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Agência dos Estados Unidos para o Comércio e Desenvolvimento

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1 Agência dos Estados Unidos para o Comércio e Desenvolvimento
Rodrigo Mota Representante no Brasil Junho, 2015

2 Nossa Missão USTDA is an independent federal government agency that links U.S. businesses to global infrastructure opportunities. By doing so, we help drive the export of U.S. goods and services into high growth emerging markets. We also help these markets build the critical infrastructure they need to grow their economies. A Agência dos Estados Unidos para o Comércio e Desenvolvimento ajuda empresas a criarem empregos nos Estados Unidos, através da exportação de produtos e serviços americanos para projetos de desenvolvimento prioritários em economias emergentes. A USTDA conecta empresas americanas a oportunidades de exportação, financiando atividades de planejamento de projetos, projetos piloto e visitas técnicas ao mesmo tempo que cria infraestrutura sustentável e crescimento econômico em países parceiros.

3 A USTDA trabalha exclusivamente em mercados emergentes
First, USTDA works exclusively in emerging markets. As a foreign assistance agency, our mission is to advance economic growth in emerging markets and promote U.S. exports to those markets. And considering the fact that low to middle-income countries are forecast to grow at 3-4 times the rate of industrialized countries, we’re working exactly where U.S. companies need to be.

4 A USTDA tem como foco principal atividades na área de infraestrutura
Secondly, USTDA focuses exclusively on infrastructure projects in order to help its partner countries achieve their economic development goals. By supporting the modernization and expansion of the transportation, energy and telecommunications sectors in high-growth emerging markets, USTDA helps these countries develop the foundation necessary to become strong, viable trading partners for U.S. firms. Now, bearing these two things in mind, let me explain how USTDA successfully promotes U.S. exports.

5 Presença Global da USTDA
Los Angeles, Califórnia While USTDA’s headquarters is in Arlington, Virginia, the Agency has offices in strategic locations across the globe. These locations help to ensure that USTDA maintains strong ties and support with its priority markets and partners. Beijing, China Arlington, Virginia New Delhi, Índia Miami, Flórida Hanoi, Vietnã Bangkok, Tailândia São Paulo, Brasil Johannesburg, África do Sul

6 Setores Prioritários da USTDA
To get the maximum return on our investment of taxpayer dollars, USTDA consistently evaluates its activities to determine which sectors achieve the greatest results for its partners at home and abroad. Setores Prioritários da USTDA

7 Setores Prioritários Transporte Energia Telecomunicações
Based on this rigorous analysis, the Agency prioritizes the transportation (including aviation, heavy rail , ports and intelligent transportation systems), energy (with a strong emphasis on renewables and energy efficiency) and telecommunications sectors. However, USTDA is not limited to these industries. The Agency will consider other sectors when the project opportunity meets the Agency’s funding criteria. Transporte Energia Telecomunicações

8 Principais Programas da USTDA
Through sector-specific conferences and workshops, the Agency brings key decision makers together. Private sector CEOs and senior public officials from overseas are able to connect directly with U.S. company and government representatives to advance the development of critical projects abroad. These events also highlight upcoming projects and procurement plans overseas. Include example of upcoming or recent conference/workshop relevant to the audience. Conectando Interesses Comerciais Norte-Americanos com Oportunidades de Desenvolvimento Programa de Parceria de Negócios Internacional Programa de Desenvolvimento de Projetos

9 Programa de Parceria de Negócios Internacional
USTDA also provides technical assistance to help create a legal and regulatory environment conducive to increased U.S. exports in key markets. From developing industry standards for smart grid technologies to strengthening a country’s capacity to trade through the modernization of its port infrastructure. Technical Assistance covers a wide range of activities encompassing anything necessary to move the development of a project toward financing and implementation. Reference a region/sector specific example. 900px x 1080px Visitas Técnicas Conferências Workshops

10 Programa de Desenvolvimento de Projetos
900px x 535px The Agency also funds pilot projects, which demonstrate a U.S. company’s equipment or technology in the foreign buyer’s setting. These demonstrations showcase the effectiveness of U.S. solutions and provide the analysis and empirical data required to move a project forward. They also offer the opportunity for scalability and replicability throughout the market or region. Reference a region/sector specific example. Estudos de Viabilidade Projetos Pilotos Assistências Técnicas 900px x 535px

11 76:1 And we’re pretty good at it. I’m proud to say that every $1 USTDA has invested in its programs has yielded $76 in U.S.-manufactured goods and services.

