-the-box, for things like log utilization, cache hit ratios, sort overflows, and so on. This means that you can let DB2 administer itself for Quality Assurance and Test systems. IBM clients have been endorsing these features. For example: “DB2’s automated administration features are going to save me 30% to 35% of my support costs.” —Bob Maddocks, Maddocks Systems “DB2 is incredibly reliable–we haven’t needed a full-time database administrator–and it represents a substantial cost saving compared to the Oracle database.” —Harry Bekkema, Mark’s Work Wearhouse 1. Baixo Custo
Deixe o DB2 se auto-gerenciar e foque no seu negócio
“Self Tuning Memory Manager” Configura e gerencia os parâmetros de memória do DB2 sem intervenção do DBA Rapidamente tenha o seu sistema pronto para uso mesmo com pouco ou nenhum treinamento em DB2 Deixe o DB2 se ajustar sozinho Foco no seu negócio, não no gerenciamento do banco de dados Fácil configuração Diversos assistentes de configuração Gerenciamento de armazenamento automático DB2 is self-configuring, self-healing, self-optimizing and self-protecting. This means that fewer skills and resources are needed to administer the system. Also, DB2 typically does a better job of automatically managing these resources than a database administrator who is using manual methods. - The DB2 Self Tuning Memory Manager (STMM) measures and analyzes how well each DB2 database memory consumer is using allocated (and available) memory and then decides the best way to reallocate memory to optimize workload performance. In this way, memory usage is dynamically and automatically tuned for optimal performance. - The Configuration Assistant helps to configure and maintain the database objects that you or your applications will be using, through the use of wizards. - Automatic Storage eliminates the need to worry about things like raw devices or container paths. With Automatic Storage, it is not necessary to provide containers explicitly when creating table spaces. Instead, storage paths are defined when the database is first created, and then table spaces and tables will automatically draw storage from the predefined storage path for the database. It greatly simplifies storage administration. A side benefit of these capabilities is that there will be reduced training costs for DBAs who are not familiar with DB2. For example, it will be quite straightforward for a DBA with SQL Server skills to transfer that knowledge and become proficient with DB2! This helps to leverage skills already in the organization. 1. Baixo Custo
SunTrust economizou $2M com compressão DB2
“Nós observamos níveis de compressão de até 83% nas tabelas de nosso Data Warehouse. A economia projetada inicialmente é de mais de $2 milhões, com um adicional de $500,000 economizados por ano.“ —Michael Henson, SunTrust Bank, Inc. Reduza o custo de armazenamento Economize 30% em custos de armazenamento comparado com Oracle Melhore o desempenho Aumente a porcentagem de dados acessados em memória e diminua o acesso em disco Otimize backup e restore Dados comprimidos implicam processos de backup e restore mais eficientes 1.5 Times Better 3.3 Times 2.0 Times 8.7 Times DB2 9 Other Data compression has a direct impact on storage costs. DB2 has industry-leading data compression technology that is transparent to database administrators, users, and applications. We call it “Deep Compression”. DB2 automatically builds a compression dictionary, and uses it so that the most frequently repeated values in data rows are compressed. These repeating values can span columns, which makes the compression even more effective. The way it works is that these repeating patterns within the table are replaced by a smaller symbol, and the real values are then stored in the compression dictionary. In addition to reducing disk storage space, it can also lead to disk I/O savings since more rows are accessed per I/O operation which in turn leads to faster query performance. Deep Compression can also enable more data to be cached in the buffer pool, thereby leading to increased bufferpool hit ratios which again can improve performance. Look at the graph on this chart to see just how much better DB2 is than a leading competitor. This graph shows compression rates for popular industry benchmarks. Other endorsements of DB2 compression include: "Our database is now 43% smaller than before, and some of the largest tables have been reduced by up to 70%. Despite the compression, there has been no impact on batch performance, and our most important online transactions are actually 20% faster with the new version of DB2.“ —Roland Heim, INTER Versicherungen “With DB2 Compression seeing a savings of 1.2TB in storage (42%) and a savings of 3 hours in backup processing time. Our client case retrievals are now 29% faster.” —Judy Bernstein, Prudential 1. Baixo Custo
A melhor compressão do mercado está ainda melhor
Diferentes algoritmos para compressão automática de índices Único no mercado Único no mercado Compressão automática de tabelas temporárias Tabela Temp Tabela Order By Order By Temp This chart shows DB2 features currently in development. It is IBM’s intent to make these technologies available in the next release. However this intent is subject to change and withdrawal, and does not represent a commitment or obligation on the part of IBM. DB2 is extending its leadership with additional breakthroughs in data compression. Currently, IBM clients enjoy data compression rates of up to 83%. This translates into a storage savings of up to 50%. Actual rates vary, depending on the type of data. With the following new features in development, IBM expects to move this storage savings higher: - Compression of indexes - Compression of log files - Compression of temporary tables - Compression of XML data (currently only inline XML data is compressed) - Compression of Large Objects (LOBs) Compressão inteligente de LOBs e XML 1. Baixo Custo
