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Gerenciamento de Dispositivos Móveis - Mobile Device Management (MDM)

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1 Gerenciamento de Dispositivos Móveis - Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Amarildo Martins de Mattos Especialista e Consultor em Rede de Telecomunicações Gestão de Operações de TI e Telecomunicações Comercial Automotiva S.A Certificado Cisco, HP, eITIL

2 Sobre Processadores ARM (Advanced RISC Machine )….
Desenvolvimento de APPs Gerenciamento Recursos Fisicos Processador e Gráfico – Projeto baseado em chip So what is it we really do… Well we don’t make the end devices you know and love… <Click> We don’t even make the semiconductor chips that go inside them… We actually design some of the pieces of what goes inside those chips. We provide Intellectual Property in the form of the design of the processor or the graphics that power the chip. We also provide SW tools and support as well as other blocks within the chip. And we don’t just do it for the main applications processor that runs your Android OS or apps, but we have a broad range of processors that can go into all of the other chips that make up your phone or other devices…

3 MDM – Mobile Device Management Histórico
O bom e velhos dias de Mobilidade… Segurança Integrada, encriptação e politicas. corporativos, Calendarios e contatos no BlackBerry. Sem APPs. So what is it we really do… Well we don’t make the end devices you know and love… <Click> We don’t even make the semiconductor chips that go inside them… We actually design some of the pieces of what goes inside those chips. We provide Intellectual Property in the form of the design of the processor or the graphics that power the chip. We also provide SW tools and support as well as other blocks within the chip. And we don’t just do it for the main applications processor that runs your Android OS or apps, but we have a broad range of processors that can go into all of the other chips that make up your phone or other devices…

4 O que é Gerenciamento de Dispositivos Móveis
Full Lifecycle Management J. Doe Função: Ger. de Contas Serviços Corporativos: Nenhum J. Doe Função: Ger. de Contas Serviços Corporativos: VPN Wi-Fi (New) Exchange 2010 Dispositivo Extravio/Roubo Todos os acessos negados 1 3 5 J. Doe Função: Ger. de Contas Serviços Corporativos: VPN Wi-Fi Exchange 2007 J. Doe Função: Ger. de Contas Serviços Corporativos: VPN Wi-Fi Exchange 2010 Corporate Apps Dispositivo Estraviado/Roub o Software MDM remove todos os dados corporativos, apps, acessos, etc. Upgrade Exchange e certificado Wi-Fi Software MDM automaticamente configure o dispositivo Gerenciamento usando MDM Software MDM: Configuração dos dispositivos para acessar serviços corporativos J. Doe foi promovida como Diretora de Negócios Software MDM configure o dispositivo baseado na nova política de acesso aos Sistemas corporativos. 2 4 Here is an overview of the enterprise mobility program. We focus on all aspects of mobility impacting IT AND end users, which includes hardware, management tools, application lifecycle, data and content management, as well as mobile security. Here are some example companies we cover – with a focus on MDM, Mobile Application management, Application development platforms, secure containers, and mobile virtualization vendors. We publish about 80 short form reports a year that focus on new vendor coverage, product launches, trends, as well as M&A. We also publish four long form trend reports a year. Upcoming reports include a landscaping report on the various mobile management tools and where they apply in the enterprise. Two reports on mobile app lifecycle management– one on the development side, and the other on the management side. Also in collaboration with our enterprise security team, we will publish a report on mobile security. Software MDM Recursos Corporativos Applications Content VPN Certificate Services Directory Services Mail Services Wi-Fi

5 O que é Gerenciamento de Dispositivos Móveis
Configuração Segurança Apps & Conteúdos Monitoração & Gerenciamento Suporte Auditoria Here is an overview of the enterprise mobility program. We focus on all aspects of mobility impacting IT AND end users, which includes hardware, management tools, application lifecycle, data and content management, as well as mobile security. Here are some example companies we cover – with a focus on MDM, Mobile Application management, Application development platforms, secure containers, and mobile virtualization vendors. We publish about 80 short form reports a year that focus on new vendor coverage, product launches, trends, as well as M&A. We also publish four long form trend reports a year. Upcoming reports include a landscaping report on the various mobile management tools and where they apply in the enterprise. Two reports on mobile app lifecycle management– one on the development side, and the other on the management side. Also in collaboration with our enterprise security team, we will publish a report on mobile security.

