Server-2003 Administração de Sistema Operacional de Rede Windows


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Transcrição da apresentação:

Server-2003 Administração de Sistema Operacional de Rede Windows TECNOLÓGICOS Ricardo de Oliveira Joaquim

Conceitos de Redes

Conceitos de Redes Como surgiram as Redes Há tempos atrás os computadores eram caros e imensos, não havia como disponibilizar um computador para cada funcionário. A solução encontrada foi o compartilhamento de tempo (time-sharing): terminais sem poder de processamento ou armazenamento (terminas burros) eram interligados ao computador central (mainframe). Os usuários ficavam com a impressão de serem os únicos a utilizar o computador, quando, na verdade, dezenas, centenas e até milhares de usuários simultâneos poderiam estar conectados ao mesmo tempo. Alguns desses usuários podiam, inclusive acessar o mainframe de outras cidades através de um modem.

Conceitos de Redes Terminal Mainframe Modem

Conceitos de Redes O que é uma Rede Rede é um conjunto de hardware e software que permite a computadores individuais estabelecerem comunicação entre si. Essa comunicação permite não só a troca de informações, mas também o compartilhamento de recursos. Mas não é por estar em rede que todos os arquivos e recursos de seu micro pessoal estarão disponíveis aos demais usuários indiscriminadamente. Isso só ocorre quando não são adotados procedimentos de segurança para controle dos acessos físico e lógico ao micro em questão. Computadores Impressora Uma rede simples cabo

Conceitos de Redes Compartilhamento Em redes de computadores compartilhar significa permitir que um recurso hardware ou software seja utilizado, mediante regras pré-determinadas de segurança e direitos.

Conceitos de Redes Tipos de Redes Rede Local (LAN – Local Area Network) Pode ser caracterizada como uma rede que permite a interligação de computadores e equipamentos de conexão numa pequena região, normalmente em uma mesma área geográfica, em geral ocupando distâncias entre 100m ou menos e 25Km. Características básicas: Meios que permitem altas taxas de transmissão sendo mais comum 10 Mbps e 100 Mbps podendo chegar até 1 Gbps Baixas taxas de erro Geograficamente limitadas Propriedade particular Arquiteturas (topologias): estrela, anel e barramento

Conceitos de Redes LAN (Local Area Network) Se colocarmos uma máquina ao lado da outra, ligadas por meio metro de cabo, fica fácil entender que temos uma rede local. Digamos que as máquinas estejam mais distantes, cada uma delas numa sala diferente: apesar de precisarmos alguns metros de cabo a mais, ainda assim temos uma rede local. As redes locais são denominadas de LAN (Local Area Network) e seus componentes (máquinas) geralmente têm o mesmo tipo de conexão (cabos).

Conceitos de Redes Tipos de Redes Rede Geograficamente Distribuídas (WAN – Wide Area Network) A necessidade de um maior número de computadores interligados e a conexão de vários recursos fora de uma mesma área geográfica trouxe o surgimento das redes geograficamente distribuídas (ou rede de longas distâncias), que pode interligar cidades, estados e países. Características básicas: Conecta redes locais geograficamente distantes Custo de comunicação elevado devido ao uso de meios como: linhas telefônicas, satélites e microondas Velocidades de transmissão variadas podendo ser de dezenas de Kilobits e chegar a Megabits/segundo) Taxas de erro variáveis: depende do meio de comunicação Propriedade particular e pública

Conceitos de Redes WAN (Wide Area Network) Se os componentes de uma rede estiverem espalhados por várias salas ou em cidades diferentes, geralmente estão agrupados em diversas LAN. Estas LAN podem ser agrupadas numa estrutura maior, denominada de WAN (wide area network). As WAN são compostas por duas ou mais LAN, geralmente interligadas por linhas telefônicas exclusivas de alta velocidade ou por cabos de fibra ótica

Conceitos de Redes Como se classificam as Redes As redes possuem classificação quanto à distância entre ao hosts (pontos de rede), à forma de gerenciamento (hierarquia) e quanto à forma de ligação dos hosts (topologia). Topologias das Redes de Computadores Ao longo da história das redes, varias topologias foram experimentadas, com maior ou menor sucesso. Os três tipos abaixo são esquemas básicos empregados na conexão dos computadores. Os outros são variantes deles:

Conceitos de Redes Estrela - Todas as conexões partem de um ponto central (concentrador), normalmente um hub ou switch. É o modelo mais utilizado atualmente. Unshielded Twisted Pair - UTP ou Par Trançado sem Blindagem (cabo sem blindagem):

Conceitos de Redes Anel - Todos os computadores são conectados em um anel. É a topologia das redes Token Ring, popularizadas pela IBM nos anos 80. Hoje, esse modelo é mais utilizado em sistemas de automação industrial.

Conceitos de Redes Barramento - Os computadores são conectados num sistema linear de cabeamento em seqüência. Esse arranjo era usado nas primeiras gerações de redes Ethernet. Está sendo lentamente abandonado.