Performance comprovada que maximiza seu investimento
“Em testes comparando bases de dados Oracle e Microsoft SQL Server, o IBM DB2 tem demonstrado continuamente uma melhor relação preço/performance.” —Benjamin Simmen, Zurich Financial Services In June 2008, DB2 delivered a record breaking TPC-C result on IBM Power that surpassed Oracle Database's best result on an HP Superdome by 50% using 1/2 the number of processor cores. DB2 has similar results in other benchmarks, such as the SAP 3-tier benchmarks. In August 2008, DB2 became the first database to ever break the 1,000,000 tpmC barrier on an x86-64 processor. If it wasn’t enough to break this long standing performance barrier, DB2 also broke new ground in the price/performance arena with the first ever sub-$2.00 $/tpmC result for any vendor posting over 1,000,000 tpmC on any server. DB2 leads many key industry performance benchmarks, including the 10TB TPC-H benchmark shown here. But, industry standard benchmarks can be a leapfrog game. A more telling statistic is that DB2 has held certain industry benchmarks for more days than all other vendors combined. For instance, between 1 Jan 2003 and 23 Mar 2009: - IBM has 1433 days of TPC-C leadership, compared with 721 days for Oracle - IBM has 1623 days of TPC-H 10TB leadership, compared with 225 days for Oracle So what do all of these superior levels of performance mean? - They mean lower server costs because you can run DB2 using less expensive CPU hardware, often enjoying better performance. - They mean lower software license costs because you need to purchase licenses for less CPUs - They mean lower maintenance and support costs because you need to maintain licenses for less CPUs This all adds up to significant ongoing cost savings!!! 50% máis rápido que Oracle 5X mais rápido que SQL Server Menor custo de servidores para sistemas transacionais. 65% mais rápido que Oracle 5X mais rápido que SQL Server Menor custos para sistemas de BI Menor custo de servidores Menor custo em licenças Menor custo de manutenção SW 1. Baixo Custo
Custos mais flexíveis para ambientes virtualizados
A virtualização possibilita: Redução da complexidade Melhor produtividade Melhor utilização e gerenciamento dos servidores Alta disponibilidade e escalabilidade instantânea O IBM DB2 possibilita: Menor custo e maior flexibilidade para licenciamento de ambientes virtualizados Configuração e implantação simplificada Melhores práticas para AIX e VMware Virtualization is driving improved server utilization and control, which is reducing hardware costs and energy costs for many organizations. These organizations are also discovering that virtualization is also reducing IT complexity and improving IT staff productivity. Virtualization can also be used to provide high avalilability and scalability. . IBM recently announced that it now supports virtualization across its entire database software portfolio, from entry-level databases through enterprise databases, from departmental data marts through dynamic enterprise warehouses. As organizations around the world continue to move towards virtualized environments, IBM is committed to meeting their evolving needs. IBM is the first major database software vendor to announce support for virtualization across the entire spectrum of database software. You can read the official announcement at: For more information about supported operating systems and virtual environments (e.g. VMware), visit the IBM developerWorks Information Management Virtualization Portal at: 1. Baixo Custo
Reduza o custo de seu ambiente SAP com DB2
Parceria IBM DB2 e SAP Os quatro pilares do “DB2 otimizado para SAP”: Parceria Times SAP e IBM trabalhando em conjunto no desenvolvimento dos produtos Integração Um produto, uma estratégia de manutenção, ponto único de suporte Inovação tecnológica Roadmap futuro de desenvolvimento SAP é um cliente IBM DB2 SAP utiliza DB2 em seus sistemas internos Here we describe the four pillars of DB2 Optimized for SAP: The partnership with SAP. We have joint SAP and IBM teams working on all levels of the product to ensure a well-integrated and fully tested solution. Product integration allows one total product with an aligned support and maintenance structure between IBM and SAP to provide one-stop service for customers. Technology innovation is jointly agreed upon by IBM and SAP, with many DB2 features added based on SAP’s request to make DB2 the optimal database platform for SAP. SAP development has sign-off rights to all DB2/SAP features during the planning and development phases of our releases. SAP itself runs DB2 for its applications and is a very satisfied customer. To further enhance DB2-SAP performance, DB2 Development has added a special DB2 Registry variable, DB2_WORKLOAD=SAP. During testing with SAP on new DB2 releases, any DB2 registry variables that should be set specifically for SAP are grouped together under the DB2_WORKLOAD=SAP variable. That way a customer does not have to change DB2 registry variables for each DB2 or SAP release change, they simply set DB2_WORKLOAD=SAP and any new variables that were added or any changes made to older variable settings are automatically updated to the correct values for that release of DB Another indication of the close development relationship between SAP and DB2. Reduza o custo de seu ambiente SAP com DB2