6 Visão Geral - MDM E-mail (MEM)
Gerencia e Segurança corporativa de Conteiner de seguro Inbox Dispositivo Móveis Inventariar e Controlar Configurar o acesso a recursos e serviços Modo e Aplicação multiusuário APPs - MAM Apps internos, públicos e ou adquiridos Catálogo de apps corporativos Apps corporativos Conteúdo - MCM Distribuição centralizada de Conteúdo Sincronização e Colaboração Edição e Anotação de Conteúdo Segurança – MDM Gestão de apps e navegação Geração e distribuição de certificados Auditoria de conformidade BYOD Suporte a todos os Sist. Oper. (SO) Separação e proteção de conteúdo pessoal e corporativo

7 Métodos de Gerenciamento de Dispositivos Corporativos Móveis
Server/Backend Rede Dispositivo App VPN Móveis SERVER MDM NAC MDM MCM Segurança MDM Here we have a map showing the various methods for controlling mobility in the enterprise. We have four areas that IT may want to control, Servers, Networks, Devices, and applications and across these we have the various mobile management methods. On the y axis on the left side we have the levels of adoption by the enterprise for each method. App Store – MAM BYOD

8 Benefícios de MDM Gerenciar todo o ciclo de vida do dispositivo móvel
Suporte coorporativos aos dispositivos Aumento do nível de Segurança com integração do ambiente corporativo Uso e acesso a Internet, , Minimizar Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Automação de processos e redução de custos de TI Flexibilidade/Escabilidade do serviço de TI para funcionarios usando dispositivos móveis corporativos. Aparelhos pessoais com acesso a recursos corporativos Demandas de negócio para uso e implantação de novos dispositivos rapidamente Novas versões de apps corporativos que precisam ser distribuídos em semanas ou dias

9 Benefícios de MDM Autenticação de acordo com as normas internas da empresa (politicas de senha/certificados, criptografia, etc) Politicas de acesso /Internet/software corporativos Auditoria de acessos, logs, compliance, etc DMZ Rede Interna Servidor Software MDM Internet Mobile Front-End Server Firewall Firewall Back-End Servers

10 Planejamento de Despesas de TI com Apps Móveis
While BYOD still is the main pain point for many organizations – there is larger challenge looming and that is the growing wave of mobile applications that will invade the enterprise. Here we can see that we are still in the early days for mobile app adoption. While 40% of organizations are not spending their IT budgets on mobile apps, 41% are to some degree – most remaining the same or growing that spend. 451 Research, ChangeWave Corporate IT Spend, February 2013 N: 1,509

11 Apps para tablets/celular em uso – Sistemas Corporativos
Drilling down deeper here we see the type of tablet apps that enterprises are using on tablets. Again is the winner, but large portions of mobile app focused companies are using tablet apps to replace or augment desktop apps. In fact 35% of companies are replacing laptops with tablets for some employees. Popular apps include productivity, CRM, BI, and customer facing apps. 451 Research, ChangeWave Corporate IT Spend, February 2013 N: 377

12 BYOD – Bring Your Owner Device
O bom e velhos dias de Mobilidade… Segurança Integrada, encriptação e politicas. corporativos, Calendarios e contatos no BlackBerry. Sem APPs. So what is it we really do… Well we don’t make the end devices you know and love… <Click> We don’t even make the semiconductor chips that go inside them… We actually design some of the pieces of what goes inside those chips. We provide Intellectual Property in the form of the design of the processor or the graphics that power the chip. We also provide SW tools and support as well as other blocks within the chip. And we don’t just do it for the main applications processor that runs your Android OS or apps, but we have a broad range of processors that can go into all of the other chips that make up your phone or other devices…

13 A Nova Mobilidade Corporativa
Usuário Final Negócio “ Precisamos gerencair a produtividade dos funcionários e máximo retorno com mobilidade sem impactor a Segurança da informação!” “Por favor me de os APPs e dados, eu preciso no dispositivo eu quero sem restrições para uso pessoal” Gestor de TI So what is it we really do… Well we don’t make the end devices you know and love… <Click> We don’t even make the semiconductor chips that go inside them… We actually design some of the pieces of what goes inside those chips. We provide Intellectual Property in the form of the design of the processor or the graphics that power the chip. We also provide SW tools and support as well as other blocks within the chip. And we don’t just do it for the main applications processor that runs your Android OS or apps, but we have a broad range of processors that can go into all of the other chips that make up your phone or other devices… “ Como podemos proteger os dados se não posso confiar ou controlar o dispositivos? Como podemos gerenciar se esta de acordo com a normas internas?” 13

