Advances and limitations with the integration of the Registry and Cadaster in Brazil: the role of SIGEF Bastiaan Philip Reydon Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP.


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Transcrição da apresentação:

Advances and limitations with the integration of the Registry and Cadaster in Brazil: the role of SIGEF Bastiaan Philip Reydon Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP   Ana Karina da Silva Bueno Universidade de São Paulo - USP Ana Paula da Silva Bueno Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP

Introduction Since the Land Law of 1850, Brazil failed to organize the registration of their public and private lands. SNCR – from Estatuto da Terra – created a cadaster with 5,4 millions of properties for Tax; Law no. 10.267 / 2001, created the National Rural Property Cadaster - CNIR , has contributed to the development of the register through the Land Management System - SIGEF digital tool, which in one year has considerable quantitative results , to knowledge base land in the country.

The historical lack of land governance in Brazil Sesmarial system: the “sesmaria” was the first institution to regulate access to land in the colonial period. Its clauses included the obligation to make use of land, measurement and demarcation, registration, payment of rent and need the king to confirm the charter. However, these clauses were not complied with (esp. measurement and demarcation) - consequently, they were not registered. Formally, the king could retake it, but this rarely happened. The sesmarial system was suspended in 1882. Between 1882 and 1850 there was a legal vacuum.

The historical lack of land governance in Brazil Land Law (1850) Imposes purchase as the only means of public land appropriation. However, the old sesmarias titles and land already informally occupied would still be valid if they had effective use. Objectives: a) organize land access; b) make access to unoccupied land unviable; c) establish a land cadaster for the definition of vacant areas (of the State) and d) transform land into a reliable asset for use as loan collateral. Problems: Definition of public land via exclusion (i.e.: only can be determined after all private land is demarcated, which never happened) Thus, possibility of occupation of public land continued. This makes the establishment of an effective cadaster unfeasible.

The historical lack of land governance in Brazil Proclamation of the Republic (1889): public lands domain transferred from federal to state-level government. Civil code (1916) and Public registries law (1973): defines that for registration in property registries it is required (and sometimes sufficient) to prove ownership and right of domain, without need of a cartographic map and proper examination of the information registered. Law 10,267 (2001): regulates the systematic exchange of information between the cadaster and the property register (combines literal, descriptive information with physical, georeferenced information). Nevertheless, the implementation of this law is slow paced.

The historical lack of land governance in Brazil Land Governance Assessment Framework results for Brazil: Lack of control over public lands; Private land property registry is not reliable; The registry coverage is incomplete and not up to date; Lack of spatial information (georeferencing) on the registry of private land properties; Lack of a reliable and integrated registry of public and private land; Low level of land property taxation; Supply, land use planning and regularization of urban land are not in line with the demand; Neglectful governance over large-scale land and forest acquisitions.

The National Rural Property Cadaster (CNIR) Created by Law nº 10.267/2001; Began to be implemented in 2010; It consists of a common base of information, land ownership ( SNCR / INCRA ) , tax ( CAFIR / RFB ) , registral ( Real Estate Registry Cartorio ) and many other types of information related to the scope of satisfactory land governance; The CNIR treat only of property rights; The tool used to deploy CNIR is the Land Management System – SIGEF, it is a digital platform

The Land Management System (SIGEF) has been in operation since November 23, 2013 Number of Certified Public Properties - 2004/2014 Number of Certified Private Property - 2004/2014

INCRA land inventory already has approximately 67 INCRA land inventory already has approximately 67.78% of the country’s total area

Possession and Property: In Brazil we have two types of land rights. Is a right in fact, Is not registered in registry offices, CAN BE cadastered in government records, as the SNCR / INCRA; possession can become property through court action. Is a real right, Is registered at the registry office, MUST BE cadastered of government agencies, as the SNCR/INCRA; in Brazil the right to property is the strongest , owner may lose your property for possessor by judicial action.

Differences between registration and cadaster Register Cadaster This deals with the constitutional right to private property and other rights connected with the property; Constitutes a real right to the owner; Registers property qualified by the existence of an owner; Title recognized by law; Function of the judiciary; Provides publicity and legality with the acquisition of the property It has a specific interest, not in registering but in assembling an inventory of data; Its purpose is political and administrative in order to achieve the goals which improve management; Function of the executive branch; Does not recognize right to property, but does provide proof of possession; The possibility of declaring property whether or not there are any rights falling to it.

Problems with SIGEF It is self-declaratory as the SNCR; not imply recognition of the domain or the accuracy of the limits and boundaries indicated by the owner (IN/INCRA nº 105/2012; properties covered by SIGEF continue in the sphere of tenure if the Estate Registry Office does not recognize the similarity between the graphs and limits the rights registered;

Proposals for Making the Construction of an Integrated Cadaster Practical Promote land regularization actions to be aware of the common areas, private and regularize possessions; Work on creating an integrated registration that houses all information relating to land; Create a state agency to administer and maintain the integrated register

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