2. Confiável Suporte a segurança e auditoria Tranquilidade
Alta disponibilidade descomplicada Gerenciamento da carga de trabalho Tranquilidade Configure em minutos, recupere em segundos Let’s take a closer look at why IBM DB2 is a trusted part of so many organizations. In particular, we will examine: - How you can enjoy peace of mind with world-class security and audit features - How easy it is to set up high availability. - How you can manage your workloads to ensure you meet your service level agreements Otimize o seu negócio
Reduza riscos com as melhorias em segurança e auditoria
Garantir o correto controle de acesso às informações foi citado por 44% dos administradores de TI como prioritário Para 43% dos CFOs, o maior desafio de TI é governança, controle e gerenciamento de risco Entenda riscos e problemas de segurança Auditoria redesenhada para melhor performance Identifique “Quem, o que, onde, quando e como” antes que um problema de segurança ocorra Reduza o risco de acesso não autorizado Controle granular do acesso Encriptação de dados e comunicação Controle de acesso baseado em labels (LBAC) 44% of IT staff cited authorized access as key security challenge Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) study Top challenge for 43% of CFOs is governance, controls, and risk management IBM CFO Survey: Current state & future direction, IBM Business Consulting Services The new DB2 audit facility efficiently and effectively produces all the audit records based on the audit configuration specified to control critical information of who, when, and from where people are accessing DB2. The audit facility was redesigned in DB2 9.5 to focus on performance and fine-grained auditing (FGA). The records generated from this facility are kept in an audit log file. The analysis of these records can reveal usage patterns which would identify system misuse. The audit facility provides the ability to audit at both the instance and the individual database level, independently recording all instance and database level activities with separate logs for each. The security administrator (SECADM) determines what should be audited by creating audit policies and then applying these audit policies at a very granular level to whatever database object they are interested in monitoring. DB2 gives you control over critical information of: - Who: tracking of all connections and authorizations - What: statement text and DDL tracking - Where: application id and TCP/IP of originating request - When: timestamp capture of key events - How: record all authorization checks for database actions Why: that’s for the auditors to find out… DB2 also has Label Based Access Control (LBAC) which was introduced in DB2 9. Label based access control is powerful form of content based authorization. It is a flexible implementation of Mandatory Access Control (MAC) and similar to other MAC implementations, is based on the use of security labels. These security labels determine access to all data within an LBAC protected table, and the database manager enforces strictly enforces this. LBAC is an additional layer of security built directly inside the database management system. It complements – not replaces – the other access control mechanisms of the database ( authentication, authorization, etc.). It provides the ability to granularly control access at the individual row and column level, and to have the system enforce a model where no one – not even the DBA – has any inherent privileges to access the data inside the database. Label Based Access Control (LBAC): - A “label” is associated with both users and data objects - Rules for comparing users and data labels allows access controls to be applied at the row and column level Labels may consist of multiple components: - Hierarchical, group, or tree types - Row labels appear as a single additional column in a protected table, regardless of the number of label components - User labels are granted by a security administrator ____ Related information… Role membership is assigned to a user or group and role privileges are available for use in any and all activities under taken by the connection user. The existence of roles will allow for SQL objects like views, packages, or triggers to be created by users who acquire the needed privileges through roles assigned to them. Advantages of database roles: - Simplification of the administration of privileges and authorities in the database - Roles are managed inside the database and, unlike groups, are considered by DB2 when creating views, triggers, MQTs, static SQL and SQL routines Role membership is assigned to a user or group, and role privileges are available for use in any and all activities undertaken by the connection user. The existence of roles will allow for SQL objects like views, packages, or triggers to be created by users who acquire the needed privileges through roles assigned to them and will simplify overall security administration. A key point is that DBAs can now manage DB2 security using database roles without needing ROOT authority for the OS Groups. Identity Assertion - Easily group and track your users through an N-tier architecture - Trusted Context establishes a trust relationship between the database and an external entity such as an application server The new Identify Assertion capability provides a means whereby the end-user identity in a three-tier environment can be easily and efficiently propagated to the database server. It also introduces the concept of a trusted context between a database server and a specific application tier. Trusted context solves two key security problems: (1) the use of a common user ID by application servers when accessing the database and (2) the lack of control on when privileges can be applied to a connected user. Identity Assertion can also be used to identify and prevent users from coming in from certain locations (for example, a specific IP address). “IBM é o líder definitivo em integração de dados heterogêneos…” —Naomi Rafael, Melbourne Health Fontes:Computing Technology Industry Association (Comptia) e IBM CFO Survey: Current state & future direction, IBM Business Consulting Services 2. Confiável