Conceitos de Redes Como é formada uma Rede Uma rede típica é formada por : Computadores; Placas de rede; Cabos; Conectores; Softwares.

Histórico do WINDOWS WINDOWS NT 4.0: Server e Workstation Windows 2000 Server Standard Server / Advanced Server (cluster) / Datacenter Professional é destinado às estações de trabalho. Windows Server 2003 – R2 (permite fazer down grade) Web Edition Standard Edition Enterprise Edition Datacenter Edition Próximo: Windows Server 2008

Windows Server 2003 Web Edition Funciona como Host e servidor web, fornecendo uma plataforma para agilizar o desenvolvimento e a implantação de aplicativos e serviços web. Standard Edition Atende as necessidades diárias de empresas de todos os portes, fornecendo uma solução para o compartilhamento de arquivos e impressoras, conectividade segura com a Internet, implantação centralizada de aplicativos da área de trabalho e colaboração entre funcionários, parceiros e clientes.

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition Destina-se a empresas de médio a grande porte, ativando a infra-estrutura da empresa, os aplicativos de linha de negócios e as transações de comércio eletrônico. Datacenter Edition Permite o desenvolvimento de soluções comerciais críticas que exigem os bancos de dados mais escalonáveis e o processamento de um grande volume de transações. Além disso é uma plataforma ideal para a consolidação de servidores.

Requisitos de Hardware A Microsoft sugere a seguinte configuração como mínima: Processador – clock 133 MHz (Pentium, Celeron, K6, Athlon ou Duron); RAM 128 MB; HD 1,5 GB Placa Rede 10/100 Mbps PCI; CD-ROM 24x

Requisitos de Hardware - IDEAL Processador – clock 1 GB (Pentium, Celeron, K6, Athlon ou Duron); RAM 512 MB; HD 4 GB Placa Rede 10/100 Mbps PCI; CD-ROM 24x

Comparação entre as Versões

Comparação entre as Versões

Comparação entre as Versões

Comparação entre as Versões

Comparação entre as Versões

Comparação entre as Versões

Recursos do W2k3 Alta confiabilidade Gerenciamento Serviços de Rede Active Directory Segurança Sistemas de discos e Impressão Serviços Web e .NET Alta Escalabilidade Terminal Services

Melhorando a plataforma Melhor em cenários chaves Recursos do W2k3 Melhorando a plataforma Escalabilidade Interoperabilidade Disponibilidade Gerenciamento Melhor em cenários chaves Serviços de: Infra-estrutura Arq, Impr e Web Comunicações Aplicações Slide Objective: Windows 2000 Server improves the platform in major areas and performs better in key scenarios. We will discuss how you can get ready. Today we are going to talk about how Windows 2000 Server addresses your key issues. Windows 2000 Server now scales to the highest workloads while interoperating seamlessly with your current investments. It is also more reliable and more flexible to manage. These improvements benefit the Windows platform overall while lowering your total cost of ownership. Deploying Windows 2000 Server will add value to your organization not only when deployed as the foundation for your infrastructure but also when deployed incrementally as standalone file/print, web, application or communication servers. We will talk about the breadth of functionality included with the product and how you can start deploying Windows 2000 Server in your organization. We are aggressively working with our partners: ISV’s OEMs, Service Providers to make sure that the market is ready with services and solutions when you decide to start evaluation the product. We will talk about some important steps you should take today before you evaluate the product and we will also go over the product timeline for delivery. After today’s presentation, you will be able to better understand how Windows 2000 Server solves key customer issues and the value it provides to your organization. Preparando-se para o Windows Preparação da indústria Como se preparar

Melhorando a plataforma Escalabilidade Pronto para altos níveis de carga Sistema mais escalável Interoperabilidade Interopera com NetWare, UNIX, MVS, OS/400 Disponibilidade Mais confiável Clustering Avançado Slide Objective: Windows 2000 Server solves real customer issues in major key areas. Lets cover some of these very important areas in more detail. Our customers have asked us to provide a platform that scales, interoperates, is reliable while still being easy to administer and flexible to manage. We deliver these benefit with Windows 2000 Server. With respect to scalability, Windows 2000 Server scale up to tackle the most demanding application workloads and also provides a system architecture that allows system services like directory and security to scale to meet your needs. Because our customers have investments on other systems, Windows 2000 Server interoperates at various levels with existing systems like NetWare, UNIX, MVS, OS/400, etc. It also interoperates with previous Windows NT (4.0 and 3.5x) to provide you a smooth migration path. Because mission critical applications require an infrastructure that is reliable and provides the services for high availability, Windows 2000 Server provides a more reliable infrastructure and advanced clustering services that allow system services and applications to be more fault tolerant and reliable. Windows 2000 Server provides all of the above benefits while allowing more flexibility for administrators through increased administration granularity and automation tools. Datacenter improvements provide improved network monitoring and better management of system resources Gerenciamento Mais flexível Melhorias no Datacenter

