Vencendo a depressão Provérbios 12. 25; 17.22.


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Transcrição da apresentação:

Vencendo a depressão Provérbios 12. 25; 17.22

PROVÉRBIOS 12 25 A ansiedade no coração do homem o abate, mas a boa palavra o alegra.

PROVÉRBIOS 17 22 O coração alegre é bom remédio, mas o espírito abatido faz secar os ossos.

sentimentos DO DEPRIMIDO ansiedade pessimismo Letargia, sonolência senso de futilidade Sentir-se imprestável Sentir-se deseperado Sentir-se indefeso Culpa Dificuldade de concentração apatia Viver no passado Visão obscura do futuro Achar que a vida não vale a pena

DEPRESSÃO EM NÚMEROS 15% das pessoas deprimidas cometerão suicídio Desordens depressivas afetam aproximadamente cerca de 10% dos brasileiros idosos Depressão: 2a maior responsável por mortes, depois das doenças do coração/câncer até 2020. Estudos mostram a depressão como um fator que contribui para a fatalidade na doença coronária.

PERSONAGENS BÍBLICOS ATINGIDOS Pela DEPRESSÃO Moiséis (Nm 11:14, 15) Elias (1Re 19:1-18) Jó (Jó 10:1) Davi (Sl 31:9-16) Jeremias (Jr 15:10; 20:14-18) A great deal of Jeremiah’s despondency comes from his zeal to preach the word but only to have it rejected by the people and of their utter hatred towards him by laughing at him, mocking him and seeking to take revenge upon him (Jer. 20:7-13). I think that some people have the idea that a true preacher of God could never get depressed. If such is so, then I am certainly not qualified to be one. I have been on emotional lows, even deep lows, like these men have spoken of. But, the true “creature” of God will learn how to deal with that which depresses him in the strength which the Lord gives him. There are circumstances that may depress us. . .a loved one dies. . .betrayal by a spouse or best friend. . .persecution for what is right (Jesus tells us that is occasion to rejoice: Matt. 5:10-12). But God can give us the strength to deal with these things rather than being overcome by them.

Lidando com a Depressão Relembre dos “Frutos do Espírito” – Gozo, Paz & Domínio Próprio Gl 5:22) / Jo 16: 33 / Ap 22: 7 Lidando com a Depressão The sure way to battle depression and win is “in Christ.” That doesn’t mean that you will never have a moment of despair and despondency in your life after you become a Christian, but that you can deal with it as you would any temptation. [CLICK] You recall in our study of the “Fruit of the Spirit” that some of that fruit resulted in joy, peace and self-control. This is what the Spirit gives and all of these really stand opposed to the idea that one cannot rebound from depression. But these are only provided by Christ. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self–control. Against such there is no law.” (Gal. 5:22, 23) [CLICK] John 16:33 shows that peace is in Christ. [CLICK] Revelation 22:14 shows that the happy or blessed individual is the one who obeys the commandments of God. Therefore, the fundamental prescription for overcoming depression is learning who Christ is, and what he wants in you. When you are in Christ, though you feel the darkness and dampness of life’s dungeons, you can still sing praise to God.

“A maioria das pessoas são tão felizes quanto elas escolhem ser” FELICIDADE É UMA OPÇÃO! “A maioria das pessoas são tão felizes quanto elas escolhem ser” (Abraham Lincoln) If it is true that joy, peace and self-control are a fruit of the Spirit, and that these things are found “in Christ” and in doing His commandments, then happiness is a choice that we make. We choose whether to obey Christ or not, we choose pretty much all that we do and become. There may be influencing factors, but we choose what we become. [Sing song “I am happy today” #251] Did you choose to sing? If you chose to sing that song, then did you chose to be happy when you were singing that song? If you are not happy and you chose to sing that song then you chose to be an actor and sing a lie. But regardless you chose the mental frame of mind when singing that song. Happiness is a choice! There is no credible scientific evidence that teaches we are predetermined genetically to attain a certain degree of wisdom and happiness. You choose how happy you are. Often, the unhappy individual is one who is confused about what he wants in life. He has no goals. “Unhappiness is not knowing what you want and killing yourself to get it” (Don Herold) ( A lot of unhappiness comes because people are introverted and selfish. Their life is all about them and they see nothing of others, or at least nothing of others penetrates them. They may be bent on gratifying the flesh but that is only temporary. They may feel sorry for themselves because they are ignorant to really how good they have it. But a lot of it stems from being absorbed with self.

FELICIDADE buscada num beco sem saída INCRÉDULOS ALEGAM QUE ESTÃO TENTANDO SEREM FELIZES P/ osses P Lc 12:15, “E disse-lhes: Acautelai-vos e guardai-vos da avareza, porque a vida de um homem não consiste na abundância do que possui. Ag 1: 6; Pv 13: 7 Dinheiro não compra felicidade! Dinheiro pode comprar um cachorro lindo, mas somente amor pode fazê-lo abanar o rabo! I don’t know of an unbeliever who doesn’t want to be happy. The problem is that they pursue happiness without Christ and down dead-end lanes. [CLICK] They may want to pursue happiness in gaining possessions for themselves. But all of these things ultimately fail in giving any lasting happiness. In fact, they usually end up giving more grief because what is new and working today is old, out-dated and broken tomorrow. Possessions have given me more of a headache than happiness. The more you have, the more you have to fix.