Customize a segurança do DB2 de acordo com suas necessidades
A segurança do DB2 foi redesenhada para refletir as complexidades de ambientes com equipes de TI internas, remotas e terceirizadas trabalhando em conjunto Personalize todos os grupos de segurança do DB2 de acordo com suas necessidades Ajuste granular na composição de cada nível de segurança Crie novos grupos de acesso e segurança de acordo com as necessidades da sua companhia This chart shows DB2 features currently in development. It is IBM’s intent to make these technologies available in the next release. However this intent is subject to change and withdrawal, and does not represent a commitment or obligation on the part of IBM. With the number of both internal and external security threats growing, it is important that database security can be set up separately from a DBA’s control for critical systems. Advances in the separation of duties allows you to provide DBAs with full control over a database, but without any access to the actual data. You can also easily separate all security and audit privileges to a single group. Security has further been simplified with new groups making application development privileges simpler, as well as workload management. Additionally, security functionality has been extended with AES encryption, Transport Layer Security (TLS), and additional Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) client support. 2. Confiável
Garanta a alta disponibilidade do seu ambiente
Ultra rápido (segundos) Gerencie interrupções planejadas e não planejadas Fácil de implementar Sem mudanças na aplicação Não necessita de hardware especializado Configuração em minutos com uso de uma interface gráfica Sistemas podem estar em localidades distintas. Mantém servidores sincronizados Reserva Primário High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) was first introduced in Informix in It was incorporated into DB2 in V8.2. The concept is simple: two servers are kept in sync by sending log entries from the primary to the secondary. If the primary server fails, the standby server is ready to take over in a very short amount of time – typically 10 to 15 seconds. The primary goals of HADR were to deliver very fast failover and to be easy to administer. We also wanted to ensure performance impact was minimal and that applications could fail over transparently. HADR has advantages over other high availability clusters like Oracle RAC because HADR supports rolling upgrades, can protect against storage failure and delivers 100% performance if one node fails (none of these are available with Oracle RAC). Automatic client re-route is part of DB2. The standby server location is stored in the system database directory, and loaded into the client upon establishing a database connection. If the primary server fails, a special SQL code is returned which automatically results in the client establishing a connection to the standby server. Working together with HADR, this provides transparent failover to the standby server. Add High Availability to your Legacy applications Easy to configure High Availability and Disaster Recovery Easy to add AFTER you write your application without any coding changes Setup in minutes – Graphical Wizard Allows ultra-fast failover (seconds) Systems can be in different geographic locations What do I get with HADR? Ability to manage planned and unplanned outages Seamless DB2 and system upgrades Multiple levels of HA to match your needs Automatic client re-routing “Uma das maiores vantagens do DB2 é que nós temos uma solução de recuperação de desastre para o nosso sistema SAP sem custo adicional.” —Gustav Elias, Austrian Railways 2. Confiável
Atinja seus níveis de serviço (SLA)
Otimize o desempenho com Workload Management Defina regras para utilização dos recursos Modifique-as em tempo de execução Ajuste-as a prioridades que variam durante o dia Diminua seus custos automatizando a alocação e utilização de recursos Controle para aplicações e usuários Estabeleça controles baseados na prioridade do negócio A ferramenta Workload Management É parte integrante do banco de dados Gerencia as requisições de clientes Gerencia os recursos do ambiente DB2 workload manager (WLM) is a resource management and monitoring tool that is built right into the database engine. The primary client benefits include CPU control, detection/control of rogue queries (limit excessive, unexpected resource consumption) and monitoring of work on the database. The new WLM architecture is also designed with integration of external WLM products such as AIX workload manager in mind, allowing DB2 to take advantage of their capabilities (on platforms where they exist) while improving the end-to-end workload management story. WLM is simple to administer, based on workload identification and then prioritization. An excellent introductory article on DB2 workload management is available for download at These workload management capabilities help ensuring proper resource allocation and utilization, which can help meet service level agreements and reduce your total cost of ownership. Now you don’t have to worry about someone hogging CPU time with a monster query, and you can ensure that high-priority work gets done first. 2. Confiável
