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Millenium Project Brazilian Node Update Arnoldo de Hoyos July 2003.

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1 Millenium Project Brazilian Node Update Arnoldo de Hoyos July 2003

2 March – July 2003



5 website www.pucsp.br/nef

6 ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE Internacional Conference Implementing New Indicators of Sustainable Development 26-29 October – Curitiba, Brazil www.sustentabilidade.org.br Hazel Henderson Jeffrey Sachs Christopher Flavin Paul Epstein Stephan Schmidheiny The President of Brazil Social Development Minister others

7 Brazil Watch

8 Proposal to the Government – septemter 2003 First steps 2003: –Catholic University (PUC-SP) –Marketing and Publicity University (ESPM) –Sao Luis University –Extension courses Cogeae –Workshops Futures Studies in secondary schools and universities Education for the future ECO-SYSTEMIC APPROACH

9 Futures Studies in the Schools PUC – Catholic University Futures Studies and Social Development –1st semester 2003 –Graduation seminar –Methods and applications –Millenium – 15 challenges update Futures Studies: Methods and Trends –2nd semester 2003 –Based on the 15 challenges –Special guests

10 Brazil in the Millenium



13 Challenges

14 hunger cannot wait!


16 Thirst Zero

17 Education and Sustainability two paths for the Brazilian future

18 Education - A Brazilian answer I have witnessed the good side of globalization. It was hard to hide my emotions when I looked into the eyes of every child and stepmother receiving the Bolsa-Escola in Tanzanian shillings from a Ugandan mother living in the US, who got funding from a British foundation. “We have to take education beyond the classrooms” Cristovam Buarque, a futurist as the leader of the new Brazilian education program

19 “Considero uma tarefa fundamental do Estado brasileiro, neste final de milênio, estabelecer uma moratória na devastação do ambiente. A Amazônia, o Pantanal, a Mata Atlântica, as águas dos rios e do mar, a madeira, os minérios, as ervas, o ar, tudo o que Deus colocou nessa porção do planeta em que vivemos é tão importante para o futuro que não pode continuar servindo a um "progresso" econômico ilusório, predatório e especulativo. É um crime contra a humanidade sacrificar os recursos do milênio pelo lucro de uma década.” Marina Silva The sustainable dream

20 Honorable Mention among "25 Women in Action in the World for Life on Earth," by the United Nations Program for the Environment - UN, New York/USA, 1997

21 I National Environment Conference Brasilia - June, 2003

22 Brazil and Human Development Index The paradox: –a social gap pattern –a model in AIDS reduction The first in the historical rank of evolution


24 The paradox A pattern in social gaps A model of AIDS reduction

25 Digital inclusion

26 S & T Concessões de patentes de invenção junto ao escritório norte-americano de patentes (USPTO), segundo países de origem selecionados, 1980-2000 S & T Source: www.mct.gov.br

27 Planning Brazil for All Plan – Mid Range PPA 2004-2007 1.Social inclusion and reduction of social gaps 2.Growth with employment and income increase with sustainable and equitable environment 3.Promotion and expansion of citizenship and democracy strengthening Planning

28 Brazil for All Plan – Mid Range PPA 2004-2007 1.Social inclusion and reduction of social gaps 2.Growth with employment and income increase with sustainable and equitable environment 3.Promotion and expansion of citizenship and democracy strengthening

29 Energy towards self-sufficiency Energy, towards self-sufficiency

30 Contributions

31 an open forum for social development, environmental awareness and peace building BRAZIL

32 Eco 92 Earth Summit (Rio) 3 World Social Forum 2001-2002-2003 (Porto Alegre) URI - Inter-religious World Summit August/2002 (Rio) BRAZIL World Culture Forum (São Paulo, 2004)

33 World Culture Forum São Paulo - June 26-July 4, 2004. www.forumculturalmundial.org

34 Green Planet Sattelite image

35 Carbon sequestration

36 New agricultural plan

37 A new record in agribusiness



40  World largest water table World largest water table  World largest river archipelago World largest river archipelago  World largest floodable plain World largest floodable plain  World leader in fresh water World leader in fresh water  World largest river in volume World largest river in volume

41 Guarani Water reserve

42 Afloramentos Para impedir a contaminação pelo derrame de agrotóxicos, um dia a agricultura que utiliza fertilizantes e pesticidas poderá ser proibida nestas regiões. Aquecimento Em regiões onde o aqüífero é profundo, as fazendas poderão aproveitar a água naturalmente quente para combater geadas. Ou para reduzir o consumo de energia elétrica em chuveiros e aquecedores. Irrigação Usar água tão boa para regar plantas é um desperdício. Mas, segundo os geólogos, essa pode ser a única solução para lavoura em áreas em risco de desertificação, como o sul de Goiás e o oeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Aqueduto Transportar líquido a grandes distâncias é caro e acarreta perdas imensas por vazamento. Mas, para a cidade de São Paulo, que despeja 90% de seus esgotos nos rios, sem tratamento nenhum, o Guarani poderá, um dia, ser a única fonte.

43 Thank you! Obrigado! Thank you! Obrigado!

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