O Suporte e o Treinamento na OSIsoft


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Transcrição da apresentação:

O Suporte e o Treinamento na OSIsoft

Pessoal Técnico: Quem somos… Fabiano Batista

Pessoal Técnico: Quem somos… Wagner Lima. De Aracruz para o mundo...

Pessoal Técnico: Quem somos… Leonardo Duarte. Dos Pampas para o mundo...

Pessoal Técnico: Quem somos… Fábio Santos

Dados dos treinamento de 2007 Dados de treinamento no Brasil em 2007 (até 16/05/07): 15 turmas de treinamento Mais de 140 alunos 35 dias – 280 horas de treinamento

Treinamentos OSIsoft Brasil A partir do segundo semestre de 2007 Muito além de ProcessBook e System Manager… PI System Administration Classes PI Tag Builder PI System Manager I: Essential Skills PI System Manager II: Advanced Topics PI on the Web/Server Classes RtWebParts User and Administration Class PI Client Applications Classes PI ProcessBook, PI DataLink, and RtWebParts Notes on Figure 1: Time scale shown is approximately six to seven years, indicate by the numbers 3 and 6. Red line, continuous slope from the point of purchase represents the incremental cost to purchase SRP, at 15% per year. The irregular black line sloping from 0 to 6th year represents the numerous incremental updates delivered during the period SRP subscription. The area under this line (orange and partially covered by the purple trapezoidal shape) represents the potential value that can be obtained by these incremental changes. The value is not realized by the changes themselves, but by the customer using the increments. Incremental changes form OSIsoft stand alone. Incremental updates to any one product are assured to work with all other products in the platform. Benefit: much lower risk of updating software; much lower cost to implement change. If a customer does NOT have SRP or software maintenance program, it is assumed they would still update their entire software set once every 3-3.5 years (industry average) for a one-time purchase price and implementation. Note that a company would not likely do a one-time update on a portion of software, as there are always required changes in other components (e.g. ORACLE, SAP, etc.) That one-time cost is represented by the larger trapezoid, labeled Cost of One Time Change. Note that it is typically the replacement cost of the software repeated every 3.5 years, as compared to SRP that has replaced the software incrementally, numerous times over a 6-7 year period for the same cost. The potential value of the one-time change (companies not on SRP with incremental updates) is represented by the smaller trapezoid … the maximum is the set of features in the software at that point in time. As with incremental changes, the actual value is only realized when the customer takes advantage of the new software features. The risk of the one-time change is represented by the polygon that begins at the point when the software is updated. Risk is high. All software modules must be updated, applications must be updated, data re-verified, tests run … often production is stopped.

Treinamentos OSIsoft Brasil Analytical Tools Sigmafine Model Builders Class PI Advanced Computing Engine (PI ACE) Batch & Event Framing for Process Analysis RtReports Administration Programming Tools PI Data Access (DA) Class Accessing PI as a Relational Database or an OPC Server IT Monitoring Monitoring the Manufacturing Control Network IT Monitor Server and Interface Class IT Monitor Interface Class Notes on Figure 1: Time scale shown is approximately six to seven years, indicate by the numbers 3 and 6. Red line, continuous slope from the point of purchase represents the incremental cost to purchase SRP, at 15% per year. The irregular black line sloping from 0 to 6th year represents the numerous incremental updates delivered during the period SRP subscription. The area under this line (orange and partially covered by the purple trapezoidal shape) represents the potential value that can be obtained by these incremental changes. The value is not realized by the changes themselves, but by the customer using the increments. Incremental changes form OSIsoft stand alone. Incremental updates to any one product are assured to work with all other products in the platform. Benefit: much lower risk of updating software; much lower cost to implement change. If a customer does NOT have SRP or software maintenance program, it is assumed they would still update their entire software set once every 3-3.5 years (industry average) for a one-time purchase price and implementation. Note that a company would not likely do a one-time update on a portion of software, as there are always required changes in other components (e.g. ORACLE, SAP, etc.) That one-time cost is represented by the larger trapezoid, labeled Cost of One Time Change. Note that it is typically the replacement cost of the software repeated every 3.5 years, as compared to SRP that has replaced the software incrementally, numerous times over a 6-7 year period for the same cost. The potential value of the one-time change (companies not on SRP with incremental updates) is represented by the smaller trapezoid … the maximum is the set of features in the software at that point in time. As with incremental changes, the actual value is only realized when the customer takes advantage of the new software features. The risk of the one-time change is represented by the polygon that begins at the point when the software is updated. Risk is high. All software modules must be updated, applications must be updated, data re-verified, tests run … often production is stopped.