3. Fácil de Usar Mudanças na base de dados sem indisponibilidade
Armazenamento pureXML – líder de mercado Gerenciamento de dados integrado Suporte extenso ao desenvolvedor Flexibiliza alterações de regras de negócio Facilita projetos com XML Let’s take a closer look at how IBM DB2 is simple to work with. In particular, we will examine: - How you can enjoy easier XML projects with industry-leading pureXML storage - How easy it is to make database changes, often without any downtime. - How different roles like developers, database administrators, and more can collaborate when working with data. - How easy it is to develop applications when you are working with DB2 Facilita colaboração Facilita desenvolvimento
Respondendo a mudanças nas necessidades do negócio
Para ter sucesso, organizações precisam se adaptar a mudanças nos requisitos do negócio Geralmente tecnologia e bancos de dados limitam a habilita de resposta das organizações DB2 elimina estes limites Liberte-se com DB2: Altere o esquema sem interromper a operação do seu banco de dados Mova esquemas eficientemente Mova dados para novas tabelas sem paradas Reorganize partições do banco de dados E outros… This chart shows some of the DB2 features currently in development. It is IBM’s intent to make these technologies available in the next release. However this intent is subject to change and withdrawal, and does not represent a commitment or obligation on the part of IBM. There are a number of new features that make it easier for DBAs to work with and update the database. Some of these features also make life easier for the end users of the information in the database. For instance, there are a number of activities that no longer require database downtime. These include: - Changing database schemas - Moving data to new tables - Reorganizing database partitions Also, you can also move database schemas more efficiently. Let’s learn a little more about these features in development… 3. Fácil de usar
Altere esquemas de dados sem paradas
Reaja à evoluções nas necessidades do negócio Atualizes com facilidade os esquemas do banco de dados Elimine o custo de períodos de inatividade do banco de dados Realize mudanças em tempo real Altere livremente colunas em views e outros objetos This chart shows some of the DB2 features currently in development. It is IBM’s intent to make these technologies available in the next release. However this intent is subject to change and withdrawal, and does not represent a commitment or obligation on the part of IBM. You can now update the database schema while the data remains online and available for access. You can also freely change columns used in views and other objects. 3. Fácil de usar
Mova dados sem paradas Mova dados fácil e rapidamente entre ambientes de produção, desenvolvimento e testes Mova esquemas eficientemente Crie rapidamente múltiplos ambientes de teste Reconfigure parâmetros das table spaces Sem interrupções – as tabelas permanecem acessíveis Extraia DDL e outros objetos dependentes Referencie diretamente containers das table spaces no banco de dados destino This chart shows DB2 features currently in development. It is IBM’s intent to make these technologies available in the next release. However this intent is subject to change and withdrawal, and does not represent a commitment or obligation on the part of IBM. You can now invoke a new stored procedure to move the data in a table to a new table object of the same name (but with possibly different storage characteristics) while the data remains online and available for access. You can also generate a new optimal compression dictionary when a table is moved. This allows you to easily and quickly move data between QA, test, and production environments. Now you can easily set up multiple test environments. If you want, you can even configure the new table spaces to have different properties. 3. Fácil de usar
“Roll In” e “Roll Out” de dados mais rápidos
Reorganize facilmente as partições baseando-se na evolução das necessidades de negócio Remova rapidamente partições para arquivamento de informações históricas e limpeza de dados “Roll In” e “Roll Out” veloz de dados “Roll in” e “roll out” de partições baseadas em datas This chart shows DB2 features currently in development. It is IBM’s intent to make these technologies available in the next release. However this intent is subject to change and withdrawal, and does not represent a commitment or obligation on the part of IBM. You can now reorganize partitions without taking down the database. For example, you can easily add a node while the database is online. This minimizes the impact on warehouse environments as the system grows. You can also quickly and easily detach unwanted partitions. Partitioned indexes on partitioned tables improve performance. Now you can use partitioned indexes to improve performance when you roll data into and out of a table. In addition, partition elimination for queries against a partitioned table that uses partitioned indexes can be more efficient. Full-text searches with Net Search Extender is now available in DB2 for range-partitioned tables and additional partitioned database environments. 3. Fácil de usar
Líder em performance de transações para dados XML