14 A Nova Mobilidade Corporativa
Bring your own device BYOD – Bring Your Own Device (Traga o seu próprio dispositivo). É uma nova tendência do mercado que permite que os funcionários de uma empresa levem seus próprios dispositivos móveis para o trabalho e também acessem informações e sistemas da empresa através desses dispositivos. Isso dá ao funcionário a liberdade de utilizar a tecnologia que lhe convém e consequentemente proporciona um ambiente de trabalho mais confortável. So what is it we really do… Well we don’t make the end devices you know and love… <Click> We don’t even make the semiconductor chips that go inside them… We actually design some of the pieces of what goes inside those chips. We provide Intellectual Property in the form of the design of the processor or the graphics that power the chip. We also provide SW tools and support as well as other blocks within the chip. And we don’t just do it for the main applications processor that runs your Android OS or apps, but we have a broad range of processors that can go into all of the other chips that make up your phone or other devices…

15 BYOD – Bring Your Own Device (Traga o seu próprio dispositivo)
Estudo realizado pela Associação Brasileira de ebusiness: 48% das companhias afirmaram que vão investir em BYOD em até dois anos; 39% dos entrevistados já trabalham com BYOD; 69% dos participantes disseram que o BYOD ainda apresenta certa resistência, já que põe em risco a segurança dos dados. 49% das empresas afirmam que adotaram o BYOD, mas ainda não possuem a área de TI gerenciando o processo. Fonte: aumenta-a-produtividade-de-funcionarios/ So what is it we really do… Well we don’t make the end devices you know and love… <Click> We don’t even make the semiconductor chips that go inside them… We actually design some of the pieces of what goes inside those chips. We provide Intellectual Property in the form of the design of the processor or the graphics that power the chip. We also provide SW tools and support as well as other blocks within the chip. And we don’t just do it for the main applications processor that runs your Android OS or apps, but we have a broad range of processors that can go into all of the other chips that make up your phone or other devices…

16 BYOD – Principais Riscos e Desafios
Bring your own device Como criar, gerenciar e aplicar políticas de segurança; Como fornecer acesso a rede da empresa; Como proteger os próprios dispositivos; Como garantir a transmissão segura dos dados; Como proteger os dispositivos contra malware; Como evitar o vazamento de informações; Etc ... So what is it we really do… Well we don’t make the end devices you know and love… <Click> We don’t even make the semiconductor chips that go inside them… We actually design some of the pieces of what goes inside those chips. We provide Intellectual Property in the form of the design of the processor or the graphics that power the chip. We also provide SW tools and support as well as other blocks within the chip. And we don’t just do it for the main applications processor that runs your Android OS or apps, but we have a broad range of processors that can go into all of the other chips that make up your phone or other devices…

17 Estratégia/Desafios Próximos Anos – Keep growing
Planejamento Alinhado com TI e Negócio Integração Desktop, Impressoras, Computadores, servidores, tablets e celulares Sistema de Gerenciamento BYOD Foco na Execução Outside the Box Thinking $uce$$o ! 2014 Strategy – Keep growing Drilling down deeper here we see the type of tablet apps that enterprises are using on tablets. Again is the winner, but large portions of mobile app focused companies are using tablet apps to replace or augment desktop apps. In fact 35% of companies are replacing laptops with tablets for some employees. Popular apps include productivity, CRM, BI, and customer facing apps. 451 Research, ChangeWave Corporate IT Spend, February 2013 N: 377 17

18 Estratégia/Desafios Próximos Anos – Keep Growing
“Insanidade é continuar fazendo as coisas do mesmo jeito e esperar resultados diferentes” Albert Eintein Drilling down deeper here we see the type of tablet apps that enterprises are using on tablets. Again is the winner, but large portions of mobile app focused companies are using tablet apps to replace or augment desktop apps. In fact 35% of companies are replacing laptops with tablets for some employees. Popular apps include productivity, CRM, BI, and customer facing apps.

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