Escalabilidade Fundação para Aplicações altamente escaláveis Pronto para altos níveis de carga Até 16 processadores SMP* “in the box” Suporte a 64 GB de RAM Balanceamento de carga TCP/IP Performance de Input/Output melhorada Sistema mais escalonável Serviços de diretório e segurança Balanceamento de carga de componentes Slide Objective: Windows 2000 Server is the foundation for highly scalable applications and services Customers want an infrastructure that scales to handle the largest workloads and give mission criticla applications the ability to achieve high thruputs. Microsoft's design goal has been to architect Windows 2000 Server so that customers have the flexibility to scale Windows 2000 Server-based systems up, or out without compromising the multipurpose and price performance advantages of the Windows 2000 Server platform. The result is an infrastructure that can handle higher workloads and can support very large decision support apps, enterprise resource planning (ERP), and data mining applications in clustered, highly available and manageable systems on industry-standard hardware. Scaling “up” is achieved by supporting up to 16 way SMP in the box through the Windows 2000 Datacenter (up to 32 SMP through authorized OEMs). This improvement gives applications the horsepower they need to handle the highest workloads. In addition, up to 64GB of memory is supported on the new Pentium Xeon and Alpha VLM chips (advanced and datacenter editions). Your memory intensive applications will get higher thruput from this improvement. Higher scalability of applications and services is also achieved by higher input/output performance, specifically with the support for the new I2O architecture, which offloads certain I/O operations to a secondary processor resulting in higher CPU thruput. "Scaling out" delivers high performance when the throughput requirements of an application exceed the capabilities of an individual system. By distributing resources across multiple systems, contention for these resources can be reduced, and availability improved. Clustering and TCP/IP load balancing allow Windows 2000 Server-based applications to scale out in this manner. In addition, Windows 2000 Server provides system services that scale, including directory, security and application services such as reliable transaction, message queuing, dynamic component load balancing (spreads client requests across multiple equivalent COM components) and object pooling (a fast and efficient method of reusing COM objects, improving application performance). * SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processing) ou "processamento paralelo".

Interoperabilidade Projetado para se integrar aos sistemas atuais Construído nos protocolos padrão de indústria LDAP, TCP/IP, DHCP & DNS, SSL, HTTP Compatibilidade de aplicações Suporte para Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SQL Server, BackOffice Logo’d apps Interoperabilidade com sistemas operacionais Windows NT 3.5x e 4.0 Cliente para Windows 3.X e 9X NetWare: sincronia com NDS; Serviços de arquivo e impressão UNIX: serviços NFS, telnet, scripting e segurança S/390 e OS/400: Transaction & Queuing gateway Slide Objective: Windows 2000 Server is designed to interoperate with your current investments. Customer have asked us to make sure interoperability exists at various levels between Windows 2000 Server and their existing systems. Microsoft delivers, with Windows 2000 server, an infrastructure that supports the latest standards, takes advantage of existing applications and interoperates with current operating systems. Windows 2000 Server is completely build on Internet standards. Standards like LDAP which allows you to synchronize and interoperate across multiple operating systems and directories. DNS is the locator service used on the Internet and in most private intranets. A locator service is used to translate a name into a TCP/IP address (the protocol of choice for intranets and the internet). The Windows NT 5.0 DHCP server integrates with Dynamic DNS and Active Directory to simplify address management and dynamically reflect address assignments. SSL supports strong client authentication by mapping user credentials in the form of public-key certificates to existing Windows 2000 accounts. A full-featured DEN implementation empowers administrators to manage a wide range of network elements and associate network services with authorized users and applications by employing a combination of profiles, policies, and management tools. Windows 2000 Server will support existing BackOffice applications like Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft SQL Server. A Microsoft Exchange Connector will be included to synchronize Exchange accounts with Windows 2000 server accounts until the next version of Exchange uses the active directory. In addition, BackOffice logo’d applications will be tested for interoperability. Interoperability with existing systems means that Windows 2000 Server will integrate well into a Windows NT 3.x and 4.0 environment, downlevel clients (win 3.x, win 9x, win NTW 4.0) will recognize Windows 2000 Server as just another Windows NT 4.0 server. Novell NetWare interoperability isvery important and we will provide, after the release of Windows 2000 Server, a tool that will allow you to synchronized NDS and Active Directory accounts. Interoperability with UNIX is achieved thru the Services for UNIX package that includes NFS services, telnet, scripting and password synchronization. Transaction and queuing gateways thru SNA allow interoperability with application and data with mainframes and midrange systems.