DINHEIRO: Pode comprar uma cama, mas nenhum sono Pode comprar livros, mas nenhum conhecimento Pode comprar comida, mas nenhum apetite Pode comprar um relógio, mas nenhum tempo Pode comprar uma posição, mas nenhum respeito Pode comprar remédio, mas nenhuma saúde Pode comprar diversão, mas nenhuma felicidade Pode comprar jóias, mas nenhuma beleza

FELICIDADE buscada num beco sem saída INCRÉDULOS ALEGAM QUE ESTÃO TENTANDO SEREM FELIZES P/ osses razeres P I don’t know of an unbeliever who doesn’t want to be happy. The problem is that they pursue happiness without Christ and down dead-end lanes. [CLICK] They may want to pursue happiness in gaining possessions for themselves. But all of these things ultimately fail in giving any lasting happiness. In fact, they usually end up giving more grief because what is new and working today is old, out-dated and broken tomorrow. Possessions have given me more of a headache than happiness. The more you have, the more you have to fix. Pv 27.17; Lc 15.13-16; Ec 2.1; Os Epicureus (1Co 15.32)

FELICIDADE buscada num beco sem saída INCRÉDULOS ALEGAM QUE ESTÃO TENTANDO SEREM FELIZES P/ osses razeres opularidade P I don’t know of an unbeliever who doesn’t want to be happy. The problem is that they pursue happiness without Christ and down dead-end lanes. [CLICK] They may want to pursue happiness in gaining possessions for themselves. But all of these things ultimately fail in giving any lasting happiness. In fact, they usually end up giving more grief because what is new and working today is old, out-dated and broken tomorrow. Possessions have given me more of a headache than happiness. The more you have, the more you have to fix. Lc 6: 26;

FELICIDADE buscada num beco sem saída INCRÉDULOS ALEGAM QUE ESTÃO TENTANDO SEREM FELIZES P/ osses razer opularidade erformance (trabalho) P I don’t know of an unbeliever who doesn’t want to be happy. The problem is that they pursue happiness without Christ and down dead-end lanes. [CLICK] They may want to pursue happiness in gaining possessions for themselves. But all of these things ultimately fail in giving any lasting happiness. In fact, they usually end up giving more grief because what is new and working today is old, out-dated and broken tomorrow. Possessions have given me more of a headache than happiness. The more you have, the more you have to fix. Ec 2: 10,11, 17-19;

P ROPÓSITO ESPERANÇA Filipenses 3:13, 14 (1) P ROPÓSITO Filipenses 3:13, 14 ESPERANÇA 13 Irmãos, quanto a mim, não julgo que o haja alcançado; mas uma coisa faço, e é que, esquecendo-me das coisas que atrás ficam e avançando para as que estão diante de mim, 14 prossigo para o alvo, pelo prêmio da soberana vocação de Deus em Cristo Jesus. From my studies in the Scripture, I have found two fundamental criteria for building and maintaining a joyful spirit. “Purpose” seems to be a key for happiness and an antidote for depression. Where there is “purpose” there is “hope” and these two crush despondency. [CLICK] - Paul found himself reaching forward to those things which are ahead. There was something ahead worth reaching for! That gives purpose in one’s life. That which is ahead is a “prize” which is “in Christ.” What is it that lies ahead? Paul sought to know Christ and the power of his resurrection (v. 10) and to attain the resurrection of the dead (v. 11). Long-term goals are good! Goals give purpose! There is a prize that is given in the resurrection to those in Christ. It is defined as “eternal life” with three distinct components in Romans 2:7 [WHICH IS THE NEXT CHART] but first note that this passage also demands the forgetting or loosing from the mind, or neglecting to care for those things in the past. Sometimes the depressed live in the past. Paul says to forget it.

(de sua mente com a paz de Deus) (2) P roteção (de sua mente com a paz de Deus) Filipenses 4: 7 “E a paz de Deus, que excede todo o entendimento, guardará os vossos corações e os vossos sentimentos em Cristo Jesus.” A second component is to actively work at protecting your mind for out of it springs the issues of life. Pr 4:23 “Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.” The “peace of God” is said to “guard your hearts and minds” which certainly encompasses our “thoughts.” Our mind needs to be guarded from evil suspicion, worry and wickedness. The Christian who commits his life to God and takes to heart the promise that God will never leave us has a peace which is nowhere else known.

(de sua mente com a paz de Deus (2) P roteção (de sua mente com a paz de Deus Filipenses 4 regozije-se (4:4) Reconheça que Deus está perto (4:5) Não se angustie com nada, ore por tudo (4:6, 7) Pense em boas e verdadeiras coisas(4:8) 1 foque exemplos santos (4:9) tire atenção de si (4:10) aprenda a contentar-se (4:11, 12) Creia no “eu posso” em Cristo (4:13) [NEXT CHART AN ELABORATION OF POINT 8]

O Deprimido Tem uma mente ansiosa É tomado por desesperança É confuso mas Deus provê uma cura (oração, 1Pe 5:7) É tomado por desesperança Mas Deus provê esperança (Tt 1:2) É confuso Mas Deus não é Deus de confusão (1Co 14:33) [CLICK X3] 1 Peter 5:7 “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” Titus 1:2 “in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began” CLICK - Depression can be a tool for Satan. It can be used by people to manipulate others in getting their way. It can cause one to harm themselves with suicide. It becomes absorbed with self rather than others. It can paralyze our will with worries and fret keeping us from action. Worry and fret keeps us from action! Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. SE VOCÊ SENTE-SE DEPRIMIDO, IMAGINE O QUE ESTÁ ENFRAQUECENDO SUA MENTE?

VENÇA A DEPRESSÃO! “Filhos de Deus” OBTENHA A REMISSÃO DE PECADOS HOJE! OBTENHA A FORÇA DO PODER DE CRISTO HOJE! TORNE-SE UM CIDADÃO DO REINO DE CRISTO! “Mas a todos quantos o receberam deu-lhes o poder de serem feitos filhos de Deus: aos que crêem no seu nome” (Gal. 3:27) “Filhos de Deus” CLICK FOR GAL 3:27