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1)Introduction a) Background 2)Study Planning b) Aims and objectives a) Type of study b) How to develop the study I.Participants selection II.Questionnaires.

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2 1)Introduction a) Background 2)Study Planning b) Aims and objectives a) Type of study b) How to develop the study I.Participants selection II.Questionnaires analysis III.Conclusions

3 The development of contraceptive methods allowed and induced the change of social and cultural patterns, improving peoples' quality of life and health. Today more than 550 million couples are using contraceptive methods. 1 The large-scale use of contraceptives triggered the most powerful revolution ever seen in reproductive health and gender equity. a) Background 1) Introduction 1.Diczfalusy E. Contraception and society. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2002 Dec;7(4):199-209.Diczfalusy E

4 In the last 20/30 years: Information about new contraceptive methods has severely increased. 2 STD infection rates among young people has been rising considerably, chiefly due to misinformation and unawareness. 2 This information boom leaded to incorrect concepts and myths. 2 2.Segal SJ. Ann Med. Trends in population and contraception.1993 Feb;25(1):51-6Segal SJ

5 analyse the level of knowledge of UPs students regarding contraception; 1.age / university environment; b) Aims and objectives analyse the possible influence of some factors in that knowledge; 2.gender; 3.faculty; 4.source of information;

6 2) Study Planning a) Type of study To achieve the aim of this project, an observational transversal study was designed. After choosing two colleges, a randomly groups sample was administrated to subjects. Advantages: conclusions taken with rapidity/promptitude Disadvantades: the information produced is limited

7 Participants were separated into subgroups by selected characteristics, such as attended Faculty, year of study and gender. We studied 131 students: approximately 65 students from each Faculty: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto and Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto. The students inquired were from the first grade. In this subgroup of 65 students we had a representative sample of each gender. I.Participants selection b) Development of the study

8 Faculdade que frequenta n% FEP 6650,4 FMUP 6549,6 Total 131100,0 Sexo n% Feminino7960,8 Masculino5139,2 Total130100,0 Não assinalou 1 Total 131

9 Medicine Faculty: From the 22 classes (in average each class has 11 students), we randomly selected 6, so that we obtained approximatly the 50 students we firstly proposed to study. The questionnaire was delivered during a practise class, so that we assure the majority of students were present. Economy Faculty: We randomly selected a practise class (practise classes have approximatly 70 students).

10 By now, we are only able to analyse the influence of gender and study area among 1st year students; We are still collecting the information from the 4th year students, so that we can also evaluate the effect of age and university environment. Approximately the same number of students in 4 th grade is being inquired.

11 II.Questionnaires analysis First of all, we codified the questions and introduced the variables in SPSS. Print screen of the variable view


13 According to the codification we introduced the data on the program. SPSS allowed us to analyse statistically the participants answers. Print screen of the data view


15 n% Sim 12999,2 Não 1,8 Total 130100,0 Sem resposta 1 Total 131 a) Já ouviste falar da pílula do dia seguinte (contracepção de emergência)? n% Um dia5441,5 Três dias5542,3 Cinco dias32,3 Não sei1813,8 Total130100,0 Sem resposta 1 Total 131 a) b) Qual o limite máximo para se tomar a pílula do dia seguinte após a relação sexual? b)

16 n% Quando o pénis ficar erecto, antes de qualquer contacto genital 11689,2 Na hora da penetração 86,2 Não sei 64,6 Total 130100,0 Sem resposta 1 Total 131 Qual o momento certo para colocar o preservativo?

17 n% No momento da penetração 53,8 Cerca de duas horas antes da relação 129,2 Entra dez e trinta minutos antes da relação sexual 2317,7 Não sei 9069,2 Total 130100,0 Sem resposta 1 Total 131 Qual o momento certo para colocar o diafragma?

18 Sim n% Assinalou método do calendário 00 Assinalou preservativo masculino 12998,5 Assinalou DIU 86,1 Assinalou preservativo feminino 7859,5 Assinalou diafragma 1612,2 Assinalou contracepção oral hormonal (pílulas) 43,1 Da seguinte lista indique o(s) método(s) contraceptivo(s) que protegem contra as DST:

19 IV.Conclusions There are significant statistic differences. Comparison between gender Analysing the previous chart, women tend to know better the answer to the question. P Value Sexo Feminino Masculino Verdadeiro Não seiVerdadeiroNão sei n %n%n%n% Se começar a tomar a pílula uma semana antes de ter relações sexuais já se está protegida contra a gravidez 0,03056,3810,147,81427,5 O adesivo contraceptivo actua de modo análogo à pílula combinada Cant run Qui- Square test* 4455,73038,01733,33364,7 A toma de antibióticos afecta a eficácia da pílula 0,0495469,21417,92752,91937,3 Das afirmações que se seguem indica se são verdadeiras ou falsas:

20 Comparison between faculties Já ouviste falar da pílula do sai seguinte (contracepção de emergência)? no statistical significance was found concerning the knowledge about the emergency pill. Faculdade que frequenta P Value FEP FMUP Sim NãoSimNão n %n%n%n% (Cannot run Qui-Square test)* 6498,511,56510000

21 Comparison between faculties Que hormonas contém a mini-pílula? There are significant statistic differences. None of FEP students answered this question correctly, while 38% of FMUP students did it. Questão 4.4 P Value Faculdade que frequenta FEP FMUP Progesterona Wrong*Não seiProgesteronaWrong*Não sei n %n%n%n%n%n% <0,001001015,25684,82437,51320,32742,2

22 Turma 10 Introdução à Medicina I

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