Disponibilidade Altos níveis de serviços Up-time de sistema aumentado Diminuição em 95% dos reboots Suporte Plug-n-play no servidor Modo de Segurança Boot de mirrors/stripes (RAID 1 e RAID 5) Clustering para missão crítica Detecção e recuperação de falhas de rede Mais serviços de sistema e cluster aware Integração com Active Directory e Microsoft Management Console Slide Objective: Windows 2000 Server is a highly available and reliable server operating system. Customers have asked us to include higher levels of reliability into the platform. Microsoft believes reliability must be built into every component of the operating system to ensure that the system can tolerate faults and to provide maximum availability of information and services to users. Windows 2000 Server includes the following reliability improvements: Elimination of unnecessary reboots and reinstallation. 95% less than Windows NT Server 4.0 Avoiding resource and memory leaks Improved tools to diagnose and resolve “bluescreens” Enhanced driver testing to eliminate “bad” third-party drivers Better support, diagnostic and repair tools In addition, PnP is supported in the server for easier finding of devices. Safe mode boot circumvents the operating system becoming unbootable after a “badly behaved” third-party driver or an application that uses kernel mode drivers. The ability to boot from mirrors or stripes helps in reliability also. Windows 2000 clustering services also helps tremendously in delivering a system that is highly available. For this release, more services are cluster aware. There is more integration with the active directory, the management console for administration . Support for rolling upgrades will give your users higher levels for service for planned maintenance of the OS or applications. The integration of clustering services with the Active Directory and the Microsoft Management console improve flexibility and ease of use for administrators that want to create a highly available system.

Gerenciamento Fácil de usar, configurar e gerenciar Mais flexível Delegar administração Console de gerenciamento comum Automação com scripts Gerenciamento baseado em Web Avanços no Datacenter Melhor gerenciamento da saúde da rede Melhor gerenciamento e auditoria dos recursos Total integração com Systems Management Server 2.0 Slide Objective: Windows 2000 Server is the most flexible and easy to manage server operating system available Management of computer systems is becoming increasingly complicated under the burden of today's demands for instant information, comprehensive services, and highly distributed computing systems. Microsoft has responded to this challenge with Windows 2000 Server with a core set of services providing the platform not only for flexible management features but also Datacenter enhancements to improve monitoring. The ability to delegate administrative duties to a specific user(s) is an important feature of Windows 2000 Server. With it, you can give specific administrative capabilities for specific objects in the Active Directory without compromising the security of the entire system. A common management console will let you create task-based management scenarios not only for the OS but also for any of your applications. The Windows Scripting Host will give you the ability to automate specific administrative tasks using familiar scripting languages like VB, VJ, VC++, etc. You will be able to reuse these scripts or automate its execution. Windows Management Instrumentation brings together the management data from the hardware platform, drivers and applications and passes the consolidated data into a consistent management information store. Datacenter enhancements includes the ability to do beter network monitoring. Windows 2000 server now tracks more network parameters thru the Performance Monitor. Applications can be managed/audited in a more granular way with the introduction of job objects, which group together system processes for beter management/auditing. The ability to set priorities is also included. In addition, Win2000 Server will be tightly integrated with Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 which provides scalable, easy to use management for Windows-based personal computers in an enterprise. Systems management server includes detailed hardware and software inventory, software distribution and installation, remote troubleshooting, and software metering.

Serviços para Infra-estrutura de grandes corporações Serviços de Diretório Diretório de longo prazo Reduz custos Serviços de Segurança Segurança Kerberos Extranet com PKI Slide Objective: Windows 2000 Server pprovides the integrated infrastructure services you need to reduce costs Customers have asked us to deliver an infrastructure they can bet their business on. Windows 2000 Server provides the best long term Directory for your infrastructure, Active Directory. The ability to integrate your network with the AD and to provide easier management for your organization will help you achieve lower costs. Security Services allow you to seamlessly communicate with your customers and partners but also to authenticate and control resources in your intranet. Lets take a closer look at each one of these services.

Serviço de Diretório Active Directory é o melhor diretório a longo prazo Network Devices Servers Escalável sem complexidade Baseado em padrões Modelo de segurança flexível Facilita a consolidação do diretório Total suporte da indústria Baan, Cisco, SAP AG Users Slide Objective: Windows 2000 Server Active Directory is the Best Long Term Directory Directory services enhance network computing environments by providing a common way for elements to interact. Windows 2000 Server Active Directory is the first enterprise-class directory service that is scalable, built using Internet-standard technologies and fully integrated at the operating system level. The Active Directory simplifies administration and makes it easier for users and applications find resources throughout an enterprise network. In addition, Active Directory is designed to be a consolidation point for isolating, migrating, centrally managing and reducing the number of directories that companies have. This makes Active Directory the ideal long-term foundation for corporate information sharing and common management of network resources, including applications, network operating systems and directory-enabled devices. The Active Directory provides extensive support for existing standards and protocols, hierarchical domains for scalability, optimized replication for higher availability, a single point of administration for all published resources, and application programming interfaces (APIs) that facilitate communication with other directories. As a matter of fact, major industry players are already developing for the Active Directory and have pledged their support for Microsoft’s Directory Service Strategy, including Baan, Cisco, and SAP AG. Applications Clients