Configuração 1 – Até 10 Alunos Training Facilities Configuração 1 – Até 10 Alunos Incremental Product Releases by OSIsoft: There have been 183 release notes in the previous 8 quarters, across all products. There were 10 releases in the past two years in the PI server and SDK, two major releases representing significant new functionality, including the world’s first one-million tag server (actually can serve > 2 M tags) on a fairly mid-tier hardware platform. “OSIsoft has released continuous upgrades for over 20 years and we have never had to repurchase PI software. Even though we have a 20 year old system, we currently run our PI System at its most updated version. I know of no other software company that has this kind of commitment to its products and its customers.”—Weyerhaeuser Corporation, Longview, Washington. First customer to install the PI System in May 1985

Configuração 2 – Até 14 Alunos Training Facilities Configuração 2 – Até 14 Alunos Incremental Product Releases by OSIsoft: There have been 183 release notes in the previous 8 quarters, across all products. There were 10 releases in the past two years in the PI server and SDK, two major releases representing significant new functionality, including the world’s first one-million tag server (actually can serve > 2 M tags) on a fairly mid-tier hardware platform. “OSIsoft has released continuous upgrades for over 20 years and we have never had to repurchase PI software. Even though we have a 20 year old system, we currently run our PI System at its most updated version. I know of no other software company that has this kind of commitment to its products and its customers.”—Weyerhaeuser Corporation, Longview, Washington. First customer to install the PI System in May 1985

Training Facilities Esperando por voces… Incremental Product Releases by OSIsoft: There have been 183 release notes in the previous 8 quarters, across all products. There were 10 releases in the past two years in the PI server and SDK, two major releases representing significant new functionality, including the world’s first one-million tag server (actually can serve > 2 M tags) on a fairly mid-tier hardware platform. “OSIsoft has released continuous upgrades for over 20 years and we have never had to repurchase PI software. Even though we have a 20 year old system, we currently run our PI System at its most updated version. I know of no other software company that has this kind of commitment to its products and its customers.”—Weyerhaeuser Corporation, Longview, Washington. First customer to install the PI System in May 1985

Mesmo sem autorização da Vitória... … esta é a área técnica da OSIsoft Brasil Incremental Product Releases by OSIsoft: There have been 183 release notes in the previous 8 quarters, across all products. There were 10 releases in the past two years in the PI server and SDK, two major releases representing significant new functionality, including the world’s first one-million tag server (actually can serve > 2 M tags) on a fairly mid-tier hardware platform. “OSIsoft has released continuous upgrades for over 20 years and we have never had to repurchase PI software. Even though we have a 20 year old system, we currently run our PI System at its most updated version. I know of no other software company that has this kind of commitment to its products and its customers.”—Weyerhaeuser Corporation, Longview, Washington. First customer to install the PI System in May 1985

Treinamentos OSIsoft Brasil Contato: treinamento@osisoft.com Em breve… Lista dos treinamentos disponíveis no Brasil no site da OSI: www.osisoft.com Notes on Figure 1: Time scale shown is approximately six to seven years, indicate by the numbers 3 and 6. Red line, continuous slope from the point of purchase represents the incremental cost to purchase SRP, at 15% per year. The irregular black line sloping from 0 to 6th year represents the numerous incremental updates delivered during the period SRP subscription. The area under this line (orange and partially covered by the purple trapezoidal shape) represents the potential value that can be obtained by these incremental changes. The value is not realized by the changes themselves, but by the customer using the increments. Incremental changes form OSIsoft stand alone. Incremental updates to any one product are assured to work with all other products in the platform. Benefit: much lower risk of updating software; much lower cost to implement change. If a customer does NOT have SRP or software maintenance program, it is assumed they would still update their entire software set once every 3-3.5 years (industry average) for a one-time purchase price and implementation. Note that a company would not likely do a one-time update on a portion of software, as there are always required changes in other components (e.g. ORACLE, SAP, etc.) That one-time cost is represented by the larger trapezoid, labeled Cost of One Time Change. Note that it is typically the replacement cost of the software repeated every 3.5 years, as compared to SRP that has replaced the software incrementally, numerous times over a 6-7 year period for the same cost. The potential value of the one-time change (companies not on SRP with incremental updates) is represented by the smaller trapezoid … the maximum is the set of features in the software at that point in time. As with incremental changes, the actual value is only realized when the customer takes advantage of the new software features. The risk of the one-time change is represented by the polygon that begins at the point when the software is updated. Risk is high. All software modules must be updated, applications must be updated, data re-verified, tests run … often production is stopped.

SRP – Software Reliance Program

the Software Reliance Program O SRP (Programa de Confiabilidade de Software) é uma oportunidade de baixo custo e alto valor agregado para os clientes da OSIsoft. Ele tem 3 componentes-chave: Melhoria Contínua do Produto Transferência Detalhada de Conhecimento Excelência na Resolução de Problemas

the Software Reliance Program Por que ter o SRP? Com SRP o cliente tem acesso a: Suporte telefonico 24x7 - MUNDIAL Acesso remoto para suporte Atualizações – download de software Bug Fix Troca de interfaces (sistema operacional) Participação em Webinar

the Software Reliance Program Deveres do cliente São os principais deveres do cliente: Realizar backup periódico do Sistema PI Permitir acesso remoto, sempre que necessário

