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Gerunds and Infinitives

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Apresentação em tema: "Gerunds and Infinitives"— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 Gerunds and Infinitives

2 Quando usamos dois verbos juntos na língua inglesa, nem sempre o segundo aparece no infinitivo. Quem determina a forma que será adotada pelo segundo verbo é o primeiro e, infelizmente, não há nenhuma regra para nos ajudar.

3 Após alguns verbos, incluindo enjoy, don’t mind, dislike, can’t stand, finish, imagine, give up, go, suggest, can’t help, e practice, nós precisamos usar um gerúndio (-ing) Ex1: Diego has gone swimming. Ex2: Sara doesn’t mind walking to school every day. Ex3: I can’t imagine not having a hose to live in. Após alguns verbos, incluindo want, agree, need, would like, hope, promise, refuse, expect, try, decide, learn, plan, intend e seem, nós precisamos usar to + infinitivo. Ex1: Sara hopes to go to the US next year. Ex2: Joe refused to do his homework. Ex3: I always seem to get it wrong.

4 Após os verbos like, love, hate, begin, start, continue e prefer, podemos usar um gerund OU to + infinitive. Ex1: I like listening to music. = I like to listening to music. Ex2: He loves walking in the mountains. = He loves to walk in the ... Ex3: Alex began cooking at 6pm. = Alex began to cook at 6pm.

5 Alguns verbos podem ser seguidos por to + infinitive, porém o significado se altera. Os mais comuns são regret, remember e stop. STOP SMOKING = parar de fumar STOP TO SMOKE = parar para fumar REMEMBER READING = lembrar de ter lido REMEMBER TO READ = não se esquecer de ler REGRET INFORMING = arrependo-me de ter informado REGRET TO INFORM THAT… = sinto informar que…

Usa-se o gerúndio: 1. Como substantivo: Singing is her favorite hobby. (Cantar é o "hobby" preferido dela.) Swimming is good for you. (Nadar é saudável.) Sleeping is his favorite pastime. (Dormir é o seu passatempo favorito.)

7 2. Após preposições: *Após uma preposição (about, against, at, in, of, for, on, after, before, etc.), o verbo vem sempre na forma -ing. After resting I'll make the bed. (Depois que eu descansar vou arrumar a cama.) Without knowing what to do, I went home earlier. (Sem saber o que fazer, fui para casa mais cedo.) Before opening the letter, she took a deep breath. (Antes de abrir a carta, ela respirou fundo.) You can save 10% by booking on the internet. (Você pode economizar 10% reservando pela internet.)

1. Após the first, the second, the third, the last, the only, the next, etc: I was the first to arrive this morning. (Fui o primeiro a chegar hoje de manhã.) He is always the last to get up the bed. (Ele é sempre o último a levantar da cama.) 2. Após o verbo to be: The most important thing now is to find a solution to the problem. (O mais importante agora é encontrar uma solução para o problema.) The main thing is to relax. (O principal é relaxar.)

9 3. Para indicar a finalidade, com que propósito se faz ou se quer algo:
I'd like something to stop my toothache. (Gostaria de alguma coisa para parar minha dor de dente.) Have you got the key to open this door? (Você pegou a chave para abrir a porta?) I need some more books to read. (Preciso de mais alguns livros para ler.)

10 Verbos Seguidos por... admit finish practice avoid give up dislike can’t help image report can’t stand mention don’t mind consider practice suggest enjoy Gerund (-ing) somente. afford hope promise agree intend refuse arrange learn seem ask manage tempt choose need try decide plan want expect pretend would like To + infinitive somente begin like start continue love hate prefer Gerund ou infinitive

11 Practice Gerund or to + infinitive?
I can’t stand like everyone else. (look) I don’t like dubbed foreign movies. (watch) We would like to a salsa competition. (go) People need cultures which are different from their own. (respect) I prefer Japanese street fashions. (wear) Everyone wants Havaianas sandals. (have) I don’t mind you choose something to eat later. (help) He agreed me his new CDs for the party. (lend)

12 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
I’ll never forget my girl for the first time. She agreed him to write his essay. I tried the marathon, but it was too difficult. Have you considered a job? The man admitted the ring from the department store. 6. Stop ! complain – finish – get – help – meet – steal

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