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Encontro de Líderes dos PEQPC

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Apresentação em tema: "Encontro de Líderes dos PEQPC"— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 Encontro de Líderes dos PEQPC
Brasília, 16 de abril de 2009

2 1 - LIDERANÇA 51 pontos Use slide 5-4 to discuss the purpose/goals of
measures. 5 minutes. Review the two main purposes/goals of measures. Start with Organizational Motivation - Before revealing the slide content - query participants as to how they feel that measures can motivate an organizations. Reveal the slide content Review Evaluation of Strategy and Strategic Learning - Before revealing the slide content - query participants as to how they feel that measures can motivate an organizations Reveal the slide content. Discuss possible objections to measures within an organization. Ask participants for some objections they can anticipate. Ask participants why these objections might occur. Common answers may be: Politics/protectionism with the organization Anxiety re: being measured and the consequences of measurement. Length of time/effort/career already invested. Fear of change. Liderança (3) Lideranças engajadas e comprometidas Formação Líderes - Sucessão

3 2 - SUSTENTABILIDADE 20 pontos
Use slide 5-4 to discuss the purpose/goals of measures. 5 minutes. Review the two main purposes/goals of measures. Start with Organizational Motivation - Before revealing the slide content - query participants as to how they feel that measures can motivate an organizations. Reveal the slide content Review Evaluation of Strategy and Strategic Learning - Before revealing the slide content - query participants as to how they feel that measures can motivate an organizations Reveal the slide content. Discuss possible objections to measures within an organization. Ask participants for some objections they can anticipate. Ask participants why these objections might occur. Common answers may be: Politics/protectionism with the organization Anxiety re: being measured and the consequences of measurement. Length of time/effort/career already invested. Fear of change. Sustentabilidade financeira do programa Busca da Auto Sustentação Financeiro Sustentabilidade Auto sustentabilidade dos programas estaduais Viabilização de Fundos Sustentabilidade Financeira Sustentabilidade Economica/ Financeira Criação de mecanismos sustentáveis de viabilização de recursos Buscar sustentabilidade financeira Sustentabilidade Econômica

4 3 - PREMIAÇÃO 17 pontos Use slide 5-4 to discuss the purpose/goals of
measures. 5 minutes. Review the two main purposes/goals of measures. Start with Organizational Motivation - Before revealing the slide content - query participants as to how they feel that measures can motivate an organizations. Reveal the slide content Review Evaluation of Strategy and Strategic Learning - Before revealing the slide content - query participants as to how they feel that measures can motivate an organizations Reveal the slide content. Discuss possible objections to measures within an organization. Ask participants for some objections they can anticipate. Ask participants why these objections might occur. Common answers may be: Politics/protectionism with the organization Anxiety re: being measured and the consequences of measurement. Length of time/effort/career already invested. Fear of change. Promoção do Prêmio Premiação (2) Prêmio MPE Metodologia de gestão para suprir os prêmios regionais Premiação Estadual Reconhecimento Reordenar os critérios da FNQ para maior destaque em inovação Processo de Reconhecimento (premiação) das Organizações Metodologia de Avaliação / Premiação Avaliação Alinhamento com o modelo FNQ

5 4 - COMUNICAÇÃO 15 pontos Use slide 5-4 to discuss the purpose/goals of measures. 5 minutes. Review the two main purposes/goals of measures. Start with Organizational Motivation - Before revealing the slide content - query participants as to how they feel that measures can motivate an organizations. Reveal the slide content Review Evaluation of Strategy and Strategic Learning - Before revealing the slide content - query participants as to how they feel that measures can motivate an organizations Reveal the slide content. Discuss possible objections to measures within an organization. Ask participants for some objections they can anticipate. Ask participants why these objections might occur. Common answers may be: Politics/protectionism with the organization Anxiety re: being measured and the consequences of measurement. Length of time/effort/career already invested. Fear of change. Comunicação (2) Processos de Comunicação Gestão da Imagem Apoio da Mídia Comunicação Eficiente Transparência (comunicação) Comunicação dos Programas com os Associados