Active Directory Gerenciamento baseado em políticas Gerenciamento do ciclo de vida dos softwares Segurança e configuração dos desktops Suporte a usuários móveis Mais fácil para usuários finais Encontre rapidamente os recursos da rede Integrado com Windows Explorer e DFS Ambiente de desenvolvimento compreensivo Suporte Nativo a LDAP ADSI simplifica o desenvolvimento Slide Objective: Windows 2000 Active Directory will help you lower your TCO Windows NT Server 5.0, including the Active Directory Service, is designed to provide applications with the features they need to deliver lower TCO. Group Policy features enable administrators to define sets of applications, including specific configurations, that users should have available based on their role in the company, the domain of which they are a member, and the Windows NT security groups to which they belong. When a user is moved into an organization or added to a Windows NT security group, his or her applications can be installed and configured automatically — helping to lower installation and configuration costs dramatically. Windows 2000 Server includes full support for roaming users. It stores personal settings and profile information in the registry by user instead of by machine. This allows Office 2000 users to roam to a different machine on the network and still see their customized interface and settings. (Requires Windows 2000 Professional only, also works on Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT Workstation 4.0 with the Internet Explorer Web-Aware User Interface installed.) Windows 2000 Server also enables roaming profiles through the Roaming User Profiles Wizard, which simplifies the creation of user profiles that can be used at any Windows 20000 Professional. For app developers.. Active Directory provides native LDAP support which makes interoperability and programmability easier. Active Directory Services Interfaces (ADSI) simplifies the development of applications by taking advantage of the WSH and Visual tools to create applications and using COM objects for distributed communications. Overall, the Active Directory makes finding information and setting up policies to any group of users in your organization easier, lowering costs associated with management.

Serviços de segurança Gerencie facilmente uma rede segura Autenticação baseada em padrões Suporte total para Kerberos Versão 5 X.509 & Smart Cards for Windows Estenda a segurança da rede Completa infra-estrutura de chave pública Segurança de dados/rede avançada Dados seguros: Encrypting File System Rede segura: IPSec e filtro de pacotes Gerenciamento de segurança avançado Security Configuration Manager Slide Objective: Windows 2000 Server provides a standards-based secure server platform. Windows 2000 Server security includes new authentication based on Internet standard security protocols, including Kerberos Version 5 and Transport Layer Security (TLS) for distributed security protocols, in addition to supporting Windows NT LAN Manager authentication protocols for compatibility. Full support for Kerberos Version 5 protocol provides fast, single login to Windows NT Server 5.0-based enterprise resources, as well as other environments that support this protocol. Windows 2000 Server provides the Microsoft Certificate Server for organizations to issue X.509 Version 3 certificates to their employees or business partners. The implementation of secure channel security protocols (SSL 3.0/TLS) supports strong client authentication by mapping user credentials in the form of public-key certificates to existing Windows NT accounts. Common administration tools are used to manage account information and access control, whether using shared secret authentication or public-key security. In addition, Windows NT Files System (NTFS) Encryption provides protection for sensitive data. Can be enabled on a per-file or per-directory basis. The encryption technology used is public key-based and runs as an integrated system service making it easy to manage, difficult to attack and transparent to the user. Customers can have group policy managed, encryption-secured communications that safeguard information sent over networks. Because IPSec is integrated into the operating system it is easier to configure and manage than add-on solutions. administrators have the option to centrally manage and enforce connection policy between systems with complete transparency to existing applications . Also, all traffic can be encrypted, rather than just traffic between network devices such as routers and encryption boxes. In addition, the routing service supports a variety of inbound and outbound IP packet filtering features. These packet filtering features allow the blocking of certain types of traffic from entering a network to increase security. Enhancing security manageability is the Security Configuration Manager (SCM). The SCM is a “define once, apply many times” technology that allows network administrators to define security configurations as a template, and then apply the template to selected computers in one operation. Standards based interoperability allows Windows 2000 Server to communicate securely across the internet. Support for PPTP/L2TP allows corporations to use the Internet as a virtual private network for secure, authenticated communications.

Projetado para a implantação incremental File/Print/Web Acesso fácil e rápido Mais gerenciável Aplicações Mais robusto e compreensível Slide Objective: Overview of the value of Windows 2000 Server in incremental deployment scenarios Customers have asked us for the abilities to deploy Windows 2000 Server in an incremental manner. You don’t have to do infrastructure-wide changes to get the advantages of Windows 2000 Server. You can do targeted deployments of Windows 2000 Server as file/print, app, comm servers and start getting the performance, reliability now. Windows 2000 Server is the only platform with integrated services for file sharing and printing, Web serving and streaming media. This new release provides easier, faster access and better manageability Windows 2000 Server is the first platform to provide an integrated and comprehensive set of services for building and deploying reliable applications that scale. Windows 2000 Server builds on the distributed application services that shipped as part of the Windows NT Option Pack for Windows NT Server 4.0. Communications enables new opportunities for businesses to come together globally and expand their markets. To adapt to rapidly changing conditions, the company must always be connected both internally and with their trading partners. Windows 2000 Server delivers all this together with rich fast connectivity and new policy-driven features Lets look at each one of these key scenarios in more detail Comunicações Conectividade rica Segura através de políticas