Fácil desenvolvimento e integração Sem esquemas relacionais complexos Sem parsing no retorno de dados Armazenamento eficiente Requer apenas 440GB of espaço para benchmark com 1TB de XML Performance incomparável 6.763 transações XML por segundo para benchmark com 1TB de XML DB2 DB2 truly does store XML data in its native format and for that reason we call it pureXML. By combining pureXML together with the familiar relational model, DB2 can be considered a hybrid database. The XML developer will see a sophisticated XML repository that also supports SQL, while the SQL developer will see a sophisticated relational database that also supports XML. The best of both worlds! DB2 also has XQuery and extensions to SQL capabilities to efficiently search and update documents; and XML-specific indexing to ensure high performance for those queries. Applications can leverage these facilities to manage and access their XML data efficiently along with any existing relational data using either SQL or XQuery as the query interface depending on their application needs and preferences. For more information about the 1TB XML benchmark, see: Note that this benchmark was performed by Intel (not IBM). The goal of the benchmark is to show the performance levels that you can expect for inserts, updates, deletes, and queries on transactional XML data. This latest benchmark is with 1TB of XML data using the FIXML standard industry format. Thanks to the way that DB2 stores XML data, the XML data occupies less than 450GB of disk space when stored in DB2. If you compare the results of this benchmark against previous benchmarks, you can see that the addition of 50% more processing cores provides 48% more throughput (at lower CPU utilization rates), indicating a nice scale-out story. Intel actually measured a 4-CPU server, with 6 cores per CPU, processing more than 6700 XML-based TPoX transactions per second. One of the key aspects of the benchmark is the minimal amount of database tuning needed to obtain these results. DB2 is clearly the leader in this space, enabling rapid development of new types of applications that can combine XML and relational data. And that leadership is about to be extended… “Com a habilidade de processar XML [do DB2], nossos clientes estão presenciando ganhos no desempenho de 5 a 10 vezes.” —Keith Feingold, CEO, Skytide 3. Fácil de usar
Trabalhe facilmente com XML em seu Data Warehouse
Melhore a compreensão de seus dados com dados XML Alta performance na análise de operações com XML Trabalhe com facilidade com dados XML em seu warehouse XML em partições de dados, partições de limites, views e clusters multi-dimensionais Melhorias nos índices e compressão de dados XML This chart shows DB2 features currently in development. It is IBM’s intent to make these technologies available in the next release. However this intent is subject to change and withdrawal, and does not represent a commitment or obligation on the part of IBM. With these features in development, administrators can leverage new database design options for XML data, including hash partitioning (database partitioning), range partitioning (table partitioning), and multi-dimensional clustering. These options can help you accommodate large data volumes, exploit parallel processing environments, simplify the addition or removal of time-sensitive data, and speed performance of many types of queries. Used individually or together, these DB2 design options can help organizations incorporate XML data into their relational data warehouses, create operational data stores based on real-time XML data feeds, and improve scalability of XML transaction processing workloads. Other features provide new administrative and application development capabilities. These include improved storage efficiency of large XML documents and indexes through compression, new support for XML in user-defined functions, and various administrative and runtime performance improvements. These features in development extend IBM’s pureXML technology in several important ways. New database design options offer scalability and performance improvements for both analytical and transaction-oriented applications. New compression support for XML data and indexes reduces disk space requirements and can improve runtime performance of I/O-bound operations. Support for XML in user-defined functions and global declared temporary tables offer new application development advantages. Finally, new system-supplied functions and stored procedures simplify database design and maintenance efforts. “A nova versão do DB2 é is excelente nas suas funcionalidade para warehouse…” —Jean-Marc Blaise, Venedim “A paralelização de consultas e inserções de dados XML irá possibilitar que nossos pesquisadores tenham acesso ainda mais rápido aos dados…” —Tom Holdener, BJC HealthCare 3. Fácil de usar
Aumente a colaboração com ferramentas integradas
“Nosso desenvolvimento irá operar de 20% a 50% mais rápido que antes.” —Janick Bernet, Desenvolvedor, Swiss ASP Ferramentas para gerenciamento integrado de dados IBM InfoSphere Data Architect*, IBM Data Studio, IBM Optim solutions, IBM InfoSphere Mashup Hub Todas as fases do ciclo de vida dos dados Colaboração entre funções Analista de Negócios, arquiteto de base de dados, DBA, desenvolvedor, etc. Suporte aos principais Bancos de Dados IBM DB2, IBM Informix, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, etc. Desen- volva Projete Implante Otimize Opere Controle Modelos Políticas Meta dados IBM is creating a single toolset that manages all aspects of the data life cycle. This toolset offers built-in compliance and easy integration with other IBM tools. The first step towards this toolset was taken in October 2007 with the release of Data Studio 1.1. The free