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Unit 9 Simple present/Simple past Present perfect/Simple future.

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Apresentação em tema: "Unit 9 Simple present/Simple past Present perfect/Simple future."— Transcrição da apresentação:

1 Unit 9 Simple present/Simple past Present perfect/Simple future

2 What musical instrument does she play?
O simple present é usado quando queremos falar sobre fatos, rotinas ou verdades em geral. What musical instrument does she play? She plays the drums but she doesn’t play it very well.

3 Did you buy Mary’s birthday gift yesterday?
O simple past é usado quando queremos falar sobre a História e sobre fatos ocorridos no passado, indicando quando e onde. Did you buy Mary’s birthday gift yesterday? No, I didn’t have time. I had to work all day.

4 What have they decided to do?
O present perfect é usado para falar sobre ações acontecidas em um espaço de tempo inacabado e que têm influência no presente. What have they decided to do? They haven’t decided anything yet. They have promised to give us a position until next Monday.

5 Will he accept the offer?
O simple future é usado para falar sobre ações que deverão acontecer ou deverão ser realizadas. Will he accept the offer? I think he will accept it, but we won’t know his answer before the holiday.

6 Will he accept the offer?
O simple future é usado para falar sobre ações que deverão acontecer ou deverão ser realizadas. Will he accept the offer? WILL + SUJEITO + VERBO SUJEITO + WILL + VERBO SUJEITO + WILL NOT (WON’T) + VERBO I think he will accept it but we won’t know his answer before the holiday.

7 Os tempos verbais podem ser combinados e utilizados no mesmo texto.
The driver didn’t register the car when he bought it seven years ago. Since then, he has received thousands of fines. Last week, the police arrested him. The driver says he hasn’t had time to register the car since he bought it. Anyway, if he doesn't pay the fines, the police will sell his car.

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