Servidores de Arquivos Fácil de localizar e acessar informações Distributed file system (Dfs) Volumes publicados no Active Directory Alta performance de indexação Gerenciamento de armazenamento melhorado Hierárquico Volumes dinâmicos Disk quotas e novo Backup & Defrag Performance melhorada Até 11% mais rápido que o NT 4.0 Slide Objective: Windows 2000 Server is a powerful, fast and easy to use file server. Windows 2000 Server is a powerful file server, introducing easier ways to locate and access information, an improved storage management paradigm and considerable greater performance. Dfs makes it easy to create a single directory tree that includes all of the file servers and file shares in a group, division, or enterprise. Dfs gives the end user a single directory that can span an almost unlimited number of file servers and file shares, making it easy to “browse” the network to find the data and files needed. Dfs could also be used with the Directory Management Tool to publish a share as a Volume Object in the Active Directory, which users could easily and quickly query for available resources and shares. Also, Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Professional include a set of unified tools that let people search for a file or a document on the network, surf the Internet, or look up the address or telephone number of a colleague in the Active Directory. File server administration just became a whole lot easier thru hierarchical storage management and dynamic volume management. This makes it easy for you to manage volumes and increase disk space on your server computer without adding more hard disks. It automatically monitors the amount of free space available on your local hard disks. Infrequently used files are moved to tap. In addition, for each object on a disk you can set a quota as well as set policies and define actions that will execute when a certain threshold level is exceeded. For backing up data, The Windows 2000 Backup Utility helps protect data from accidental loss due to hardware or storage media failure, this version allows users to back up data to a wide variety of storage media, such as tape drives, external hard disk drives, Zip disks, recordable CD-ROMs, and logical drives. In Windows 2000 Server performance has been dramatically improved for file sharing. Replicas for Dfs roots can be used to distribute large modules of shared information across larger contexts, such as between domains, sites or enterprises significantly improving performance. In single and dual processor tests, using the standard ZD NetBench tests, there has been an 11% increase in file and print performance over Windows NT Server 4.0. These tests were conducted on Windows 2000 Server beta 2 and Microsoft anticipates even higher performance gains with the final release version, particularly on Intel's new XENON (Pentium II) servers. Windows NT Server 5.0 will fully exploit this new and powerful platform as a file server.

Servidores de Impressão Mais fácil Impressoras publicadas no AD Interface melhorada Suporte a novas tecnologias Internet Printing Protocol Suporte a novas impressoras Performance melhorada Gerenciamento mais eficiente de filas Melhoria nos drivers de rede Slide Objective: Windows 2000 Server is a powerful, fast and easy to use print server. Windows 2000 Server includes many features that make it a high performance, flexible and easy to use print server. Integration with the Active Directory provides users with an easy way to search for printers across the network. Users are able to find printer-based attributes such as, capabilities (PostScript, color, legal-size paper, etc.) and location stored in the Active Directory. Improved user interface and administration make installation and setup of printers straightforward; for example, users are no longer required to know anything about driver models, printer languages or ports. Internet Printing Protocol is the latest Internet standard that lets users print directly to a URL, view printer status using a browser, and install drivers from a URL. Users will easily be able to print documents over the intranet and Internet. Windows 2000 Server provides support for more than 2,500 different printer on the CD. This makes it convenient for organizations to setup network printers Print services are showing great improvements with respect to performance because of a more efficient way to manage queues introduced with Windows 2000 Server. Network print driver improvements will make the print server even more reliable.

Web Servers - IIS 5.0 Permite o compartilhamento de informações via Web Serviços nativos e integrados NetShow Streaming Media Services Gerenciamento melhorado Ferramenta de análise de sites Suporte a Command-line scripting Novos assistentes de gerenciamento Mais escalável e confiável CPU Throttling Suporte a mais processadores Slide Objective: Windows 2000 Server with IIS 5.0 is the best web server available Windows 2000 Server includes a comprehensive set of web services with IIS 5.0 for hosting intranet sites, running large public Internet sites, and deploying powerful Web-based business applications. It includes a powerful, integrated search engine for content indexing information; FrontPage 2000, the next generation site creation and management tool; and the next release of NetShow Streaming Media services will provide the web services necessary as organizations start deploying dynamic web pages and deploy applications on the intranet. Windows NT Server 5.0 will provide seamless access to shared resources on WNTS, NetWare, UNIX (NFS) with directory and password synchronization, making it easier for you to interoperate in a heterogeneous environment. For improved manageability the Public Key Certificate Server built into Windows 2000 Server is for organizations that want to issue public-key certificates to their users or business partners without depending on commercial CA services. Improved site analysis tools are also included to make it easier to gather information about who, how and when users visit your site. In addition, support for the execution of scripts from within the operating system allows administrators easier automation of processes in their favored scripting languages. Wizards will help you achieve management tasks easier and faster. Web services are more scalable and reliable. Organizations running multiple Web sites on one computer, or running other applications on the same computer as their Web server, can limit the amount of time a Web site's out-of-process applications are permitted to utilize the processor. This ensures that processor time is available to other Web sites or non-Web applications. Windows 2000 Server has been optimized for a growing number of competitively priced eight-way SMP servers based on ever-faster RISC and Intel Architecture processors. All these improvements make Windows 2000 Server the best web server available.