download supported DB2 and Informix Dynamic Server and included entity relationship diagramming, an SQL builder, an XML editor, pureQuery for Java, security access tools, data management tools, and other features. Since then, there has been steady progress to broaden the Data Studio family to include all the tools needed in every phase of data's existence, and to also broader database support. Rational Data Architect has been integrated as the modeling component of Data Studio. The Optim family of solutions have also been integrated. To understand the benefits of the complete toolset vision, it helps to picture the data life cycle as a whole. As IBM sees it, data goes through five distinct stages during its life: design, development, deployment, operation, and optimization. In the design stage, business analysts and database architects create the data models that will be used to develop applications and databases that meet the organization's needs. IBM's Data Studio tools for this stage currently include logical modeling and entity relationship diagramming, with physical modeling capabilities coming soon. The next two stages, develop and deploy, are closely linked, and the tasks associated with both stages are frequently performed by people whose titles include the word "developer." Under IBM's framework, the development stage refers specifically to application development, often involving Java, .Net, PHP, Ruby, or COBOL programming. The deploy stage covers database development, usually in SQL or another query language. Operation encompasses the tasks usually performed by a DBA. Those include things like day-to-day administration, configuration, performance tuning, change management, backup and recovery, and so on. Optimization involves the efforts to organize and tune your environment for best performance. Across of all of these stages, you have govern, in which security administrators take responsibility both for the security of the organization's data resources and ensuring that the organization complies with all relevant regulations. This is also the area that includes auditing, encryption, archiving, and, ultimately, data destruction once the retention period has elapsed. More components will be integrated into the various life-cycle stages IBM Data Studio manages in the coming year. Some will be components of the free download, others will be paid features. * Antigo Rational Data Architect 3. Fácil de usar
Desenvolvimento mais rápido e fácil
Facilidade no desenvolvimento de aplicações Amplo suporte a ferramentas e linguagens de desenvolvimento Amplo suporte às mais recentes plataformas de desenvolvimento, como Visual Studio 2008, Eclipse e pureQuery Suporte a diversos dialetos SQL e linguagens procedurais Crie Web services com facilidade Escolha da linguagem de consulta e APIs SQL, XQuery, XPath, CLPplus, JDBC, SQLJ, ODBC, ADO, .net, CLI, OLE-DB, e mais. This chart shows SOME DB2 features currently in development. In particular, packages, built-in-packages, and CLPPLus. It is IBM’s intent to make these technologies available in the next release. However this intent is subject to change and withdrawal, and does not represent a commitment or obligation on the part of IBM. DB2 offers a standards-based transparent application development environment across the DB2 family, a synergy of innovation and interoperability, graphical tools for central management, and much more. SQL standardization across the DB2 product line provides a common set of application programming interfaces for database access. DB2 supports the following popular database application programming interfaces: ODBC, ADO,, CLI, JDBC, SQLJ, OLE-DB, and more. In addition, each DB2 product also provides SQL pre-compilers which allow developers to embed static and dynamic SQL in portable application programs. This is in stark contrast to SQL Server, which has only dynamic SQL (static SQL delivers benefits in performance and security control). The difference with pureQuery is that clients can be sending in what they think are dynamic SQL queries, but under the covers pureQuery matches them up with a precompiled (static) SQL version. So you get the familiarity and flexibility of dynamic SQL and the performance of static. A common theme: DB2 offers more choice and flexibility. As if this wide offering of application development frameworks were not already ample evidence of its commitment to supporting development in multiple environments, DB2 even has a native .NET managed provider and integration into the Visual Studio tooling. DB2 even supported .NET developers before Microsoft SQL Server! Univar aumentou a produtividade de desenvolvimento em 25-50%, reduzindo os custos de desenvolvimento em 35-45%. 3. Fácil de usar
Suporte a linguagem PL/SQL
DB2 suporta sintaxe de PL/SQL Fácil para desenvolvedores usarem o DB2 Fácil para aplicações usarem o DB2 DB2 suporta: SQL PL SQL/PSM PL/SQL Packages Pacotes pré-definidos JDBC SQL*Plus scripts PL/SQL SQL PL SQL/PSM 3. Fácil de usar
Como funciona o suporte a PL/SQL no DB2 ?
O compilador PL/SQL é parte integrante do DB2 O suporte a PL/SQL é ativado através do parâmetro DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR A idéia deste slide é demonstrar que o compilador PL/SQL é parte integrante do engine do DB2, sendo executado da mesma forma que código SQL PL nativo, e que sua habilitação é muito simples, necessitando somente da configuração de um parâmetro no momento de criação do banco de dados. Mudanças no código Oracle PL/SQL para DB2 PL/SQL são exceções, e não a regra 3. Fácil de usar
O que pode ser migrado diretamente para DB2 9.7 ?