Melhoria Contínua do Produto Prevenção da Obsolescência para proteger o investimento >25% da receita investida em desenvolvimento de produtos Pesquisa de Produto – direção do Roadmap Evolução de Produto – atualizações e melhorias contínuas Continuous Product Improvement – OSIsoft is committed to future-proofing the value of our customer’s investment in our products; the company invests >25% of total revenues in product development compared to an industry average of 10-15%. This includes: Product Research – study, training, and working directly with customer SIGs to create product roadmap that serves their future plans and needs. Product Evolution – working closely with Microsoft development to assure OSIsoft product leverages the vision and functionality built into OS and back-office servers and platforms: e.g. Sharepoint, IBF, Longhorn/Vista, and Indigo. Assures customers investment produces maximum value in access, configurability, analysis, collaboration, visualization. Product Updates & Enhancements – continuous, incremental product improvement and individual updates maximize customer benefit and minimize cost of change. Mais de 183 Lançamentos em 2004/2005 10 lançamentos do PI Server & SDK

Excelência em Resolução de Problemas Suporte Técnico 24/7 – “seguindo o sol” Analistas de suporte treinados na OSI Mentores Desenvolvedores de Produtos Tempo de resposta de 4 horas www.techsupport.com Rastreie problemas de produtos & status do software Download de novas versões Leia os boletins de suporte Conheça os que está previsto nas próximas versões Technical Support – 24/7, follow the sun support program. Direct access to highly qualified support engineers, most with advanced degrees in process engineering, software development, or other closely related field. Triple-tier support means the technical support engineers are always backed up by a software development “Mentor” first, then by the actual developers for each product. Response time target: 4 hours. Significant time and cost invested in training all support engineers in all products. Technical support team is the pool from which development team is grown. TechSupport Website – this is a site for users, established specifically for technical support, where customers can track the latest software releases and product issues, software update downloads, support bulletins, and a schedule of targeted future product releases.

Centros de Suporte Globais Montréal, Canada Altenstadt, Germany Seoul, Korea San Leandro, CA Beijing, China Tokyo, Japan Johnson City, TN Manama, Bahrain Singapore Offices strategically positioned to cover different timezones São Paulo, Brazil Perth, Australia

Engenheiros de Suporte Mundial Centros de Suporte Engenheiros de Suporte Mundial 41 analistas AO REDOR DO MUNDO Centro de Suporte da América do Sul Escritório em São Paulo Línguas atendidas (hoje): Português, Espanhol, Inglês e Francês

Suporte Mundial OSIsoft … Português Espanhol Inglês Francês Português Espanhol Inglês Francês … Português Espanhol Inglês Francês … Sistema telefonico OSIsoft Mundial 4 – O novo cliente é direcionado ao analista disponível que fale portugues em qualquer lugar do mundo 3 – Um novo cliente brasileiro liga para o Suporte OSIsoft Mundial e escolhe ser atendido em português 1 – Cliente brasileiro liga para o Suporte OSIsoft Mundial e escolhe ser atendido em português 2 – O sistema procura automaticamente por um analista que fale portugues em qualquer lugar do mundo. Encontrando no Brasil a chamada será encaminhada… 5 – e assim sucessivamente…

Estatísticas de Suporte (2006) 110 Casos / Dia Útil 26,410 Casos Totais 60% Suporte Telefônico 54 segundos de espera média 40% Suporte Eletrônico

Estatísticas de Suporte (2007) 120 Casos / Dia Útil 31,380 Total Casos Estimados 18% de aumento sobre 2006 59% Suporte Telefônico 41% Suporte Eletrônico

Tempo de Resposta de 4 horas Outros Pontos-Chave Tempo de Resposta de 4 horas E-mails têm a mesma prioridade que os chamados por telefone Mantendo os clientes informados Boletim mensal para usuários registrados RSS Feed Plano de Engenharia Contato: suporte@osisoft.com

Utilizandos as Ferramentas de Suporte Você precisa estar registrado em nosso website e sua conta precisa estar associada com o seu número de site

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Knowledge Center Informações Úteis para: Ganhar mais conhecimento do PI Resolver Problemas Dimensionar o PI na sua empresa Verificar a compatibilidade com Patches de Segurança da Microsoft Entender o processo evolutivo do PI

Getting started with PI Batch Database Field Services Pacotes de Serviços Getting started with PI Advanced Computing Engine Getting started with PI Batch Database Import of foreign historical data IT Monitor interface installation for PI System monitoring RtPM BusinessPackage (iViews) Installation Base Installation of the MCN interfaces Getting started with the PI Module database Base PI System Installation PI Interface Installation PI 2 to PI 3 Migration

Pacotes de Serviços PI Tag Creation Field Services Base ProcessPoint Installation and Configuration PI System pre-installation evaluation Getting Started with PI Process Templates Base RtReports Installation Base Installation of RLINK-MAXIMO Base Installation of RLINK PM Base Installation of RLINK PP PI Base RtAlerts Installation and Configuration

Base RtWebParts Installation Field Services Pacotes de Serviços Base RtWebParts Installation Base Sigmafine Installation and Coaching Base Installation of RLINK Indus PI System audit SVC-PACK-TUNE PI System upgrade Base Installation of RLINK-JDE Sigmafine version 3 to 4 conversion evaluation Remote Base PI System Installation PI System upgrade to HA Acesso

Field Services – Pacotes de Serviços

Field Services – Pacotes de Serviços

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