Servidores de Aplicação Serviços de aplicação mais compreensíveis Escalabilidade com COM+ e transações Confiabilidade e interop com message queuing Aplicações Web com IIS, ASP, JVM Clustering para alta disponibilidade Aplicações disponíveis com serviço de terminais Otimizado para banco de dados Integração com dados do Host Suporte para ODBC, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server Alto suporte aos ISV Mais de 250 ISV’s hoje Slide Objective: Windows 2000 Server is the best platform to build and run your mission critical business applications Windows 2000 Server provides developers with the infrastructure to rapidly develop richer, more reliable enterprise applications. Transaction Services delivers the "plumbing"-including transactions, scalability services, connection management, and point-and-click administration-providing developers with the easiest way to build and deploy scalable server applications for business and the Internet. Message Queuing guarantees that messages will eventually be delivered even when networks go down, receiving applications are offline, and when machines fail. Improved Web services include Crash Protection which allows customers to run multiple applications reliably on the Web server. With Windows 2000 Server line-of-business applications can handle larger workloads with higher performance and scalability. Support for larger memory (32GB on Alpha) will improve performance of data-intensive applications. I2O support relieves the host of interrupt-intensive I/O tasks, greatly improving I/O performance in high-bandwidth applications. Optimizations for a growing number of competitively priced eight-way SMP servers based on ever-faster RISC and Intel Architecture processors will also improve scalability for applications. Windows 2000 Server includes Windows Terminal Services, which will extend benefits of Win32 to older devices that can not run it. Applications will run 100% on the server, reducing management and application upgrade costs. Out of the box connectivity with databases like Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server make Windows 2000 server the preferred choice for developing n-tier database applications that scale. But perhaps, most important, because Windows 2000 Server has the broadest set of application and management services, major ISV’s and application developers are already developing for this platform. Major enterprise players like BAAN, SAP, Computer Associates have all realized the benefits of a platform that provides all the unified infrastructure their applications demand.

Servidores de Comunicação Mais controle dos serviços de rede Rede baseada em políticas com DEN Quality of Service end-to-end Virtual Private Networking de baixo custo Conexões seguras a Branch Offices ou Extranets Fácil acesso a Rede Dial-up Conectividade avançada em rede Dynamic DNS Mais rápido: ATM e Gigabit Ethernet Mais integrado: Telephony services Slide Objective: Windows 2000 Server provides the next generation of comprehensive, low cost communications networking. Windows 2000 Server provides communication solutions to address the key network use scenarios that help all businesses operate without boundaries of time and location. To achieve this, Windows 2000 Server provides provides for directory-enabled networking by enabling elements such as networking hardware and shared file systems to offer enhanced service quality and greater functionality through access to information about users (and their roles), machines, network elements and policies stored in the Active directory. In addition, Windows 2000 Server networking services such as Reservation Services Virtual Protocol (RSVP) and Quality of Service (QoS) use user profile information in the Active Directory to define the bandwidth, path, and type of services that should be assigned to various users. Windows 2000 Server provides rich connectivity features. Its Routing and Remote Access Service provides branch offices, departments and small businesses with routing, remote access and VPN capability all in one easy to manage, standards-based, interoperable service. Active Directory integration with Dynamic DNS eliminates the requirement to maintain a separate replication infrastructure just for DNS while automating the process of editing changes to clients configurations. Support for ATM and gigabit Ethernet will allow high-speed network traffic of voice, data, image and video. Also integrated with Windows 2000 Server we have Telephony API 3.0 (TAPI) services which integrate media streaming and call control services to build advanced Interactive Voice Response (IVR), intelligent Automatic Call Distributor (ACD), predictive dialing, skills based routing and more. Connecting a Windows 2000 server to a PBX with these services makes it easy for customers and employees to access information by phone.

