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Portuguese Society of Environmental Simulation and Risk Assessment Sociedade Portuguesa de Simulação Ambiental e Avaliação de Riscos SOPSAR bio 4 environment.

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Apresentação em tema: "Portuguese Society of Environmental Simulation and Risk Assessment Sociedade Portuguesa de Simulação Ambiental e Avaliação de Riscos SOPSAR bio 4 environment."— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 Portuguese Society of Environmental Simulation and Risk Assessment Sociedade Portuguesa de Simulação Ambiental e Avaliação de Riscos SOPSAR bio 4 environment group biofilms bioenergy biorisks University of Minho - Centre of Biological Engineering IBB - Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering Janeiro, 2007 Member of Engenheiros para o Desenvolvimento – Associação para a Cooperação e Assistência Internacional bioprocesses bio 4 bio 4 E

2 the use of numerical simulation tools combined with a strong commitment to experimental methods is our strategic approach for an advanced design of environmental processes… research targets: - bioreactors optimization/design (water, wastewater, wastes, soil, air) - aquatic ecosystems protection/rehabilitation is engaged in providing external services for the community bio 4 bio 4 E applied research / consulting in water resources and waste management, wastewater treatment, bioenergy, life cycle assessment, risk analysis… bioprocesses bio 4 environment group biofilms bioenergy biorisks bio 4 bio 4 E

3 We are… We are… 5 Staff members 0 Pos-doc students 8 PhD students 7 Ms students ( Univ. Minho, Univ. Azores, FEUP) 3 Researchers - External funding (2003-2005): ~1 M (research and applied projects) - Papers (international journals and conferences): ~100 - Patents: 1+1(co)

4 Research projects Research projects bioprocesses bio 4 environment group biofilms bioenergybiorisks bio 4 bio 4 E

5 Research projects biofilms in natural ecossystems eutrophication modeling, phosporus dynamics between water column – biofilms - sediments Water quality monitoring Ecological risk assessement and management

6 Research projects Research projects biofilms in natural ecossystems as a barrier against contamination Constructed natural systems Water treatment - use of lectines (proteines) Risks Population dynamics / ecological modeling

7 1cm1cm abc Modeling biofilm and bioreactors (AQUASIM) SBR / SBBR reactors Research projects Research projects New support materials for specific bioprocesses Nitrification/denitrification Phosphorus elimination Low carbon source …… BIS-A a)c) d)b) PHB in the biofilm PHB in susoended biomass SuPPNI

8 SBR / SBBR reactors BioGas (UASB/EGSB reactors) (Granulation. Modelling Research projects Research projects (pilot and full scale)

9 Microbial fuel cell development PhD in progress Co-supervising of Chemical Department and Simbiente (university spin off company) bio4cell

10 Research projects Research projects PAH´s treatment using biofilms /supports (SBBR reactors) combined with ozone oxidation

11 Research projects wastewater management in rural areas sustainable systems, energy saving, wastewater reuse Life cycle analysis of WWTP´s …book just published…just ask!

12 Research projects Research projects soil ecosystems Risk assessement and management Avaliação de Risco Legenda: Fluxo de massa de água Fluxo de informação Desenvolvimento do ModeloSistema de tratamento Solo Água residual pré-arejada Aquífero Análises físico- -químicas ao efluente Amostragem do solo e realização de ensaios de adsorção Estabeleciment o das condições iniciais do modelo Determinação das isotérmicas de adsorção Construção do Modelo em AQUASIM Resultados da Simulação de cenários Monitorização in situ do gradiente de concentração no solo (em curso) Precipitaç ão Avaliação de Riscos - Soil rehabilitation and testing - Soil modelling and simulation - Heavy metals and PAH´s - Nitrification/denitrification and phosporus removal

13 …additional research projects …additional research projects (…some in master studies) Environmental management and eco-design SBBR in winery wastewaters (ocratoxine) Risk assessment (insurance, water resources, petrochemical) Waste management (medical wastes, composting strategy) Environmental testing of WWTP reliability and assessment Life cycle assessment (electronic products) Aquaculture (wastewater treatment, CRAFT project)

14 start-up of eco-design WWTP in partnership University of Minho - School of Engineering, 8 Engineering Departaments Civil, Biological, Polimers, Mechanical, Electronics, Textil, Production and Systems, Informatics Building and ALL ancilliary equipments (water&watewater, energy, heat refrigeration, ligth, sensors…) Common causes? Sustainable Construction Zero-zero WWTP NORCAM

15 - Applied research & Consulting projects biofilms bio 4 environment group bioprocesses bioenergy biorisks bio 4 bio 4 E

16 Applied research Water management Risk assessment AdML Monitoring water quality Ecological modeling of Oporto streams and biofilms (FEUP, FCUP)

17 Anaerobic processes applied for biomass valorization : - Feasibility study in WWTP: potential, technologies and economics of biogas - Development of innovative opportunities: the biofuels / MFC… Applied research

18 contributo para a elaboração de um Plano Regional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Perspectivas para a Sustentabilidade na Região Autónoma dos Açores Sustainable Development book just published! Water resources management

19 Consulting projects Solid wastes management: treatment and valorisation

20 Consulting projects Technical reports / Eco-effciency Tecminho

21 Water Task WA-06-05 Applied / Consulting projects …a non-profit I&D project

22 knowledge for supporting innovation with Sustainability SOPSAR Engenheiros para o Desenvolvimento – Associação para a Cooperação e Assistência Internacional biofilms bio 4 environment group bioprocesses bioenergy biorisks bio 4 bio 4 E

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