6 5 - ARTICULAÇÃO 14 pontos Use slide 5-4 to discuss the purpose/goals of measures. 5 minutes. Review the two main purposes/goals of measures. Start with Organizational Motivation - Before revealing the slide content - query participants as to how they feel that measures can motivate an organizations. Reveal the slide content Review Evaluation of Strategy and Strategic Learning - Before revealing the slide content - query participants as to how they feel that measures can motivate an organizations Reveal the slide content. Discuss possible objections to measures within an organization. Ask participants for some objections they can anticipate. Ask participants why these objections might occur. Common answers may be: Politics/protectionism with the organization Anxiety re: being measured and the consequences of measurement. Length of time/effort/career already invested. Fear of change. Articulação com o Poder Público Articulação Articulação e Parceria com Organizações Públicas, Privadas e de Representação Apoio do Governo Estadual e Entidades de Classe Articulação com instituições apoiadoras / mantenedoras Rede de Comitês Integração outros Programas de Qualidade Articulação / ações indepedentes MBC/ Movimento Local Rede de Relacionamento Alianças Estratégicas Processo de Voluntariado Criação de filiais no interior dos Estados (capilaridade do programa) Parcerias Rede de Voluntários certificados Processos de animação, coordenação e articulação da rede de líderes locais Articulação com outros movimentos

7 6 - CAPACITAÇÃO 7 pontos Use slide 5-4 to discuss the purpose/goals of
measures. 5 minutes. Review the two main purposes/goals of measures. Start with Organizational Motivation - Before revealing the slide content - query participants as to how they feel that measures can motivate an organizations. Reveal the slide content Review Evaluation of Strategy and Strategic Learning - Before revealing the slide content - query participants as to how they feel that measures can motivate an organizations Reveal the slide content. Discuss possible objections to measures within an organization. Ask participants for some objections they can anticipate. Ask participants why these objections might occur. Common answers may be: Politics/protectionism with the organization Anxiety re: being measured and the consequences of measurement. Length of time/effort/career already invested. Fear of change. Programas de Capacitação Processos de educação e capacitação em Qualidade e Competitividade Capacitação (5) Capacitação gerencial para a economia do conhecimento Setorização do Programa – adaptando a liguagem técnica da metodologia

8 7 - MOBILIZAÇÃO 6 pontos Use slide 5-4 to discuss the purpose/goals of
measures. 5 minutes. Review the two main purposes/goals of measures. Start with Organizational Motivation - Before revealing the slide content - query participants as to how they feel that measures can motivate an organizations. Reveal the slide content Review Evaluation of Strategy and Strategic Learning - Before revealing the slide content - query participants as to how they feel that measures can motivate an organizations Reveal the slide content. Discuss possible objections to measures within an organization. Ask participants for some objections they can anticipate. Ask participants why these objections might occur. Common answers may be: Politics/protectionism with the organization Anxiety re: being measured and the consequences of measurement. Length of time/effort/career already invested. Fear of change. Filiação (captação) de associados Engajamento de Liderancas Empresariais Mobilização da Comunidade da Qualidade Mobilização (3) Motivação abrangente do Setor Público Disseminação/ Mobilização Motivação abrangente do 3 setor Sensibilização Motivação abrangente das classes empresariais

9 8 - DIVERSOS 5 pontos Use slide 5-4 to discuss the purpose/goals of
measures. 5 minutes. Review the two main purposes/goals of measures. Start with Organizational Motivation - Before revealing the slide content - query participants as to how they feel that measures can motivate an organizations. Reveal the slide content Review Evaluation of Strategy and Strategic Learning - Before revealing the slide content - query participants as to how they feel that measures can motivate an organizations Reveal the slide content. Discuss possible objections to measures within an organization. Ask participants for some objections they can anticipate. Ask participants why these objections might occur. Common answers may be: Politics/protectionism with the organization Anxiety re: being measured and the consequences of measurement. Length of time/effort/career already invested. Fear of change. Gestão Estratégica Reforço dos processos de inovação nas empresas Qualidade Gestão Pública Governança Vinculação Institucional dos Programas Estaduais Descentralização do Programa nos municípios / interior do Estado

10 1 7 2 6 3 5 4 Liderança Sustentabilidade Premiação Comunicação
Articulação Capacitação Mobilização 7 2 6 3 5 4

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