Preparação da Indústria Mais opções, mais performance, menores custos Desenvolvimento pesado de soluções Baan, Cisco, JD Edwards, SAP, PeopleSoft e mais 60,000 aplicações client & server disponíveis no lançamento Alta disponibilidade de profissionais +250K Windows NT MCP hoje 7000 estudantes/ano em treinamento Windows NT Forte suporte de fabricantes de hardware Compaq, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, IBM Slide Objective: Assure the audience that Windows 2000 Server will have the full support of the industry upon release. Industry support for Windows 2000 Server from independent software vendors (ISV), OEMs, channel partners, trained technical professionals, training organizations, and others helps make Windows 2000 Server the best long-term investment for organizations of all sizes. In fact, more than 30 leading ISVs have already announced plans to integrate their line of business applications with the Active Directory delivered in Beta 2 today. Looking ahead, Microsoft predicts that about 60,000 client & server Windows applications will be available when Windows 2000 ships. Half of those are available today for Windows NT and Windows9x and the other half will be new applications. Microsoft is also focusing on packaged apps for enterprise computing. SAP, PeopleSoft, and Baan are just a few of the companies that have promised to have Windows 2000-compatible software packages by the time the operating system is released, or shortly after. What this means for you and your organization is the peace of mind of broad support from the industry which translates to lower costs on acquiring solutions, services and interoperating with current investments and the latest standards.

Como se Preparar para o Windows 2003 Poucos e Grandes Domínios Aprenda sobre AD no Web Site Começe a planejar a estrutura do AD Migre para um Sistema Operacional Instale os últimos Service Pack Planeje upgrades de hardware Instale última tecnologias Familiarize-se com as últimas tecnologias Implemente os últimos serviços de aplicações e serviços Começe o Planejamento Geral Slide Objective: Overview of what customers need to start thinking about as they plan for Windows 2000 Server Microsoft will support version upgrades from Windows NT 3.5X and Windows NT Server 4.0 to Windows 2000 Server, but planning for and deploying Windows NT Server 4.0 in your organization today will go a long way to making it a smoother upgrade. Be sure to install the latest Service Pack 4 which includes a lot of reliability and manageability features/fixes. This Service Pack also include our latest Year 2000 and Euro fixes to help you get ready for the Year 2000. The next step is for you to start preparing for Beta 3. Microsoft will announce when Beta 3 will ship as we get closer to that release’s date. Visit the Windows 2000 Server web site to become familiar with the technologies and to order the kit. Then, plan on installing, testing and piloting for incremental and/or infrastructure upgrades. You can work with one of thousand solution providers specially trained to perform these services. Microsoft Training and Certification has already released the official training course for Windows 2000. Visit their web site for more information at The following are the classes currently being offered at Authorized Technical Education Centers (ATECs): Overview of Windows 2000 key features How to upgrade to Windows 2000 Server from Windows NT 4.0 Installing and Configuring Windows 2000 Server Supporting Windows 2000 in a mixed network environment Implementing IntelliMirror™ Management Technologies Configuring Active Directory in Windows 2000 Server Troubleshooting Windows 2000 Finally, planned for targeted upgrades upon Windows 2000 Servers. You don’t have to wait to plan for a complete infrastructure change to deploy Windows 2000 Server. A lot of benefits, as we have seen, can be obtained by your organization if they deploy Windows 2000 Server as standalone file/print, web, app or communication servers. Padronize sua rede em TCP/IP Familiarize-se com a estrutura do DNS Instale e Teste W2k3 Corporate Preview Program Cursos Windows 2003

Windows 2003 Server Melhora a plataforma Windows em áreas principais Pronto para altos níveis de carga Interopera com seu investimento atual Permite uma plataforma com alta disponibilidade Provê gerenciamento para a redução do TCO Agrega valor com a implantação incremental Infra-estrutura de segurança e diretório totalmente integrada Supre as necessidades em File & Print, Web, App, Comm Planeje-se para avaliação agora Implante Windows NT Server 4.0 hoje Instale, teste e “pilote” o Windows 2003 Slide Objective: Summary: Windows 2000 Server improves the platform in major areas and performs better in key scenarios. Plan for Evaluation Now. As we have already talked today, Windows 2000 Server improves the platform with respect to scalability, interoperability, availability and manageability. These areas are very important as Windows 2000 Server is adopted in your organization. You want to make sure Windows 2000 Server scales to the largest of loads while still maintaining the same Windows ease-of-use, high availability and manageability. You also need to make sure that as you deploy Windows 2000 Server you interoperate with your current investments. All of these benefits will lower your total cost of ownership. Windows 2000 Server will also add value to your organization when you do incremental deployments. Either for infrastructure services such as Directory and Security or as targeted deployments as file/print/web, communications and application servers. You can start getting ready for Windows 2000 Server now. If you haven’t yet, deploy or finish deploying Windows NT Server 4.0 in your organization. This will provide the easiest upgrade path to Windows 2000 Server in your organization. Then, plan for installing, testing and piloting Beta 3. These general steps should get you ready for the next release of the most popular server operating system, Windows 2000 Server. TCO (Total cost of ownership) ou Custo de Operação Total