12 Mecanismo de Apoio da USTDA

13 Cooperação entre Agências
By connecting U.S. businesses to export opportunities, USTDA has generated more than $25 Billion in U.S. exports over the last ten years. Within that total are export successes from companies of all sizes based all across the United States. Include example. A USTDA coordena seus trabalhos com diversas agências governamentais para garantir a excelência de seus programas

14 Exemplos de Estudos de Viabilidade e Assistências Técnicas
EMGETIS: Estratégia de TI, Banda Larga e Data Center PRODAM: Estratégia de TI e Assistência Técnica para Data Center PRODAP: Estratégia de TI e Assistência Técnica para Data Center PRODERJ: Estratégia de TI e Assistência Técnica para Data Center Goiás: Assistência Técnica para novo Data Center ETICE: Modelo de Gestão para Infraestrutura de Banda Larga ETICE: Assistência Técnica para novo Data Center PRODEMG: Assistência Técnica para novo Data Center Acre: Banda Larga e Conectividade de Governo By connecting U.S. businesses to export opportunities, USTDA has generated more than $25 Billion in U.S. exports over the last ten years. Within that total are export successes from companies of all sizes based all across the United States. Include example.

15 Exemplos de Visitas Técnicas
Computação em Nuvem e Big Data (November/2014) Tecnologias para Redes de Comunicação e Banda Larga (Agosto/2013) Tecnologias para Data Centers (Dezembro/2012) Sistemas de Transportes Inteligentes (Dezembro/2011) Vessel Traffic Management Systems (Novembro/2010) Redes Inteligentes (Smart Grid) (Outubro/2010) By connecting U.S. businesses to export opportunities, USTDA has generated more than $25 Billion in U.S. exports over the last ten years. Within that total are export successes from companies of all sizes based all across the United States. Include example.

16 Exemplos de Estudos de Viabilidade e Assistências Técnicas
By connecting U.S. businesses to export opportunities, USTDA has generated more than $25 Billion in U.S. exports over the last ten years. Within that total are export successes from companies of all sizes based all across the United States. Include example. EcoRodovias: Assistência Técnica para Modernização de Sistema de Transportes Inteligentes (ITS) CEMIG/Light: Assistência Técnica para RedesInteligentes Comlub: Geração de Energia a partir de Resíduos Sólidos FS SEINFRA-BA: Assistência Técnica para Modernização da Malha Aeroportuária Estadual México: Regulamentação para Redes Inteligentes TA Colombia: Workshop sobre Redes Inteligentes

17 USTDA Critérios de Seleção
When evaluating project proposals, USTDA uses the following basic criteria: USTDA Critérios de Seleção

18 A USTDA avalia projetos baseados nos seguintes critérios:
First, the project must be a development priority in the country where it is located and have the endorsement of the U.S. Embassy in that country. Secondly, the project must be likely to receive implementation financing and have a procurement process that provides “equal access” to U.S. firms. Finally, the project must represent mutual benefits for the stakeholders at home and abroad, including the opportunity for sales of U.S. goods and services that is many times greater than the initial USTDA assistance. Within these parameters, USTDA is flexible. So if you have a strong project to propose, please let us know. We want to hear from you. O projeto deve ser de prioridade no Brasil Existência de possíveis fontes de financiamento para a realização do projeto Benefícios mútuos para os Estados Unidos e Brasil, incluindo oportunidades comerciais para empresas norte-americanas

19 Contatos Contato: rmota@ustda.gov www.ustda.gov Telefone:
+55 (11) Nos Estados Unidos: Nathan Younge Diretor Regional para a América Latina e Caribe Gabrielle Mandel Gerente para o Brasil e Cone Sul Isabel Sepulveda Gerente para o Brasil, Perú No Brasil: Rodrigo Mota Representante no Brasil There are many different ways to connect with USTDA, including calling our main telephone number, ing us, or by following us on Twitter or Facebook. Whichever method you choose, rest assured our dedicated staff will quickly respond to any questions or comments you may have. And if you want to stay up-to-date on the Agency’s upcoming activities and events, please register to receive our bi-weekly e-newsletter, Trade Posts. Twitter: Twitter.com/USTDA Facebook: facebook.com/USTDA

20 Obrigado, U.S. Trade and Development Agency

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