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Língua Estrangeira - Inglês

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Apresentação em tema: "Língua Estrangeira - Inglês"— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 Língua Estrangeira - Inglês
Ensino Médio, 2º Ano Past Continuous

Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE Expressa ações que estavam acontecendo em um determinado momento no passado.

3 They were studying five minutes ago.
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous They were studying five minutes ago. I was working yesterday morning. Nadiamoyses Revistacrescer

4 HOW TO FORM THE PAST CONTINUOUS Particípio Presente do
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous HOW TO FORM THE PAST CONTINUOUS Passado do Verbo To Be (was/were) Particípio Presente do Verbo Principal + + Terminação -ing

5 LET’S REVIEW!!!! THE VERB TO BE – SIMPLE PAST I - was You - were
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous LET’S REVIEW!!!! THE VERB TO BE – SIMPLE PAST I - was You - were He - was She - was It - was We - were They - were Terminação -ing Autor Desconhecido/hiro.art

6 She was helping her mother. They were reading the book.
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous EXAMPLES It was raining. Legrandchange She was helping her mother. Dreamstime.com They were reading the book. Danvizi

Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous HOW TO USE THE PAST CONTINUOUS Descrever uma ação que estava iniciada ou em andamento num momento específico no passado. Exemplos: A: What were you doing when I called you last night? B: I was studying literature (when you called me last night) Descrever uma atividade interrompida por outra ação passada. The phone rang when I was unlocking the door. My father arrived when my mother was cooking.

Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous HOW TO USE THE PAST CONTINUOUS Descrever o ambiente ou o contexto no qual se desenvolveu uma ação no passado. Exemplo: It was getting dark. The prince was walking silently around the hall and he saw the soldiers. Descrever ações em andamento simultâneo. My mother was playing on the computer while my sister was studying hard for her test.

Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous HOW TO USE THE PAST CONTINUOUS Falar de uma ação habitual no passado, normalmente com o uso do advérbio always. Exemplo: My nephew was always driving me crazy with his games.

10 AFFIRMATIVE FORM The sun was shining when I got up this morning.
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous AFFIRMATIVE FORM The sun was shining when I got up this morning. I was walking in the garden. We were playing Mozart 5 minutes ago.

11 AFFIRMATIVE FORM Now you!! Complete:
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous AFFIRMATIVE FORM Now you!! Complete: 1. Jack ________________ so fast. (to drive) 2. She _________________ some new clothes. (to buy) 3. You _________________ beautiful poems. (to write) blogsinaldeacesso

12 AFFIRMATIVE FORM Check your answers!!!
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous AFFIRMATIVE FORM Check your answers!!! 1. Jack was driving so fast. (to drive) 2. She was buying some new clothes. (to buy) 3. You were writing beautiful poems. (to write) Clipartlogo

13 INTERROGATIVE FORM Were they studying?
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous INTERROGATIVE FORM Were they studying? Was the dog sleeping under the bed? Was Ted reading a comic book?

14 INTERROGATIVE FORM Now you!! Complete:
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous INTERROGATIVE FORM Now you!! Complete: 1. _______ Paul and Mary ____________ by plane? (to travel) 2. ______ he ________ to the party last night? (to go) 3. ______ you __________ to Jhon? (to talk) blogsinaldeacesso

15 INTERROGATIVE FORM Check your answers!!!
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous INTERROGATIVE FORM Check your answers!!! 1. Were Paul and Mary travelling by plane? (to travel) 2. Was he going to the party last night? (to go) 3. Were you talking to Jhon? (to talk) clipartlogo

16 NEGATIVE FORM The teacher was not telling a story.
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous NEGATIVE FORM The teacher was not telling a story. We were not writing love poems. It was not raining.

17 NEGATIVE FORM Now you!! Complete:
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous NEGATIVE FORM Now you!! Complete: 1. I ______________ my mother. (to help) 2. They __________________ black clothes. (to wear) 3. Lisa _______________ English. (to study) blogsinaldeacesso

18 NEGATIVE FORM Check your answers!!!
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous NEGATIVE FORM Check your answers!!! 1. I was not helping my mother. (to help) 2. They were not wearing black clothes. (to wear) 3. Lisa was not studying English. (to study) Clipartlogo

Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous NEGATIVE FORM - CONTRACTED The teacher wasn’t telling a story. We weren’t writing love poems. It wasn’t raining.

Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous NEGATIVE FORM - CONTRACTED Now you!! Complete: 1. I ______________ my mother. (to help) 2. They __________________ black clothes. (to wear) 3. Lisa _______________ English. (to study) blogsinaldeacesso

Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous NEGATIVE FORM - CONTRACTED Check your answers!!! 1. I wasn’t helping my mother. (to help) 2. They weren’t wearing black clothes. (to wear) 3. Lisa wasn’t studying English. (to study) Clipartlogo

22 REVIEW Let’s to visite the video in this link bellow:
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous REVIEW Autor Desconhecido Let’s to visite the video in this link bellow:

23 I didn’t remember what the comedian said. Not: I was not remembering
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous Autor Desconhecido Não se esqueça que verbos como realize, understand, mean, believe, forget, remember, like, dislike, smell, hear, see, belong to não são usados em formas contínuas. Exemplos: I didn’t remember what the comedian said. Not: I was not remembering The janitor did not realize he was wrong. Not: The janitor was not realizing

24 Exemplo: dance – dancing
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous Autor Desconhecido Verbos terminados em -e, antes de acrescentar a terminação -ing, perdem o -e. Exemplo: dance – dancing Verbos terminados em CVC (consoante-vogal-consoante), antes de acrescentar a terminação -ing, dobra-se a última consoante. Exemplo: fix - fixxing

25 Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano,
Past Continuous ATIVIDADE LÚDICA Ao som da banda The Cranberries – Animal Instinct, os alunos deverão preencher as lacunas na letra da música (preparada pelo professor) e em seguida cantá-la juntos com o auxílio do professor. Música: Letra: Ryming

26 Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano,
Past Continuous LET’S TRY YOUR ENGLISH!!! Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous: a) The children ________________ (cry) 5 minutes ago. b) Roy ___________________ (wear) his brown shirt. c) That man ________________ (build) a doghouse. d) Those girls ________________ (look) for you. e) Lucy _______________ (sing) in the garden.

27 Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano,
Past Continuous LET’S TRY YOUR ENGLISH!!! 2. Change the sentences to the Negative Form: a) The boys were doing their Japanese lesson. b) Jane was preparing dinner. c) I was studying geography. d) They were travelling around the country last week. e) Your brother was sleeping on the sofa.

28 Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano,
Past Continuous LET’S TRY YOUR ENGLISH!!! 3. Now, change the sentences to the Interrogative Form: a) We were writing love poems. b) The teacher was telling a story. c) Bob was fixxing his bike. d) It was raining when we left home. e) She was going to the party yesterday.

Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous LET’S CHECK YOUR ANSWERS!!! 1. a) The children were crying 5 minutes ago. b) Roy was wearing his brown shirt. c) That man was building a doghouse. d) Those girls were looking for you. e) Lucy was singing in the garden.

Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous LET’S CHECK YOUR ANSWERS!!! 2. a) The boys were not (weren’t) doing their Japanese lesson. b) Jane was not (wasn’t) preparing dinner. c) I was not (wasn’t) studying geography. d) They were not (weren’t) travelling around the country last week. e) Your brother was not (wasn’t) sleeping on the sofa.

Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous LET’S CHECK YOUR ANSWERS!!! 3. a) Were we writing love poems. b) Was the teacher telling a story. c) Was Bob fixxing his bike. d) Was It raining when we left home. e) Was she going to the party yesterday.

32 Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous

33 Imagens.vectorhq.com/images/premium/thumbs
Língua Estrangeira - Inglês, 2º Ano, Past Continuous SLIDE AUTORIA LINK DA FONTE DATA DE ACESSO 3 Autor Desconhecido Nadiamoyses.com.br/criancas.html 31/07/2015 Revista Crescer Portalgestante.blogspot.com.br 5 Hiro.art 6 Souassimfazeroq.blogspot.com.br/ archieve.html Dreamstime.com Thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/mae-e-filha-na-cozinha jpg Danvizi Danvizi.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/leituracriancas-lendo-ilustracao.jpg 11,14,17,20 blogsinaldeacesso Blog.sinaldeacesso.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/homer-apontando.jpg 12,15,18,21 clipartlogo Imagens.clipartlogo.com/files/ss/thumb/975/pencil-charater-small.jpg 22 Imagens.vectorhq.com/images/premium/thumbs 23,24 31 Ryming.com Ryming.com/lk/f/a/ jpg 33 Richmound

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