Oracle DB2 Cobra Concurrency Control No change Oracle SQL PL/SQL No Change Packages Built-in packages JDBC SQL*Plus Scripts
Modelos de concorrência para satisfazer suas necessidades
Suporte a diversos modelos de acesso concorrente, que permitem… Otimizar a performance para cargas de trabalho variadas Eliminar os conflitos entre operações de Leitura e Escrita Novo modelo “Read Currently Committed” Facilidade para desenvolvedores trabalharem com o DB2 Controle baseado no Log Sem sobrecarga de gerenciamento Sem sobrecarga de performance Muito mais simples que os segmentos de rollback (“undo”) do Oracle This chart shows DB2 features currently in development. It is IBM’s intent to make these technologies available in the next release. However this intent is subject to change and withdrawal, and does not represent a commitment or obligation on the part of IBM. Currently Committed locking semantics will help the Cursor Stability (CS) isolation level provide more concurrency and faster access to data. The new locking behavior offers significantly reduced lock wait and deadlock scenarios. The new behavior is beneficial in high-throughput transaction-processing database environments. This new behavior is particularly beneficial if your applications run against databases from multiple vendors. You can use CS instead of writing and maintaining code pertaining to locking semantics specifically for DB2 databases. This new CS behavior is the default for new databases, and can be enabled for existing databases that have upgraded from a previous release. 3. Fácil de usar
Modelos de concorrência no DB2 9.7
Oracle default Statement level snapshot DB2 default prior to Cobra Cursor stability blocks Reader Writer No Yes blocks Reader Writer No Maybe Yes Migrar aplicações Oracle para DB2 requeriam um esforço significante para reorganizar o acesso às tabelas para evitar deadlocks DB2 default with Cobra Currently Committed blocks Reader Writer No Yes
Flexibilidade de tipos de dados
Traditionalmente, DB2 tem suportado tipagem de dados restrita De acordo com o padrão SQL Tendência em direção a tipagens de dados fracas em linguagens de programação: PERL, RUBY, PHP, etc. DB2 agora suporta: Conversão e comparação fácil entre tipos de dados (char vs date, char vs number, etc) Fácil para sua aplicação usar DB2 Fácil para seus desenvolvedores usarem DB2 Por exemplo, sem mudanças para aplicações usando campos “DATE” do Oracle This chart shows DB2 features currently in development. It is IBM’s intent to make these technologies available in the next release. However this intent is subject to change and withdrawal, and does not represent a commitment or obligation on the part of IBM. Although the SQL standard promotes strong data typing, popular emerging programming languages like Perl, RUBY, and PHP allow weak data typing. Weak data typing allows for rapid development. Whether you want to use weak data typing or not is a philosophical decision for your organization. However, DB2 is striving to make development easier for you by supporting both strong and weak data typing models. DB2 is introducing new data type support for NUMBER, VARCHAR2, and DATE with time component. To make data management more compatible with other database management systems, you can now use the NUMBER and VARCHAR2 data types. You can also have the database manager interpret the DATE data type (normally comprised of year, month, day) as a TIMESTAMP(0) data type (comprised of year, month, day, hour, minute, second). Improvements in string manipulation functions such as TO_NUMBER, DATETIME and TO_VARCHAR will make developing against the new data times easy. 3. Fácil de usar
IBM DB2 Facilitando a Diminuição dos Custos de IT
1. Baixo Custo Automação das atividades administrativas, otimização do armazenamento em disco e performance superior. 2. Confiável Forte história de confiança, durabilitdade, disponibilidade e segurança comprovadas. 3. Fácil de Usar Facilidade no gerenciamento e desenvolvimento de aplicações, e suporte a XML There are three primary characteristics of IBM DB2: - Low Cost: Database operation costs consist of much more than software license. They consists of admin costs, development costs, storage costs, server costs, power costs, software license costs, software support costs, and so on. Thanks to automating admin tasks, industry-leading compression, and industry-leading performance, DB2 offers low costs when compared with other database management systems. - Trusted: DB2 is a trusted and proven database management system for all industries and uses. Thousands of organizations, both large and small, exclusively use DB2 as their database management system. This is due in part to DB2’s long heritage of reliability, resiliency, availability, and security. - Simple: DB2 prides itself on ease of use. “Ease of use” is a key consideration for every feature that we add to DB2. For instance, DB2 automates key database administrator tasks. Also, DB2 makes it easy for developers to work with DB2. We will soon explore each of these characteristics in more detail… “DB2 bate todos os concorrentes sem dificuldade em termos de custo, confiabilidade e facilidade de uso.”—Jochen Guther, Managing Director
Confiabilidade comprovada por dezenas de milhares de clientes
IBM DB2 is being successfully used by many tens of thousands of clients around the world, in a variety of industries. This is just a very small sample of the clients who are so happy with IBM DB2 that they want to publicly endorse DB2.
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